Chapter 53

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We continue to battle Lysandre's Mega Gyarados since it is the only one left, and after we defeat it, I say, "It appears that the fighting instinct you've spoken of is a thing of the past!"

"It's all over, Lysandre!" Serena says.

Lysandre says, "All your petty talk... it will never extinguish my dream!" Much to our surprise, Lysandre is now walking to the edge of the Prism Tower. He opens his arms and says, "I'm still committed to recreating this world!"

When he's about to fall, I have Greninja try to save him, but it's too late as he falls. We are shocked at what happened. Seibold asks, "Does that mean he's gone forever?"

"I don't think so... we thought the same thing back at Geosenge Town... but he comes out alive to create this mess..." I say.

That's when Serena gets a call from Alice. "Alice? Where are you guys now?"

"We're at the other Lysandre Labs. And we just rescued Chespie!" Alice says. "Professor Sycamore and Steven Stone are here with us at the lab as well!"

I say, "Mairin! Are you there?"

"I'm here. With Chespie!" Mairin says. "Are you okay? Ash?"

"I'm fine. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm fine. Chespie's safe, too!" Mairin says.

"So Ash, Serena, what's your location?" Eve asks.

"We're at the top of Prism Tower." I say.

"Could I ask you to go to the Gym? It's Clemont and David..." We are confused by what Flora says, and we decide to rush to check on Clemont.

After we get there, we find Clemont and David kneeling on the ground, after seeing Clembot's body, we gasp and Serena covers her mouth with horror. "What happened, Clemont?"

"Clembot did it all..." David mutters.

"Can Clembot be fixed?" I ask.

"I'll do my best." Clemont lowers his head with a frown. "I've not been of any use so far..."

Just then, Alice calls again, and she says, "Guys! It's an emergency!"

Professor Sycamore says, "The Giant Rock at Lysandre Labs absorbed Chespie!"

"Absorbed? What do you mean absorbed?" I ask.

"The giant rock is on the move somewhere... I don't know where. I'm sending you our coordinates. Get here fast and bring Blaziken Mask! We're going to keep track of its movements and analyze as we can."

"Guys, please be careful." Alice says.

"We will." Serena says. Then Clemont stands back up and David asks, "Clemont?"

"I'm all right. The battle isn't over just yet."

As we take on the helicopter provided by the League with the Elite Four, also having the Blaziken Mask, Elline, and Bonnie, also with two Zygarde Cores in her hands. We learn from Professor Sycamore, "Listen, everyone. I want to tell you what I know about the Giant Rock. When we scanned it, we discovered that it was a giant mass of energy. A mass of energy that strongly resembles Zygarde's. In addition, we picked up Chespie's vital signs from within its core."

Steven says, "And, we found and retrieved Chespie's records located in the lab's database. According to those records, an accident caused Chespie to absorb some of Zygarde's energy. We think that the giant rock absorbed Chespie in order to obtain that energy."

"But now, the Giant Rock is in search of its next energy source." Then we gasp as we notice that it is going to the Anistar City Sundial. "The sundial is a giant crystal said to have come from space. We know that the energy it contains is the very same energy that Pokemon emit when they're experiencing Mega Evolution."

The Blaziken Mask says, "Let's say the Giant Rock is drawn toward that energy. Why that energy, though?"

"I know why. If the Giant Rock and the sundial come in direct contact and then merge as a result..." We realize that the energy might emit enough energy to destroy the world.

"Lysandre... recreating the world at any cost..." I mutter.

"We won't let that happen." Serena says. "Professor. We've gotta rescue Chespie and stop the Giant Rock right away! We can, and we will!"

"We're with you!" Alice says.

I say, "Mairin! I promise. I'm going to save Chespie!"

As we are about to arrive, we find Mega Metagross, Mega Garchomp, Mega Sceptile, Mega Tyranitar, and even Mega Mewtwo Y are trying to attack the Giant Rock, but it is then we decide to join in my using both Mega Charizard X and Mega Absol.

"Ash! You guys!" Alice says with a smile.

"Now, Charizard! Flamethrower!" I yell. "Absol! Dark Pulse!"

Then we try to continue hurting the rock, but it is no use. The Elite Four also send out their own Mega Evolution Pokemon as they try to battle, but it isn't stopping. Clemont asks, "Professor, do you know Chespie's exact location?"

"Chespie is actually somewhere in its core!" Professor Sycamore says as Greninja is trying to locate him, and then we find him and Serena asks, "Did you see it, too?"

"Of course. I just got an idea." I say. Then we decide to explain the idea as I have Greninja jump out of the helicopter and hit the place with the Water Shuirken, locating him.

"Right there! Chespie's down under the shuriken!" I say. "Head toward the Water Shuriken!"

Then our Pokemon are trying to get there, but the vines are getting in our way. We try to battle the vines, but it is also no use.

"It is endless... at this rate, we won't be able to get close." Steven says.

Just then, Greninja is trapped in the vines, and Pikachu and Absol, our other Pokemon are also trapped. "I'm not liking this one bit..." Eve says.

And that's when Mom, Dad, and Diantha came and brought all the Gym Leaders to the area. "It's Mom and Dad!" I gasp.

"Ours too!" Flora says. "And our Mom as well!" Elline adds.

"All the Gym Leaders are here..." Serena gasps.

"It's about time." Seibold adds as we all rush to them. My Dad says, "So that thing doesn't even slow down..."

My Mom says, "We all know the situation. Rescuing Chespie is our first priority."

"Right. Let's use the Pokemon moves to get into the Giant Rock." Steven says. "The target is there. That Water Shuriken."

Diantha nods, "We'll attack with our combined power."

"We couldn't have asked for a stronger group for help. Thank you." Professor Sycamore says.

"Hi, Ash!" Korrina greets. "So this is the famous Greninja."

"Yeah, it powers merges with mine." I say.

"And now you've finally made that power yours." Olympia says.

"Everyone, we're looking at the final line of defense. We can't let it come in contact with the sundial! Remember that at all times!" Diantha says as all the Gym Leaders and Elite Four gather behind her.

Serena and I turn to Alice, "Alice, take care of Mairin and Bonnie."

"And thanks a lot for your help." Clemont says.

"You got it. Leave it to us!" Alice says.

"Now all of you be careful!" Bonnie says.

Mairin then approaches me, and I say, "It's okay. I know I'll come back, and Chespie with me!"

Mairin nods as we start to leave, with the Gym Leaders, Elite Four, two former Champions, and two current Champions helping out, we all rush towards the Giant Rock. We thank all of the Gym Leaders as we rush forward, some of them are caught, but they tell us not to worry and go on.

When we finally arrive at the center, all of the Kalos important figures are caught. That's when my Mom and Dad, as well as Steven and Diantha also come to stop the vines.

"Don't worry about the vines!" My Dad yells.

"Keep moving forward!" My Mom also yells.

"Our future depends on it!" Diantha says as the four of them continue to attack the vines. Serena and I are the only ones left as we jump inside the rock.

"Chespie!" I yell as we try to reach him, only for crystals to block his path. Serena says, "Ash, I'll cover you as best as I can. Now you go and get Chespie!"

I nod as I continue to run towards it with Serena commanding the other Pokemon to attack the crystals. I'm almost there as another crystal looms in front of him, but Serena orders Greninja to use Water Shuriken, which breaks the crystal. As more crystals appear to attempt to stop me, I jump and try to reach Chespie. And after I grab him, I yell, "Chespie, it's me, Alain! I come to get you out of here! Let's go back to Mairin together!"

And when I manage to pull Chespie out, the rock also stops, and we fly out of the rock. Everyone looks on, pleased that the crisis has been averted.

When we get back to Alice and the others, Mairin hugs Chespie. "I've got you, Chespie... Thank you so much."

I nod, and my Dad says, "All that's left... is what's in front of us."

"Let's all attack together." Diantha says, and all 12 leaders are trying to attack at the same time, but it doesn't seem to work as the stone is back to life.

"I knew it..." Then we see Lysandre standing on top of the Giant Rock. Lysandre says, "Even if you're somehow able to stop me, I will still destroy the world. Count on it."

"Lysandre... how is he doing this?" Serena asks.

"The countdown to destruction will not stop!" Then he tries to get the Giant Rock to attack, and that's when Valerie yells, "Light Screen, Quick!"

Spiritzee tries to use the attack, but the beam still hits a majority of us. We are glad that everyone's fine, and the Blaziken Mask also drops and reveals to be Meyer. Clemont and Bonnie's Dad.

"It's moving again..." Diantha says.

"How do we make it stop?" Flora asks.

"Everyone, listen to me!" Clemont says. "The power that's moving has something to do with the device on Lysandre's arm!"

"Then it must be destroyed, NOW!" I say.

"Will that stop it?" My Mom asks.

"We have to try anything. We've got to give it everything we have left!" My Dad replies. "It's our only chance."

We try to stop the giant rock from attacking, and that's when both Zygarde jump off Bonnie's arms and they yell, "I am Zygarde, defender of order! We will show them our full power! You won't destroy the world!"

Just then, I gasp as they start to transform, but this time not 10% nor 50%, but the Complete form.

"Zygarde's... Complete form..." My Mom says.

"Those deep green eyes... that is it!" Olympia says. "The forme when all has become one."

"And still, you hid this Forme. You must have been seeing the world in the same way I was! The unlimited greed of humans has sent the world spinning into chaos. Have you not felt that?!" Lysandre yells. "If I had not raised my objections, the world would continue on its warped path. But now you choose to appear. What could possibly be left to defend? You have no right!"

"If it is a right you speak of, this world belongs to them!" Zygarde roars back. "I have placed my hopes in humanity! They have always protected me. They kept their promise not to leave my side! Now it is my turn!"

"I will incinerate you!" Lysandre yells as the Giant Rock launches another attack, which is countered by Dragon Pulse. The Rock sends more vines toward Zygarde, who dodges before attacking with Extreme Speed.

Alice asks, "So what's actually going on here?"

"Zygarde has an ability called Power Construct. When its HP is lower than half in the 50% form, the other 50% will come to Zygarde and make it into the Complete forme like this. In that form, Zygarde's strength is almost equal to that of Arceus." I say.

"Wow... we should use this chance." Serena says as we attack with Thunderbolt, Water Shuriken, and Flamethrower on Lysandre, and the device falls off of Lysandre's wrist.

"It can't be... It must be a mistake..." Lysandre says. "All of my meticulous planning was perfect!"

"Zygarde! Listen to me and use Thousand Waves!" As the move hits, the rock is starting to be destroyed. Eve asks, "That move?"

"Thousand Waves is a Ground move that prevents opponents from fleeing." I say, "And there is one more. Zygarde! Finish it with Core Enforcer!"

"Kalos! I will protect you!" Then Zygarde flies into the sky before firing the attack that shapes like the Z, and my Dad says, "If the Pokémon damaged by this move have already used their moves that turn, this move eliminates the effects of those Pokémon's Abilities."

"Wow..." Bonnie says, "Squishy! Go for it!"

Then the attack causes a giant explosion as Lysandre falls into it, "Not yet! Move! It's not over yet!"

We watch as Lysandre falls to his doom, and the crisis is finally over. Olympia says, "The sundial was protected."

"Thank you, everyone!" Diantha says.

As my parents walk towards the remains, Steven asks, "Where's Lysandre?"

My Mom says, "Who knows. It seems that the major evil organization that threatens the regions is finally gone for good."

Then the Elite Four notices that Malva is leaving, Dransa asks, "Where are you going?"

"You leave Team Flare to me. When I'm done cleaning them up, I'll drop in on Officer Jenny..." Malva says as the other three members just look at one another.

Chespie wakes up from its coma, which makes Mairin happy as she thanks me for his help. I say, "I'm so happy for you. Mairin, please forgive me. For everything I did."

"Stop. I'm just happy that you're all right." Mairin says as I give a small smile.

Bonnie says, "Squishy, thanks a lot."

"I only did what you have done for me all along." Squishy says. "It is I who should thank you. I'm so grateful."

Then he uses his powers to eliminate the giant plants and restore order in the world. After Zygarde resembles, Chespie also rushes to Squishy.

"I would like to express my gratitude to you as well." Squishy says. "Thank you!"

"To have journeyed with you, and to have learned about humans from you... I am grateful." Squishy says.

Then Z2 is leaving, and I ask, "Where are you going?"

"I'm tired. I think I'd like to rest in the sun. Take good care of Squishy or else you'll have it." Z2 says as he leaves. "I'm glad to have met you."

Just after they leave, the sun rises over on us, and we just stop another world crisis...

Here is the end of the Kalos Crisis. The next chapter will be more stuff before we finally get to the Elite four battles.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noivern, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion

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