Chapter 38

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The next day, we meet up with Shauna and Trevor. Shauna says, "Hey, that's the Fairy Badge! It's so cute and sparkly! Know what? We're going to go tour the Poké Ball Factory! Come with us! "

"I'm interested in Poké Balls because they're used to catch Pokémon! To put it another way, I'm utterly fascinated by them!" Trevor says.

After they leave, Eve says, "You really should check out the Pokeball Factory, it is actually a cool place."

"You bet we will." I say as we bid farewell to the three siblings and Alice gives me a Dusk Stone so that I can evolve Doublade.

Aegislash: The Royal Sword Pokemon: Steel and Ghost Type. Evolve from Doublade with Dusk Stone. Generations of kings were attended by these Pokémon, which used their spectral power to manipulate and control people and Pokémon.

We head to the Pokeball Factory and find Shauna and Trevor. However, it seems like both of them can't enter the Pokeball Factory.

"How vexing. He won't let us inside the Poké Ball Factory." Trevor says.

"He'll let us in. You'll see! I'll go talk to him again!" Shauna says as she tries to rush forward, with Trevor chasing after her. It is also then Calem and Tierno arrive.

"Did Shaunee and Trevs go running off just now? What's the deal?" Tierno asks.

"We were supposed to meet here. Did something happen?" Calem asks.

"Well..." Before we can say something, we find Shuana and Trevor being chased by Team Flare. Serena says, "It's Team Flare!"

"Not those guys again..." Calem mutters.

"Huh? Hm? What's going on? W-well, I guess I'll go help them!" Tierno says as he follows after them.

Clemont says, "There might be something going on inside. let's check it out while the guard's gone!"

"Right." We rush inside the Pokeball Factory, and just like in the Pokemon Power Plant, the place is filled with Team Flare grunts. "Can't that idiot outside even handle guard duty? So sorry, but we're not offering tours right now."

"That red suit means you're a member of Team Flare, right? Did you have a part-time job at the Poké Ball Factory to pay for that ugly suit?" Calem asks.

"What? How dare you mock Team Flare!" Then they try to attack us with Pokemon. Calem says, "Leave this to me! You go ahead!"

"Thanks, Calem." We charge ahead and we also face some grunts. To move forward, we sometimes need to move on the conveyor belts and try not to be squished. And on our way, our Clauncher evolves into a Clawitzer.

Clawitzer: The Howitzer Pokemon: Water Type. Evolve from Clauncher at LV:37. By expelling water from the nozzle in the back of its claw, it can move at a speed of 60 knots.

Like in Power Plant, we also find the workers that are captured by Team Flare, we free them and then they show us where the president's office is.

"Come now. Work for Team Flare!" The Admin says. "If you'd just help out, we wouldn't have to carry all these Poke Balls by ourselves."

Then the one who has a visor like Aliana says, "Or, with a contribution of just 5,000,000 dollars, you could become a member of Team Flare. It's a no-brainer!"

"What in the world are you Team Flare fools thinking?! I'll never forgive any group that rises to take all the Poke Balls for itself!"

Another one with the visor says, "Forget it. Quit wasting your time with this person."

"I agree. There's no one we can use here." The Admin says. "Let's blow this place to smithereens."

"Leave him alone!" We yell, and that's when the three members turn around. The Admin says, "Well, what do we have here? An intruder?"

"You're one to talk! You! Please! Help me!" The president yells.

"My oh my. Getting a little desperate, are we, Mr. Company President? Well, I guess I'll just have to extinguish your little glimmer of hope." The Admin tries to battle with Scraggy and Houndoom, but we defeat her Pokemon with ease.

"C-come on! You didn't have to go all out for a pitiful president like him!" The admin says.

"So lame! That's just embarrassing from an admin! Still, no worries. We're on it! This pair of scientists will clean up after you." The purple-haired one with the visor says.

"Let's take them together. We must improve our chances of winning." The green-haired one with the visor says.

"We'll see about that." It is then Calem shows up, and we're delighted.

"There's another one?" The green one gasps.

"One kid or two, it doesn't make a lot of difference. When we're the ones fighting together, our odds of victory increase exponentially!" The purple one replies.

"I think your math is off. And I thought you were supposed to be scientists!" Calem says.

Then with Calem's help, we battle the two scientists who are named Celosia and Bryony. They use a Liepard and Manectric each, and they are no match for our Pokemon.

"No way! Wow, we are lame." "Probability is just probability, after all... Absolutes do not exist."

Byrony says, "Oh my, oh my?"

Celosia says, "So lame! What a shame! We got beat!"

"Enough already! We've already stolen the Poke Balls, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls. Let's call it good and leave." Then Team Flare retreats and the president says, "You saved us! Thank you so much! You're astounding Pokemon Trainers for being so young. Very well, then. I want to show my appreciation. I'll give you a Master Ball or a Big Nugget. Pick whichever one you'd like."

After we pick our gifts, he says, "I just have a feeling you will put them to great use. You're different from those Team Flare people. Oh, and even I don't know the proper way to use a Big Nugget. Still... That blasted Team Flare. What were they planning to accomplish by taking all the Poke Balls for themselves..."

I also wonder about that, but after we get out of the Poke Ball Factory, we find Shauna and the others. "Hey, do you think it's OK to go have a look around now?"

Calem says, "I'm afraid not. It's not time for that now. They still have to clean up after Team Flare." Calem says.

"Team Flare? Have I heard that name somewhere?" Shauna mutters.

"Would they be the people in the red suits from a minute ago?" Trevor asks.

"That's right, Trevor. Team Flare..." Serena mutters.

"They took all of the Poké Balls by force? But they're for everybody to use!" Tierno says.

"How awful... It seems like it would be best not to get involved with those guys." Trevor says.

"You're right, Trevs. Team Flare sure is terrible. What should we do now? According to the Town Map, Dendemille Town is next..." Trevor says.

Then Trevor and Tierno leave, while Shauna says, "You and Calem are really awesome! You're way stronger than those bad guys! Still, try not to do anything crazy, OK? See yaaa!"

After Shauna leaves, Calem says, "Thanks. Everyone's OK, thank you. But if I keep relying on you like this, I won't grow during my adventure."

Then we bid farewell to Calem as we head to Route 15, but this time we get a Holo Clip. "Hey! It's Malva of the Elite Four!" I gasp.

"You're right. What is she up to?" Elline asks.

"We're bringing you this special bulletin. The Poké Ball Factory in the area around Laverre City has been attacked. The identities of those involved are unknown. However, this is not expected to have any effect on the sales of Poké Balls..."

Clemont says, "Well, she's a news reporter after all. I guess that news is for every Holo Caster users."

I say, "I see..."

We are now at Route 15, also known as the Brun Way. We get another call from Lysandre. He says, "According to Professor Sycamore's research, Mega Evolution releases all of a Pokémon's hidden energy at once. The Pokémon then exhibits a level of power it could not attain through ordinary Evolution. What meaning can we draw from this? Do all people and Pokémon have such potential, or is it hidden within a chosen few?"

We are confused as to what he means, but we find a Klefki in the wild, Serena gasps, "A Klefki! It is a rare one."

Klefki looks around and sees us, and I decide to battle to capture him. Thanks to our Binacle evolving into Barbaracle we're able to capture it.

Barbaracle: The Collective Pokemon: Rock and Water Type. Evolve from Binacle at LV:39. Barbaracle's legs and hands have minds of their own, and they will move independently. But they usually follow the head's orders.

Klefki: The Key Ring Pokemon: Steel and Fairy Type. It never lets go of a key that it likes, so people give it the keys to vaults and safes as a way to prevent crime.

After we send out this Pokemon, he doesn't mind joining us, but he wants a key to hold, so we decide to give him a key to hold.

At the Lost Hotel, a timid desk clerk named Weston shows us to our room for rest. We try to check the hotel's public battlefield, while we find Mantle, the owner, challenging other Trainers to battle...and taking their Pokémon when they lose.

Weston's Rotom comes out of hiding to reveal that its Trainer was once the owner, but Mantle challenged him to a battle on the hotel's opening day 10 years ago. When the inexperienced Rotom ran away, Mantle declared himself the winner—of the battle and the hotel. To make amends, Rotom sends us back in time to that fateful battle. This time, everyone helps Weston and Rotom defeat the crook, by using the appliances, and Rotom defeats his Pokemon in the end.

When we return to the present, we discover a big change: the hotel is sparkling and clean, Weston is the rightful owner, and Mantle and his goons are working as bellhops. And a framed photo from the hotel's opening day proves that we really were there.

Before heading to Dendemille Town, we decide to stop by at Route 16, or Mélancolie Path. We meet a Fisherman who gives us the Super Rod, and then we also find two Mega Stones. One for Houndoom and one for Manectric.

"Mega Houndoom has the ability Solar Power, in harsh sunlight, its attack boosts, but it loses health every turn." Clemont says.

"And Mega Manectric has the ability Intimidate." Elline says.

While we're training, I want Frogadier and Hawlucha to train a new move Super Flying Cut. However, like Fennekin and Pancham before, those two are now fighting as well. The training was cut short, and somehow I was dragged away by vines.

It turns out that a Trevenant is the one who does it to me, I never harm a tree and why is he kidnapping me? It is then Frogadier and Hawlucha come and save me. Though both Pokemon are struggling because of the Ghost and Grass Type, after I decide to save them, Trevenant decides to show us why he kidnaps me. There is a poacher for Sudowoodo and Bonsly and we have to fight him to save those Pokemon. With the Super Flying Cut now available, the poacher is defeated and we free the Pokemon. Trevenant also decides to join our team in the end.

Phantump: The Stump Pokemon: Ghost and Grass Type. These Pokémon are created when spirits possess rotten tree stumps. They prefer to live in abandoned forests.

Trevenant: The Elder Tree Pokemon: Ghost and Grass Type. Evolve from Phantump by trading. Using its roots as a nervous system, it controls the trees in the forest. It's kind to the Pokémon that reside in its body.

When the others are here, Serena also shows that she captures a Pumpkaboo after tripping on the floor, I'm surprised at what she just said, and we're also surprised that the Pumpkaboo that we found is the Super Sized one.

Pumpkaboo: The Pumpkin Pokemon: Ghost and Grass Type. The pumpkin body is inhabited by a spirit trapped in this world. As the sun sets, it becomes restless and active.

With the Pumpkaboo, we also learn that there's a Gourgeist Festival, where people and Pokémon wear costumes for fun. We decide to also dress up as Pokemon for fun, and there are some children who want to exchange candies, so we give them some and get others in return.

As we're having fun, we're approached by a butler and three Gourgeists. They bring us to a man known as Count Pumpka, who also has a Pumpkaboo beside him. Our Pumpkaboo immediately falls in love with him.

"The reason I want you here is because I want to trade with your Pumpkaboo." The count says. "My Pumpkaboo has fallen in love with your Pumpkaboo."

We hesitate a little since we want their Pokemon to be happy, but we don't want to leave their friend. Our Pumpkaboo decides to go with the prince, so we trade in sadness. Happily, Count Pumpka releases his new Pumpkaboo, but Pumpkaboo instantly evolves into Gourgeist.

Gourgeist: The Pumpkin Pokemon: Ghost and Grass Type. Evolve from Pumpkaboo by trading. Singing in eerie voices, they wander town streets on the night of the new moon. Anyone who hears their song is cursed.

"I see, so Pumpkaboo evolves into Gourgeist the same way as Gengar..." Serena says.

Prince Pumpkaboo is intimidated by the new Super Size Gourgeist and indicates his displeasure.

"I am sorry, it seems that the prince only likes the Pumpkaboo...not Gourgeist."

This shocks us and Gourgeist then feels heartbroken. I demand angrily, "How can you say such a thing?"

"Gourgeist, don't worry, you still have us..." Serena turns to the count. "Then we can trade her back."

They do another trade, and to make up to us, he decides to invite us for dinner and also have us watch the fireworks in the castle.

And this is the Route 15 and 16 episode. The next chapter will be the 20th movie and I hope you like it.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Frogadier (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Skrelp, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrunt, Amarua (Shiny), Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Yveltal, Diancie

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