Chapter 51

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Now that it is time for my battle against Sawyer. Sawyer says, "It's time. I want to beat you. I've just gotta beat you and I will!"

"All right. Bring it on." I say. "This one's mine."

The battlefield this time is the forest, and my first Pokemon is Female Meowstic, while Sawyer sends out Slaking. I take the initiative with a Fake Out from Meowstic, which directly hits Slaking, but Slaking doesn't even flinch. Next, Ash tries a Psychic and Charge Beam, which hits Slaking. I continue by ordering a barrage of Stored Power and Charge Beam, but while Slaking appears to be taking damage, it's still not reacting like it's being hurt.

Sawyer then has his Slaking use Slack Off, restoring its health. No doubt about it. Sawyer's have something on its sleeves, so I've gotta beat him before he acts on it. I command a Shadow Ball followed by Charge Beam, and when they still appear to be having little effect, I have Meowstic use Stored Power once more. Upon seeing this, however, Sawyer yells out to Slaking to use Counter. With a hard-hitting punch, Slaking's fist intercepts Meowstic in the middle of his descent out of the air and sends her flying. Meowstic hits a tree and falls to the ground, unconscious and out of the battle.

"Meowstic! No!" I gasp in horror, then I smile, "So that's what you were after all along!"

"I always thought about using Slaking against Meowstic. I knew some of your Pokemon wouldn't have such an easy time if its opponent didn't defend."

"I'm impressed, you took my battling style and used it against me." I say while I send out Delphox as my second Pokemon.

Delphox goes for Psychic, but Slaking once again heals up with Slack Off. I know that Slaking's gotta be feeling Meowstic's attacks, so I have Delphox use Fire Blast. Sawyer tries to counter this with a Hammer Arm, but as Slaking stands to deliver its blow, its knee suddenly crumples and Delphox is able to push past Slaking's attack to connect with its own.

"Yes! use Focus Blast!" And the attack is able to knock out Slaking.

Sawyer then summons his second Pokémon, Clawitzer. Clawitzer starts chasing Delphox using Aqua Jet, Sawyer says, "I've been inspired by your ideas and trained hard to think in a different way."

"Awesome." I say as I have Delphox dodge with Psychic. When I order Delphox to close in, Sawyer counters with an Ice Beam that freezes part of Delphox. I respond by using Flame Charge to melt away the ice, and Sawyer quickly orders an Aqua Jet to intercept the incoming Delphox. When the steam from their collision clears, Delphox is lying on the ground.

With Delphox down, I decide to go back with Pikachu. I decide to have Pikachu use the forest to cover. Jumping quickly from tree to tree, Pikachu emerges to attack with Thunderbolt, but Clawitzer quickly dodges. Pikachu follows up with a Quick Attack, but Clawitzer dodges again. From midair, Clawitzer retaliates with an Ice Beam, but Pikachu manages to jump out of the way.

Now sailing through the air itself, Pikachu uses Electro Ball and Clawitzer quickly counters with Dragon Pulse, and the two attacks cancel each other out. Both Pokémon come crashing down to the ground, but both remain on their feet when the dust clears. When Sawyer orders Clawitzer to use Aqua Jet next, I send Pikachu back into the forest, where Clawitzer loses track of it.

Pikachu jumps out of a tree with Iron Tail, but to my surprise, Clawitzer clamps down on Pikachu's tail with its pincer. Sawyer directs Clawitzer to use Water Pulse, but before it can unleash its attack, I command an Electro Ball which forms directly inside Clawitzer's pincer, setting Pikachu free with the blast. Before Clawitzer can recover, Pikachu blasts it with a Thunderbolt, finishing it off.

"Ash, you never fail to surprise me every single time!" "Well, that was close, too close. It's because of Pikachu that we won. So what Pokemon are you going to use next?"

Sawyer chooses Aegislash as his third Pokémon. I have Pikachu get back into the forest as Pikachu darts among the trees. In response, however, Sawyer calls out for Aegislash to use the Sacred Sword, and Aegislash starts chopping through whole trees. As Pikachu returns to the ground, Aegislash continues slashing through trees, which are now toppling over everywhere.

I decide to make the next command, ordering Pikachu to use Iron Tail, but Sawyer quickly has Aegislash use King's Shield to protect itself from the attack. Pikachu's Iron Tail connects with the King's Shield, causing Pikachu's Attack stat to harshly drop as a result, which reminds me that attacking Aegislash will be difficult.

Seeing an opportunity to attack, Sawyer commands Aegislash to use Sacred Sword, which Pikachu successfully dodges, only to be struck when he gets too close, slamming into the ground after the hit. Sawyer continues to have Aegislash use Sacred Sword, which Pikachu is able to avoid several times until he backs himself into a corner and is hit.

Pikachu attempts to use Thunderbolt instead, but that is soon blocked by King's Shield once again. I start to remember how my Aegislash uses the King's Shield, and I decide to have Pikachu use a risky idea, and I trust Pikachu to be able to handle it.

As Sawyer tells Aegislash not to let its guard down, I command Pikachu to use Iron Tail, which he slams into the ground, forcing the logs all around into the air. Sawyer responds confidently by having Aegislash use Fury Cutter, but as I order Pikachu to use the logs to close in, Aegislash is unable to land a hit as Pikachu darts between the midair logs. Aegislash dices up all the logs around it but still misses Pikachu.

When Pikachu finally appears to be closing for an attack, Sawyer commands Aegislash to use King's Shield. Setting his plan into action, I order Pikachu to throw one of the logs, which wedges into Aegislash's shield where it would normally join to complete its King's Shield. Already in the middle of its move, Aegislash becomes stuck when it attempts to form King's Shield, and I order Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, which connects and knocks Aegislash out.

Now the field change is here again, and Sawyer says, "I can't believe you ever would have used a tactic like that in a million years. I wouldn't have!"

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Without perfect timing and aim, that strategy would've never worked!" Sawyer says.

"That's because Pikachu can do it." I say.

The new battlefield is brought up and is revealed to be a desert field, and we send out our Pokémon for the next battle, Dragalge and Salamence. The battle begins with me commanding Sludge Wave, which is dodged by Salamence numerous times before finally connecting. Dragalge then uses Dragon Claw but Sawyer has Salamence use Dragon Rush to counter. As the two attacks collide and Dragalge recoils, I check on Dragalge to make sure he's alright. In the meantime, Sawyer commands Salamence to use Incinerate. Dragalge nimbly dodges each fireball flung its way, but after dodging the last, Salamence suddenly pops up in front of Dragalge and uses Dragon Tail to send him flying.

"Way to go!" I say. Then Dragalge dodges another Incinerate. As Salamence winds up for another fireball, I have it use a Hydro Pump to intercept it. The attacks collide and create a smoke cloud, which I use to my advantage by commanding Dragalge to use Poison Tail. Salamence is hurt and gets Poisoned. We command our Pokémon to use Dragon Rush, and the two collide powerfully. After this collision, both Pokémon go down, resulting in a draw.

Sawyer decides to go with Slurpuff, and I decide to go with Goodra, much to everyone's surprise. "I know you haven't battled in a long time. But you'll be awesome!"

"So it's Goodra... the only ones of Ash's Pokemon I've never battled against..." Sawyer says.

Sawyer starts off the battle by having Slurpuff use Flamethrower, which Goodra intercepts with an Ice Beam. Slurpuff immediately uses Dazzling Gleam, which is super effective on Goodra, but Goodra appears to shrug it off. Sawyer then orders Fairy Wind as a follow up, but I have Goodra use Bide. Anticipating the upcoming attack, Sawyer has Slurpuff use Cotton Guard to raise his Defense before I order Goodra to fire off Bide, and the attack appears to have minimal effect.

Surprised, I order Goodra to use Ice Beam, but Slurpuff intercepts it with Flamethrower, resulting in a large cloud of steam. Taking advantage of the cloud, Sawyer commands Slurpuff to use Fairy Wind, which catches Goodra off guard and sends it flying back.

"Slurpuff's sense of smell is beyond incredible. Even in the smoke, it knows where Goodra is!"

Slurpuff uses the Flamethrower again and I command Bide, and Sawyer hopes to hold the Flamethrower and push through Goodra's Bide to knock it out. After a prolonged battle of wills, however, Slurpuff's Flamethrower finally ends in a large burst. To his and Sawyer's surprise, Goodra emerges shaky but standing. As I order Goodra to unleash Bide, Sawyer orders Fairy Wind, and as the attacks collide, a large cloud of dust engulfs the battlefield. When the dust clears, both Pokémon are revealed to have fainted, resulting in another draw.

Recalling their Pokémon, Sawyer then sends out his sixth and final Pokémon, Sceptile. I send Pikachu in once again and immediately open the battle with Quick Attack. In response, Sawyer has Sceptile use Leaf Storm to keep him at a distance. The Leaf Storm lifts Pikachu into the air, and I command him to use Thunderbolt which reaches Sceptile through the Leaf Storm and cuts it off. Pikachu then attacks from the air with Iron Tail, but Sceptile intercepts it with Leaf Blade and manages to throw Pikachu back. Sawyer immediately orders Sceptile to use Frenzy Plant, which Pikachu tries to dodge, but it quickly surrounds him and lifts him into the air before arcing down to slam him into the ground, knocking him out.

"All right, let's do it! Greninja! I choose you!" I send out Greninja, and I say, "Sorry for the wait, but this time let's give everything we've got!"

"Right with you, Ash! We'll leave it all on the field!" Sawyer replies.

Greninja opens with Water Shuriken, but Sceptile cuts through them with Dragon Claw. Greninja then uses Double Team to approach, but Sceptile attacks with Frenzy Plant to weed out the copies. When only the real Greninja is left, Sawyer commands Sceptile to attack with Leaf Blade, but Greninja blocks Sceptile's strikes with its own Cut. As Sceptile and Greninja square off again, both Sawyer and I take a breath to contemplate the events that have led us to this battle. I deeply apologize to Sawyer for becoming scared and panicking when I felt Sawyer had surpassed me; but after that, I was able to find myself again, and I promise to show Sawyer what me and my Pokémon can really do.

"Here goes, Greninja! Full Power!" And then I have Greninja transform once again. Responding in kind, Sawyer takes up his Key Stone and Mega Evolves Sceptile.

Picking up their battle once more, Sceptile uses Frenzy Plant which Greninja leaps to dodge; the vines immediately reach to pluck Greninja from the air, but Greninja uses Cut to slice through it and land safely. I command Greninja to throw a Water Shuriken, which Sceptile cuts through with Dragon Claw, but Greninja is already closing the distance and uses Aerial Ace to land a couple of super effective blows.

As Sceptile reels, Sawyer orders a Leaf Storm which connects with Greninja and knocks it back. As Greninja lands, the two close again in a clash of blades, pitting Leaf Blade against Cut. With neither able to gain an advantage, they separate again and Sceptile launches a Leaf Storm that knocks Greninja into the air again. As Greninja falls, Sawyer orders Sceptile to press the attack with Frenzy Plant, but Greninja manages to orient itself and land securely atop the vines, racing along them and using Cut to slice its way out of pressure. However, the vines manage to keep Greninja from advancing on Sceptile. Finally, Greninja jumps into the air, avoiding most of the vines, and uses Double Team.

"Get ready for this, Sawyer. This is everything Greninja and I have got! Water Shuriken!" I yell.

As Greninja uses Water Shuriken, it grows to a massive size. Sawyer frantically orders Sceptile to counter with Leaf Storm, and the two attacks collide into a massive cloud of dust. As the dust clears, Sceptile is revealed unconscious on the ground, as Greninja lands beside me, victorious.

Exhausted from the battle, Ash-Greninja reverts back to its normal form. I'm also exhausted and I say, "Well, I guess the next round is not that important after all. Considering I'm now the winner of the Kalos League."

Greninja nods at me. Sawyer comes to me and says, "I experienced everything you had to give. It reminded me once again why I admire you so much."

"It was great, for sure. You had me so super-psyched. I was having a ball!"

"Thanks for the kind words. I'm gonna keep on training and battling and gaining lots of experience. And one day, I'm gonna be even better than you!"

"And don't you forget, I'm gonna work harder and get stronger, too! I'll never give up. We'll battle again, right?"

Then we shake hands, and then we decide to leave the stadium and have Nurse Joy heal our Pokemon. Then we meet up with Clemont's Dad who brings us some food to eat. That's when we meet up with Mairin. Seeing how we are happy with our Pokemon, Mairin starts to burst into tears.

"Uh, sorry about that! I'm fine, really!" Mairin says. "I didn't mean to worry you."

Then she starts to explain the whole story, and I know the truth already. When Professor Sycamore meets Mairin, he greets him and asks, "Good to see you, are you here to cheer for Alain?"

"Uh-huh..." Mairin says.

Then he asks if she's seen Alain, and Mairin says, "I'll see him after the finals are over. I know he's gotta concentrate. Don't wanna bother him. There will be plenty of time to bother him later!"

"By the way, Professor, why are you here?" Clemont asks.

"I've been doing quite a bit of research, and I found this about Greninja's powers." Professor Sycamore says as he shows me the ancient scroll.

"I found this, and they called it the Battle Bond." Sycamore says.

"Here's what it says. It is a rare phenomenon that happens between Trainer and Pokemon... when the bond of trust between them grows. In addition, it appears the Pokemon's latent skills matter, too. So it is not something that happens with every Pokemon. I have to think that this might be an Ability. Tell me, Ash, is your Greninja's ability Torrent or Protean?"

"Now that you think about it... when I battled Sawyer or Alain back then... Greninja never showed any of those abilities before... that might be it, so an Ability change."

As I'm trying to train that night, I am surprised to see that my Mom and Dad has arrived. My Mom says, "Who would have thought you would be able to do this."

My Dad says, "Indeed. You're battling your Double Team self for the Kalso League winner, I say this is really something."

"I ask Alain to do it because Charizard and Greninja want to battle with each other." I say back. "Though I'm still worried about the whole Team Flare thing."

"Yes, we haven't found their location yet, but Team Alpha has been ready in the Kalos region." My Dad says as we nod. "Right now just focus on finishing the League. Whoever wins the league doesn't matter now considering you are the ultimate winner in the end."

"Right." I say.

For the final battle of the Kalos League, it is me against my double-team self. The first battlefield for the final is a water and rock field. The referee announces the rules of the battle and asks the Trainers to bring out their Pokémon. I choose Sylveon, while Alain sends out Tyranitar, activating its Sand Stream. I really wish that Larvitar is watching his mother battle...

Alain begins the battle by commanding a Dark Pulse from his Tyranitar; Sylveon avoids the attack. I see a strategy and have Sylveon use Iron Tail on the stream of water. The splash from the water clears away the sandstorm while soaking the Armor Pokémon. Sylveon follows up with Moonblast, which is countered by a Stone Edge from Tyranitar, and Alain has his Pokémon smash the stones with its tail, sending a barrage of stone pieces at the Pokémon, only to be reflected back with its ribbons. Tyranitar follows up with Crunch, but Sylveon uses Iron Tail; Tyranitar, however, grabs his tail in its mouth and swings it back. Sylveon retaliates with Disarming Voice, and thus, causes the Armor Pokémon to faint.

I decide to have Sylveon return and send out Noivern on the battlefield, while Alain sends out his Weavile. Noivern uses Supersonic but Weavile uses Protect to protect itself and follows up with Night Slash. Noivern uses Supersonic again, connecting this time around. Alain has Weavile use Ice Beam, but Noivern counters with Boomburst, and follows up with Dragon Claw.

Feeling cornered, Weavile uses Double Team to evade the Sound Wave Pokémon, but the latter uses Supersonic to successfully find the real one, and proceeds to attack it with Dragon Claw. Weavile avoids the attack, and counters with Ice Beam. After some swift dodging, Noivern eventually gets hits by the move, and falls in the stream of water; he is then attacked by Night Slash, and is knocked out.

My third Pokemon is Hawlucha, who uses Karate Chop to attack the Sharp Claw Pokémon, but Hawlucha misses every strike. Weavile successfully leads him in the water and uses Ice Beam at his feet, but the Wrestling Pokémon avoids the attack. However, the Ice Beam manages to freeze the stream of water, so that Hawlucha has difficulty walking over it. Weavile uses another Ice Beam, and Hawlucha takes the super-effective hit head on. Weavile follows up with another Night Slash, but Hawlucha blocks it.

Weavile uses Night Slash again, knocking Hawlucha backwards. Alain asks Weavile to use Night Slash again, but Hawlucha responds this time by flying toward the Sharp Claw Pokémon and throwing it onto the battlefield. Hawlucha then uses Flying Press to successfully knock Weavile out, while inadvertently breaking off the ice as well.

Alain sends out Bisharp next, which uses Thunder Wave to paralyze the Wrestling Pokémon. Alain has Bisharp use Guillotine; Hawlucha retaliates with X-Scissor, and the two Pokémon collide head-on. Hawlucha tries to use High Jump Kick but misses, and Bisharp uses Guillotine to knock out Hawlucha.

Both of us know that it is fun battling against ourselves since we both know how we can still come up with crazy strategies. Alain sends out Unfezant next, while I call out my Talonflame. The Proud Pokémon and the Scorching Pokémon have a little exhibition of their flying prowess before we command them to use Steel Wing. The two collide, then begin flying against each other again.

I command a Flame Charge in order to allow Talonflame to build up speed and move ahead of Unfezant, and Alain responds by having Unfeazant power up with a Sky Attack. The two moves counter eah other, after which Alain has Unfezant use Air Slash next. Unfeazant allows Talonflame to move ahead of it in order to set it up for an easy attack, and while Talonflame swiftly dodges most of the projectiles still takes a hit. Talonflame retaliates with another Flame Charge next, successfully hitting the Proud Pokémon. Unfezant uses Sky Attack while I have Talonflame use Brave Bird, and the head-on collision of moves knocks both the Pokémon out.

With only three Pokémon left per side, the battlefield goes down for changing. The new battlefield is revealed to be a grass-field. I use Sylveon against his Metagross this time.

Sylveon begins the battle by using Swift, but Metagross uses Agility to evade the attack and constantly cut off Sylveon when he tries to get some distance. Metagross strikes Sylveon with Metal Claw and follows up another hit with Rock Slide. A damaged Sylveon moves the rocks away, and is hit by a Meteor Mash. Still hanging on, Sylveon counters another Meteor Mash with an Moonblast, and then jumps atop the Iron Leg Pokémon.

Metagross tries to shake Sylveon off, but Sylveon's hold is tight, and she uses Play Rough to deal serious damage. After some effort, and encouragement from Alain, Metagross manages to shake Sylveon off itself, but the latter uses Iron Tail on the heavily damaged Metagross, and successfully knocks it out.

For the fifth Pokemon, Alain decides to bring the Charizard to the field. I have Sylveon use Quick Attack to hit the Flame Pokémon, followed by a Shadow Ball, bringing Charizard to its knees. I command a Quick Attack, but Sylveon's previous battle against Alain's Metagross is starting to show its effect, causing Sylveon to fall on her knee. A Flamethrower from Charizard lands a clean hit on Sylveon, who barely has any strength left to continue. Charizard takes flight and launches another Flamethrower, which finally knocks Sylveon out.

I decide to use Goodra as my fifth Pokemon, while Alain chooses to recall Charizard and send out his Bisharp again. In order to create an environment suitable for Goodra, I have the Dragon Pokémon use Rain Dance, creating a rainstorm on the battlefield.

Goodra begins the offensive with Ice Beam, which Bisharp dodges while charging in for an Iron Head. Goodra blocks the attack by grabbing Bisharp with its horns and then throwing it into the air. Goodra's assault continues with a Dragon Pulse, which is blocked by a Focus Blast from Bisharp. As Bisharp charges in for another Iron Head, I have Goodra use Bide, forcing it to take the attack. As Bide is charging, Alain continues his own offensive by having Bisharp attack with another Focus Blast and Iron Head, severely damaging Goodra. I launch a counterattack in the form of a full-charged Bide, which hits Bisharp dead on, causing it to fall on its knee.

Bisharp hits Goodra straight in the face with an Iron Head, causing the severely weakened Dragon Pokémon to fall to its knees. Alain orders Bisharp to go for the finish with a Guillotine, which Goodra desperately attempts to counter with a Dragon Pulse, but the Sword Blade Pokémon slices through the counterattack and delivers a devastating Guillotine, causing Goodra's endurance to finally run out and the resilient Dragon-type to faint.

"Let's win this together, Greninja!" I say as I send out the Pokemon. Alain commands an Iron Head from Bisharp, which Greninja counters with a Double Team. As Bisharp is trying to find the real one among the clones, I call a Water Shuriken from Greninja, which makes a direct hit on Bisharp, finally taking it out of the fight.

"Charizard! Let's go!" When Alain sends out his final Pokemon, we are determined to do our best. Both Pokémon charge in at each other, and Charizard fires a Flamethrower, but Greninja dodges it and strikes Charizard straight in the chest with Cut, causing the Flame Pokémon to be pushed back just as the rainclouds above the battlefield start clearing up.

"You may be me, but I'm still the main body, and there is no way I'm going to lose." I say as I activate the Battle Bond ability and transform it into Ash-Greninja. Alain, getting excited about seeing me bringing out my full power, responds by Mega Evolving his Charizard into Mega Charizard X. With both sides having brought out their best, the entire stadium is ready to witness the final round of the Lumiose Conference to unfold before their eyes.

Ash-Greninja charges at Mega Charizard X and uses Double Team, but Alain has his partner use Flamethrower to get rid of the clones. As all the Double Team clones are wiped out, Greninja emerges from the smoke left behind by the attack and hurls a Water Shuriken at Charizard, which is countered by a Dragon Claw. I order Greninja to use Aerial Ace, and Alain responds with a command for another Dragon Claw. The attacks clash a couple of times, until Charizard finds an opening and manages to land a direct hit on Greninja, causing both of us to cringe in pain as well due to the synchronization between us and Ash-Greninja.

Charizard fires yet another Flamethrower across the battlefield, but Greninja blocks it just in time by using Cut to slice through the blue-hot flames. Alain has Charizard use its most powerful attack, Blast Burn, but Greninja quickly counters the attack by slamming its Water Shuriken into the ground like a pickaxe, causing a wave of water to burst out of the ground and block the incoming Fire-type move. Using the resulting steam cloud as a cover, Greninja dashes close to Charizard and strikes it on the head with an Aerial Ace, causing it to get slammed down to the ground.

"I have to be the strongest one, I can't lose to anyone again. Not even myself!" A Dragon Claw from Charizard follows, slamming Greninja across the battlefield and causing us to cringe again.

"Whoever wins, no hard feelings, okay?" I say. "So, look out! For a full-power attack! Use Night Slash!" The attack gets a response from Alain in the form of a Dragon Claw. Both powered-up Pokémon clash furiously in the middle of the field a few times, after which simultaneous attack commands are given by both Trainers: Water Shuriken from Greninja, and Thunder Punch from Charizard. Again, fierce attacks clash in the middle of the field for a few moments, until the Water Shuriken finally overpowers the Thunder Punch, and Greninja slams the shuriken straight into Charizard's chest, causing the Fire-type to slide back.

Preparing for his ultimate move, I have Greninja use Water Shuriken, but this time, Ash-Greninja's watery aura wraps itself around the Water Shuriken, causing its size to increase dramatically and turning its color from watery blue to blazing orange. Alain, momentarily taken aback by the sight, orders Charizard to use Blast Burn. Both moves are fired at the same time, and both Greninja and Charizard can only watch as their opponent's ultimate attack strikes them, creating a massive explosion on both sides of the field.

The entire crowd is looking at the field in anticipation, no one making a sound. As the smoke and steam clouds clear up, both Pokémon are still standing. For a few moments, both Greninja and Charizard look at each other, not moving at all. Greninja stumbles, but just a second later, Charizard falls over, reverting back to its regular form.

"You're all great, Charizard, Greninja." Both Pokemon nod and Alain says, "That was exciting."

Then we shake hands with each other as then we go to the ending ceremony. "Congratulations, again. Ash. You are getting better every time."

"Thanks, I couldn't have done it without the help I have got." I say.

"You've created a strong bond between you and your Pokemon. As a trainer, you've displayed unparalleled strength through a number of challenging battles. I applaud you."

"Thank you so much, Aunt Diantha." I say.

But much to our surprise, as we are celebrating our victory, several plants appear from the stadium, and we're shocked to see what's going on.

"What is going on?" Everyone is now in a panic as both Alain and I know what is going on... the second crisis of Team Flare has arrived.

And this is the end of the Kalos League, the next chapter will be the crisis of Team Flare and I hope you like it.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noivern, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion

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