Chapter 52

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The stadium is now infested with vines, and both Alain and I proceed to leave the stadium. Alain then asks, "Where is Mairin?"

"During the finals, she didn't want to get in your way. She tells me not to tell you." I say.

"She's always thinking these things..." Alain mutters.

"We know how important she is to all of us. We'll find her." I say as we meet up with the others. Bonnie says, "Ash, Squishy disappeared! It ran off somewhere!"

I nod, "If this is really related to Team Flare, then Squishy is recklessly trying to save his friend on his own right now..."

We hear an announcement from Malva, addressed to the citizens of Lumiose City, warning them to stay away from Prism Tower due to the danger it possesses. And we see it, the red Zygarde.

"There it is! The Zygarde... those plants must be the work of Zygarde." Alain says.

Then we notice the light with Squishy's transformation, and Bonnie decides to catch up to it. "You guys go, we're going to catch up with you later. We're finding Mairin and we'll see you soon as we find her."

Alice says, "Just be careful."

Serena says, "I'll go with you, Ash."

Then we rush to search for Mairin, and that's when we find Mom and Dad, who are trying to destroy the roots. Mairin is with them. "Mom, Dad. You found Mairin."

"Alain, Serena, and Ash?" Mairin gasps. My Dad says, "So it starts, I assume?"

"Yes, Dad, we need to go to Prism Tower and stop Lysandre." Alain says. But when the vines appear in front of us, we have Charizard and Pikachu use Dragon Claw and Iron Tail at the same time.

I ask, "Mom, Dad, are you okay?"

My mom says, "We're fine, thanks to you."

Mairin asks, "Wait, what's going on here? Are you and Ash siblings, Alain?"

Serena says, "I think she should know the truth, Ash, Alain."

"Right." I say as we glow, and now I'm back to one. I say, "Alain is just a fragment of myself using the Double Team. So I am Alain, but I'm also Ash."

Mairin is confused by the whole situation, and she yells, "What? Alain and Ash are the same people? And that means... you're battling yourself in the finals?"

"It's a long story." I say. "But that sums it up." I turn to Charizard, "Charizard, let's go to Prism Tower!"

When we continue to destroy the vines, they keep sprouting. Then Celosia appears. "Alright, pay attention. Are you finally ready to listen?"

"Celosia..." I growl, "You're the one who's after Zygarde!"

"However, I'm after something different. Now I'm after you! Lysandre's orders." Celosia says. "Since you're also Alain, that makes things easier. Lysandre wants to see you right away. The other three are already finding Z1 now. Confuse Ray!"

Just then, Serena is hit by the Confuse Ray and so are my four Pokemon, I grit my teeth as I have to see Lysandre and not resist. Then we hear Lysandre's voice from the broadcast.

"To my beloved Kalos Region and the entire world. I am Lysandre. Team Flare is with me to do my bidding. I have an announcement. We are here to remake the world into a place of pure beauty and peace. Team Flare's purpose is to transform our world into an exquisite example of the world. We have tried the Ultimate Weapon from the ancient Kalos History, but it fails because of some nuisances, here we have another plan. This is Zygarde, the Legendary Pokemon, who will retain the order of the Kalos Region. As leaders of this new order, we decide to join forces with this new powerful guardian of creation. Zygarde is angry at the behavior of both Pokemon and humans. The discipline of this world is lost, and humanity is out of control. Humanity lost how to share. Without sharing, people steal from each other when that happens, there is not enough for everyone. We must produce the number of beings on this planet. Only the chosen ones will move into our bright hopeful future. We of Team Flare, along with the fury of Zygarde, will make that judgment. The new order will bring away the new chaos of the world and create a beautiful future we desire!"

After we're taken to the top of the Prism Tower, Serena and my Pokemon have been bound on top while I'm standing in front of Lysandre. "Interesting. To think you and Ash are actually the same person."

"So?" I ask.

"What do you think? Isn't it exquisite? Thanks to you, the system is complete." Lysandre says. "The world will be in peace, just like I was working forward to. Isn't it beautiful? All of the ugliness is slowly disappearing. Behold, you see, Zygarde represents all of our anger and rage."

I say, "Really? You've already killed a bunch of people in Geosenge Town when you activated the Ultimate weapon, and now you're trying to kill people in Lumiose City for World Peace? Give me a break."

Then we notice Squishy's appearance, and it is trying to fight the other Zygarde, but it is being knocked out as we see him disappear. "So why do you want me now that you know I'm Alain? And why are you binding my Pokemon and Serena?"

It is then Serena wakes up and she asks, "Ash? What's going on here? Let us go!"

"Forgive me for their rough treatment, but I can't release them." Lysandre says as I grit my teeth. "You two may be the chosen ones, after how you proved to wield Xerneas and Yveltal."

Then we see Squishy get back again, this time with the 50% form, and now it is fighting the other Zygarde. Lysandre says, "You are witnessing the rage of Zygarde and Team Flare. Soon enough, the other Zygarde come around our way of thinking, and it will turn red with rage."

"You're wrong! Squishy will never think like that!" Serena yells. "Ash! You have Alain's memories, right? Say something!"

Lysandre says, "Alain, you maybe the one who stopped the Ultimate Weapon, but it is thanks to you, Mega Evolution energy has given us the power, the power to control Zygarde."

We know it, it is being controlled. "The Mega Evolution energy you provided has been quite useful in destroying the imperfect world. Just look, there is no tomorrow for this world, with the sun rising next, will be brand new. How beautiful the end of this world is. We're towards the first step to peace."

I am now furious, is this the reason why I had all those battles? No, I'm doing this for Mairin and Chespie, I'm doing this to spy on Team Flare! Lysandre says, "And now, I need you to use your Bone Phenomenon to service our new world."

"That reminds me... what have you done with Greninja to make him like this?" I say. "I want some answers."

"It is simple. We Team Flare found this special Greninja as a Froakie and know that its Bond Phenomenon can achieve new powers. However, none of our experiments is able to produce that power... until it escapes and finds you. When I saw that, I was thrilled. You have shown me that limited possibilities still and I want that power for myself!"

Then he turns to Sererna, "She is precious to you, isn't she?" Then he summons red lasers and is hurting Serena and Greninja, when Serena's screaming in pain, I gasp in anger. "You won't dare..."

"This is the control beam that is able to control Zygarde." Then much to my surprise, the beam is also hitting me as well, I yell, "Lysandre! Stop this! There's no way you're going to control the three of us!"

"You still don't understand. When the new world has come, you will also become the Chosen ones to guide in all of humanity." Lysandre says.

"We're not going to be like that!" Serena says. "We're never going to change! We really care about this world, we care about the Pokemon and the people of this world we call home! And we won't destroy it!"

The words from Serena cause us to break through the control, and now Greninja also breaks free and transforms, destroying the beams and also destroying Serena's bindings.

"Serena!" I rush to her as I hold her, I turn to Greninja, who cuts the bindings of my other Pokemon. "Are you okay, Serena?"

"Truly brilliant." Lysandre just laughs, "Mega Evolution energy can't stop your bond."

"Serena. We'll stop this together." Then Greninja manages to break Charizard free and then the other Pokemon: Sylveon, Pikachu, Absol, Zoroark, Goodra, Hawlucha, Noivern, Charla, Delphox, and Chesnaught.

"Do you honestly think the two of you can defeat me this time?" Lysandre says. "I was careless enough to let me get outnumbered, but now with the two of you. I'm really disappointed in you. None of you will be in the new world I'm creating."

Serena says, "Who are you to make that decision?"

Then we notice that Squishy is under Team Flare's control. "It can't be..." I gasp.

"My world with peace will become faster now!" Lysandre laughs.

We have learned everything that Lysandre about it from the Lysandre Labs under Lumiose City, and he says, "And now it's time for a new start, for a new dream of utopia, and that utopia has no room for you!" Then he sends out his four Pokemon once more, Mienshao, Honchkrow, Pyroar, and the shiny Mega Gyarados.

Serena and I decide to also Mega Evolve our Charizards, one into X form and the other one into Y form. As we continue to battle with the moves, Hawlucha and Zoroark are defeated and we're forced to recall them.

"This power. The power of Mega Evolution, only happens during battles, the kind of battle instinct that they forget after getting constant contact with humans. But when a Pokemon releases its battle instincts, that's when it gains Mega Evolution!"

"Stop it, you've got it wrong!" I yell.

"Only the victor can prove he's not wrong!" Lysandre says while commanding Gyarados to use Hyper Beam. Then the battle also causes Noivern and Absol to be defeated. After Goodra, Sylveon, and Pikachu are also down, Lysandre says, "Done so soon?"

"No way, we'll never quit until it's over. You called that Fighting spirit, but there's a lot more to a Pokemon's strength than that! I learned that from our journey. Our strengths come from believing in each other! And care each other more than anyone else! And if you don't understand that, then we'll show you!"

As the remaining five Pokemon continue to fight, somehow Mienshao and Honchrkow are defeated by four attacks, a Flamethrower, a Hydro Pump, a Dragon Pulse, and a Flash Cannon. We turn around and we are surprised to find that the Elite Four of Kalos have come, with their Mega Houndoom, Mega Blastoise, Mega Scizor, and Mega Altaria.

"Seibold, Wikstrom, Dransa, and Malva?" Serena gasps.

"Nice to see you two again." Seibold says, "Diantha called us and now we're here."

Wikstrom says, "Both of you are the ones who passed the knight trials. It should be fair that as a fellow knight, we should help you."

Dransa says, "So you are Ash and Serena. I heard a lot about you."

Malva says, "Lysandre, it's time for all of this to end, right now."

"Malva... what's the meaning of this?" Lysandre asks.

"It's simple. I'm putting my complete trust in these kids." Malva says. "I know that this world is not perfect, far from it, but I saw them, changing the world isn't about destroying. People like them proved it."

Serena asks, "So you mean that Malva was a member of Team Flare? You know about that?"

Seibold says, "We have some suspicions, but we never thought she was trying to betray Team Flare."

"These children are destined to lose. What kind of world are they capable of making?" Lysandre says.

"They haven't lost, have they? Changing the world isn't with us, it is us adults to guide them so that we can change for the better. The possibilities are real and I want to see this through."

"You've wasted enough of my precious time." Then we, along with the Elite Four, are battling against Lysandre on our own. It is then that we notice that Zygarde is splitting. Then we also notice that Clemont and David are the two who have been trying to destroy the controlling device. And after a while, the second Zygarde is also free from control.

"Lysandre, you guys just lost big time." Serena says.

"I have to say there seems to be no limit to how much you fools can entertain me." Lysandre says.

Here is a new chapter, and I was a little disappointed that the Elite Four didn't show up in this battle except for Malva, so I decide to put them here. And if you're wondering if Serena's here, who will take her role, that's simple. Alice, Eve, and Flora are the ones who bring Mairin to Chespie. Alice knows Steven very well if you're wondering. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the conclusion.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noivern, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion

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