1.03 - Net Arrow

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Kate ran and jumped, grabbing a hold of the lowest rung of the fire escape ladder, bringing it clattering down to the ground. She immediately ran up and made her way to the roof. That would be the best vantage point until she could get further into the city. Then she could really get a high place where she could see a lot. Immediately, she heard Clint's voice in her head.

"I see better from a distance."

A snicker fell from her mouth before she could stop it. She'd been making fun of him for that line ever since he'd told her that story of the time when the Avengers first assembled to fight Loki.

"Way to perpetuate the bird theme," she had snarked back to him.

"What do you want me to say, Kate? It's the truth."

"Well, it certainly wasn't that. How many bird guys to the Avengers need?"

That had been a good day. She had been able to make fun of Clint for getting brainwashed by a guy with a stick ("It wasn't just a stick, Kate.") and then his fight with Natasha and eventually getting taken down because she bit him. But she got to see his first impressions of all the Avengers and hear about what really brought them together.

One day, Kate was hoping she'd actually get to meet the entire new team, and form opinions of her own. It had been a while since they'd come to the farm needing to hide out. Maybe one day, all this business with the Accords will have blown over and they'd be able to be a team again, and maybe Kate would get to be there to see it.

Whether she was an Avenger at that point (something she really didn't know if she wanted considering how they had treated Clint) or just along to see the show, she wasn't really picky.

But she did know that it would be one hell of a show when they did get back together since it would have to be one hell of a threat to get them to forget about everything that happened.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Kate made a split second decision and ran to the edge of the roof and jumped to the next building, rolling to her feet once she landed. She stood and ran to the next roof, then the next, and the next. She didn't stop for anything, keeping her ears out for calls for help and any signs of danger as she made her way through town, rooftop to rooftop.

She didn't know how much she expected to have to do that day. After all, some days she either missed the trouble or there wasn't any in her area and other days there was too much for her to get to all of. It varied from day to day, so she never knew what the day was going to be like. But whatever happened, she would be prepared.

Her feet skidded to a halt at the edge of the roof and she toppled backwards in an attempt to stop herself from going over the edge of the roof when she wasn't ready and didn't want to make the jump anymore. Rolling to her stomach, Kate pulled herself forward and peeked over the edge of the roof, looking down into the alley below.

Down on the street, a man was standing next to a car with some sort of long and thin piece of metal. A slim jim, she guessed. Smiling, Kate ran the length of the building and dropped down silently onto the fire escape, making her way to the street before notching a special arrow onto her bow and aiming it at the man.

"Hey there, buddy, need a boost?" she asked.

The man whirled to face her, alarm all over his face. He knew he'd been caught. "Nah, locked myself out."

"Nah," she replied, mimicking him and calling him out on the lie, "looks like your trying to recreate some video games."

"I'm tryin' to what now?" he asked.

Kate sighed, "Grand Theft Auto, man," she explained. "Step away from the car."

"It's my car," he protested.

"There aren't any keys in the car, dumbass. Can't have locked yourself out if there are no keys in the car."

"How would you know there ain't any keys inside?" the man asked.

"That's quite simple, I spotted you from the roof up there. It's got a great vantage point and I could see right down into the car," she explained.

The man stared at her for a minute, processing what she was telling him. Then, in a split second, he reached for something tucked in the back of his pants and Kate reacted quicker, firing her arrow at him. The net exploded out of the arrow's tip, hitting the man and pinning him back against the brick wall behind him. She fired another arrow at his sleeve, pinning his arm to the wall as well.

"Hey!" he protested.

"What?" Kate asked, "you think I'm just gonna let you steal a car?"

"Who the hell do you think you are?" he demanded, outraged and struggling to move his arm.

Kate smiled, notched one more arrow, a special one and aimed just above his head. Purple lettering decorated the side of the black arrow, telling everyone who found him exactly who had done this to this guy.

"I'm Hawkeye, bitch."

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