Chapter 44

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After the night of resting in Geosenge Town's Hotel Marine Snow, we are about to go back to Anistar City. However, AZ suddenly appears in front of us. "A long time ago. A very long time ago. The man made an ultimate weapon. Using it required the life force of many Pokémon... The Pokémon granted eternal life learned this. The resurrected eternal Pokémon left the man's side. The man was surprised and sad. He had revived it so they could be together... Day after day passed, but they were never to meet. Eventually, he became a mere shell of a man. A man condemned to wander forever by the light of the weapon... And a Pokémon that also wanders eternally... Where is it now? What do I have to do to meet it?"

Then after he leaves, we shrug as we head back to Anistar City, and now we can actually go to Route 18. On the way, Bonnie seems to have found something in her bag, and as we watch, it has a green body with a red core in it. I gasp as I know what this Pokemon is, and that's also when it wakes up and is scared.

"Wow, it moved!" Bonnie says.

The core tries to escape, but Bonnie is chasing after it. "There! I gotcha!"

I say, "Bonnie, hold on a second. Can you hand me that?"

Bonnie is confused but hands me the core, and Clemont says, "I've never seen that Pokemon before."

I say, "That's because this Pokemon... Xerneas represents the letter X, Yveltal represents the letter Y, and then there is Z... the Pokemon that represents the letter... Zygarde... is right here."

"Zygarde?" David asks, "But isn't Zygarde look like the letter Z? It is also a Dragon and Ground Type like Garchomp!"

"What you said is right, but that's when there are 50 of these combined together." I say. "You're Zygarde, right?"

The Zygarde looks at me, he feels a little calm after knowing who I am, Bonnie says, "You know, the name Zygarde really is a mouthful... how about we call it Squishy?"

The Zygarde seems to be sighing in defeat at the name, but we decide to go for it. It is then we find some Dodrio running towards us as a Grovyle is the one attacking them.

"Grovyle!" We turn to see Sawyer rushing to us. "Sawyer?"

"Hey! It's you guys! I can't believe I run into you!" Sawyer says. He reveals that he's trying to capture the Dodrio, but in the midst of the mess, Zygarde, I mean, Squishy, is gone.

"Oh no! Squishy is gone..." Bonnie says.

"This is bad. If Team Flare finds it, then it might be troublesome." I say as we try to find the Pokemon.

"Zygarde? You mean the Legendary Pokemon?" Sawyer asks. "You said that he's with you? But isn't Zygarde a giant Pokemon that looks like the letter Z?"

"Right, but that's when there are 50 of them gathering together. It looks like a cell when it is alone." Serena says.

Just then, we hear Squishy's cry and we rush to find Celosia and Team Flare targeting it. "It's Celosia!" David says.

"You again! The annoying brats who stopped the Ultimate Weapon!" Celosia says.

"Leave Zygarde alone! You're not going to use that to activate the Ultimate Weapona again!" I say.

"What we want to do with the little one is our business now, isn't it?" Celosia taunts, and Bonnie yells, "No! Squishy is asking us for help! You let Squishy go!"

"Please, what a bore. Drapion, use Toxic now!" Then Drapion tries to attack, while I send out Garchomp and use Sand Tomb to block the attack. Sawyer's Grovyle also uses Leaf Storm that causes Drapion to let go of Squishy, and Bonnie manages to catch it.

Serena says, "Vivillon! Come out and use Supersonic!"

When Vivillon uses the move, Drapion tries to use Sludge Bomb while we use Thunderbolt to get away.

As the sun starts to go down, I say, "I can't believe they're back in action so soon... and they seem to change their targets to Zygarde this time..."

Sawyer says, "So what are those guys?"

"They're Team Flare, you've seen the recent news of what happened to Geosenge Town, right? That's their doing." I say. "Their boss Lysandre wants to destroy the world so that evil people won't be able to exist anymore."

"But that is crazy..." Sawyer says.

When Bonnie is trying to feed Squishy, Squishy refuses anything and I ask, "Squishy, are you hungry?"

"Sunlight is enough for me." He replies to me and then he starts to bounce onto a rock, then he stops for a second before absorbing the sunlight. I say, "The one thing about Zygarde is that it can detect its cells to see the whole world, it is also known as the Order Pokemon."

"Wow..." Bonnie says.

Then I turn to Sawyer, "So how many Gyms have you been to, Sawyer?"

"I've been to a whole bunch! I've got five badges now! What about you?"

"I've got seven now." I say.

"Incredible, one more to go." Sawyer says.

Sawyer asks about the Psychic Badge from the Anistar Gym, and I tell him that Olympia was strong, to which Pikachu starts to wag his tail similar to how he did in the Gym battle as Serena mentions how Pikachu deserves a lot of credit for the victory at the Gym, which makes Pikachu happy. Sawyer tells Ash that the Anistar Gym is the Gym he intends on challenging for his next Badge and asks where we will be challenging for his final Gym Badge, we decide to tell him that we're going to Snowbelle City.

"You've been there?" I ask.

"No way. The Gym Leader's supposed to be really strong so not quite yet. Oh yeah! There's this cool place on the way to Snowbelle City called Terminus Cave. Take a look!" Sawyer says.

"Terminus Cave, you say..." Just as Serena is showing the place, Squishy notices it and it starts to bounce on it angrily.

"Squishy? What's wrong?" I ask.

"That's where I was abducted!" He says to me, and I ask, "Abducted? By Team Flare I assume?"

The Legendary Pokemon nods, and I say, "I see... then we'll make sure to bring you back there."

As we are trying to sleep, Squishy suddenly bounces on me and I ask, "Squishy? What's wrong?"

"Those people are back!" He says, and we realize that Team Flare is nearby. As we are running, we find a Pin Missile hit Squishy, causing it to fly back, as another Pin Missile heads towards them as Bonnie protects Squishy.

We find Team Flare again and this time I decide to send out Frogadier to battle. Celosia says, "The Frogadier... I see..."

Then we battle Celosia and the grunts again, and in the end I ask Serena and the others to take Squishy to safety while Sawyer and I handle everything. But after we battle and create several explosions, we find that they are gone.

"We've gotta get to the others quick!" I say.

Just then, we notice the ground shaking and we realize that it is Zygarde's Land's Wrath. So we try to chase after the light and find the others and Squishy. "You guys already?"

"We're fine." Elline says.

With the sun rising, Squishy absorbs the light and now starting to heal. Serena is now holding Squishy since it is safe. And I say, "Sawyer, thanks for battling alongside me."

"I hope Grovyle and I were able to help you." Sawyer says.

Then we decide to bid farewell to Sawyer and Grovyle and continue to move, but along the way, I suddenly feel my Alain self nearby and I'm confused, I snap out what Bonnie asks, "Hey, Ash and Serena! Can I take care of Squishy right now please?"

I say, "Of course you can."

Then Bonnie decides to make a new pouch for Squishy to stay, and he sighs as he stays in the bag.

As we are resting, Hawlucha finds a Pokemon Egg nearby and shows us where he found it. And much to our surprise, the egg is hatching as we have Talonflame help out with the Flame Body ability. The egg hatches into a Noibat in the end. As Noibat opens its eyes, it is overwhelmed by all of the attention and uses Supersonic. Bonnie tries to calm Noibat down, but he continues using Supersonic, and Ash and Serena are the only ones able to comfort it.

"Wow, looks like he sees Ash and Serena as parents." Elline says, and we blush a little. That also gives us the chance to capture the Pokemon.

Noibat: The Sound Wave Pokemon: Flying and Dragon Type. Even a robust wrestler will become dizzy and unable to stand when exposed to its 200,000-hertz ultrasonic waves.

Everyone looks for fruit that Noibat likes to eat. Unfortunately, when Dedenne picks a fruit for Noibat, Noibat uses its highly sensitive ears to examine the fruit and refuses to eat it. Trying to convince Noibat to eat the fruit, Bonnie takes a bite and discovers that it tastes terrible. All of the Pokémon help to pick lots of fruit for Noibat to examine, but it deems them all inedible. Noibat then discovers that Bonnie is holding two more pieces of fruit, and he decides that they will taste good.

Once Noibat has finished eating, it walks away and tries to fly into the air, but it soon falls back to the ground again. Although Noibat's second attempt at flight is again unsuccessful, I manage to catch Noibat before he falls to the ground again.

We have some Flying Types to be Noibat's teachers, guiding it through the air and showing it how to fly. Although Noibat does much better this time, it still fails to remain airborne for more than a few seconds. At this, Clemont suggests teaching Noibat to glide before teaching it how to fly, and I tell Hawlucha to instruct Noibat. Once again, Noibat does very well, but only for a moment. Fortunately, Hawlucha catches it before it can hit the ground again.

"Wow, this could be a problem..." Serena says.

And that's when we continue traveling and we come across a race called Pokemon Sky Relay. A man named Ornithol and his Noctowl help us train for the race and I decide to use Talonflame, Hawlucha, and Noibat to race.

In the end, Noibat at first have trouble flying, but then he manages to fly in the end and we're happy, even though we didn't win the race in the end as we get second place.

After we finish training with Frogadier, we are preparing to have lunch. Squishy senses a foreign presence nearby, and Frogadier soon also senses something amiss. Frogadier then launches off its frubbles, blocking an incoming attack. It is revealed to be Sanpei and his Greninja.

"Wow, well done!" Sanpei says.

"It's Sanpei! And Greninja!" I gasp.

"When we saw you here, we thought we'd sneak up on you. but I didn't think you'd notice us first." Sanpei says. "You're improving, Frogadier. But what happened to its color?"

I say, "It's been a while, Sanpei. Let's say that a Yveltal changed him into a Shiny Pokemon."

Then we decide to invite Sanpei for lunch, and we realize that the Ninja Village where Sanpei was born is actually nearby.

"You see, Greninja and I are on our way back home so we can be a part of tomorrow's village festival." Sanpei says.

As we express our interest in coming to the village, Sanpei happily invites us over. When we enter the cave which appears to be a dead-end, Sanpei proceeds to knock on the stone at the end of the cave, with a man answering with the word "mountain". Sanpei replies with the code "river", causing the stone door to slide away, revealing a path.

"Sanpei, welcome home." He is greeted by two men. "So. Are they your friends? Go see everyone! They'll be glad you're back!"

The path then leads us to Ninja Village, a town encased by cliffs on all sides. Sanpei greets the villagers, and the word eventually gets to his brothers, Ippei and Nihei. His brothers come to greet Sanpei, and compliment Sanpei on evolving his Frogadier.

After introducing ourselves, the village chef Hanzo also arrives with a girl named Shinobu, who greet us. After laughing too hard, Hanzo begins to cough in exhaustion and is taken care of by Shinobu. Hanzo then begins to flirt with Shinobu, only to reveal that Shinobu has performed a ninja body switch on Hanzo.

Nihei then challenges Sanpei to a battle to see how much he has grown, though in the end Sanpei loses as his Greninja is defeated by Venusaur.

Hanzo says, "You two left far too many openings to beat him. Against anyone else you should have been able to claim victory with your very first Night Slash."

"Chief? I guess I don't understand." Sanpei says.

"You must not have noticed. Venusauur skillfully blocked your Night Slash mere moments before it made contact." Ippei says.

"That said, you still battled well against Venusaur who has a type advantage over Greninja. Quite commendable. You've grown!"

"Thank you." Sanpei bows.

We are now exploring the caves that serve as homes for the villagers and follow Sanpei to his room. Our Frogadier notices a photo in his room, showing Sanpei with his Froakie before he leaves on his journey.

"So are your plans now, Sanpei?" Clemont asks.

"I'm going to stay here and train hard and help my brothers out as well. It's been decided that Ippei will become the next chief. Hanzo's going to retire after tomorrow's village festival. From now on, my brothers and I will be combining forces and protecting Ninja village."

"Awesome. I know the three of you will be great." I say.

As Sanpei is talking, Dedenne is playing around with Squishy but accidentally falls down a hidden trap door on the floor. Bonnie notes their absence and Sanpei reveals the trap door, thinking that they may have fallen through to the secret underground passageways.

We follow them and jump down, and on the other end, we find that Bonnie is caught by Ippei while Dedenne and Squishy are caught by Nihei.

"I thought they'd be here. I'm so glad we found you!" Sanpei says.

"Oh. So they came from your room, then." Nihei says.

Sanpei's brothers then lead us to a monument dedicated to the hero of the village, a Greninja. Ippei tells us the story related to the hero, back when the village ninjas had fought against each other. While the reason for the fight was unknown, the Pokémon of the village had defended their village, with Greninja as their leader. Ippei and Sanpei reveal that they had chosen Froakie as their starter in admiration of the hero.

"But that Greninja looks different than the ones I've seen before." Bonnie says.

"Maybe you're right." Clemont says.

Suddenly, some Skarmory come and attack the village. As the villagers flee, alarms warn us of danger. Ippei suggests that Sanpei take us to Hanzo while Ippei and Nihei investigate outside.

When we arrive at Hanzo's place, we suddenly feel the Icy Wind and a man arrives, saying, "Now then, Hanzo, chief of the Ninja Village... You'll be coming with us."

Then two more ninjas appear and they try to kidnap Hanzo with the String Shots of Ariados. Sanpei and I decide to chase after the thieves, and on our way, we are stopped by a man, "It's the end of the line."

He sends out a Bisharp, and Sanpei yells, "You're not stopping me!"

We decide to battle the ninja. However, his Bisharp dodges all attacks from Pikachu, Zoroark, Frogadier, and Sanpei's Greninja, and then attacks all four with Shadow Claw. Despite Frogadier's frubbles and Greninja's Night Slash, Bisharp remains unfazed and proceeds to attack them with Snarl.

Just as we are about to lose against him, it is then that Sanpei's master, Saizo, arrives with his Barbaracle. The ninja says, "It seems I'm outnumbered. But it looks like I have also bought enough time."

Then he retreats, and when we're trying to chase after him, Saizo says, "Stop there. Going after him won't help. Our chef has fallen into enemy hands, and if we act carelessly, we may lose our opportunity to save him. We need to create a plan."

At the village, Saizo tells everyone that the identity of the thieves is a man called Kagetomo.

it was Kagetomo and his henchmen who had kidnapped the chief. He explains to us that Kagetomo was a powerful ninja from the Ninja Village who was to be the next village chief. However, he ran away with the one that we faced, a ninja named Heidayu, because he was denied the position of chief due to his thirst for power. Kagetomo had then formed a ninja force to capture Hanzo. Saizo had planned to stop him but had come too late to save Hanzo.

"I sure hope he's doing all right." Elline mutters.

"I've gotta do something, we have to save the chief." Sanpei says.

"But we have no idea where Hanzo's being held right now!" Clemont says.

Then we learn that the chief is now being held in Otori Mountain, and we decide to go there. However, we are intercepted by Heidayu and some of his ninja subordinates.

"Don't let them go any further!" Then they try to attack us, and Nihei says, "Saizo, we will handle things here, you go find the chief."

Then we decide to battle our way through, and both Sanpei's Greninja and our Frogadier are battling against Bisharp. However, after knocking Frogadier and Greninja with Snarl, Bisharp runs to attack the injured Greninja with Shadow Claw. However, before the attack lands, Frogadier jumps ahead of Greninja and pushes back Bisharp. As it does so, Frogadier evolves into Greninja.

Greninja: The Ninja Pokemon: Water and Dark Type. Evolve from Frogadier at LV:36. It appears and vanishes with a ninja's grace. It toys with its enemies using swift movements, while slicing them by throwing stars of the sharpest water.

"A black Greninja..." Sanpei gasps, "So that's what Greninja looks like in Shiny form..."

"You're not going to win! Kagetomo will become the chief! X-Scissor, go!" Heidayu yells.

"Well, we're getting stronger! Let's go!" I yell, and just then, I feel like I'm now one with Greninja and now Greninja seems to be inside some sort of water vortex. Everyone looks in shock at the sight as Greninja quickly defeats Bisharp with an extremely powerful Cut and then reverts back to its original form.

"What did Greninja just do?" I'm also surprised since I've never seen Greninja in a different form.

When we finally arrive, we find that Ippei already defeated Kagetomo. Hanzo mentions that Kagetomo lacks one thing Ippei has, which is, devotion to the dreams of the people, Pokémon, and even the whole world. Back at the village, Hanzo declares Ippei as the new village chief as he passes the chief emblem to him. Later, Kagetomo with Heidayu apologizes, and Hanzo and Ippei accept his mistakes and decide to dedicate their powers to the world. For this, Kagetomo decides to go off on a journey to explore the world. He then tells Ippei to take care of the village before leaving with Heidayu.

We stay for a night before we decide to leave, and they all bid us farewell and says that we're always welcome to visit the Ninja Village.

And this is the chapter, you can see that Ash-Greninja has finally appear in the series. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Terminus Cave and Couriway Town.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Frogadier (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Skrelp, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noibat, Xerneas, Yveltal, Diancie, Hoopa

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