Chapter 37

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"We made it! Laverre City!" Serena says, and we are happy to be here.

"Alright! Let's go to the gym now!" I say. Clemont says, "You're really ready to move, huh?"

"You bet I am! If I manage to beat Aunt Valerie, I'm going to win my sixth badge! Two more, then the Kalos League." I say.

As we head to the gym, we are greeted by Alice and her sisters. "Flora! Eve! Alice!"

"Ash! Serena! You guys are here!" Alice says as we share hugs. "Elline and David are here as well!" Eve says.

"So this is your traveling group?" Flora asks.

"Yeah." I say. "This is Clemont and his sister Bonnie. Clemont is the gym leader of Lumiose City. This is Alice, Eve, and Flora."

"We've heard a lot about you." Clemont says, "It's nice to finally meet you."

"You guys are keepers!" Then Bonnie tries to do the same thing to them, though Clemont has to drag her away. Alice says, "Weird... since you're here, does that mean you're finally going to challenge Mom for the gym badge?"

"Of course, this is going to be my sixth." I say. "Is she available now?"

Eve says, "The thing is, Sakura is now really busy..."

As we enter the store, we find that a lot of workers are moving the boxes, and there is also a boy who keeps asking Linnea to have a gym battle with Valerie. Alice says, "Today, the gym is closed because there's going to be an event here today."

"What kind of event?" Elline asks.

"The Fashion Show of course." Eve says.

The boy who got rejected for battle recognizes Clemont, and Clemont introduces us as Sawyer, who comes from the Hoenn Region, and is also attending the Kalos League.

"So you're challenging the gyms too. How many badges do you have?" I ask.

"So far, one." He says. "I really want to get some more battling under my belt."

We learn that he has a Treecko and a Bagon. Flora says, "That reminds me, since you are here, why don't we all meet Mom?"

"Of course." I say with a smile as we all head to find Valerie. Alice yells, "Mom! Look who has come!"

Valerie turns around and smiles, "Well if it isn't Ash? How are you?"

"Great, Ms. Valerie." I say. "We decide to stop by because I'm now participating in the Kalos League."

"That's wonderful. So I'm the one you're challenging next?" Valerie asks.

Then Valerie's Sylveon and Spritzee also greet us, and I say, "It's nice to see you as well!"

Our Eevee approaches the Sylveon, and the two of them have become great friends. After Clemont, Sawyer, and Bonnie introduce themselves, Valerie says, "Since you're here, I'm sure that Scarlet is available, right?"

I know what she's trying to do, and I say, "Sorry about that, Ms. Valerie. But you see... Scarlet and I are now separated since Scarlet is on her quest to become the Kalos Queen... The last time we've met was back in Coumarine City..."

"Wait, you used Double Team again?" Alice asks.

"Yeah..." I say with a sigh.

"Well, it's a shame... you see, two of our workers are ill and we need to find substitute models..." Valerie says.

Eve says, "Obviously she can't choose us since we're already in the modeling group."

I say, "Then Serena, how about you do it?"

"Me?" Serena is a little nervous, and Alice says, "That's great! Serena can be a perfect model!"

"I want to be a model too!" Bonnie says.

"Of course you can as well." Flora says with a smile.

Then we decide to watch the whole show, and we were happy to see the models on the stage. Each one seems to be a type of Pokemon. Alice is representing Ice Type, Flora is Grass, and Eve is Dark.

When Serena and Bonnie appear on the stage, they represent Fairy and Electric. The two have been doing a great job on stage, and Elline says, "Looks like Bonnie can be a model as well."

"Yeah." I say.

Suddenly, Valerie herself appears, explaining to the crowd how she used Pokémon as the basis for all of her designs. She decides to call Sawyer on stage and challenges him to a battle - with the usual Gym rules in place. With the battle being a one-on-one match, Sawyer calls on his Bagon and Valerie her Spritzee. Bagon starts off with a Dragon Breath attack, but it fails due to Spritzee being a Fairy-type Pokémon. Sawyer then attempts to use back-to-back Headbutt attacks, just like Hawlucha did earlier, but his efforts again fail due to Spritzee's ability to move freely in the air. The battle is soon over with a single Dazzling Gleam attack from Spritzee, and Sawyer does not earn the Fairy Badge.

"I've learned so much today. I would challenge her again for sure!" Sawyer says.

"That's the spirit." Clemont says.

I say, "Alright, now I need to train for the match against Valerie..."

Alice says, "Hey, Ash! Look what I found? I think they might be helpful if you want to beat Mom."

And much to my surprise, Alice is giving me two Mega Stones. One for Medicham and one for Gengar. I say, "That's so nice of you. Thank you so much."

"No problem." Alice says.

Then Bonnie decides to ask, "So how long have you and Ash met?"

Eve says, "That's a great question. It was a funny story. Do you know that our Mom used to be a couple with Ash's father?"

Clemont says, "Really? I never knew that..."

"Yeah, due to their parents, the love was short and by the time they saw each other again, they were already married." Flora says. "But we're also happy since Alice is now one of Ash's three girlfriends, like Serena and Lillie."

Elline says, "And you wouldn't believe what Ash did to Serena back in Coumarine City."

I cough a little and we explain the whole thing, Alice says, "I'm sorry to hear that, but that's so cool."

"Thanks." Serena says.

The next day, we go inside the gym and we find the gym guide, he says, "Well, howdy, Mr. Pouty! What's new, future Champ? This here Laverre City Pokémon Gym has some truly confounding conundrums! The first shocker is that there is a Fairy-type Gym. Bet you've never seen one of these before! The second shocker is how you get around! Hop on one of the warp panels and off you go, but where you'll land, nobody knows! Ha! Just pulling your leg, Champ! The warp panels all have fixed destinations, of course. So go on! Step on a flashing yellow panel!"

Since I've been in the gym a lot of times, it is easy for me. The gym trainers here also know me very well.

The first one I battle is Kali in the living room, she says, "This Furisode Girl had her clothing designed by the one and only Valerie! How do I look?"

She uses a Dedenne and an Azumarill to battle, so I go for Venusaur, using the Sludge Bomb, both Pokemon are easily defeated. "So strong... so beautiful..."

The second trainer is Linnea in the study, she says, "I looked up to Valerie so much that I came here to learn from her!"

She uses an Aromatisse, so I go for Aggron and defeat her with the Metal Burst. "Waaah! Lady Valerie! I need your help!"

She still likes to cry after she lost, and I decide to continue moving until I find Blossom in the dining room. "Don't we just look like a bunch of dolls in a doll house?"

"Yeah." I say. She uses Klefki, Kirlia, and Granbull to battle, so I go with Pyroar to defeat them. "You're no doll! You're a true Pokemon Trainer!"

The final trainer is Katherine, she's in the bedroom. "Did you know that a certain type of move has no effect against our beloved Fairy-type Pokemon?"

"Of course. Dragon." I say. She uses a Slurpuff and I use Doublade to defeat her. "There are some types of moves that are very strong against Fairy types, though."

And we finally reach Valerie, and Serena asks, "So Sawyer, have you ever watched a Gym battle before?"

"No. It's my first time." Sawyer says. "My heart's pounding like you wouldn't even believe!"

"I know." Alice says. "Ash and his Pokemon have always worked together which is the key to winning Gym badges. That's why he'll be able to beat Mom!"

I chuckle, "Thanks Alice. Just hope that in the end, you're not acting like Max."

Alice gives a slight pout, "Hey!"

Valerie then comes and says, "Ash. So you've flown all the way through my Gym, fluttering down to me on a fortunate wind. Then I suppose you have earned yourself the right to a battle, as a reward for your efforts. I am Valerie, who leads this Fairy-type Gym. I hope your visit will prove entertaining to you. The elusive Fairy types may appear frail as a breeze and delicate as a bloom, but they are strong."

"I know." I say with a smile. "And I'm going to get my sixth gym badge."

Valerie chuckles and says, "Such spirit! You're certainly confident, aren't you? But I won't let you win that easily."

"The stronger the opponents we face, the more we get totally fired up and psyched!" I say. "We're not going to lose this battle, no way!"

Valerie goes for Mr. Mime as her first Pokemon, and I decide to go with Doublade. Mr. Mime starts with setting up Light Screen and Reflect, while I have Doublade use Iron Head, dealing a lot of damage.

"That's super effective!" Clemont says.

"Got it. That just shows us Steel-type moves are really effective against Fairy-type Pokemon." Sawyer says while taking notes.

In the end, Doublade and Mr. Mime have a double-knock out because of Destiny Bond with Mr. Mime finishing Doublade with Dazzling Gleam.

Sylveon is Valerie's second Pokemon, so I decide to go with Pyroar. Pyroar goes for Flamethrower, which hits its mark, and Sylveon responds with Disarming Voice.

When Pyroar attempts to use Headbutt, Valerie has Sylveon catch it, swinging Pyroar around and hitting it with Fairy Wind at the same time.

"That's Mom's Sylveon for you." Flora says.

Valerie asks, "So what do you think, Ash? Sylveon's ribbons can do more than just flutter beautifully, you see. While Fairy types are graceful they also possess dangerous hidden fangs."

I say, "When it comes to hidden fangs, Pyroar has them, too! Fire Fang!" I say.

Then the Fire Fang hits Sylveon, causing it to get back. Valerie says, "I'm impressed. Giga Impact!"

I have Pyroar use Hyper Beam, and Sylveon is unable to battle, giving me my win. "Two down and two to go."

Alice says, "Ash is now only halfway through... but there are still two more..."

Valerie says, "Be warned. It won't be the same this time!" Her third Pokemon is Spritzee. I know that it can use Dazzling Gleam, but there are other moves, especially that one...

After another Headbutt attack from Pyroar, Valerie orders Spritzee to use Trick Room. I say, "Here it is... the Trick Room..."

"When Ms. Valerie uses Trick Room, it means business..." Elline says.

I know that Trick Room lasts 5 turns, so I decide to have Pyroar using Flame Charge. Eve asks, "He's using Flame Charge even though he knows that he's in a Trick Room?"

"Why is he doing this?" Serena asks.

Despite taking several direct attacks from Spritzee, I keep ordering Pyroar to keep on using Flame Charge. Suddenly, the Trick Room vanishes, and that's what I'm waiting for.

"Now use Hyper Beam!" I say. And the move is so fast that Sprizee can't dodge. Clemont says, "I know what Ash is up to! He kept on using Flame Charge so Pyroar could attack at high speed as soon as Trick Room disappeared!"

But much to my horror, Spritzee is not down and now it uses Moonblast to defeat Pyroar in the end. I know it is not going to be easy...

"Thank you, but I must say your multiple Flame Charges were a good idea. It's been a while since I've been surprised like that." Valerie says.

I sigh before taking a Pokeball, "Hawlucha! I choose you!"

I send out my Hawlucha, much to everyone's surprise. Valerie says, "What an amusing Pokemon."

"A Hawlucha? But it is a Fighting Type..." Eve says.

"Let's see what strategy Ash has in mind." David replies.

Hawlucha opens with Karate Chop, but Spritzee dodges and once again uses Trick Room. After Spritzee hits Hawlucha with another Moonblast, I know Spritzee is strong. I say, "Use X-Scissor!"

The attack misses and hits the wall of Trick Room, and that gives me an idea. Alice says, "There he goes. I can tell Ash is up to something again."

"Hawlucha. Taking your opponent's moves head-on is your battling style! Watch Spritzee closely, and stay on its tail!" I say.

Then I wait for Spritzee use Gyro Ball, and Hawlucha catches it and uses that speed to spin and use X-Scissor, not only cutting through Dazzling Gleam, but also ramming Spritzee with enough force to shatter the Trick Room.

"Alright!" I say.

"Never seen that before!" Sawyer is gasping in shock. "What an awesome X-Scissor!"

Bonnie says, "They broke through... Trick Room..."

"You did it, Hawlucha." I smile.

Clemont then realizes that X-Scissor was so effective on the Trick Room because it is a Bug-type move and Trick Room is a Psychic-type technique. As Hawlucha and Spritzee continue exchanging attacks, Hawlucha finally defeats its opponent with High Jump Kick.

"I am shocked at your technique, but here is my final Pokemon, Mawile." When Valerie sends out her final Pokemon, I know it means business since it is one of her famous Mega Evolution.

"Now Mega Evolve!" Valerie presses the Key stone and Mega Evolves the Mawile, and with the Dazzling Gleam, Hawlucha is unable to battle.

My final Pokemon is Gengar, and I say, "Now let's show what we're made of! Mega Evolve!"

I press the Key Stone and Gengar Mega Evolves. Even though Poison moves are not going to be effective against Mawile, but I manage to use the Shadow Ball and Will-o-Wisp to defeat Mawile in the end.

"Alright!" I say. "You did great, Gengar!"

Flora says, "Looks like Ash manages to beat Mom."

Alice says, "I know he can do it."

Serena says, "You're right."

Valerie then says, "I hope the sun is shining tomorrow... That would be reason enough to smile."

Then both Alice and Serena hug me for my victory, and Valerie says, "Yes... That was a fine battle. I shall reward you for this great victory. This is the Fairy Badge. It is yours now. Its beauty is captivating, is it not? ... ... ... ... ... ... Ah... Do forgive me. I was so captivated that I forgot for a moment that it was yours."

I get the badge from her and she says, "This captivating Fairy Badge will endear any Pokémon up to Lv. 80 to you... Yes, even those Pokémon that you may receive from others will obey you. My designs are said to be rather mystifying. Do you agree with that?"

"Yeah, I know, considering I learned how to make clothes thanks to you and Dad." I say.

"I've always wanted to be a Pokémon like you and Adam, you see. That desire is my inspiration and what I try to achieve by designing. And yet...the only time I feel I am truly one with Pokémon is when we are embroiled in a desperate battle. I wonder why that is... Hmm... Could it be-- Never mind. It is nothing."

Inspired by my battling style, Sawyer begs me to explain how he battles so well, and we suggest that we have a battle together. When I see Sawyer having the notebook, I ask, "So you have that notebook ever since you became a trainer, right?"

"Yeah, all the important stuff that's happened in Hoenn. Everything that Treecko and I experienced together. It's helped me a lot." Sawyer says. "And look at this."

"It's Uncle Steven!" David says.

"You're right!" Alice says. "It sure has been a while since we last saw him."

"Yeah, that's back in the whole Meteorite crashing event." I say.

Sawyer then also explains that he also wants to learn how to Mega Evolve and he wants to do it with Sceptile after Treecko evolves. That night, we decide to stay at the gym and we find that the next Showcase is going to be held in Dendemille Town, so Serena can try to get her first Princess Key.

Eve says, "So that also reminds me, which gym are you going to next? It should be Dad and Olympia left, right?"

I say, "Then I'll save your Dad for last, even though we did battle a lot back in Unova..."

"That's different." Alice says. "We were fighting Dad's Dark Phase. Dad is not going to be defeated easily."

Serena says, "Then we're going to Anistar City. There is also an amazing sundial."

Sawyer decides to go for the Coumarine Gym, and before we bid farewell, we decide to have the battle, and it is Treecko against Frogadier. Eve says, "So that's the Shiny Frogadier that your Dad has been telling us about..."

Alice says, "It looks so cool."

And Treecko evolves into Grovyle, but I still win the match in the end. Then we decide to bid farewell to Sawyer as he is going to continue training.

Here is a new chapter, and you can see that the sixth gym is done. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Pokeball Factory.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Frogadier (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Doublade, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Binacle, Skrelp, Clauncher, Heliolisk, Tyrunt, Amarua (Shiny), Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Yveltal, Diancie

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