Chapter 45

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We are still on Route 18, also known as Vallée Étroite Way, after exploring the Inverse Battle House, which they have the same house in Hoenn, we arrive at Terminus Cave.

Serena says, "I heard this mine was abandoned years ago, but now it's home to many wild Pokemon, so it attracts a lot of Trainers."

Squishy jumps out of Bonnie's bag and goes down a passageway causing us to follow. Since it is too dark, Serena has Charla lights up the flame, and we arrive further down the cave. "How much farther?" I ask.

"Just a few more..." Then he jumps onto the cliff, and I decide to have Noibat use ultrasound waves to find the easier path to go down. Clemont also has Luxray to help with X-ray vision. We soon find a passageway for us to take and follow it.

When we finally find Squishy in the pond, it becomes invisible so that we can't find it. However, to our annoyance, Celosia and Bryony are the ones who show up again. "You two again!" I gasp.

Their Drapion uses the Sludge Bomb, and Celosia says, "That was a warning. The next will be much worse!"

They find Squishy's whereabouts and both scientists are trying to shooting at Squishy. Serena tries to grab Squishy, but the Drapion fires the Sludge Bomb and I have to get her out of the way.

"We have to stop those Team Flare grunts." Elline says.

"Right!" Then as we deal with the grunts, I also send out Greninja to battle. I have Greninja get Squishy out of there, and now Bryony is using Bisharp to attack Greninja. But he dodges and brings Squishy back to me.

"Are you alright, Squishy?" I ask, and Squishy nods.

"Listen! That Zygarde is more than it seems. It's our duty to retrieve it." Celosia says.

Bryony asks, "Now, will you hand it over?"

"We're protecting Squishy. We promised we'd never let it go!" Serena says.

"You leave us no choice." Then much to our surprise, Squishy is starting to glow, and we find some cells nearby. I say, "Zygarde is now transforming! Everyone, stay back!"

We see that Squishy is now turning into a dog-like form, and Bonnie asks, "That's Squishy?"

"But isn't is supposed to be shaped like a Z? Now it looks like a Houndoom-shaped..." David says.

"That's the 10% form." I say. "And 10% is the least that it needs to be a Pokemon to battle. Squishy, if you can hear me, use Thousand Arrows!"

"Thousand Arrows?" Elline asks with confusion as we see a lot of arrows hitting the Team Flare grunts and also the Pokemon. Clemont says, "So much power... and a Ground Type move even hits a Flying Type?"

Then Squishy escapes, and Bryony tries to send out Liepard while Celosia sends out Manectric to chase after them. We decide to stop them, and that's when the same thing from Greninja happens again.

"What the..." Celosia asks.

"Water Shuriken!" I command, and Manectric tries to use Shock Wave, but when it attacks me, I can also feel the pain as well, and it is not just me, but Serena also seems to be in pain as well.

"Serena?" Elline asks.

"Ash... you see it, right?" Serena asks, and I nod, "I do. Use Cut!"

Then Greninja continues to attack until both Pokemon are down. Bryony says, "So this was the special Froakie that escaped the lab..."

"So much power... no wonder Lysandre wants that..." Celosia says as they decide to retreat by using Flash. After they're gone, I say, "Serena... about what you ask me... are you feeling it as well?"

"Yeah... it was like somehow I became a part of Greninja." Serena says.

"But wait, I want to know where Squishy went!" Bonnie says.

We decide to exit the cave to find Squishy, but we can't find him anywhere. As we continue to find it, we accidentally stumble across some Toxicroaks and injure Clemont's Bunnelby in the process. Bonnie feels guilty and she wants to help Bunnelby get better. Nurse Joy says that the Pokemon Center is out of a medicinal plant called Nicera, so we decide to find it on our own. After we find the medicinal plant, we heal Bunnelby and that's when we find Squishy inside of Bonnie's bag safe and sound.

"Squishy! You have no idea how worried we've been about you!" Bonnie says.

"Yeah, we don't want you to get in more trouble with Team Flare." I say.

Squishy apologizes, but this time, he turns to me and Serena, saying that he wishes to be captured by the two of us. We decide to capture Squishy while having Bonnie keep it for a while in her bag.

Zygarde: The Order Pokemon: Dragon and Ground Type. It's hypothesized that it's monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives.

When we arrive at Couriway Town, we decide to go to the Pokemon Center, and on the way, we find Nurse Joy's leg stuck between the rocks, so we help her out and we find that Nurse Joy is actually trying to find a Mega Stone. But then we realize that we're almost late for the meeting with Professor Sycamore, so Nurse Joy decides to get us there from the ambulance.

Through this Nurse Joy's partner instead of Wigglytuff is an Audino, and Audino seems to have locked the door so that Nurse Joy can't go in. It brings back memories from the Unova Region. It turns out that Audino is really angry at Nurse Joy because she didn't tell him when she'll come back. It is thanks to a boy that we manage to go through the back door and try to talk with Audino.

It is then Professor Sycamore arrives, and instead of talking about business, we decide to help the injured Pokemon first. Then the Professor also notices Nurse Joy's Mega Stone, but not saying anything after Nurse Joy finishes healing Makuhita.

Then it is back to business, and Professor Sycamore says, "I have to apologize to you about Lysandre... I'm very sorry for the trouble he caused... And I'd also like to thank you! I'm sincerely grateful for what you did for all of the Pokémon and people of this world. And by stopping Team Flare, you also saved Lysandre. I always knew that he desired a beautiful world... And maybe someday the population of people and Pokémon will actually increase to where resources become very scarce. If someone acts out of greed in such a world, surely some will go without. If all living things keep acting that way, there will be nothing left at all in the end. Why, there won't even be anything left to steal, will there? But what I really wanted was for him to put his ego aside and lead everything to greater heights. I never had this discussion with him, though. So I'm partially responsible for this."

"It's fine, but I don't think Team Flare is gone yet. They are still active around the area and they are targeting Zygarde." I say as we show Squishy to him.

"Fascinating... it's rather squishy, isn't it?" Professor says while touching the Pokemon, who seems to be annoyed at the attention.

"So Professor, what do you think?" Serena asks.

"Most people know Zygarde as the Pokemon that is shaped like a Z, but this is the first time we've seen this form... I have Sina and Dexio also search about it as well."

Then we find Nurse Joy and Audino arguing again, and after we learn the past, Nurse Joy also shows Professor Sycamore's book to explain how she is trying to find Audinite. Then we decide to do some practice, and I help Nurse Joy wield Mega Evolution using our own Audino. And it is because of the bond that Nurse Joy and Audino succeed in the Mega Evolution.

After the problem is fixed, Professor Sycamore says, "The strength you've found is simply marvelous! And... You truly love and trust your Pokémon! A treasure of mine is hidden in this town! If you'd like, try to find it. Well, I'll be off then! I have many preparations I must attend to! I have a little surprise planned for all of you to thank you for fighting Team Flare and saving Kalos!"

After he leaves, we are happy about the surprise, but we know that there are still more things to do. We then find a Gyaradosite by the three waterfalls northeast of the hotel, and after that, we're going to the Couriway Showcase Hall for Serena's third Princess Key.

But just as we get there, we meet up with Nini, who is also here for the Showcase, and she also has one more Princess Key to go. It turns out that not only Nini is here, Scarlet is also here as well.

"Oh no..." I mutter a little as Serena says, "Scarlet! How are you?"

"I'm doing fine, though I haven't been able to get more Princess Keys, this time I'm going to get it and the thing is, Ms. Palermo is going to watch this one."

"Grandma is here as well?" I gasp in surprise. "Cool."

Then with Serena, Scarlet, and Nini go backstage, we decide to greet Grandma Palermo, who tells us that she's been training Scarlet during these months with Aria, and other than that, Grandma also teases how Aria is interested in me as well.

The theme performance for today is the Poke Puff Making, instead of having the guest judges judge, we are going to use the glow casters to vote this time. The first competitor to appear on stage is Nini, who manages to wow the audience together with her Smoochum, Farfetch'd, and Gothita. She gets enough votes to advance to the next round.

Second comes Scarlet, assisted by Milotic and Mantine, and she also manages to get to round two. After a couple more contestants perform, some succeeding while some others being eliminated, Serena gets called on stage. She uses Absol and greatly impresses the audience, surpassing the required number of votes to advance to the next round. With the Theme Performance behind, Pierre announces that the Freestyle Performance will start later that evening, meaning Performers can take a break to relax.

Then that evening, Nini displays a variety of moves to create a dramatic performance, while Scarlet has Wobbuffet and Dusknoir do some great tricks to leave the audience excited. Then it is Serena's turn. She's going with Pikachu and Eevee.

The performance begins with Pikachu creating a ring of electric around Serena and Eevee as the two dance. Eevee jumps numerous times before landing on Pikachu's Iron Tail. The audience is impressed by this and starts cheering louder, which makes Eevee scared and causes her to lose her balance. She ends up falling on her face and becomes sad for botching the performance, but Serena encourages her to continue performing. Eevee gets up and manages to finish the performance smiling and posing, but as soon as it ends, she gets sad again.

"It's all right. Just think, Eevee. It was your first performance in the Showcase. Did you have fun?" Eevee nods and the time to vote is here. And Scarlet is the winner.

I frown, "I'm sorry that you lost, Serena. And Eevee, don't be sad. What's important is to never give up."

Eevee then nods as we also notice our grandma leaving with Scarlet, and Nini also leaves. I say, "That reminds me, Grandma Palermo tells us something special."

"What do you mean?" Serena asks.

"Monsieur Pierre is going to hold a dance party tomorrow in his mansion." I say, "I know Scarlet is not going to attend this, but uh..."

Elline says, "If you're too embarrassed to talk, then I'll talk for you. In order to attend the dance party, all performers have to bring a date."

Serena is now blushing, and David saves me by saying, "Not to mention Aria will also attend this one as well."

"She'll be there too?" Serena is shocked.

And of course, Serena wants me to be her dance partner. "Eevee, with Pikachu by your side, you will be fine." Serena says as Eevee nods.

Once we leave the Pokémon Center the next day, we head towards Monsieur Pierre's mansion, where the dance party will be held. Serena notices it over the horizon, and in no time we arrive at the front gate. Once inside, we arrive at the front desk. The receptionist checks us in and then gives everyone a card.

"Excuse me are they-" Elline asks the receptionist.

"You'll need that card for a special event later." The receptionist says. She also notes that there are outfits available to rent, and points them in the direction of the dressing room.

Everyone goes to change their clothes, Serena comes out with a red dress, and she also praises Bonnie's purple dress. Elline also comes with a yellow dress, they also comment that they are beautiful. We also come with different colors of tuxedos.

Suddenly, the lights dim and a spotlight shines down on Monsieur Pierre and Aria from atop a large stairwell. Pierre thanks everyone for coming and introduces Aria, who greets the audience. Aria spots us among the crowd and smiles, and we do the same. Pierre and Aria hold hands and walk down the staircase, and Delphox does the same with Klefki. Once the two couples arrive on the dance floor, they dance together.

Once Pierre and Aria finish dancing, the lights come back on and everyone applauds. The two take a bow and Pierre announces that the dance floor is now open. Everyone except Bonnie is on the dance floor, we enjoy the time there. Eevee also feels not nervous and happily dances with Pikachu. Then it is time to switch partners, and I manage to dance with Aria a little, she compliments me, "You really are a good dancer, eh? Scarlet?"

I blush a little and say, "Scarlet is not in me, just so you know."

"Of course I know, I was just teasing you." Then we didn't talk more as we switched partners again. But when it is back to me and Serena's turn, the music stops and Serena seems to be in distraught.

"Well, that's it. So Serena, did you have a good time?"

"I guess I did. Wish I could've danced more." Serena frowns.

"All right, let us begin today's main event: our enchanting Tag Battle! There are no Pokemon battles in a Pokemon Showcase, so consider this a special treat! All our participants will be chosen at random. Please raise the card you received at the reception desk, and hold it up to the light. If a mark appears, then you're one of our lucky participants." Monsieur Pierre says.

As the light stops on Serena and me, he says, "We have Performer Serena and Ash Ketchum partnered together!" Everyone is cheering, as we walk onto the battlefield.

In the battle, Serena uses Eevee while I use Pikachu. When Eevee gets knocked down, Serena steps in to encourage it...and thanks to the bond between them, Eevee evolves into Sylveon and wins the battle.

Sylveon: The Interwining Pokemon: Fairy Type. Evolved from Eevee by leveling up while knowing a Fairy-type move and having high friendship. It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.

In order to thank everyone for coming to the event, Monsieur Pierre reveals where the next Pokémon Showcase will be held, in Fleurrh City, so Serena can get the third Princess Key there.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the Couriway Town and Terminus Cave Chapter. The next chapter will be meeting Alain again.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Frogadier (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Skrelp, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noibat, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa

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