Chapter 12- Held as Captives

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In a place not so far away from Boboiboy's camping place, a girl in a pink hijab was being forced by someone. Someone who was very known by everyone else in Team Boboiboy.

"Give me the powerband or else, I will harm your friends." The person says.

"I will never give it to you, squarehead. And besides the powerband is not with me anymore." Yaya reacted, still trying to get out of the handcuffs.

Because of that, the person who had interrogated her, stood there in pure rage. "Why is the powerband not with you?"

"I don't know. Ask your workers about that." Yaya said as the person looks at his workers with a mad face. "Why is the powerband not with her!?"

The two shrugged. "We don't know, cousin. All we knew was we captured her and the powerband was not with her. And also, the fat guy doesn't have his powerband as well."

The person silenced the two. "Enough! Bring her to the cell where Gopal is."

Because of that, the two held Yaya and began pushing her to the cell. As they got there, Yaya gasped as she saw Gopal. He had wound everywhere and he also has some bruises in his right cheek. Yaya also noticed the dried blood on the floor. He must be beaten up.

Two two release Yaya from her handcuffs and pushed her inside the cell. The two left snickering about some random stuff that Yaya found very annoying. Yaya rushed to Gopal who was holding his stomach.

"Oh my! Gopal are you okay?" Yaya asked and went near Gopal. She began inspecting her until she saw a cut near his stomach part. Yaya began finding stuff inside her purse. It was actually a first-aid kit.

"Nope I'm not. They stabbed me with a pocket knife and beat me up. And now I feel weak." Gopal said as Yaya brought out the bandages and some medicine that can be put in the cut. "Okay I'm going to put medicine in this. If it hurts, think of happy thoughts." Yaya said. Gopal just nodded.

Yaya began applying the medicine and Gopal immediately winced which means that it really hurts. After that, she wrapped the bandage around her friend's wound.


The rest of Team Boboiboy was still at the campsite. They are all getting ready for their long walk. The girls are packing the bags as Boboiboy and Fang are formulating a plan on how to stop the unknown alien.

"To be honest Boboiboy, I just don't know how to stop them. I mean they are equipped with technology." Fang said, a bit embarrassed.

Boboiboy smiled. "It's okay. I've been thinking so much yesterday and luckily, I've got a good plan."

The two didn't noticed that the girls are now beside them. "So what's the plan?" The girls asked in unison that made Boboiboy and Fang jump in shock.

"Well the plan is You, Ying and Fang, will be the backups in case the two caught me and Halsey will be the one to make sure that the two aliens will not notice us. She will also be the one to guide and alert us. We'll  be able  to communicate each other using our power bands." Boboiboy said as he gave the tasks to his friends. Ying raised a brow at him. "And you, what are you going to do?" She asked.

"I'll be the one who will release Gopal and Yaya." Boboiboy said.


The team began walking around the island for almost 3 hours. To be honest, they have been lost ever since they had lost the map because of the strong gust of wind. And now, they are suffering from tiredness.

But they had to keep going. Not because their friends are in danger but because of Boboiboy. He just wanted to see Yaya again.

As they were walking on a grassy area, The team stopped as Boboiboy had stopped walking too. He had noticed the pink trail on the ground. He realized that it was the sleeping powder that the girl used. 'They must have gone here'. He said to himself.

He was about to tell his friends but as he turned around, he saw them asleep already. That's when he decided to investigate it on his own.

He began following the pink trail but it seems like it was going to lead to nowhere. Yet, he followed it because of his desperation of seeing Yaya again.

As the pink trail led him to a cliff, he then realized that it was nothing. He was tricked and this was a trap. But he was too late. A person had put his or her hand on his mouth and gave him the sleeping powder.

The person had got him and left that area, only leaving nothing but his powerband.


Boboiboy had opened his eyes and noticed that he wasn't on the forest anymore. His mind became confused. Questions began roaming around his head. Why am I here? Where am I? Where are the others? But then those questions aren't important to him. What's important is he must survive and find the others.

As he was standing up, he noticed that he was in a cell. he also hear small mutterings. "Boboiboy, are you okay?" Someone asked. the voice seemed familiar to him. As he turned around, he saw the girl he loved the most-- Yaya.

His eyes widen and began to act worriedly upon realization. "Yaya, are you okay? Do you have wounds? Are you hurt?" He asked as he scan her body for wounds and bruises but he had found none. He turned to his side and saw Gopal, a bandage wrapped around his stomach. Boboiboy gasped. "Oh my god, Gopal. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I will get us out of here. I promise." He said as he began to summon his earth powers. But then, something is missing. It was Boboiboy's powerwatch.

A/N: Hi Guys! sorry for the late update. I was really busy with my life and other books. But anyways what do you think will happen to them? Find out on the next updates.

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