Chapter 36

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As we head to the gate to Route 14, we get a Holo Caster call from Trevor this time. "Hello. How have you been? I just wanted to let you know we're all going to meet on Route 14. Please come and join us."

So Calem and the others are now at Route 14, so we decide to find them. And that's when we find Trevor and Calem near the park.

"Hello, guys! You arrived very quickly!" Trevor says.

"Hey, Serena. Nice haircut you get there." Calem says.

"Thanks." Serena says. "So what are you guys doing?"

"We were just comparing how complete our Pokédexes are. I won, of course!" Trevor says.

"I'll leave filling up the Pokédex to you guys, Trevor. It's boring when everyone does the same thing anyway..." Calem says.

"Let's compare how many Pokémon we've seen, just like we always do! This time let's compare how many Pokémon we've seen in the Mountain Kalos Pokédex! To put it another way, I'm challenging you to my own kind of Pokémon battle."

After checking it out, Trevor sighs, "I lost! How frustrating! Oh! So you've seen Gible, too? Just knowing about the same Pokémon as someone else can sure make you happy!"

"There sure are lots of different kinds of Pokémon in Kalos. Guess it's my turn now! Ash, I challenge you to a battle!" Calem says.

His team is basically the same, only that his Quilladin evolves into a Chesnaught. And fortunately for us, our Chesnaught also evolves when battling against Calem's Mega Absol.

Chesnaught: The Spiny Armor Pokemon: Grass and Fighting Type. Evolve from Quilladin at LV:36. Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank. It shields its allies from danger with its own body.

The new move Spiky Shield really helps a lot and Absol is eventually defeated. Calem says, "Battling with you is fun, but losing all the time doesn't really make me look all that good."

Shauna arrives and she says, "Wow! That was a really intense battle! "

"Thanks, Shauna. I noticed you were watching us while I was battling." Calem says.

"So where's Tierny?" Shauna asks.

"He's at the Fighting dojo." Trevor says.

"Really? The Fighting dojo?" Shauna rolls her eyes.

"Sorry, I'm late, everybody! I was having so much fun with a sparring dance that I totally lost track of time!" Tierno says while he rushes up to us. Elline says, "So, Tierno, have you found any good Pokémon for your dance team?"

"Yep! I sure did! I'm super close to my ideal dance team!" Tierno says.

Shuna is now delighted, "That's great! Good for you! Hey, everybody! Let's go to the scary house!"

"The one by Laverre City? That's just a rumor, isn't it?" Clemont asks as he's obviously scared.

"C'mon! Let's all go find out if the rumor's true together!" Shauna says.

"It's just a rumor, right? I'll pass. I'd rather spend some quality time with my Pokémon before heading to Laverre City." Calem says as he leaves. Tierno says, "Oh! Uh, OK, bye!"

I ask, "So is that really scary?"

"Let's go and see for ourselves, Tierno." Trevor says. "There's always some reason rumors like that get started."

After the two leave, Shauna frowns, "Sigh... Why are you traveling, guys? Everyone is working really hard at what they want to do. But I'm just all about memories! I'm kinda just goofing around! Just kidding! "

Then she also leaves as well, so we decide to stop and have lunch, despite being evolved, Chesnaught still tries to steal Pancham's food, and the resulting scuffle results in Dedenne's food being spilled. However, Goodra steps in and shares its food with both Chesnaught and Dedenne, ending the conflict. Just when we're about to leave, a Bellsprout comes up and greets Goodra, who also greets back.

"Oh! Well, so it is you. It's been such a long time, Goomy! So sorry. Of course, I can see you're a Goodra now..." The man says.

"Excuse me? It sure looks like you and Goodra know each other." I say. After we introduce ourselves, the man says, "Keanan's my name. This Goomy, I mean this Goodra, used to make its home in the wetlands just beyond where we're standing right now. I happen to be the caretaker of this area."

"Wow! That's so cool!" David says. "So this is where Goodra comes from..."

Although Goodra is apprehensive about visiting its homeland, it agrees to go along with everybody else to visit. I say, "We learn from Goodra that he has suffered from an attack from Bug and Fairy Type Pokemon, and the one who leads the attack is a Florges... so can you tell us what happened?"

"It has something to do with the nature of the wetlands themselves. There's a spring located here containing water that has powerful healing effects on the minds and bodies of Pokemon." Keanan says with a frown.

"And what happened to the other Pokemon?" Clemont asks. "Are they gone? Did they all run away?" Bonnie adds.

"Happily, they're all still living here. However... They've all been forced into a corner of the wetlands. And they live there in secret."

Then we see Goodra looking at the wetlands with a frown, and he starts to cry out, I hear that he's crying for Wooper, Lotad, and the other Pokemon. It is then a Wooper shows up, and the two Pokémon are delighted to see each other again. Goodra's other friends, who followed Wooper, also come out to greet it. As Goodra is showing its Dragon Pulse to its friends, a Swanna comes along and says something to the group, and all of the Pokémon follow Swanna.

"It's coming from their home!" Keanan says.

"Are they being attacked?" Clemont asks.

"Goodra, go help them out!" I say as Goodra leaves. "And we're coming along too."

"Wait a minute. This whole thing is a quarrel between wild Pokemon. It's really not something we should get involved in!" Keanan says.

Serena says, "But... fine, we're not getting involved, but we still want to cheer for Goodra and its friends!"

Then we all go there to find Goodra's other friends are being attacked by Florges and the other Bug-type Pokémon, but Goodra holds them at bay with its Bide attack. Rallying behind Goodra, the other Pokémon begin to put up a better fight against Florges's army.

Eventually, Florges comes down to have a battle with Goodra. Goodra is getting nervous, and I yell, "Goodra! It's okay! You can do this, no doubt! You're really strong now! You're not the Goomy you were back then! Believe in yourself and go for it!"

Goodra is now having the strength as they start the battle. After Petal Blizzard and Dragon Pulse cancel each other out, Florges uses Grassy Terrain, thus powering up its Grass-type moves. The powered-up Solar Beam from Florges inflicts damage on all of Goodra's friends, putting Goodra on the defensive in order to take a super effective Moonblast for them.

Very weak, Goodra almost gives in to Florges, Serena yells, "You're still in it, Goodra. You can still battle, can't you? Then show us how strong you are!"

Goodra nods before firing an Ice Beam, which breaks through a second Moonblast and hits Florges, leaving Goodra as the winner of the battle.

I then approach Florges and ask, "Florges, why do you chase away Goodra and the other Pokemon? What do you want with the spring?"

Florges, since she was defeated, mutters, "Follow me..."

We get inside the cave and see a sick Floette. Florges mutters, "I only want to save her... the special spring has healing abilities, I thought it could heal her. But the water is lower and lower..."

"So you chase the Pokemon out so they won't waste the water and it can save Floette. But it doesn't work." Serena says, to which Florges nods.

Goodra hears this and uses Rain Dance on the land, he asks Florges to use Grass Terrain, which she does. At last, Florges is able to revive her Floette, much to everyone's relief.

As the sun comes up the next morning, the Pokémon have all made up with each other and are now one large community. Serena and I know what is going to happen and we're frowning.

"Goodra..." I say. "I think you should stay here."

Serena says, "Ash is right. This place is where you really belong, right? At home in the wetlands. Don't you think so?"

"Huh? The wetlands? What are you talking about?" Elline asks.

"That means goodbye!" Bonnie says.

Now Serena and I are tearing up. "Yeah, we know... but it is hard for us too. But Goodra. You're strong're not a little Goomy anymore."

"Now you can help and protect all your friends, you'll all be able to live together happily. That's what you wanted most of all, right?"

Goodra then hugs the two of us, and it is hard for him as well. Now everyone is also tearing up, and the other Pokemon also know Goodra's sorrow. In the end, Goodra promises that he'll be training the Pokemon until they've become really strong, and that's when he'll return to us. So we bid him farewell and leave.

After a while, we decide to practice with our Pokemon with the Showcase. It is at that moment that Braixen's branch is accidentally broken in half. We try to find the replacements, but Braixen doesn't want any. That's when we realize that Braixen has made a deal to help us with our goals using the same branch. That's why we decide to consult a local tree surgeon named Woodward to fix the branch.

However, he tells us that he can't fix the branch, but seeing our determination, he wants us to battle him and his Gallade with Braixen. During the battle, Braixen evolves into a Delphox and uses the Mystical Fire to damage Gallade, however, at the same time, the branch is disintegrated.

Delphox: The Fox Pokemon: Fire and Psychic Type. Evolve from Braixen at LV:36. Using psychic power, it generates a fiery vortex of 5,400 degree Fahrenheit, incinerating foes swept into this whirl of flame.

Woodward admits that the branch was already irreparable, to begin with. Gently, he explains to Delphox that he asked for the battle in order to teach her an important lesson: holding onto memories and objects from the past is understandable, but being able to let go of them is also vital in becoming stronger.

Zoroark finds a new branch for Braixen and gives it to her, and then we decide to renew her promise with us, Serena also ties a ribbon onto the branch to symbolize our oath. In the end, Woodward uses the fragments of Delphox's old branch and grafted them onto a new sapling, so the branch would grow into new life and perhaps be useful to someone else.

Fletchinder also evolves after battling some wild Pokemon in the area, and it also learns a new move Brave Bird to defeat some Pokemon.

Talonflame: The Scorching Pokemon: Fire and Flying Type. Evolve from Fletchinder at LV:35. In the fever of an exciting battle, it showers embers from the gaps between its feathers and takes to the air.

Speaking of the Evolution of Fire Types, our Litleo also evolves into a Pyroar. It is a male one, so it has a cool mane.

Pyroar: The Royal Pokemon: Fire and Normal Type. Evolve from Litleo at LV:35. With a fiery breath of more than 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, they viciously threaten any challenger. The females protect the pride's cubs.

Skiddo also evolves into a Gogoat when we're trying to cross a muddy path, and it is really helpful now that it evolves.

Gogoat: The Mount Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolve from Skiddo at LV:32. It can tell how its trainer is feeling by subtle shifts in the grip on its horns. This empathetic sense lets them run as if one being.

Pancham also evolves after we're being ambushed by some Pangoro, it helps us calm them down and we realize that some thieves have stolen the berries and they thought we were the ones who've done it.

Pangoro: The Daunting Pokemon: Fighting and Dark Type. Evolve from Pancham at LV:32 with Dark Type in the party. It charges ahead and bashes its opponents like a berserker, uncaring about any hits it might take. Its arms are mighty enough to snap a telephone pole.

Honedge also evolves into a Doublade after we train for a while, and with the two swords, she's been really happy. The only thing we need to do is to find the Dusk Stone for it to evolve further.

Doublade: The Sword Pokemon: Steel and Ghost Type. Evolve from Honedge at LV:35. When Honedge evolves, it divides into two swords, which cooperate via telepathy to coordinate attacks and slash their enemies to ribbons.

Now we find Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor in front of the strange ghost house, Shauna says, "C'mon! This way!"

When we look at the house with lights, Shauna says, "So this is the house..."

"It IS a scary house, isn't it? Well, I guess we should go inside." Trevor says.

"What!? You're going inside? Are you all serious?" Tierno asks.

"Calem is off spending time with his Pokémon... So I guess we'll just have to go in without her and see if the rumor is true by ourselves..." Trevor says.

"I guess so! Let's just go inside by ourselves, then!" Shauna says.

We are still hesitating, but then the rain starts to fall, and a man comes out and says, "Good evening. What are you doing out there in that downpour?"

"Hi there! Is this the scary house?" Bonnie asks.

"Scary House? Ah. I've heard of it being called that before." The man says. "But it's just an ordinary house."

We all sigh in relief, and we all enter the house, which is very nice. However, the owner prepares enough towels for us to wipe the rain, which is strange. Then he also invites us to a nice hot dinner, which is also strange because they are also prepared beforehand. It is like he knew we were coming.

After that's done, Trevor says, "You know there are something very strange about that Lon..."

"I know what you mean. He seems to know that we're coming, who actually prepared the towels and also the dinner that we just ate?" I say.

Then he asks us to go to the living room as he prepared the tea. Then when we start to ask why this place is called the Scary House, he says, "Let's get started then...

"It was a dark and stormy night many years ago. Lost, I arrived at this house and went inside. The lights would not turn on, so I fearfully looked around the house. Eventually, I made my way into the kitchen. There was no sign of anyone being there... I found the fridge, and when I opened it, a faint light leaked out. I could finally make out my surroundings. And I saw the faint outline of a man huddling in the corner of the room. I tried to tell him that I was lost and I was hoping he'd let me stay until morning, but when I approached him... The man suddenly screamed, "Stay back!" I apologized and continued to plead my case. "Please, can't you help me?" "I'm not talking to you!" he shouted. I looked at the man in surprise. When I did this, the man asked me... "Can't you see them? Behind you!" "A horde of faceless men!""

Some of us are scared after hearing that, and he asks, "What do you think?"

"What do you mean? That's awfully scary." David says.

"So what happened next?" Bonnie asks.

"Really? You're not even scared a little, Bonnie?" Lon asks. "What do you know? I was hoping to entertain you all with the scariest story I could think of. But I guess I failed. Sorry. You see, I've told many visitors scary stories just like that one. Those stories are the reason this old mansion got to be known as the scary house."

Then he tries to play pranks to us using Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar, and then setting traps for us to fall in to think that the ghost is doing it, but in the end, we enjoy the fun but we're not scared because Gina's work is much more spooky.

After we are outside and the rain has stopped, Shauna says, "Sigh... I guess it really was a scary house, in a way..."

"Well, I know you wanted to go camping, and that was kind of like camping, I guess... People usually tell scary stories by the campfire, right?" Trevor asks.

"I've had enough of dark places and scary things... I'd rather rehearse my dances. I'll see you all later!" Tierno says as he leaves.

"What should I do next? I guess I'll go to Laverre City! ♪" Shauna says.

"See you later, guys! Please compare Pokédexes with me again soon!" Trevor says as we all bid farewell and we head to Laverre City.

Here is a new chapter, and you can see that in this chapter it basically sums up Route 14. There are a lot of evolutions and I know, I hope you like this chaper.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Frogadier (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Doublade, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Binacle, Skrelp, Clauncher, Heliolisk, Tyrunt, Amarua (Shiny), Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Yveltal, Diancie

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