001. new greenie

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chapter one

cassie sprints around the corner laughing as minho's and ben's pants start to get heavier both of them annoyed at the girl for outrunning them yet again

"I hate you cass" minho said rolling his eyes digging his heels into the cobbled floor and leaning against the ivy covered wall taking the needed break

cassie rolls her eyes at the dark haired boy patting his shoulder "you love me min come on we aren't far off now ben's doing fine"

"no" ben coughs in protest smashing his fist against his chest in an attempt to stop his choking "no I'm not It's not necessary for us to run so shucking far"

"It's called exercise benny" cassie said starting to jog slowly again turning around to face the boys but continues to move backwards lifting her arms up slightly and flicking two fingers up getting them to continue the journey

minho rolls his jaw smiling at the girl who was like his sister laughing minho runs after her, dragging Ben with him for the next few metres

"new greenie today" ben said wiping his mouth free of the saliva forming and rubbing it off onto his shorts.

"he should already be there" minho replies just as the entrance to the glade appears, all three of the runners eyes brightening up immediately "hey" cassie snaps her fingers at minho "he might be a girl"

"I highly doubt it" minho said pushing the back of his hand across his forehead getting rid of the hairline sweat "you were the second girl ever to come into the glade and ever since then it's just been men so it's a he"

"one day" cassie runs a hand through her hair "another girl will come up in the box and I will prove you wrong"

finally they reach the green grass all of them wanting to immediately collapse onto the floor and sleep off the aches and pains

"home sweet home" ben said sighing holding his arms out wide and letting the fresh breeze blow into his face

"there he is" minho said nudging cassie nodding his head towards the dark haired boy stood beside chuck waiting for them to near "told you it was a he"

cassie starts to slow down once she gets closer to the pair not once paying any attention to the new boy

"hey chuck" minho said nodding at the small boy
"new greenie huh?"

"how does it feel to be promoted?" ben questions his eyes staying trained on chuck as they pass

chuck give them a small wave as they leave
"feels great ben" he turns around again his eyes meeting cass slightly exposed chest "oh hey cassie"

cassie swallows, her sore throat burning from running so much "hi curls you finished carving my knives yet?"

chuck reaches a hand up the back of his neck, scratching it gently and his eyes drift down to the floor "nearly"

cassie tilts her head her eyes roaming all over his face and quickly finding the truth "they're nowhere near done are they?"

"nope" chuck said frowning "I'm sorr-"

"just have them done by the day after tomorrow please" cassie said smiling at the boy patting his shoulder before going to walk away and clean up but the greenie has other plans, stepping in front of her

"excuse me" cassie said hitting his shoulder walking towards the med bay

thomas takes this moment to take in the girl in front of him, her dark brunette hair falling perfectly over her shoulders and her plump pink lips slightly open while she takes deep breaths still feeling the effects from running too quickly

he flinches at her unnecessarily rude tone before being shoved to the side by her shoulder as she leaves not saying another word

"who's that?" the greenie questions chuck watching as the girl pulls her harness off while walking

"cassie, she doesn't like greenies much. you'll have to grow on her." the young boy chuckled nervously watching the greenies eyebrows furrow.

"is she the only girl here?" chuck shakes his head, his leg kicking pointlessly at tuft of grass, "nah, last year kamari got here. she was the first girl, cassie got here a few months ago." the greenie nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"a few months? I thought you said they send a guy a year?" chuck glanced down, then back at the young man.

"yeah, we don't get it either.. alby thinks it was might of been some kind of reward, or mistake. I don't know." the boy shrugged.

cassie was talking to kamari when they both heard yelling they turned to each other before running out

"alright calm, calm, calm" gally extends his arms out in-front of him while the greenie moves around crazily his arms and head whipping all over

"don't touch me!" he screams jumping back again.

"no one is touching you greenie" cassie raises her eyebrows at the strange boy in front of her completely weirded out

"hey what the hell is wrong with you guys?" the greenie rushes, circling around and looking at all the people surrounding him

"I think you mean what is wrong with you." cassie snaps angrily, resulting in gally gently pushing her behind him to remove her slightly

cassie's temper fuse is extremely short the slightest thing could set her off into a rampage, which in most cases scares everyone and no one speaks to her for the next month gally prefers for that not to happen

newt runs over his eyes whipping between cassie and the greenie slightly jealous he shouts at the greenie in an attempt to calm him down
"hey clam down!"

"I just wanna know what's out there!"

"we're just tryna protect you man." alby says calmly, not at all phased by the craziness

"you can't keep me here!" he shouts getting more and more worked up

cassie moves to stand between newt and alby getting a better view of the Greenies mixed emotions

"we can't let you leave." Kamari states, tucking her hands into her cargo pants pockets lazily, no longer worked up by the boys antics

"why not?" greenie said as rumbling fills the glade and wind gushes down the entrance to the maze, blowing leaves into all their faces the doors slowly start to close and the noises die down as soon as the loud bang signifies that they're fully shut

the greenie's jaw falls open, almost hitting the floor and he refuses to blink, just staying at the tiny gap in front of him

gally rams his shoulder into the his causing him to jump back "next time I'm gonna let you fucking die."

"come on let's go" kamari said holding out her hand, cassie grabbed it walking away with her.

"welcome to the glade" alby whispers into thomas ear, the boys eyes still focused on the walls while everyone leaves, returning to their daily jobs

iiveraione Biggirl568 -MissSwan bnnyskirt
erin_elephant shuug_0 HalleCarey Cloudlstwriter banksieswife -pixiegardens lalax0x0

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