Chapter 42

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After we're rested for the day, Daniel asks, "So you have seven badges, so where you are going next?"

"The only gym left is the Snowbelle City Gym." I say. "That means, Wulfric is the last one."

"That's great to know." Daniel says.

Calem says, "I'm sure getting the Psychic Badge wasn't too hard for you to get, right Ash? Ready for a rematch? I think it would be fun to compete with my neighbor to be the best in Kalos. But I can't claim to be competing with you until I beat you at least once!"

"You bet." I say. But just before we can start our rematch, we get a Holo Caster Call from Lysandre, but what he says shocks us, "Pokémon Trainers. I come to you by the Holo Caster to make an important announcement. Listen well. Team Flare will revive the ultimate weapon, eliminate everyone who isn't in our group, and return the world to a beautiful, natural state. Unproductive fools are consuming our future... If nothing changes, the world will become ugly and conflicts will raze the land from end to end. I repeat. We will use the ultimate weapon and wipe the slate clean. I'm sorry, those of you who are not members of Team Flare, but this is adieu to you all."

We gasp after what we're hearing, and Serena says, "What... was Lysandre saying? Wiping the slate clean? Eliminating everyone by Team Flare?!"

We notice that the world is also panicking after what Lysandre has said, I say, "I knew it... I have suspicions that Lysandre is the boss of Team Flare...turns out that it's right."

"But where could he be?" Bonnie asks, "We have to stop him!"

"He could be in Lumiose City... the Lysandre Cafe..." Clemont thinks as we decide to go there using Fly.

Once we get to Lysandre's Cafe, the grunts are battling us inside, and we have to fight our way through. After we defeat them, we learn that there is a hidden door that leads to Lysandre's Lab. We find it behind the cabinet and use the keyword that we got from the grunt, "Open Sesame!"

After we enter, we find Lysandre just standing in front of us. "Welcome."

"Lysandre..." I mutter. "To think you're the boss of Team Flare..."

"This world will eventually reach the point of no return... Saving the lives of all is impossible. Only the chosen ones will obtain a ticket for tomorrow. Do you want to have a ticket? Or, do you want to stop me? Show me in battle."

He is using four Pokemon, a Mienfoo, a Murkrow, a Pyroar, and a shiny Gyarados. I was surprised that he has a Shiny Gyarados, but we all use our Pokemon to defeat him, though it is not easy because their Pokemon's power is also strong.

"Excellent! I can feel the fire of your convictions burning deep within your heart!" Lysandre says after recalling his four Pokemon. "Wah ha ha! Your convictions, and those of your Pokémon, please me! You are here to stop me. But I ask you to wait."

"There has to be a better way to help people and Pokémon without resorting to such extreme measures!" David says, "Why can't you just use your technology to help people instead of trying to take over the world?"

"I tried to save people-and the world-with the profit from this lab. But my efforts had no effect... The world was just too vast...and too full of fools that I couldn't save through my hard work alone... That's why I decided the only way to save the world was to take it all for myself."

"Even if the world is vast and full of challenges, that doesn't give you the right to take it for yourself! We'll find another way to make a difference!" I say back.

"I don't expect that I will ever make you understand how I think and feel... Try to stop the ultimate weapon if you must, but to do so, you will have to explore our lab and have Pokémon battles with all you meet."

Then he steps into the elevator, and before the door closes, he says, "Oh, and as for the Elevator Key, one of the Team Flare Scientists you've met on your journey has it. Saving everything... The world is suffering because of this absurd dream..."

We watch him leave, and Clemont says, "We met four scientists, there are Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, and Mable... one of them has the key..."

"We have to find them." I say as I look around the area. "This place is similar to Team Rocket's base... with the teleportation pads and the spin panels."

Serena says, "We've done this before so we can do this again."

We try to navigate through the area, and we find Aliana there. "Ah ha ha! Why, if it isn't that fascinating little Trainer from the Kalos Power Plant? So we meet again, just as I said we would!"

"You..." We growl.

She uses two Pokemon, a Mightyena and a Druddigon, so I use Slurpuff to deal with both of them because of the type advantages. "You sure are an interesting Trainer. You're far more capable than our useless Grunts."

"Now hand over the key." I say.

"I don't have the key, but I'll let you pass. But which warp panel could it be? Which one cooould it be?" We decide to ignore her since she doesn't have the key, and there are two wrap panels in front of us, so we decide to do the one with the green light and head to the northwest office. That's when we find Sina and Dexio, in their costumes as well.

"No sign of him here either...You! Have you seen anything?" Sina asks.

"Who are you looking for?" Clemont asks.

"We're looking for a really tall guy... And I mean tall. If you stretched out a Seviper and stood it up, he'd be that tall. We received some intelligence that Team Flare is also trying to find him for some reason." Dexio says, and Serena, Elline, David, and I know who he's talking about. The person that we met back on Route 13.

"His relationship to Team Flare is a mystery, but...Oh, by the way, I've got something for you. Take these with you." Sina gives us the Revives, and we thank them.

"We came here-at a certain professor's request-to stop Team Flare! I assume your goal is the same? Don't do anything reckless, OK?" Dexio says as they leave.

After we leave, we try to find our way through the place and arrive at the northeast office. There we find Bryony and Celosia, they are confused about us and Bryony says, "I've seen these kids somewhere before."

"So who are they?" Celosia asks.

"I have no idea. But obviously, they're not in Team Flare. Let's get them, yeah?" Bryony says.

"Yup. That sounds good to me. Then I'll get in the first blow!" Celosia says.

They try to battle us together, Celosia is first and she uses Manectric and Drapion, and I use Garchomp to defeat them. Celosia says, "Ah ha ha ha! You beat us good. Wow, we are sooo lame."

"Oh! What a brute! Look at poor Celosia!" Bryony sends out Bisharp and Liepard, so we use Heracross to defeat them as well. "Your ability flies in the face of all probability! Just what is the source of your power?"

"What's this?! Who would have thought children like you could beat us both? You and your Pokémon were utterly in sync in that battle, and I know why. You're here for answers, aren't you? I suppose we're at your mercy. I will tell you what I know, at least." Celosia says.

"We've been using the electricity we stole from the Power Plant to get everything prepared for activating the ultimate weapon. But it's not like that's all we'll need to use it. Are you following me? We'll need energy absorbed from Pokémon to power the device! Yes! It's the stones on Route 10 that will steal that energy for us and power the ultimate weapon!" Bryony says.

"In reality, those stones that line Route 10 are the graves of Pokémon. When the ultimate weapon was used to end that horrible war over 3,000 years ago, it stole the lives of all those Pokémon. Their lives were the price of peace then. And if we want to make our own wishes come true today, we in Team Flare also have to sacrifice something precious." That is horrifying for us to know, but we know that those two don't have the key so we have to continue searching.

When we head to the central room, we find a diary that belongs to Lysandre.

"When I was young, I went on a journey around Kalos with my Pokémon. I reached out to help those suffering because they had nothing. At first, they were grateful, but eventually, they began to take my help for granted and demand more and more... Will fools like those people consume the Kalos region? This world is stable and secure. So the population of people and Pokémon continues to increase unabated. But there is a limit to the amount of money and energy the world is capable of producing. Either everything is lost, or only a handful are saved. This is something best not left to man... I must use a tool of higher power..."

Calem says, "Just because some people took advantage doesn't mean everyone would. He can't let a few bad experiences dictate his view of the entire world!"

Serena nods, "There has to be a way to find balance without resorting to catastrophic measures. We have to make him see that there's hope for a brighter future."

And we finally go to the final room, where Mable is located. "Oh, oh, oh, oh? You're those kids from the Frost Cavern... We gather data all about the Trainers in the region through the Holo Caster, so we know all about you guys. And you know how the Mega Ring is used to awaken a Pokémon's power, right? Just like how the ultimate weapon can max out a Pokémon's power. Heheh... Looks like you and me are practically after the same thing, yeah?"

We frown as she uses Houndoom and Weavile to battle, and we defeat them with Lucario's help. "Oooh, you are strong! You and your Pokémon are most certainly not ordinary!"

"So you have the Elevator Key, right?" I ask and Mable says, "Ding-ding-ding! Yup, you did it! To the victor goes the spoils! Here! An elevator key for you!"

We get the key, and she says, "The power of the Legendary Pokémon... The power to grant life to all around it... It's a mysterious ability that even scientists like us haven't been able to really decode. What d'you think will happen to the world if we fuel the ultimate weapon with something like that?"

Wait, don't tell me that they got the tree of Xerneas... if they do this is going to be bad... we rush to the elevator and go to the second basement, and that's when we find Lysandre and the man we met in Route 13, inside a prison cell.

"Listen, ones who will face Lysandre..." The man speaks as we suddenly flinch, he seems to be trying to tell us a story.

"A terribly long time ago... There was a man and a Pokémon. He loved that Pokémon very much." Now we are curious, as we listen intently to the tragic narrative.

"A war began. The man's beloved Pokémon took part in the war. Several years passed. He was given a tiny box." His voice grows more poignant, and we can see the sorrow behind it.

"The man wanted to bring the Pokémon back. No matter what it took. The man built a machine to give it life. He brought his beloved Pokémon back. The man had suffered too much. His rage had not subsided. He could not forgive the world that had hurt the Pokémon he loved. He turned the machine into the ultimate weapon."

We shiver a little as we hear the gravity of the situation. "The man became a bringer of destruction that ended the war. The Pokémon that was given life must have known... The lives of many Pokémon were taken to restore its life. The resurrected Pokémon left the man."

And that's the end of the story, and we can only frown in sadness. The man then yells, "Get the key back. It should not be used. Everything will vanish again. Do you want to know unending I have?"

We are shocked, does that mean this man has lived 3000 years and is still alive? Lysandre says, "That is AZ. He has the same name as a king that lived 3,000 years ago. And for some unknown reason, he had the key to the ultimate weapon hung around his neck. It's finally time. Follow me to my chambers."

We follow Lysandre, and we head down to find a fifth scientist for Team Flare? The man says, "So the Poké Balls we received and the Pokémon we've gathered are where they need to be. Add it all up, and it means all preparations are complete!"

"The only thing left to do is put the plan in motion. I'm counting on you." Lysandre says as he shows us two buttons. "One push of a button, and we can activate the ultimate weapon from this room. I believe being a chosen one means you have the potential to change the future! Whether we activate the ultimate weapon or leave it safely underground will rest upon whether you actually have this potential or not."

So he wants us to decide? After he leaves, the scientist says, "Oh ho ho! You're the one I've heard so much about! I've been waiting for you! I need to do a little research on you! Come, let us begin!"

The scientist is named Xerosic, and he uses a Crobat and a Malamar to battle, we have to defeat him using Pikachu and Absol. "Oh ho ho! You're wonderful! Your Pokémon are amazing!"

He laughs, "Wonderful! Amazing! You have tremendous skill and bravery! When you add that up, it means I will tell you something very interesting. It happened 3,000 years ago. The ultimate weapon was used to put an end to the war in an instant. If we use that incredible power, we can finally free Kalos of the foolish humans that plague it! Behind me you'll find a red button and a blue button. One of them is the button for activating the ultimate weapon. Push one now! Come on! Push one!"

"Ash, do we have to press that?" Elline asks.

"The fate is in our hands... we have to do this." I say as I press the blue button, and he says, "You pressed it! Oh ho ho! You pressed the blue switch! Winner, winner! Congratulations! But I'm still going to activate the ultimate weapon! I know the boss promised that we wouldn't if you pushed the correct button, but I refuse to let the potential go to waste! I'll just use my remote, here! Click-click! And the power is ON! Come on! Look! Look at the monitor!"

Just then, much to our horror, we see that in Geosenge Town, the three stones disappear into the ground as the Ultimate Weapon bursts out of it. Sending pieces of rocks to the buildings. We gasp in horror at the death of the citizens who are around the area and doesn't even know what is happening.

"This is..." Serena covers her mouth in horror.

"All those people in Geosenge Town..." I say.

"Did you see? The ultimate weapon is reborn! The poisonous flower has bloomed! All shall perish! Except for Team Flare! Look at Geosenge! It has bloomed in Geosenge Town! The boss's dream of creating a beautiful world will come true! Add it all up, and it equals... a victory for our SCIENCE!"

"Xerosic, this isn't science! It's madness! You can't create a beautiful world by causing destruction and harm. Real science is about understanding and improving, not about bringing about the end of everything. Team Flare's vision is a dangerous path, and we won't let it come to pass. We'll stop you and protect Kalos!" Clemont says.

"Clemont sure is really angry now..." David says. "But I understand his feelings."

That's when I get a call from my Mom, and she says, "We've seen the news, the Ultimate Weapon under Geosenge Town is activated, right?"

"Yes, Mom. What are we going to do then?" I ask.

"We shall meet up over there." My Mom says, "Also, bring Yveltal as well."

We nod as we quickly leave the place and head to Geosenge Town.

Here is a new chapter, and we're finally here, the first part of the Team Flare battle. There are going to be two phases for Team Flare and the first one is related to Xerneas and Yveltal, and for the second one... Anime fans should know about it.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Frogadier (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Skrelp, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Yveltal, Diancie, Hoopa

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