Chapter 5

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We arrive at Route 22 first, which is known as Détourner Way. We are here because there is one Pokemon that I want to capture. Clemont says, "We've been walking for so long... I'm totally exhausted..."

"Oh, hang in there, Clemont! Remember, we might come across some cool Pokemon!" I say.

"You sure have a lot of energy, Ash." David says.

"Clemont, yuo're gonna have to keep up, or you'll get left behind." Bonnie says.

"Hey! You taunted me quite enough!" Clemont says back.

Just then, we hear a loud roar, we run ahead to find a pride of Pyroar and Litleo down below. Suddenly, the male Pyroar roars angrily and a Litleo cowers in fear. The female Pyroar and the other three Litleo walk off, leaving only these two. The Litleo tiptoes back towards the Pyroar, who roars again angrily and grits his teeth menacingly. Defeated, Litleo bows its head and tries hugging the larger Pokémon's leg. However, Pyroar is not impressed and flicks his leg upwards, throwing Litleo some distance away.

"I think they're having a fight?" Elline asks.

"No, I think Litleo's about to leave its pride." I say.

Undeterred, the Litleo runs back towards the Pyroar, throwing a tantrum. Pyroar retaliates with a breath of fire. When it tries to attack again, I decide to intervene. "Stop! Pyroar!"

Pyroar looks at me and says, "This is not your business, human."

"I know, but you should let it stay a little longer. I can't just stand by and watching Litleo hurt." I say.

Pyroar tries to attack me with Flamethrower, but Zoroark retaliates with Night Daze. As the smoke from the explosion clears, we are shocked to see that all the Pokémon have gone, except Litleo.

"Litleo, are you okay?" I ask, but Litleo has been squirming around. We notice that its paw is hurt, so I try to treat him, only to be bitten by Litleo.

"Ash!" Serena says with worry. I say, "I'm fine. Litleo. It's alright now." Litleo feels sorry at first, but then his stomach then rumbles. We try to offer some food, but Litleo just leaves.

"Wait, Litleo!" Bonnie says. I say, "Bonnie. I think it's doing its best to try and learn how to be on its own."

"And Litleo's hurt! I'm worried, okay?" Bonnie says.

"I know, we could watch over Litleo from a distance." David says.

Litleo looks disheartened as he walks through the grasslands, and then he walks off the cliff, which surprises us. Litleo is now throwing a tantrum again, before calming himself and resolves to keep moving forward, with us trailing behind. After it continues to move, it is about to fall until I manage to have Froakie throws the Frubbles without him noticing to stop it from falling.

Litleo tries to swim through the water, but he is stumbling as I quickly send out Venusaur, using the vines to help Litleo, also without him noticing. But much to my surprise, we find that a Pyroar is actually watching.

"That's the Pyroar from before." Bonnie says.

"I wonder if it's been watching this whole time." Serena says.

Litleo later scales a large rock. Exhausted, it is suddenly energized again by the sight of an Oran Berry tree. David says, "Of course, Litleo's been looking for food! He's being independent, that's why he's looking for food on his own."

"I see. So that's why he doesn't want our food." Elline says.

"Do you think it knew that Pyroar was keeping an eye on it?" I ask.

"I think it did." Clemont says.

"So that's why Litleo was trying so hard. To reassure Pyroar." Serena says.

Then Pyroar approaches the Litleo, Pyroar says, "You can take care of yourself. I'm proud."

Litleo is happy, but then Pyroar decides to explain that we have been helping the whole time, and there is no shame in asking for help. Litleo is touched as he then wants to join our team, so we capture the Litleo.

Litleo: The Lion Club Pokemon: Fire and Normal Type. They set off on their own from their pride and live by themselves to become stronger. These hot-blooded Pokémon are quick to fight.

That reminds me, Ash. It seems like you can understand what Pokemon is talking about. This is actually unusual." Clemont says.

"Well, the thing is..." I look at the other three, who nod at me. "I'm actually a Pokemon myself."

"Wait, you're a Pokemon? Does that mean you can use Pokemon moves as well?" Bonnie asks.

I smile while blasting a Hyper Beam in the sky, Clemont says, "Unbelievable... although I have seen some scientific reports that there are Pokemon disguised as humans, but I never knew that I was with one of them."

"All of us already know the truth, that is if you're one of the 19 families of Team Alpha. Which we are." David says.

Elline says, "But I'm surprised that you will reveal your secret right now."

I say, "Clemont and Bonnie have been very trustful so far, and it is true that I'm a little paranoid about what you think after learning that I'm a Pokemon..."

"Ash, we won't ever hate you because you are a Pokemon." Clemont says.

"So what Pokemon are you?" Bonnie asks.

I close my eyes and then start to change, and Clemont gasps, "You're an Arceus? The Mythical Pokemon who is said to create the universe?"

I change back and say, "Yeah. I mean, there's more than one Mythical Pokemon and I'm one of them."

Bonnie says, "That reminds me, you said that both of you are Ash's Cousins, does that mean you're also Arceus as well?"

David says, "No, but we are the Aura Users, we are special humans who can also use Pokemon attacks and talk to Pokemon. So far 6 of the 19 families are aura users."

"Amazing..." Clemont says.

Now we're at Route 4, also known as Parterre Way. Clemont says, "So you and Ash have met since childhood, can you tell us the story of your meeting?"

Serena smiles and says, "Sure, it's when we're back in Professor Oak's Summer Camp."


"Where is everybody? Where do you all go?" A younger Serena was looking around in the forest worriedly.

Suddenly, a Poliwag appears, which causes her to fall to the ground and hurt her knee. Then she starts to form tears.

"I knew I didn't wanna come to camp. I knew it! Mommy!" Then she cries out.

Just then, she hears someone saying, "Poliwag?"

Then a younger boy emerges from the bushes and notices her. Then he says, "Hey, are you all right?"

As the boy stops in front of her, he says, "Hi! I'm Ash! Who are you? What's wrong?"

Serena says, "I hurt... my leg..."

Ash notices the blood coming from her knee, then he takes out a handkerchief and then ties it around her knee. "All done! Now watch this! Feel better, feel better, right away!" He says as he waves his arms.

Serena tries to move her leg, but she feels pain. "Ouch! It still hurts! I can't stand up!"

Ash takes out his hand and says, "Don't give up 'til it's over, 'kay?" He pulls her up and holds her in his arms, causing her to blush.

"There you go!" Ash says while grinning, "I think we should be getting back to the campsite! 'Kay, come on!"

Then the two walk together back to the camp, as Serena forms a blush on her face.

"Yeah. I remember that very well." I say. "Since then we have been playing together, along with Lillie and Alice."

Serena says, "Though I'm still sad that you didn't tell me that you're coming here to Kalos for the sixth league, and what were you doing on top of Prism Tower..."

"I'm sorry about that... I just wanted it a surprise..." I say as my three Pokemon sigh. Just then, the ground is shaking as we notice some Rhyhorn passing by.

"Rhyhorns!" I say.

"And there's more!" Clemont says.

"It's a Rhyhorn Race!" Serena says.

It is then Officer Jenny arrives, and she says, "What do you all think you're doing? You're not supposed to be here! You're standing right in the middle of the Rhyhorn racecourse."

"Rhyhorn racecourse?" David asks.

After we are taken to the Odyssey Village, we learn about the Rhyhorn race. I say, "That also reminds me. Your mom is also a famous Rhyhorn racer."

Serena flinches and sighs, "Yeah... but I don't actually like Rhyhorn races..."

David says, "Yeah, but somehow Lillie likes it."

Then we decide to leave since we know how Serena is like a Rhyhorn magnet and we don't want to risk anything happening to her. And now we are back on the move, and while we continue moving, we also find a Flabebe without a flower.

"A Flabebe without a flower? That's new..." Clemont says.

"Yeah... why don't you have a flower?" I ask, and she says, "I don't know what kind of flower I should pick..."

A Flabebe that doesn't know what kind of flower to pick? This sure is a big problem. Serena says, "If that's the case, how about we try to find you the perfect flower?"

Then we try to look for the flower fields, and we find a red flower, and there is a Skitty who jumps out and scares Flabebe. Then the blue flower, which is teleported here after Gardevoir asks some Ralts to help. The yellow flower has been surrounded by some Combees, the Orange Flower, which is also near Ledybas. And finally, the rarest one of all, the white flower, which is on top of the cliff.

I try to climb the cliff, since I'm a Pokemon, I don't need to worry about falling. Once we grab it, we have Flabebe try out different flowers, but none of them catches her eye.

"This is really a pain... what should we do now?" Elline asks.

"I have an idea... although this might not sound realistic..." I say while peeling off the Red flower's petals except for one, and then we do orange, yellow, blue, and white and form it together with the sticky nectar.

"See?" I ask as everyone looks at me with a weird look. But Flabebe actually likes it.

"Seriously? Having all at once is the answer?" David asks.

"And now that sure is a new Flabebe..." Serena says.

The Flabebe thanks us and decide that we should capture her, so we do it.

Flabebe: The Single Bloom Pokemon: Fairy Type. When it finds a flower it likes, it dwells on that flower its whole life long. It floats in the wind's embrace with an untroubled heart.

Before reaching the gate, we find Sina and Dexto there. I say, "I remember you two are at Professor Sycamore's lab..."

"Hello there! Have you ever heard of a Pokémon called Flabébé?" Dexio says.

"We do..." I say while showing them our odd Flabebe, and Sina says, "That sure is a weird Flabebe. But I wonder how it will look after it evolves."

Serena says, "I think we've not met?"

Sina says, "My name's Sina! It's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady!"

"I'm Dexio. Two years ago, Professor Sycamore entrusted me with a Pokédex app. You could call me a Pokémon-voyage veteran." Dexio says.

"I see... my name is Serena, it's nice to meet you." Serena says.

After talking for a while, they want us to visit the lab if we have the time, and we agree that we'll go there once we're ready.

Here is a new chapter, and since Flabebe has 5 petals, why not make one with all five colors at the same time? And as you can see, I've also gave the flashback of Ash and Serena's first meeting. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Scatterbug, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow)

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