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After finishing this the story doesn't end here! There is a second book so please check that out thank you so much! Any votes, comments or reads will make me very happy!


"Endless suffering and circle"

― Dorothea Lasky.


"GET UP AND follow me quietly." Her guard grunted as he opened her cell door.

It had been a day. She had counted the meals she had received and the clock in her head. Maybe a little more than a day.

She had sat down and meditated. And then broke down sobbing quietly in the corner, pondering over how Legion, the man with mind controlling powers had ended up dying so easily. If he was dead, that meant so was she.

Helene stood up and to her surprise she was calm. A creepy calm that she hadn't felt in her entire life. Was this how people felt when the were ready for revenge?

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, her voice steady.

The guard shot her a frightened look, "Keep quiet."

Her large manacles jingled loudly as she walked, the chain scraping the ground as she moved on with every step. It was weighing her down but she refused to bow her back. She kept her back straight and her chin up.

She was lead through a dark hallway. Even though her heart squealed danger she did not react. This was part of the castle, she had never been through and she was nervous.

The Guard led her to a door, dark and dusty. It was covered in spiderwebs and it looked strangely ancient. Helene shifted her expression to make it look like she didn't care. Like nothing mattered. But deep down she knew that wasn't the case.

Her brother was standing in the middle of the dimly lit room, his hands crossed over his chest, looking uncomfortable. Helene didn't care. She wanted him to burn in hell. Beside him stood a girl with silver hair, dark khol on her eyes. Her dress was a black fighter suit showing some of her cleavage and tightening around her waist. Her eyes were dark pits and they shone with glee as soon as her eyes landed on Helene.

"I am Aniela Yaa, daughter of Katoka Yaa, heir to the House of Elowen. I am here to test your strength." Aniela looked Helene over with her demon eyes that began to glow crystal white, "If you have any." She added as a retort.

Helene swallowed as the guard pushed her into the room and stepped out, shutting the door behind him. She watched Grave lick his lips and rub his hands, moving behind the fence, leaning over. Helene walked to the middle, her chains dragging behind her. They clinked and jiggled, clinking louder with every step. She put her head up, and met Aniela's glare with hers.

And then she pulled out a match and Helene's eyes widened.


No. No. No. Her own power would never betray her. Would it? She begged and begged into her head, asking who ever would listen to her and accept her prayer. Anything but fire. Anything.

She held her breath as Aniela came closer, until they were nose to nose and whispered, "If you survive this we will move on to the next part. I'll try to make it hurt less, yeah?"

Helene forced her expression to stay calm.

Aniela stepped back and smiled, "You know, from where I'm from we are broken as soon as we turn seven. We Elowen's learn from the starting that seven is the maturing age. But your nineteen and I'm wondering if you've ever went through this kind of pain."

"Who are the Elowen?" Helene asked, trying to buy some time even though she knew it wouldn't do much.

She frowned, "You do not know?"

Helene shook her head.

"I come from the very South. Down in the caves and born from the darkness. We are a quiet bunch, don't come out a lot so maybe that is why you haven't heard of us. To everyone else we are normal Scars walking around. But those who find our sacred prayer homes are granted one wish."

"Sacred homes?" Helene asked.

Aniela grinned, "Yes. Now enough chit chat. Hold tight."

"The healer is here," Grave said and a young boy was pushed near Helene. He trembled and she didn't blame him for being scared.

Aniela lit the match and brought it close to Helene's skin and she held her breath, waiting for pain. First it was heat, and then scorching pain as her shoulder began to burn. Her skin sizzled and Helene let out a piercing scream, trying to move back but her body was stuck in place, unable to move.

"Stop!" She shut her eyes, gasping and breathing hard.

Aniela moved the match down her skin, burning more down and said with gritted teeth, "This is how it feels to burn Helene Seelie Galane. Embrace it."

Helene screamed herself hoarse.

SHE WOKE UP ON the floor with her chains still in place and her strength drained and her throat hurt along with her throbbing head. Helene had passed out from all the pain, not remembering how long she had held on for. It was for so long that Grave had yelled at Aniela, asking her why she wasn't out cold yet. Aniela had looked panicked and then she was out. Helene remembered Aniela had punched her in the face when Grave wasn't looking. Everything had went dark after then.

Aniela stood a few feet away, her eyes narrowed.

"What did he do?" Helene coughed, clearing her throat and turning so she was laying on her back. Her wounds had disappeared and her body just ached.

Aniela let out a long breath, "He threatened my kin. He threatened my home."

Helene snorted, "Of course."

There was silence before she whispered, "I am sorry."

"Help me," Helene murmured, sniffing softly, trying to control her tears.

She watched as Aniela approached her, coming down to her face and said so low that she had to bring her ear to listen, "Take it from me. You have to."

And then she was gone, closing the door behind her.

Helene sat up, her heart beating fast in her chest.

Take what?

She looked around, her eyes focusing on the door. She could get up and-

Pain and then darkness.

SHE STOOD IN FRONT of an old man who seemed strangely familiar. He smiled at her and put out his hand. Everything behind them was floating. For a second she thought she was dead-but he shook his head and pointed. There was fire ahead and when she turned around, he was gone.

Everything changed and she felt fire in her veins. Like it was coming into her, and her blood was absorbing it. It was part of her now and she wasn't letting go.

You're a survivor. He told her. You will live-

HELENE WOKE UP with a gasp, her hands were unbound, the chains lying a few feet away. She scrambled to her feet, her hands shaking with hunger and anger. Aniela stood in front of her and her brother stood behind the fence.

"Phase two. Let's see if you're worthy enough, yeah?" Though she pretended to be ruthless, Helene saw through her. And she didn't blame her. So she stood straight, held her chin higher and closed her eyes, waiting for whatever was going to hit her.

There was no running from this. And she knew that. So she embraced it.

When nothing happened, she opened her eyes but she regretted it. Aniela chose that moment to raise her hands and sent her flying. Helene hit the wall, her head smacking against it and sparks burst into her vision. She closed her eyes as she began to choke.

She tried to breath but she was coughing, wheezing loudly. Grave had disappeared somewhere and she knew she was going to die. She had failed everyone and she was nothing. She was nothing.

She was nothing.

But no. That was a lie. She was something. She was powerful. And she was smart. She wasn't going to die like this and this was her decision.

So she closed her eyes tightly, as she died slowly and pulled with all her strength. She pulled the power that was choking her, keeping her glued to the wall. She pulled with her blood, will and strength.

She felt it ease as it sunk to her bones, as she flexed her fingers and felt the strength reach its limit. She opened her eyes.

Take it from me.

Everything made sense now. Her dreams. Her fire. The old man.

Fire wasn't her power. It was her blood flowing in her veins. And it was a gift. But her Absorber power was her strength. It was her agility. It was her answer.

She wasn't nothing.

She was something. And as she watched Aniela smile proudly at her as she fell towards the ground, she knew what she had done. She had pulled the power from her core and there was no going back. Helene ran to Aniela, ready to give her the powers back but her limp body said it was over.

Helene fell down beside her, staring at her beautiful face. Her powers were strong like a song, but dangerous.

And she knew she was going to fix it.

All of it.


5 more chapters left! Holy shit-





After finishing this the story doesn't end here! There is a second book so please check that out thank you so much! Any votes, comments or reads will make me very happy!

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