Chapter 43

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When we arrive at Geosenge Town, we find our Mother there, and she says, "Ash, you guys, are you okay?"

"We're fine. We weren't able to stop them from activating the Ultimate Weapon..." I say with a frown.

"So far 20 people have died while 350 people are injured. The Hotel Marine Snow is now filled with doctors and nurses that we can find since the place and the Pokemon Center are the only ones that aren't destroyed."

"I see..." Clemont says.

"And our officers also find the entrance to the Ultimate Weapon, I trust you to go inside and stop Lysandre?" My Mom asks.

"You bet." I say as we rush into the secret HQ. When we get inside the small entrance, we find a panel on the ground with some buttons. We think that it is an elevator and we press downwards to the bottom, where we find a lot of Team Flare members and also Lysandre.

"The ultimate weapon's flower has finally bloomed above the soil. Don't you find its beauty captivating? As we speak, it draws its energy from the Legendary Pokémon. I apologize that the weapon was unearthed even after you chose it correctly in the lab. But conflicting egos drive this world-things don't always go the way you want!" Lysandre says.

"Ultimate weapon? We won't let you use it!" Calem says.

"Even though resources, space, and energy on this planet are limited, the number of people and Pokémon has increased to an unsustainable level. Whether it's money or energy, the ones who steal are the ones who win in this world."

"But that doesn't give you the right to destroy everyone but the ones Team Flare chooses!" Serena says.

"So, tell me. The Key Stones, did you share it?" Lysandre asks, and we flinch. I say, "That's different! We get each of the Key Stones by ourselves, but..."

"When there is only one of something, it can't be shared. When something can't be shared, it will be fought over. And when something is fought over, some must survive without it. The only way to create a world where people live in beauty, a world without conflict or theft, is to reduce the number of living things." Lysandre says.

"Then what about Pokemon?" David asks, and then we see Lysandre closes his eyes with tears.

"Why... are you crying?" Calem asks.

"Pokémon... Shall no longer exist. Pokémon are wonderful beings. Humans have worked with Pokémon, and we have helped each other flourish. But precisely because of that, they will inevitably become tools for war and theft!" Then he yells, "Enough of this. You want to stop the ultimate weapon, and I refuse to do so. So, I will keep you busy for just a moment..."

We have to battle him for the second time, though this time his Mienfoo and Murkrow evolve into Mienshao and Honchkrow, but we still manage to defeat him like last time, though it takes more Pokemon than the last time to take him down.

"The strength to protect, huh? But what are you really protecting? A tomorrow that will only end up being worse than today?" Lysandre asks.

"The strength to protect isn't just about preserving the present, Lysandre. It's about ensuring a future where people and Pokémon can thrive together. Maybe today is difficult, but if we don't stand up to protect what matters, then tomorrow will never have a chance to be better. It's not just about strength; it's about hope and the belief that together, we can make a positive difference in the world." I say back.

"You're as strong as ever. But... It's too late! There's no hope for you now! Go down to the lowest floor, and see for yourself!"

"Trainers are protected by Pokémon, but they protect Pokémon, too, right? Look! That's the entrance to the lower floors over there!" Let's hurry!" Serena says. We decide to rush downstairs, and we decide to rush down to find out if Xerneas is down there.

While we're rushing downstairs, we have some admins and grunts stopping us, and that's when we're in midway that we find Shauna rushing to us. "Shauna?! What are you doing here?" Serena asks.

"I'm sorry... I know... I'm just going to slow you down." Shauna says, "But... But friends should stick together!"

Calem then walks forward and says, "I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking clearly, and I didn't consider your feelings. Thank you for coming. Friends should stick together. Guys, we'll all stick together, right?"

"Of course." Bonnie is the one who says, and I say, "She's right. It should be."

"Shauna, stay close to us." Serena says.

"OK! Thank you!" Then we continue down and we decide to go to the door. David says, "It's an electronic lock. What should we do?"

Clemont says, "Just leave it to me. After all, the future is now thanks to science! Clemontic Gear on! I present the device that helps when we're stuck on a puzzle, I call it, the Puzzle breaker!"

"But is an electronic lock and a puzzle the same sort of thing?" Shauna asks.

"Just watch." Clemont then uses the device and as usual, the device is not actually working until it explodes, the explosion also causes the lock to open.

"Here we go again..." Bonnie sighs.

"But we're finally here. The Legendary Pokémon is inside. Let's save it together!" Calem says as we enter the place. I say, "So this is the place... It's really hard to breathe in here. Feels like there's a weight on my chest..."

"Hey... Is that thing that looks like a tree the Legendary Pokémon? It doesn't look like it's alive, but..." Shauna says.

Much to our horror, more admins have arrived and one says, "That's none of your business, kids." "The ultimate weapon has taken 99% of the Legendary Pokemon's energy. But just to make double sure nothing goes wrong, let's take these runts out!"

"Nooo! I hate being chased!" Then Shauna runs away, and Calem mutters, "It's the Poké Ball Factory all over again... Guys! You take care of things here! I'll protect Shauna!"

After Calem leaves, we decide to continue fighting our way through and we beat all the admins on the way. After they run away, I throw the Pokeball and sends out Yveltal. Yveltal asks, "Where are we?"

"This is the Team Flare's secret HQ, Xerneas is trapped in that machine. I need your help." I say as Yveltal uses the Oblivion on the machine, and in response, the tree is glowing, and revealing itself to be Xerneas.

"Xerneas!" Serena gasps.

"Chosen ones. Thank you for freeing me from the machine." Xerneas says. "And thanks to you as well, Yveltal."

"Thank us later, we should escape here." Yveltal says, and Xerneas decides to give us the Pokeball so we can capture it officially.

Xerneas: The Life Pokemon: Fairy Type. Legends say it can share eternal life. It slept for a thousand years in the form of a tree before its revival.

Once we're done, Shauna and Calem arrive and Calem says, "Great! Now they can't use the ultimate weapon."

"You're amazing, Ash and Serena! Legendary Pokémon wants to be your friend like that! It's unbelievable!" Shauna says.

"What a startling development! I never would've thought you were really chosen ones!" We turn to see Lysandre arriving with some sort of device, and he roars, "So THIS is the mighty Xerneas and Yveltal?! I expected more from Pokémon called legends! You desire help from people? YOU need help from humans?"

"Wh-what's going on with that outfit? Is that really you, Lysandre? Oh, whatever! Ash and his group already beat you! What are you doing here?" Shauna says.

"For me, victory is using the ultimate weapon. In order to do that, I need to reclaim the Legendary Pokémon's power and send it to that weapon once again. I'll be taking the Legendary Pokémon back now! This time, I won't lose. I, too, shall use the Mega Ring and Mega Stone that you researched during your travels."

And much to our surprise, this time Lysandre manages to Mega Evolve his Gyarados into its Mega Form, but this time we have Xerneas and Yveltal battling them, I also have Yveltal not use Oblivion's true power to turn the Pokemon into a stone, and he does it but still use to recover some health. After all four of the Pokemon are defeated, Lysandre just throws the visor to the ground. "It's over... Fools with no vision will continue to befoul this beautiful world. They will go on until the only thing left to do is squabble over the remaining scraps of hope..."

Shauna says, "Um... Know what I think? Even if there's only a little bit of something, it's still best to share it. Even you managed to use Mega Evolution... That's because Gyarados shared its power with you, didn't it? And not just Gyarados, but your other Pokémon, too..."

Calem says, "The Legendary Pokémon is gone, so you can't use the ultimate weapon anymore, right? You don't have to worry about the future all alone... Shouldn't everyone work together to make a beautiful world?"

"If that were possible, all wars would have ended long ago! I can only see one future! One where selfish, foolish humans think about nothing other than themselves and steal more and more from one another... It's a tragic future!" Lysandre says. "The original purpose of this device was to bring a Pokémon back to life. But the ancient king transformed it into this ultimate weapon... Hmm. When the Legendary Pokémon awakened, it took back much of its energy-its power-that had been sent to the ultimate weapon. There's not much power left... But there IS enough to use it once..."

Then much to our horror, he yells, "Ash Ketchum, Sycamore's pupils... Let us live forever... That's right! I shall grant you eternal life! I'll give you the pain of endlessly waiting for a beautiful world to finally be built!"

We gasp as we try to get out of here, and when we finally do, the Ultimate Weapon activates, firing into the sky a massive ball of energy, which then comes crashing back down. It destroys the weapon, causing it to fall back underground, leaving a giant crater in its wake. The Secret HQ and its entrance are also destroyed.

My Mom rushes to us and says, "I'm so glad you're all safe!"

It turns out that she's not the only one here, Tierno, Trevor, Sina, and Dexio are also here. "I really respect the courage and kindness all of you showed." Sina says.

"Thank you... We all go out in one piece. Are you guys all OK, Tierno?" I say.

"Yep! As you can see, we're doing great! Thanks for asking! We worked together to save the Pokémon connected to the stones on Route 10! I mostly left battling with Team Flare to Sina and Dexio, though..."

"Don't worry about it, Tierno. We were all doing the best we could to stop Team Flare's plans." Dexio says. "Oh, we have a little bit of news for you all. We managed to destroy the machine in Lysandre's lab that was spying on people's Holo Caster transmissions."

We sigh in relief, and Trevor asks, "So, we won't have to deal with Team Flare anymore? Now I can go back to filling up my Pokédex!"

About that, I still think it is not over. Shauna says, "'s finally over, right? We can go back to our adventure, right?! Let's go back to Anistar City and start over from where we left off!"

After they leave, I say, "I still think it's not over yet. Olympia does say that there are two disasters, right? If that was the first disaster... then there must be one more..."

Serena says, "Not to mention we don't have any clues about Frogadier's relation with Team Flare back in the labs... not to mention Alain is not there as well... I wonder if that's not the real Team Flare lab..."

Some police officers also come to my Mom, and she widens her eyes, "Lysandre... we find no signs of his body around the explosion... could he escape already?"

We shiver a little as we notice that things aren't finished yet. So we decide to continue traveling as we continue our journey to Snowbelle City and find out if Team Flare was still active.

Back in the hideout, Charizard and I have been taking on challenges set by Lysandre to battle the Mega-Evolved Pokemon. If I lose one battle, he will take back the Mega Ring that I'm wearing, I know it is hard for Charizard, but it is for the best.

After my second win, Mairin approaches us and she says, "Is it true that you're battling with the Key Stone and Mega Stone on the line?"

"Yeah? That isn't your concern, Mairin." I say.

"So what about our journey?" Mairin asks.

"Go wherever you want." I say.

"Chespie and I got stronger because we were with you!" Mairin says, "I want all of us to be together!"

"No way!" I yell back.

"But why?" She asks.

"Because if you're in danger." I say back.

"But I'm sure if you're with us, we'll make it through." Mairin tries to protest. I turn away and say, "Stop relying on me. Don't you understand? I can't get stronger with you around!"

Then Mairin and Chespie run away, it is for the best. I know that Charizard is also worried, but I know it is for the best.

After winning nine battles in a row, the final one that shows up is Malva. She says, "You surprised me. I would never imagine you would defeat nine trainers. Please to meet you, I'm Malva and I'll be your final opponent."

"The Elite Four... Malva..." I say.

"So you know me, I'm quite pleased." Malva says. "I heard you lost to Seibold, eh?"

"I won't lose this time, I have a lot more at stake." I say back.

She is using the Mega Houndoom, so I use Mega Charizard once more, and despite having the Solar Power ability, I still win in the end, Malva says, "You're quite an irritating trainer, kid. But you did win ten in a row. Congratulations."

"Thank you very much." I say. And that's when Lysandre shows up. "Defeating Malva is impressive indeed. Mega Evolution, that something Pokemon can do by themselves."

"Right, trainers are vital. We got our own important work to do." I say. "Thanks very much. Now I can protect the ones I love, and it's because of you, sir."

Just then, we hear the news of what happened to Chespie, and I hide behind the walls and I am angry at what happened. If I haven't pushed her away, maybe this won't happen...

Then I decide to leave the Lysandre Labs and continue my journey to become the best Mega Evolution trainer, and while I'm doing that, I also notice the news of how Lysandre is trying to use some sort of ultimate weapon. I was surprised that he was trying to make himself an enemy of those who have the Holo Casters. However, on the news in the Pokemon Center, I also notice how the Ultimate Weapon has failed. I think that my other self and his friends have something to do with it. Though I suspect that now my other self has made an enemy to Lysandre and I hope nothing happens to him.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the end of the Ultimate Weapon arc. Now we're finally going into the XY&Z anime part.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Frogadier (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Skrelp, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Yveltal, Diancie, Hoopa

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