Chapter 56

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A week has passed, and during this week, Emma has been going out more and more often. My mom and dad find it worrying, not knowing where she goes, it is until Nix and the others tell us that Emma secured part-time work that at least we understand Emma's feelings.

My mom says, "Guys, look at this."

The three of us see the Holo Caster clip, and we find Malva there. I ask, "Isn't Malva turning herself in?"

"She was released after a few days and she's doing some community services. And now she's back to work." My mom says.

"We bring you a special bulletin... Late last night, an intruder broke into the Lumiose Museum and damaged a painting. Museum staff said that security is very tight and breaking into the museum is impossible. The culprit remains at large."

We all look at the news with surprise, and I ask, "So are we going to investigate?"

"I actually have an appointment soon that I cannot possibly miss, so I am stuck here... I hate to ask this of you, but I need you to start the investigation without me! I will be counting on your keen eyes,! Go at once to the Lumiose Museum on North Boulevard, and get to the bottom of this mess!"

The three of us nod as we head to the Lumiose Museum, after we go inside, we find an artist who says, "Hey, guys! Listen to this! You've got some timing, picking today of all days to come to the museum... Or are you here because you heard about what happened? Someone went and left some crazy graffiti on a piece on the third floor! Some kind of depraved criminal, I guess, sabotaging a historic and valuable artwork! You know, this place is supposed to have the strictest security. I wonder how a criminal would get access... Head up to the top floor, and you can see the outrage. Believe me, it's unbelievable. The museum director's up there, too. Maybe he can tell you more."

Serena says, "You know, did you remember Doctor Bellmond? What if he's returned?"

"I don't know...we did come here to stop him before..." I say.

And when we get to the top floor, we find the director and he says, "I am the museum director. May I ask you a question, young children? When you behold this graffiti, what feelings rise up within you? Do you feel the value of this glorious work of art has been affected? Does it seem too, too sullied to you?"

"Well, I guess it really makes us really mad." I say.

"Hmm... Yes, I can understand that. That would be the common opinion, would it not? Defacing a historical piece with graffiti... Defacing the history embodied by this great work of art! Consider the effort and pains of the artist... Well, it is simply profane to have treated this work so savagely! The problem is what to do now. Trying to restore the original work may worsen the damage. I think we will have to leave it as it is until we can decide. I suppose if the news brings curious citizens like yourself to our doors, that is something of a silver lining. But who could be responsible for this shocking work?"

After we go out of the museum, Alice mutters, "This is not really nice..."

"Yeah..." I sigh as we get another announcement from the holo caster. "We have another special bulletin. Poké Ball thefts are rampant in Lumiose City. The thief strikes directly after Pokémon battles, when Trainers let their guard down. These crimes are thought to be the work of a single individual, but reports on the suspect's features vary greatly, so authorities are struggling to identify him-or her. These crimes are occurring in back alleys and in other places where there are few people around. Residents of Lumiose City should exercise caution."

Serena says, "This is awful..."

I also get a call from Mom, and she asks us to return home right now. And once we get there, Mom and Dad are discussing about this, and my mom says, "Adam and I have devised a plan that will bring an immediate solution. It will be a sting operation."

"Sting operation?" Alice asks.

"It appears the criminals are targeting Trainers in places where there are no witnesses. If that is indeed the case, then we can simply bait a trap and wait. First the "victim" will go to some deserted location and act lost. The criminals will think they've found an easy mark, and they will surely reveal themselves."

"All the reports say they like to challenge their victims to battle before stealing their Pokémon. That's when we'll get them! Right when they are distracted by the heat of a Pokémon battle. The backup, who will be hiding and watching, will appear and help take down the criminals!" My mom says.

"I think it is a good idea, but what about the risks?" I ask.

"It is not without risk, but it's quite the best plan we have! However! The plan will never succeed without you guys!" My dad says. "Ash, if you're okay, do you want to play the victim? The others and your mother will conceal themselves in the shadows and watch for an opening to attack. Keep your Pokémon ready to spring into battle when the criminals appear."

"Okay." We nod as we decide where to go. My mom says, "What we need is a place in this bustling city that is a little deserted, perhaps. A nice, neglected alley is exactly what I have in mind. The nearest alley is opposite the Galette Stand on North Boulevard."

As we get there, we find a woman who says, "Excuse me... Are you perhaps a Trainer? If you have a moment, how about a little battle with me?"

I'm confused and I ask, "Why?"

She replies, "I am just itching for a good battle... Let us begin at once!"

She uses a Jellicent and a Volcarona to battle, after I defeat those two Pokemon, she says, "Oh ho ho! You have some wonderfully strong Pokémon. I wonder, young man if you wouldn't consider... giving them all to me!"

Much to our surprise, the woman takes off the disguise, revealing to be a person in a suit. My Mom yells, "Stop right there!"

As we surround the strange figure, she just says, "OBSTRUCTION DETECTED. PROCESS JEOPARDIZED. RELOCATE HUNTING GROUND."

After she disappears out of our sight, Serena gasps, "Wha-?! What is that woman?!"

"I don't know. She's no Pokémon, yet she can use Transform?" Alice asks.

"This is not a time to stand around being shocked. In fact, this is a time to dash off in pursuit. It seems we have a chase right now. Considering the direction in which she ran, and the I suspect she is headed for the alley beside North Boulevard's Café Triste!"

Now we go there, and we find no one but a Fairy tale girl, and she says, "Hiya! You're a Trainer, right? How about a Pokémon battle?"

"You want to battle me?" I ask.

"I can't wait to see which Pokémon you use! Let's have a great battle!" She uses three Pokemon, a Granbull, a Whimsicott, and a Mawile. After we defeat her, she says, "Wow. Mr. Trainer, your Pokémon are super strong! They're so awesome. I sure wish I had Pokémon like that. I could really do well with those Pokémon. In fact... Hand them over right now."

There it is again! She transforms back into that woman with the suit, and the others show up and my Mom yells, "Not today, you crook! We won't allow it!"

We surround her once more, and she says, "RECURRENT INTERERENCE."

She leaves again and Serena says, "Argh! She has run off on us again!"

Alice asks, "Is she really not a Pokémon? I've never seen a human jump like that..."

"This is no time to stand around being impressed! Now is the time to chase the culprit! Considering the direction she ran off...hmm... Her goal must be the alley opposite North Boulevard's Lumiose Station!" My mom says.

Then we continue running to the next alleyway, and I know for sure that this being is not ordinary. In that alleyway, we find a Black Belt, he mutters, "Ahhh... The pain in my chest... Is this what a broken heart feels like?"

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask. "What happened?"

"It was over in a flash. I was training here in the alley when an enchanting young lady challenged me to a battle. And then she..."

"What did she do?" I ask.

"She utterly destroyed me! My heart was stolen by those brunette locks and the intensity of those glittering eyes! And then she took them... My precious Poke Balls... She took them by force... Arghh... The memory is enough to make me start crying again..."

"Argh! So we were too late... And where did the woman go?!" My mom says.

The man cries and says, "She went running off toward South Boulevard, I guess... Ugh... What possessed that svelte siren..."

"South Boulevard, huh? There is only one alley on South Boulevard! Exactly and precisely the same alley where we first met Emma and Mimi!" My mom says.

Then we find the suspicious lady at the alley in South Boulevard. She says, "Welcome, welcome. Step right up. I didn't expect you to show. But here you are. Heh heh heh... Let's get into it."

"You're not getting away this time." I say.

"Heh heh heh... That's right! No running away! Let's start!" She only uses Jellicent this time, and Pikachu destroys the Pokemon in the end. "You really do have some of the best Pokémon... So why not give up already and hand them over to me?"

Then she takes off the disguise again, and she says, "RELINQUISH EVERY POKÉMON YOU POSSESS. COOPERATE OR I WILL TAKE THEM BY FORCE."

"Freeze!" My mom comes and says, "Pokémon thief! I will not let you lay a finger on my son!"


"We'll see you try." Serena says as she and Alice also show up. But then, Mimi shows up. I ask, "Mimi? Why?"

Mimi suddenly rushes in front of the suited woman, and Serena says, "Mimi! That woman is dangerous! Move away from her at once!"

But Mimi refuses, and the woman says, "THIS CREATURE... I DO NOT UNDERSTAND ITS PROCESS."

Alice asks, "How can this be? Why would our Mimi act so friendly to her?"

Then we realize something, and Mom gasps, " It cannot be so."

"OBSTRUCTION... ERADICATE OBSTRUCTION." Just then, the woman's hand suddenly turns into a gun and is targeting Mimi. My mom rushes forward and takes the hit.

"Mom!" We yell in shock as my mom is now bleeding and kneeling on the ground. "WHY DO YOU PROCTECT THIS POKÉMON? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOUR PROCESS. IRRELEVANT. COMMENCE ERADICATION PROCEDURE..."

"W-wait... Stop this... Emma..." My mom says.

"EMMA?" "Th-that's right... You are... You are Emma. Is it not so?" My mom asks while still holding her wounded body. "Ungh... M-Mimi hates all adults... The only person it loves...enough to make it jump for joy... is you, Emma..."

"I AM NOT AN EMMA. I AM ESSENTIA." Essentia yells.

"Eurgh... Essentia? You cannot deceive me, Emma. You may trick an ordinary human eye... But you could never fake the bond between you and...Mimi..." My mom begs.

Mimi is also worried, and I ask, "What is the matter with you, Emma? Why would you do these things? If you are in some sort of trouble, could you not have shared it with us?"

As she continues to say silent, I yell, "Emma! SAY SOMETHING!"

Just then, it seems that the interface is acting weird, and we can hear Essentia screaming and she's holding her head in pain. "Emma? What's wrong?" Alice asks.

"MUST...DISCONTINUE..." Then she runs away. "Emma, wait!" Serena tries to chase after her, but I say, "We can worry about that later. We need to get Mom back to our manor for medicinal treatment!"

The other two girls nod as we head back to the manor. After we put her on the bed with my Dad trying to help out, my Dad says, "Don't worry. Your mother's injury is only on the stomach, a mere trifle."

"Good, we don't want her to fake her death once more. It was really painful back in Unova..." I say.

My mom says, "That Essentia... I know without a doubt that she is Emma... and that suit... the suit she wears is most likely the doing of that man..."

"That man?" Alice asks.

"The man I have come so far to hunt down. If I fail to find and stop him, Emma might never..." My mom says while coughing a little, and my Dad says, "Take a rest, Aurora."

He turns to us and says, "Well, let's just let your mother rest for now. But there is one thing that we believe. Emma is probably controlled to do those things because of the suit. If we somehow meet her when she's out of the suit, you must pretend to know nothing of the recent incidents around town. And when Emma comes back asking where your mother is, please tell her that she's in the hospital with some minor complaints. She is not to worry. I know that this may seem an extreme request, but I trust you to do the right thing."

We all nod as we all head back to our rooms to rest for the day.

And now the second part is done. The next chapter will begin the Elite Four battle and also the conclusion of this arc.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Floette (Eternal), Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noivern, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion

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