Chapter 50

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As we're going to Victory Road, we stop by Route 22 to get the Mega Stone for Banette at the Chamber of Emptiness, and then a Garchompite in Victory Road. And now we are at the stadium.

As we look around the area, I am surprised to find Malva the Elite Four, who is also a Team Flare member. "Excuse me! Are you competing in the Kalos League? Would you like to have an interview?"

"Wait, you're Malva of the Elite Four!" Alice gasps.

Then she wants me to ask about why I want to win the Kalos League, and I think after that interview, I am found by a trainer named Everett who want to battle me. I want to battle him, but Serena and Alice drag me away because we need to register.

Later that evening, we find Sawyer, and then there is also Calem, Tierno, and Trevor. "Guys! You're here as well!" I say.

"How's it going?" Bonnie asks.

"We're doing great." Calem says.

Serena says, "So where is Shauna?"

"She said she's coming later." Trevor says.

Calem says, "That reminds me, Ash. Here! Take this!"

He throws a Mega Stone to me and I ask, "What is this?"

"A Mega Stone for Absol. The Absolite." Calem says. "I don't need two so I'll just give you one."

Absol is finally happy that he can Mega Evolve, and Alice says, "So that's the last Mega Stone, right?"

"Yeah." I say, and I also notice Alain here. "Alain! You're here as well!"

"Of course, because I want to battle against you." Alain says. "There's the matter of Mega Evolution energy, too. For now, my goal is to keep on advancing. You make sure to do the same thing."

"I will, no way I'll lose. The point is to win the whole thing!" I say with a smile.

Eve asks, "Who's that?"

Elline says, "It's complicated... let's say that he is Alain, but also Ash as well..."

"You mean like N? But if he's going to be the Kalos League... that means he challenges all the gym twice?" Alice asks.

"I think that's the case..." Serena says.

There are only 64 competitors this time, and we see that Trevor is facing Alain in the first round. I'm in the second battle and he seems to be strong as well.

The next day, the grand ceremony is unfurled. Other than Mr. Goodshow, the Kalos Pokémon Champion Diantha delivers an encouraging speech followed by a fireworks display.

Now my first battle as Alain against Trevor, the battle is set on a mountainous terrain, complete with a waterfall and a river. Trevor is of course going to use Charizard, so I'm doing the same as well. Trevor also Mega Evolves his Charizard into Mega Charizard Y, but Mega Charizard X defeats him in the end. And then he uses Florges and Aerodactyl, only to be defeated by Charizard as well.

And for my Ash self, as I reach the stadium, I find the same trainer who wanted to battle me yesterday, he is not going to let us pass until I battle him. Seeing that I can't reason with him, I decide to swiftly defeat his Furfrou.

"You really beat me. I couldn't get all 8 badges in time. The thing is, there are lots of Trainers like me who want to compete here! All those trainers with all of their dreams and all of their hopes. You better win no matter what."

"I'll win all right." I say. And I'm glad that I'm on the field just in time, and the field is a Grassy Terrain. I decide to show my new power with Greninja as I show the Ash-Greninja form.

"What's going on? Greninja changed!" The announcer and the crowd are shocked, but with the Greninja, I sweep through my opponent without any problem. Then Calem, Tierno, and Sawyer also advance to the next round.

After we battle hard, the five of us are now in the Top 8, with Sawyer facing Tierno on the third match as Alain and I are advanced. I find Sawyer and say, "You're up soon, Sawyer."

"That's right. I'll win." Sawyer says. "Ash? Remember what you said? That's why I'll win."

"Of course." I say. "But Tierno's really strong!"

Then Sawyer is confident and hints at a secret weapon, I know what it is going to be, but I'm looking forward to it. And it is also when Shauna also arrives to cheer for Tierno as well.

On the field, Tierno and Sawyer emerge for their battle, and Sawyer chooses Aegislash to start. Tierno sends out Ludicolo and shows off some perfectly synchronized dance steps with it. The match begins and Ludicolo starts off with Rain Dance, creating swirling thunder clouds over the battlefield that start a heavy downpour. Sawyer orders a Swords Dance, sharply increasing Aegislash's Attack power. Tierno calls out for a Hydro Pump, which Aegislash is unable to dodge. However, after taking another Hydro Pump, Aegislash counters the next with King's Shield, transforming into its Shield form. Tierno orders another Hydro Pump, but this time Aegislash cuts through it with a powerful Sacred Sword that sends Ludicolo flying. While Ludicolo is reeling, Sawyer orders another Swords Dance. Ludicolo tries to execute Solar Beam, but Aegislash uses Sacred Sword again to tear through it, connecting with Ludicolo and knocking it out.

As Tierno thanks Ludicolo for his hard work, he sends out Raichu next. Raichu's opening Charge Beam is blocked by Aegislash's King's Shield, but she manages to burrow into the earth with Dig to evade Aegislash's follow-up Slash. Raichu takes advantage of the opening while Aegislash has lost sight of him to complete the attack and knock Aegislash out.

Sawyer has now sent out Slurpuff to face Raichu, and Slurpuff executes a successful Attract on Raichu. This leaves her wide open to an Energy Ball from Slurpuff, after which Tierno decides to recall the helpless Raichu and replace her with Blastoise. Sawyer tries to open again with Attract, but Blastoise shrugs it off, being a male just like Slurpuff. Blastoise then fires off a heavy-hitting Hydro Cannon, knocking Slurpuff out.

Down to his final Pokémon, Sawyer sends out his Sceptile. Tierno orders Ice Beam, which Sceptile intercepts with a Leaf Storm. Blastoise tries to execute another Hydro Cannon, but Sceptile dodges it and lands a Leaf Blade in return. On Tierno's order, Blastoise charges Sceptile with Skull Bash, but Sawyer commands Sceptile to intercept it with Frenzy Plant. Enormous whip-like vines emerge from the field and toss Blastoise into the sky. As he falls, Blastoise manages to summon the thunderclouds with Rain Dance again, but upon impacting the ground, it is knocked out.

Tierno summons his last Pokémon, a now battle-ready Raichu. I say, "If you look at power, Sceptile's got the edge..."

"But... what's going on?" Elline asks. "Why did he call that Rain Dance in the end?"

When Tierno orders a Thunder attack, we realize that Blastoise's parting Rain Dance will ensure that Raichu's Thunder attack won't miss. Before Raichu can release her Thunder, however, Sawyer reveals his secret weapon and uses his Key Stone to Mega Evolve Sceptile. Refusing to be daunted, Tierno orders Raichu to complete her attack, but to Tierno's great surprise, Mega Sceptile comes through it completely unscathed because of the Lightning Rod's ability. Mega Sceptile charges towards Raichu with Dragon Claw, and Raichu tries to counter with Focus Blast, but Mega Sceptile slashes through the attack and lands the blow on Raichu, knocking her unconscious and winning the battle for Sawyer, making him the third semifinalist.

After Calem wins his fourth one, the announcer reveals the semifinal match-ups, which will pit Alain against Calem and me against Sawyer.

That evening, I get a call from Keanan from the Route 14 sanctuary, and we are happy that Goodra is actually going back to our team because the whole thing in the swamp is taking good care of.

Alice says, "So this is the Goodra! And I thought you haven't gotten the Kalos Pokedex complete."

"Well, Goodra has to stay at his home until things are getting ready." I say with a smile.

When I as Alain is facing Calem, I meet up with him as Ash before the battle begins. He says, "I've been thinking ever since that incident in Geosenge. Lysandre chose only Team Flare. You and I chose everyone but Team Flare. But since our positions forced our hands, you can't really say any of us were right. So maybe... If both sides have something to say, it's best to meet halfway... So I decided that from now on, I don't want to battle just to win but to see how people and Pokémon think and feel!"

"That's great to know. Now let's see if you can win against Alain." I say as Calem smiles.

As the battle goes on, Alain takes the lead, commanding Metagross to unleash a powerful Meteor Mash. Meowstic attempts to counter with a Thunderbolt, but Metagross's resilience prevails. With a resounding crash, Metagross emerges victorious, securing the first win for Alain. Calem evens the score as Clefable proves its strength, overpowering Bisharp with a dazzling Moonblast. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the trainers prepare for the next round.

Alain makes a comeback with Unfezant, showcasing its speed and power. Dodging Clefable's attacks, Unfezant retaliates with a devastating Brave Bird, knocking out Clefable and putting Alain back in the lead. Calem aims to turn the tide, sending out Altaria to face Unfezant. The two Pokémon clash fiercely, but Altaria's Dragon Pulse proves superior, tying the score once again.

The intensity rises as Tyranitar enters the field, facing off against Altaria. Crunch meets Dragon Pulse in a powerful clash, but Tyranitar's overwhelming strength prevails. Calem attempts a comeback, sending out Vaporeon. The Water-type Pokémon launches a powerful Hydro Pump, catching Tyranitar off guard. Despite Tyranitar's resilience, Vaporeon's relentless assault proves too much. Vaporeon secures a crucial victory, narrowing the gap and showing that Calem is not ready to concede defeat.

Weavile enters the battle, showcasing its incredible speed against Vaporeon. Ice Beam and Night Slash combo overwhelm Vaporeon. With two Pokémon left, Calem sends out Chesnaught. Weavile's Ice Punch proves devastating, but Chesnaught stands strong, countering with a powerful Wood Hammer. The impact is intense, and in a surprising turn of events, Chesnaught emerges victorious, stunning the crowd and bringing Calem back into contention.

Alain decides to call back Metagross. Despite putting up a valiant fight, Chesnaught succumbs to Metagross's Meteor Mash, ending the battle in Alain's favor. Calem's last hope is Absol, and he Mega Evolves it. The two Pokémon clash with incredible power, but Mega Absol's speed and adaptability prove crucial. With a powerful Play Rough, Mega Absol defeats Metagross.

It all comes down to the final round. Alain Mega Evolves Charizard into Mega Charizard X and faces Mega Absol in an epic showdown. The two Mega Pokémon collide in a flurry of attacks, but Mega Charizard X's Dragon Claw and Flamethrower combo prove too overwhelming. Mega Absol fights valiantly but ultimately succumbs to Charizard's might, declaring Alain the winner of the Kalos League semi-final battle.

After Calem loses, he says, "It's hard to put a finger on where, but I think you and I are alike. And that's why I didn't want to lose. But I think the reason we're alike is because we have so much in common. I'm really happy that we're friends."

"I'm glad you're still enjoying it." I say.

"I'm renewing my rivalry with you! Since you're my rival, I hope you get stronger and stronger as a Pokémon Trainer. But we'll keep getting stronger and stronger, too! I can master the power that comes from the bond between me and my Pokémon, just like you did! Power right on through the Pokémon League! I know you can do it!"

I nod as I go to the battlefield, ready for my battle against Sawyer.

Here is a new chapter, and we're going into the Kalos League right now. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the final of the Kalos League.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noivern, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion

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