Chapter 39

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When we're at the Pokemon Center in the desert, Serena brings some plates of donuts. "Tada! Ready to eat!"

Then we decide to stop swimming and have some donuts, I say, "They are so good. Serena, you're really good at making desserts."

"Then how about trying some authentic donuts? Take a look. Dahara City is close by and their specialty is donuts." Serena shows the pictures and says, "And this is the famous tower dedicated to a mythical Pokemon!"

David says, "That looks like the ring on your body, Ash..."

"Yeah." I say. Then much to our surprise, Samurott uses a Flamethrower? It turns out that he has eaten a Tamato Berry, we quickly give him some water as I wonder, "Someone playing tricks on us?"

Then we find a hand coming out from the portal and try to grab the donuts, Pikachu tries to grab the hand, and I yell, "Stop!"

Serena is helping me, and together, the two of us fall into the portal. Serena asks, "Ash, are you okay?"

"Hey, where are we?" I ask as we look around. We notice the portal minimizes into a small ring that attaches to a Mythical Pokemon.

"Were you surprised?" We realize that it is a Hoopa, a Psychic and Ghost-Type Mythical Pokemon, and he's the one who eats the donut.

"It's a Hoopa." Serena says.

"Guys! Look where we are!" Pikachu points and we notice that we're already in Dahara City. Serena says, "Did the ring do that?"

Hoopa chuckles, "Hoopa never saw one of those!"

Then we try to introduce ourselves, but he calls our names wrong. Serena says, "That's weird..."

"Do you like Pikan?" Hoopa asks, and I say, "Pikachu is our best friends."

Then much to our surprise, Hoopa summons two large portals and yells, "Ale Hoopa Ring!" Then much to my surprise, about 100 or more Pikachu appear from the ring and surround us.

"Were you surprised?" Hoopa asks. "Ash-kan and Sere-kan! Where's your Pikan?"

Seriously? He wants us to find my Pikachu in the horde of Pikachu? It's a good thing that we did give Pikachu a gift back in Coumarine City.

"Hoopa lost!" He starts to yell in anger, and much to my surprise, every Pikachu is trying to use Thunderbolt on us. "Serena, quick!"

I hug Serena tight as my Earth Plate is trying to block the electric attacks.

"Hoopa, what's all this?" It is then a woman approaches us. And he yells, "Meray!"

"What are all the Pikachu doing here?" She demands.

"Hoopa ring them here!" Hoopa says.

"I told you not to do that, didn't I? Send them back! Or you won't get you donut!" The woman accidentally steps on a Pikachu's tail and gets electrocuted. With Pikachu's help, all the Pikachu are back into the rings and disappear.

"Thanks a lot, Pikachu, good job." I say.

Then we introduce ourselves to Meray, and we also have Hoopa summon the giant rings to bring the others here, and Clemont says, "Dahara City!"

"But how?" Bonnie asks.

After I get my clothes back and explain everything, David says, "Is that a Hoopa?"

"Yeah... he likes to play pranks." I say.

Then we are thirsty, but Hoopa decides to open the ring and give us water by spraying us. Then we tell Meray that we're going to see the Dahara Tower, and it is actually the same place where Meray is heading, so Hoopa decides to open the rings and bring us there. But much to our surprise, Hoopa can't go through the ring and is sent back.

"Hoopa, how could you forget?" Meray says.

"So what's going on?" Elline asks.

"Hoopa can't go through his ring yet." Meray says.

"Then we'll just walk instead." I say, and Serena decides to give Hoopa more donuts to cheer him up.

Just then, Hoopa seems to be scared all of a sudden, and we find a man with a Braviary arrive. "You found it!" Meray rushes to the man, "It's the Prison Bottle!"

However, the man without a word, opens the Prison Bottle, and Hoopa seems to be transforming in pain. I gasp, "Hoopa's Unbound form..."

"Unbound form?" Bonnie asks.

"It's a form that Hoopa can turn into, it changes from Ghost Type into a Dark Type." David says.

"There is power! Hoopa is strong!" Hoopa roars and the man suddenly kneels as Meray rushes to him, "Baraz!"

"Meray... why are you here?" The man Baraz says and then he looks at the bottle. "I found the bottle?"

"Should you have opened it here?" Meray asks.

"Not sure... what's going on..." Baraz says while holding his head.

"True power certainly lives! Hoopa is magnificent!" Just then, Hoopa starts to attack the city, and we have to escape. His eyes are now glowing red and he tries to grab the bottle, but a special forcefield stops him from grabbing it. Then he tries to throw a building at us, but I have Absol use Dark Pulse to Shatter the building.

"Everyone, out of the way! It was the bottle that Hoopa wanted!" Baraz says.

"Please, let me do it, it was my plan anyway!" Meray says as she reaches the bottle in the air, and then Hoopa's energy is now absorbed into the bottle. It changes back into its confined form and falls limply onto Serena's hands. Serena says, "Hang in there, Hoopa!"

"Hoopa was afraid..." Hoopa mutters.

The Prison Bottle flies off and lands close by, and I decide to pick up the bottle.

"No! Don't touch it!" Baraz says. "The bottle contains something evil! I know because it took control of me. Which is why Hoopa was in a rampage! Touch it and it'll take over your mind."

"But... my mind is still clear..." I say as I show the bottle.

"That's strange..." Meray says, "You're not controlled?"

"I guess only I can hold the bottle..." I say.

"I got you all mixed up all of this, I'm sorry." Baraz says.

"Disappear... it's getting dark, I'm so afraid, Hoopa is disappearing..." Hoopa mutters some words and we decide to bring him to the Pokemon Center.

Baraz reveals to us that one hundred years ago Hoopa, in its Unbound form, appeared out of a ring taking the villagers' food. To pay them back, Hoopa offered showers of gold, allowing the town to prosper and grow. The villagers built a house for it, where Hoopa listened to the people's wishes in return for food.

The people then began to challenge Hoopa in battle where Hoopa won easily, but eventually, Hoopa became carried away in its desire for power. It soon went mad with power, testing its strength against Legendary Pokémon, only to be stopped by the Prison Bottle wielded by Baraz and Meray's great-grandfather.

While telling the story, we arrive at the Pokemon Center. Clemont says, "Your great-grandfather must've been an incredibly powerful man."

"Look at this shape, does it remind you of something?" Baraz shows the necklace and I gasp. "That's the shape..."

"Our ancestors were able to communicate with Arceus, and they received power from them too. And great grandfather, he was able to master that power..." Baraz says.

"So what about you and Meray?" Bonnie asks.

"Meray and I aren't at that level just yet." "We're still in training."

"Great-grandfather sealed away Hoopa's powers in the Prison Bottle and then returned to his home with Hoopa. That was when we were born and raised... in Arche Valley."

Baraz then reveals that according to his great-grandfather, Hoopa could not pass through its rings until it understood why it had been confined. Baraz then reflects on his childhood with Meray and Hoopa, including having become lost in the wilderness and caring for Hoopa when he was sick. Having returned safe and sound, he recalls his great-grandfather calling Hoopa "family too".

"After our great-grandfather passes away, I think it is time for us to return the power back to Hoopa." Meray says.

"And so, I set on a journey to find the Prison Bottle, and this is the end result." Baraz says. "I'm sorry for causing trouble. But still, I want to do something for Hoopa."

I mutter, "So that really explains how I was able to hold that powers are the ones who protected me..."

"Your powers?" Meray asks.

Serena says, "Ash is actually an Arceus in disguise as a human."

"Wait, for real?" Baraz asks, and I say, "Yeah, I wonder... maybe I was the one who gave your family the powers... but it has been some long ago..."

Meray says, "Wow... to think you are an Arceus... that's so cool!"

I say, "But enough about me. What are you going to do with the bottle?"

"I want to take it back to the Arche Valley." Baraz says.

But suddenly, some Meowths run past the bottle and one of them becomes possessed by the dark spirit. "Oh no! That Meowth touched the bottle!" Elline gasps.

We see the Meowth turning the bottle and releasing the spirit. It once again attempts to possess Hoopa, and both Meray and Baraz are trying to stop Hoopa, so I decide to also help out.

"It is similar to our Dark Phases." I say to Serena, Elline, and David, who gasps. "There is only one thing we can do right now. We have to separate it!"

Just then, the Prison Bottle is broken and I manage to separate Hoopa from the Dark Phase. "Hoopa did it..." Hoopa mutters.

"The bottle!" Meray rushes to the bottle, which is already broken, and the Dark Phase manifests into Hoopa's Unbound form.

"Now all that's left is to destroy the Dark Phase." I say.

"So you're telling me that this Dark Phase you speaking about tries to control Hoopa?" Meray asks.

Then we see the dark phase roaring, and Baraz asks, "Are you going to go wild? Like you did a hundred years ago?" Baraz asks.

The Dark Phase yells at the real self to disappear, and then it tries to attack, but Baraz sends out Braviary to deflect the attack but it is no use.

"Ale Hoopa Ring!" Hoopa then opens the portal and much to my surprise, my Lugia has come out of the ring.

"Lugia!" I gasp. "He should be staying at the Whirl Islands!"

Lugia is also confused, and he asks, "Ash and Serena? What is going on?"

Serena uses the situation and says, "Lugia. Help us out, okay? Stop the Dark Phase of Hoopa!"

Then Lugia nods as he fights the Dark Phase. However, I'm worried because Lugia's type matchup is not going to affect him that much. Marey also shows the broken bottle, and Baraz says, "Of course. Shunned by Hoopa, the Dark Phase wanted freedom. So it destroyed the bottle."

"Then how about we make it? We make another Prison Bottle?" Elline asks.

Baraz says, "That's a good idea. We can make it at Dahara Tower. It was where the Prison Bottle was made and the power could still be found there."

"Our great-grandfather used the power of Fire, Ground, and Water, the three great forces of nature to make the bottle." Meray says.

"So as long as we have those three types of Pokemon, I think together we're able to make the Prison Bottle again." Baraz says.

Then Samurott, Houndoom, and David's Excadrill decide to help out, but at the same time, the Dark Phase has found us, though it gives Lugia a chance to hit with Dragon Rush.

Then we decide to split into two groups. Serena and I go with Hoopa so that we go to hide from the Dark Phase while the others go to the Dahara Tower to create the Prison Bottle.

Then Serena says, "Dark Phases really are something..."

"Yeah... but all we know is that we destroy them..." I say, and then we are found by the Dark Phase, and it tries to use Hyperspace Fury on us, but we're saved by Lugia, who gives us a ride.

"Thanks, Lugia." I say.

but much to our surprise, Lugia is shot down by the Dark Phase and as Lugia tries to retaliate, the Dark Phase sends it back to Whirl Island with his own rings.

"Hoopa! We have to fight too." Serena says.

"Hoopa fight with you!" Hoopa says.

Now with the situation, I know what to do. "Hoopa! Open the portal to the Galar Region's Dragon Manor!"

Hoopa nods as he yells, "Ale Hoopa ring!"

After he opens the portal, I take out the Eon Flute and blow it, and then both Latias and Latios appear. It is not just them, our shiny Rayquaza also appears as well.

"Guys. It's nice to see you all again." I say to them, and both Latias and Latios try to nuzzle us, and I say, "Now is not the right time, Latias, Latios."

Serena says, "We need your power."

Then we decide to ride on Latias and Latios while I command all three to use Dragon Pulse but to no avail. Serena says, "Come on, this way!"

Then we try to let the Dark Phase chase after us, but soon, much to our surprise, the Dark Phase summons six of my Pokemon. "Kyogre, Groudon, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Kyurem.

"Not them as well!" Serena says.

"Their eyes! They are controlled!" I gasp. "It's a good thing that's not Dia, Palmer, and Gina..."

"But to think we have to fight our Pokemon like that..." Serena frowns.

The Dark Phase is now controlling our Legendary Pokemon to battle us, and we have to fight back with our attacks. Serena and I also press our Key Stones and yell, "Mega Evolve!"

Though Latias and Latios Mega Evolves, and Rayquaza decides to do it on his own.

"We only have two Key Stones and we Mega Evolve three Pokemon?" Serena asks.

"Rayquaza and Mewtwo can Mega Evolve on their own." I say back.

In response, Kyurem transforms into Black Kyurem, and the fierce battle continues, with continued destruction to the city. And while we're fleeing on Latios and Latias, an attack from Kyurem, which is now White Kyurem, causes Pikachu, Zoroark, and I to fall off Latios. As we plummet to the ground, we are saved by Hoopa's ring which transports us back onto Latias' back.

The battle then begins to centralize around Dahara Tower, as Latios stops the Dark Phase's attempts at using its rings to attack the tower. "Oh no you don't!" I yell.

Serena says, "We have to stop them. Rayquaza! Use Twister! You've got to do it now!"

Rayquaza then starts to surround the tower with Twister, and Latias and Latios use Psychic to impede an all-out assault on the tower. The Dark Phase's army attacks, but is successfully blocked by the shield we had made. However, the Dark Phase attacks Rayquaza above, destroying the Twister shield, and Dark Phase's army proceeds to attack the tower.

When the Shadow finally corners us, the others finally finish the Prison Bottle and Baraz is using it to stop the Dark Phase. It is then all of our Legendary Pokemon return to their own control and they're confused as to what is going on.

Baraz opens the bottle and the Dark Phase is sucked in once more. But the bottle flies from Baraz's hand, and Serena catches it.

"No, Serena!" I yell in horror as Serena yells, "Enough, stop it!"

But Serena is now being possessed and she yells, "Disappear, now!"

"The Dark Phase is speaking through Serena!" Clemont gasps.

"The shadow is taking control of her." Baraz says.

"It is over, disappear! Away! I am Hoopa! Hoopa will remain here!" Serena says, but Hoopa tries to clean the Dark Phase by sending memories to the Dark Phase, and through those memories, the Dark Phase is finally gone as a ray of light.

"Serena..." I rush to her and hold her, she mutters, "I can hear it... your voice. I'm sure the Dark Phase did, too."

Then out in the distance, the Legendary Pokemon are now back. Elline says, "Those are your Pokemon, right, Ash?"

"No way... all of them?" Bonnie asks.

"Yeah, and they're totally surprised about what's going on." I chuckle, and our Mega-Evolved Pokemon also return back to their normal selves.

However, just as things had settled, a space-time void warp formed around the tower, perhaps due to the fact that too many Legendary Pokémon had been summoned.

"Oh no, not again!" I yell in horror.

"What is going on?" Clemont asks.

"Time and Space are collapsing! It happened back in Sinnoh before, in Alamos Town, where Dia and Palmer's Dark Phases are battling." I say.

"What are we going to do now?" Serena asks.

Pikachu's Thunderbolt, Eevee's Swift, and Zoroark's Night Daze prove useless against the warp which continues to advance toward the tower, destroying everything in its path. The Legendary Pokémon also try to attack the warp from outside but to no avail.

Hoopa says, "Sere-kan! You can use that!"

Serena notices the Prison Bottle in her hands and she says, "Got it!"

Then she opens the bottle, and Hoopa transforms into his Unbound form. Using its rings, it helps the people inside the tower escape. Finally, only we and Hoopa are left behind, knowing that Hoopa cannot go through its own rings.

"Since Hoopa can't go through the ring because of my powers... then I'll try to break the confinement."

Then I try to go through the ring with Hoopa, but we are bounced back and unable to go through the ring. Hoopa tries two more times, but Hoopa still cannot go through the ring and inadvertently helps Meray and us escape. Baraz is left alone with Hoopa and the warp is now getting very close to the two.

Just then, Baraz's pendant responds to me and I decide to transform back into my true self, using my powers to break the seal of Hoopa. It is then that Hoopa finally goes through the ring, and then Baraz is also taken out of the rift just in time.

"You did it... the seal is now broken." Serena says.

Then we're shocked to see that the tower is now gone, and I also land back on the ground and change back into my normal form.

Once we get all the Legendary Pokemon leaving for our manors, we head to what's left of Dahara Tower, and Hoopa wants to join our team. Since he can go through rings now, he can always come back to Dahara City, which is also great for him. As for the Prison Bottle, we are also asked to take it with us so that Hoopa can transform into Unbound form.

Hoopa: The Mischief Pokemon: Psychic and Ghost Type. This troublemaker sends anything and everything to faraway places using its loop, which can warp space.

Here is the 18th movie, and I hope you like this chapter. The next chapter will be Dendimille Town.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Frogadier (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Skrelp, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrunt, Amarua (Shiny), Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Yveltal, Diancie, Hoopa

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