Chapter 4

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When we arrive at Santalune Forest, it reminds me and Serena of the Viridian Forest. We find Shauna there and she wants to walk together out of the forest because she thinks that something's going to happen if she comes with us.

Clemont asks, "So Ash, I notice that you and Serena are actually sharing Pokemon, may I ask why?"

I say, "That's a good question, you see. One of our goals is to fill in the Pokedex by capturing all the Pokemon. But since there are too many species, we won't be able to take care of every single one of them. That's why we decide to share our Pokemon, some of the other Pokemon are with Lillie and Alice, two of them are probably somewhere doing their own journey."

David says, "As for where they're staying, let's say that the Ketchum family have a bunch of houses. They can place one type of Pokemon in one houses."

"That means there are more than 18 houses for Ash and his family." Elline says, "But considering how many people your parents have adopted..."

"Yeah, other than 8 blood-related siblings, there are 4 adopted siblings." I sigh.

"Wow... that's so many siblings you have there!" Bonnie says.

Then we hear some battling and we find Calem battling Helen, with Tierno and Trevor watching. Calem loses the battle and he says, "You really are strong, Helen. I have no chance of defeating you."

"Don't worry, you just start your journey. Just relax." Helen says back.

"Helen!" Serena calls out, and she also notices us and greets us. "Serena! Ash! David! Elline! What a surprise."

"Nice to see you again, Helen." I say. "So what are you doing here? I thought you were training with your Dad in the Galar Region."

"Come on, you have to know that Kalos has the best gourmet compared to other regions." Helen says. "I'm also using this traveling to search for my own dish."

"That's cool." David says. Trevor says, "So how have you guys been? Capturing any new Pokemon?"

"Yeah, we got some new Pokemon." Serena says.

"Well, since it is almost noon, what do we say we have a great feast? I'm sure you can help you out, Ash?"

"Sure." I say. "That reminds me, Clemont can also help with the cooking as well."

"You're flattered, Ash." Clemont says as we start cooking. And when we have our meal, our Pinsir and Heracross notice something strange. "Pinsir, Heracross? What's wrong?"

As we chase after the two Pokemon, we find that there are two Mega Stones in the tree holes. "Two Mega Stones?" I gasp.

"If they're corresponding to Pinsir and Heracross, that means those might be Pinsirite and Heracrossite." Calem says.

"Maybe we can try them out after lunch." Serena says as we agree.

After the lunch is over, we try to test out our Mega Evolutions. Serena's Key Stone is on her wrist, while mine is on my glove. We both Mega Evolve our Pinsir and Heracross, and everyone is watching in awe.

"Wow... Pinsir is now flying!" Bonnie says as she watches how Pinsir flies around in the air.

"Mega Pinsir does gain the Flying Type, but Pinsir doesn't really have any Flying moves." Elline says.

"Actually it does, use Double Hit!" I say, and Pinsir strikes Heracross, causing a lot of damage to him. "Double Hit is normally a Normal Type move, but with the ability Aerilate, it changes into a Flying move."

"The only two Pokemon that can use this Ability are Mega Salamence and Mega Pinsir." Clemont says.

"That's cool..." Trevor says. "What about Mega Heracross? It sure looks bulkier."

Serena says, "It sure is. As for its ability... Heracross! Use Pin Missile!"

Heracross fires five times at Pinsir, but being both Bug and Flying Type, it doesn't seem to do much damage. "Mega Pinsir has Skill Link, moves like Pin Missile and Arm Thrust will always land 5 times." Serena says.

Then after we finish cleaning up, we all decide to head out of Santalune Forest and head to Route 3 together. On the way, we notice some Pikachu living in the forest, along with the elemental monkey Pokemon Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour.

Tierno says, "The way Pokémon move-it's just incredible! I want to show off some of that spirit when I dance!"

Trevor says, "Tierno... Could you think about something besides how Pokémon move for once?"

"If you think about it, that also sounds fun. What are you all going to do?" Shauna asks.

"Why, look for Pokémon, of course! The professor did ask us to complete the Pokédex, after all. And furthermore, different Pokémon prefer living in different places. To put it another way, it's a chance to find different Pokémon than the ones in the forest!"

"I'll bet different Pokémon will use different moves. I sure want to see lots of moves." Tierno says.

"What are you gonna do, Calem?" Shauna asks.

"I'm going to go to Santalune City's Gym and take on the Gym Leader. So you know, Pokémon Trainers test their strength by battling with the Gym Leaders in each Pokémon Gym." Calem says.

"Wow! You sure know a lot!" Shauna says.

"I learned a lot from others. Here, I have something for you guys- "Adventure Rules." I wrote down 8 different tips every Trainer should know. Here's one for you." Calem says while giving it to Shauna. "Look in those rules if you're confused about something."

I ask, "So what does it say?"

Shauna says, "I guess they really are some useful tips. I'll make sure to read them. I'm going to spend some time getting to know my Li'l Froakie!"

Then they all bid farewell, Serena asks, "What about you, Helen?"

"I think I'm going to search for the restaurants in Santalune City so that I can try to make my food better." Then we also bid farewell to Helen and continued our journey.

Route 3 is also known as Ouvert Way, and the little rises and hollows of this lush forest are a favorite place for many kinds of Pokémon to play, there aren't new encounters, so we decide to head to Santalune City first.

In Santalune City, we decide to visit the boutique to see what clothes they were selling. It seems like they only sell hats and accessories. And we also bump into a girl named Rinka. "Hey, stranger! Isn't cruising around town on your Roller Skates the best thing ever?"

"We don't know about that since we don't have any Roller Skates..." I say.

"Then how about this: if you beat me in a Pokemon battle, I'll give you a pair! I can never say no to a contest, not me! So, how about it? Do you wanna battle?"

"Sure." I say.

"Whether it's Pokemon or Roller Skates, speed is important!" She uses only a Zigzagoon, which is easy to defeat. "W-wow! That was amazing! You might even be stronger than a Gym Leader! All right! Here you go: one spiffy pair of Roller Skates, just as I promised!"

After I get the roller skates, I decide to try out while the girl leaves, and it is actually cool. Bonnie wants to try it out, but Clemont stops her because it is dangerous and she isn't old enough, much to the girl's frustration. I also decide to put it away since I like to travel slowly.

As we are running to the gym, Clemont just falls behind and asks for slowing down a little, but he trips and falls down on the floor.

"Hey, Clemont! Hurry up!" David yells.

Clemont groans as he asks, "One thing, and I think it's kind of important. Do you have any idea where the Santalune Gym might be located?"

I turn around and say, "No clue - Course I don't!"

"Huh?" The five are confused, I stand on top of the fountain and say, "I figure stuff outbest when I run! Keep moving ahead and you can't go wrong. That's the way we roll."

Serena sighs, "And the way since Kanto."

Just then, I hear a sound and I notice that a woman is taking a picture of me.

"Thanks so much for the great pic!" The woman has a camera in her hand, "The four of you seem to have the makings of a great team."

"Um...thanks." I say, "Pikachu, Absol, and Zoroark are our partners."

"FYI, if you're going to the Santalune Gym, make a right at that corner." She points in the direction as we thank her, and then we rush ahead until we find the similar logo.

"We made it!" I say.

"Now, if I remember my facts correctly, the Santalune Gym Leader specializes in Bug-type Pokemon." Clemont says.

"I can't wait to go inside, it's gonna be fun!" Bonnie says.

As we open the door, a Helioptile immediately leaps on me and knocks me down to the ground.

"Helioptile?" I know this Helioptile, and I see Alexa coming to us, "Welcome, Ash, Pikachu... It's nice to see you both again!"

"Hey, Alexa, I didn't know you were here." I say.

"I finished up my reporting and thought you'd be here soon, so I waited. And are these your new friends?"

After introducing themselves, David says, "That's quite amazing! You already knew the Gym Leader."

"She's not the Leader. See, Alexa's actually a Pokemon journalist."

"That's right. The gym leader is my younger sister, Viola." Alexa says.

"Viola?" Bonnie asks.

"That's me." The said person appears in front of us, and I recognize her as the woman who gives us the direction. "Nice to see you again."

"Oh, so I take it you've already met one another?" Alexa asks.

"Right! At the fountain. I took a picture of Pikachu, Absol, Zoroark, and Ash." Viola says. "Alexa said you wanted to challenge me while I was gone."

"I still do - how about it?" I say as Viola decides to bring us inside. We find a lot of paintings and also the gym guide. The Gym guide says, "What's the hustle, little Crustle? Welcome to Santalune City Gym! Jump on that pole there, and you'll be on your way to where the Gym Leader's a-waitin' for you! Whoops! But wait! Before you go, I'm supposed to tell you something! Everybody in this Pokémon Gym uses Bug-type Pokémon. Got it?"

This gym guide is weird, but before we go down the pole, we notice a lot of photographs. "Wow, you took all of these pictures, Viola?"

"Uh-huh, although these are just a few of the pictures I've taken." Viola says.

"She's got quite a talent for photographing Bug types!" Alexa says. "She even helps me out with my reporting from time to time."

David says, "This is great work! It really captures the love you have for your subjects."

"Sure does!" Bonnie says, "You can see how much you care about Bug types! I know! Viola, you're a keeper! I mean, please take care of my brother!" Bonnie says, only to be taken away by Clemont.

We all sweatdrop and Alexa say, "Such a unique little girl."

"So shall we, Ash? You can just climb down the pole to face my gym trainers first while I'm preparing."

"Great!" I say.

After getting down the pole, we find that I'm standing on a giant spider web. "Are we going to walk on the spider web to go to the battlefield?" David asks.

"Of course. It is a way to show the beauty. And don't worry about falling, the bottom of the web is a soft bed." Viola explains.

There are some dews that will help us follow the path, and there are three Gym trainers in the area. The first one is Youngster David, he says, "Hey! Are you a challenger? Come on - show me your Pokemon!"

He sends out a Ledyba, so I decide to go with Pikachu, using Thunderbolt to defeat the Pokemon in the end. "You get to see all kinds of Pokemon by hanging out in the Gym!"

The second one is youngster Zachary, who says, "Do you have any idea how quickly Bug-type Pokemon evolve?"

He uses a Spewpa, which is something that I haven't seen before in my journey. I decide to go with Fletchling, by using the Flying moves, Spewpa faints in the end. "Wow, you evolve quickly, too!"

The final trainer is a Lass named Charlotte. "Tee hee hee! Suchweak prey! You've been caught right up in my Spider Web!"

She goes for a Kakuna and a Combee, so I decided to use Fennekin, but it seems that Fennekin doesn't seem like it want to get dirty, so eventually I decide to switch out and use Froakie instead, defeating the Pokemon with ease. "Ahh... No fair! My web wasn't strong enough to keep you!"

After that's done, we finally reach Viola, who says, "That determined expression... That glint in your eye that says you're up to the challenge... It's fantastic! Just fantastic! Whether it's the tears of frustration that follow a loss or the blossoming of joy that comes with victory... They're both great subjects for my camera! Fantastic! This'll be just fantastic! Now come at me!" Viola says.

"You bet." I say.

The battle is a two-on-two, and Viola says, "My lens is always focused on victory-I won't let anything ruin this shot! Surskit! Go!"

After the Pokemon appears, I say, "A Surskit, huh? Pikachu! I choose you!"

I decide to wait for Surskit's first move, and Viola says, "You can't take a picture without pressing the shutter and you can't win a battle without attacking. Alright, Surkit! Use Sticky Web!"

Surskit fires its Sticky Web attack, which Pikachu has no trouble dodging. Pikachu's Thunderbolt is blocked by Surskit's Protect.

"Signal Beam, go!" "Dodge and use Iron Tail!" Pikachu dodges the Signal Beam and Pikachu hits Surskit, even though it is not very effective.

"Now, time to use Ice Beam and create an ice battlefield!" Wait, what? Ice battlefield? I know that this is not going to happen. "Pikachu! Don't let it do the trick! Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu fires the attack on Surskit, but Surskit is aiming the Ice Beam around the area as now the field has turned into ice.

"What do you think? A picture-perfect ice battlefield." Viola says.

Pikachu is having trouble standing up, and Surskit has been skating around him, which is actually so fast...

"This ice battlefield is my studio! I'm the photographer and I call the shots. Surskit! Signal Beam!"

"Pikachu! Slam your tail into the ice!" I yell, and Pikachu is now steady on its ground. "Now use Thunderbolt!"

With his balance restored, Pikachu aims a perfect Thunderbolt at Surskit, overpowering its Signal Beam and knocking it out.

"We did it!" I say. "Sorry to say this, but Pikachu and I have been onto a lot of ice battlefields."

Viola recalls Surskit and I also decide to recall Pikachu for now. "You're done battling with Pikachu?"

"I want to try my new Pokemon in a battle." I say while taking out the Pokeball containing Fletchling.

"Picture-perfect. Let's do this, Vivillion!" So her final Pokemon is a Vivillon, which is the final evolution of Scatterbug.

"Alright Fletchling, Steel Wing, let's go!" Fletchling tries to attack using his wings, but Vivillon dodges the attack.

"Use Psychic!" Viola says as Fletchling is slammed around until it hits the ground.

"Fletchling! Be strong! Now, get up!" I yell. Fletchling gets up and I have it use Steel Wing, hitting Vivillon.

Fletchling tries to use Gust, but Vivillon uses Gust, creating strong winds but Fletchling is prepared by using its Tail feathers to control the air flow around it.

"Fletchling! Razor Wind now!" Fletchling then tries to prepare the attack, but Viola says, "Vivillon, Sleep Powder!" Vivillion then released green spores to make Fletchling fall asleep.

"Fletchling! Wake up!" I gasp in shock.

"Uh-oh... I don't know Vivillon can use Sleep Powder..." Elline says.

"Picture perfect! Vivillon, Solar Beam!" Vivillon goes for the attack and knocks Fletchling out of the battle.

"There's no way my sister would let Ash win without a real fight." Viola says.

"That's okay. Ash has already faced a lot of Bug trainers in the past. We believe in him!" Serena says.

"Fletchling, return. Pikachu, I guess I need you out again." I say as Pikachu goes to the field.

Vivillon uses Gust, and Pikachu is struggling through the wind. "Pikachu, use Dig to dodge the winds!" Pikachu digs down as to dodge the wind.

"Don't think you can hide, Solar Beam!" Viola says as it charges at the hole.

"Thunderbolt!" Pikachu shoots out electricity to cancel the attack.

"Sleep Powder!" Viola says as the powder hits Pikachu, causing him to get drowsy.

"So, here we are. Its my chance to take a great last picture." Viola says. "Let's finish this up! Solar Beam!"

Viola is charging the Solar Beam, and it is then I have an idea. "Pikachu! Use Electro Ball on yourself!"

Pikachu then shoots it into the air and land on itself, destroying the effects of Sleep Powder.

"It neutralized Sleep Powder with an Electric-type move on itself." David says.

"That's so very, very, Ash." Serena says.

Vivillon fires Solar Beam, but Pikachu counters the Solar Beam just in time with an Electro Ball that breaks through Vivillon's attack and knocks Viola's Pokémon against the lamps frozen by Surskit.

"Thunderbolt!" "Dodge it, Vivillon!"

As Vivillon tires to dodge, but it can't. Bonnie asks, "Vivillon's flying is kinda weird all of a sudden."

"Look at its wing, it's covered with ice!" Clemont points out.

"No, how can this be..." Viola says as Vivillon is then defeated by the Thunderbolt attack.

"We did it!" We cheer for our victory, and Viola says, "You and your Pokémon have shown me a whole new depth of field! Fantastic! Just fantastic!"

Alexa says, "What did I tell you about Ash?"

Viola smiles, "Yeah, you knew it all along." She turns to me and says, "Ash? Congratulations. This is the proof you won the gym battle against me. The Bug Badge."

I get the badge and she says, "With that Bug Badge, Pokémon up to Lv. 30 will listen to your orders in battle... Yup, even if you get them from trades! Now then, can you zoom in a bit to check out the tent behind me? Take the stairs that you find beyond it, and you'll be back up to the entrance faster than a flash!"

Once we head outside, she says, "There are some things you can only see when looking through a camera's viewfinder. And things you'll only see clearly by living together with Pokemon, keep strengthening the bonds you share with your Pokemon. Good luck!"

"Thanks." I say.

Then we learn that Cyllage City can be our next location, and we also bid farewell to them.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the gym chapter. The gyms will be like the game unless the Pokemon can be Mega Evolved will be Mega Evolved. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Scatterbug

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