Chapter 11- Bogo Shipda

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Malaysian Vocabulary:

● Maaf kan aku - Forgive me
● Terima Kasih - Thank You

Korean Vocabulary:

● Bogo Shipda ( 보고 싶다) - I miss You


The next day, the people that was left in the team met at the kokotiam. Ying was the first who had arrived and was followed by Fang, then Halsey, and lastly Boboiboy. Once they all had arrived, Fang brought out his idea.

He brought out a paper that is a size of a map. Actually it was a map of the floating island. "Okay guys, here's the map of the whole floating island. First we have to go at this part, the clearing of this forest. Then we'll set up a camp there for the night." Fang explained.

Ying looked at him with a bored look. "Seriously, that's your plan?"

Fang shrugged. "I'm not sure. The rest of my plan is kinda risky and I need to think about it. I'll tell you once we get there."

Ying nodded. "But first we have to borrow a boat from Mr. Papa."

The team got their bags and began to walk their way to the docks where Mr. Papa works as a fisherman. Once they got there, they saw him competing with Mr. Matt, the other fisherman.

The team went to him and interrupted their small competition. "Mr. Papa, can you take us to the floating island?" Ying asked.

Mr. Papa put down his fishing rod and smiled. "Okay. Jump in." He said and everyone went inside the boat.

They removed the rope from the pole and the boat began moving a bit. Mr. Papa held the wheel and began sailing. He looked at the kids with a curious look.

"Why are you going to the floating island?" He asked while stirring the wheel.

Boboiboy was about to stand up and explained but Fang started to talk. "We're going there to save Yaya and Gopal."

"Save Yaya and Gopal? What happened to them?" Mr. Papa reacted.

As Mr. Papa said that, Boboiboy sat down on his seat and remained silent. Fang began to explain the situation. "Well let's just say that 2 unknown aliens got them and now they are asking to surrender our powerbands along with Yaya and Gopal's."

Mr. Papa nodded and went back to stirring the wheel. "So what's your plan?"

Fang rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. "I haven't figured that out yet. But most probably, we're going to attack them."

Silence began to fill the whole boat.

The whole ride was silent until they all got to the floating island. It was hard at first since Yaya was not there to fly them to the island but they got there with Fang's shadow ropes.

They bid goodbye to Mr. Papa and began to walk their way to the clearing silently. Boboiboy was walking on a normal pace but he was still thinking to himself. Arguing with his thoughts to be exact.

Why is Fang being a leader all of a sudden?

Eh... Probably because his friends and the whole world are in jeopardy...

But it doesn't mean that he gets to plan everything!

Just be thankful that he's helping with planning...

How can I be thankful if he gets to do everything?

He was still thinking to himself until he snapped out of his train of thoughts when he noticed that Halsey was waving her hand in front of his face. "Hey! Earth to Boboiboy..."

He shook his head and looked at Halsey. "What happened?"

Halsey chuckled. "We were just walking then I noticed that you're spacing out. Like you're in your own world. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Just fine." Boboiboy said but deep inside, he wasn't okay. He's not fine at all.

They continued walking until they had arrived at the clearing. They had set up their tents. As they finished their tents, it was already nighttime.

"I think we should set up a campfire." Halsey suggested.

Ying raised her hand a bit. "I'll get us some firewood over there at the corner and you guys get the marshmallows and other stuff to eat." She said and everyone went to their separated tasks.

While Ying was gathering some firewood, a small bug went up to her feet and this made her shout in surprise. Fang went to her side.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Ying smiled a bit. "Yeah I'm fine. I was just-"

"Scared of the bug? I knew it." Fang concluded.

"No. I just got surprised of the bug." Ying explained as she crossed her arms. "I'm not afraid of it."

Fang chuckled. "Yes you are."

Ying got angry and chased Fang. "Don't run, and come here, Pang!"

"No I won't and just admit it, you're scared of it." Fang said while running.

"I'm not afraid of-"

With that Ying tripped on a rock and fell. Luckily Fang caught her in time.

"Come on just admit it." Fang said while still holding Ying.

Ying pushed Fang away and began to walk out. She grabbed the firewood and went to the campfire. But then Fang hugged her from behind.

"Would you stop? I still have to add this to the campfire or else we would freeze from the cold." Ying said coldly.

Fang put on his pouty face. "Please don't be mad."

Ying frowned. "Shut up and release me, jerk."

"Okay but please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. *Maaf kan aku Ying." Fang said and released Ying.

Ying put down the firewood in the campfire and crossed her arms. "Fine. I forgive you. But never tease me again. Or else I won't talk to you."

"Okay. *Terima Kasih." Fang said.

As Boboiboy was watching the small drama between Ying and Fang, he can't help but feel sad. He missed the girl he loved and that is Yaya. He missed being with her.

They all began to eat but he was still silent. He never spoke any word except for 'thanks' or 'thank you'. Everyone went to their tents but he was still outside, sitting by his tent.

He looked at the stars and they are very beautiful. "Why did you made me like this Yaya?" He muttered to himself.

"You really miss her, don't you?" Someone said.

Boboiboy looked at his left anf saw Halsey sittin beside him. He sighed. "Yeah. I miss her very much."

"Well don't worry, we're going to get her back and once she's back, you could tell her how you feel." Halsey said.

Boboiboy looked down at his feet. "It's not that easy, Halsey. What if she doesn't feel the same way?"

Halsey put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure she'll like you. You're awesome, brave and smart." Because of that Boboiboy smiled a bit.

"And besides it's not impossible. Look at Ying and Fang. They've become inseparable." Halsey added. "Tell her *'Bogo shipda'.

Boboiboy crossed his arms. "And what does that mean?"

Halsey chuckled. "It means 'I miss you' in korean. Didn't Ying tell you that I'm half korean?"


"Oh well I have to sleep now bye!" Halsey said and left Boboiboy.

Boboiboy looked at the stars once more. "Bogo shipda Yaya."

With that he went inside his tent and fell asleep.

He just missed her too much.

Hi guys it's me again. As you can see, I've put words with a different language. Should I do that again? Please comment and vote. ★

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