Chapter 16- First Attack

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Dedicated to AhanaKazi and ScarletHeart328 also Netzumi_Crepsley

Mimi's POV

The sun began to rise and I am still here along with the others. I sat under the oak tree, still looking at it.

After a few minutes of looking, I didn't noticed that someone's beside me already. "The sun's beautiful, right?"

I gasped at the voice and looked to my side, seeing that Fang was beside me. "Gosh, you scared me." I said still holding my chest, still shocked that he's already awake.

"Hahaha... sorry. The sun is just too beautiful. Isn't it?" He asked.

With that, I got a flashback of my past. A flashback that I would always remember when I see the sun in the morning.


"The sun is so beautiful, right." An 8 year-old boy asked the little girl beside him.

"It's beautiful, yet it is bright. I can't look directly at it." The girl said which made the boy laugh.

And with that, the little girl joined the boy in laughing. But then she stopped and put her head in his shoulder. "Onii-San, like the sun, would you always be here with me?" The little girl asked.

"Of course." The boy replied.

"Always?" The girl asked again.

"Always." The boy asked as he began to brush the little girl's raven hair with his fingers.


"Hey Mimi. You there?" Fang asked as he snapped his fingers at me.

I blinked twice and realized that I was back at the reality. "Yeah. I'm fine." I said.

After the rest had woke up, we started our Journey towards Adu Du's hideout. It took a three hour walk but when we got there, we hid behind a large boulder. We started to formulate our plan.

"Okay..  we're still going to use the old plan but this time, Mimi and I will be looking for them and you two, Ying and Halsey will also look for them. Since there are two Entrances, Mimi and I will take the left and you guys will take the right one. Clear?" Fang asked.

"Clear as crystal." The three of us  said.

But then... Ying had a different reaction. "I'm just too scared. What if I can't do this, Fang? What if I failed?" She asked.

I looked at the two of them as Fang held Ying by the shoulders. "Don't worry. You can do this. We all can do this." He said. With that, I slight felt a pang on my chest as I see the both of them. Why am I like this?

After a minute, Fang and I entered the hideout. It was a bit dark but we could still see. We went straight ahead but then, there's just something wrong. "What's wrong?" Fang asked.

"I think we're not alone..." I said.

Then we heard a laugh. "Mimi... you're so observant." The girl that I had battled a few days ago, came out of her hiding spot. Great, she had invisibility powers...

I immediately change into a big polar bear and attacked her. But then, she dodged.

Ying's POV

Halsey and I are walking in a slightly dark room. Gosh... this is getting a little boring. I swear that if I saw that squarehead somewhere here... I will punch his face with Yaya's power...

Anyways... The room changed and I could see cages everywhere. "I think, they are kept in here. "I said. Halsey nodded and we started looking for Boboiboy, Yaya and Gopal.

Halsey and I turned right and we immediately saw them. I unlocked the cage since the password was really easy. I mean who makes 1234 their four-digit password?

As the others came out, I gasped as I saw Gopal in a bleeding shirt. "Gopal, what happened to you?" I asked.

"I got beaten up..." he said. Good thing that he could walk.

"Hey Ying. Where's Fang? And Is Mimi with you?" Boboiboy asked.

I crossed my arms. "Mimi is with Fang but I don't know where are they..." I said.

But then, a bomb was thrown beside us,.making us fly in the air because of the sudden explosion. "Ouch... my wound hurts." Gopal said.

I began to be the boss in here. "Guys... Run! I'll take it from here."

They obeyed my orders and ran to the right. I began fighting the guy but he kept dodging my attacks. Anyways, I'm using Yaya's power.

"Maximum Gravity!" I summoned and the guy immediately fell to the ground but after a few seconds, he started to stand up as if it had no effect on him. "As you can see... I'm using high quality boots." That's when I started to run.

I kept running and I saw Fang and Mimi. "Fang, Mimi... we have to get out of here. NOW!" I shouted. The both nodded and got ahead of me... since I'm using Yaya's power, I wasn't fast enough. I tried to remove her powerband and switch it with mine.

Mimi changed into a large, red dragon and Halsey rode her first, then Gopal, then Boboiboy, and then Fang. The only ones left that are running are me and Yaya.

"Guys, you could do it!" Halsey said.

The siblings who were behind us started firing their pistols. Yaya and I dodged as we both kept running. Fang and Boboiboy reached out their hands as we tried to reach them back. Yaya was about to reach Boboiboy's hand but she failed. But then, Fang caught her...

"Fang we have to leave now or we would all be in danger." I heard Mimi say as they slowly fly away. I was left alone...

"Well that's just sad, Ying. Your friends left you." The girl said.

"Don't worry. You could be one of us. My name's Gustav By the way." He said, slightly impressing me..

"So? Do I care?" I asked coldly.

"Bro... just take her to her cage." The girl said.

The Gustav guy suddenly gripped on my hand but not really tight. He led me to a different direction and I knew that this isn't the direction to the Prisoner's area.

He opened the door and as he opened it, it was a bedroom. With blue walls, blue everything. He scratched his neck and began talking. But I talked first. "What are you trying to do to me?" I asked.

"I don't want to put you in a cage so I'm lending you my room. You could find the stuff you need in the drawers. You could take a shower or sleep in the bed. But I'm locking you in to make sure you won't escape. I'll just share rooms with my sister." With that he left.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. He wasn't kidding. He locked me using his techno-path powers... But why is he so  good to me?

Q: Why do you think Gustav is treating Ying in a nice way?

Hi guys. Here's another update for you... I wish this chapter is alright and sorry for grammatical errors and wrong spellings.

another thing... I'm so sorry that I wasn't active for a long time... I was facing lots of problems right now. but don't worry, I'm still here and I will update soon, I promise ^_^

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