1.04 - Stark Realizations

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As Kate entered her home, her costume once more hidden away with her bow and arrows in her backpack, she was ambushed by a very happy and golden puppy running up to her and jumping up to be able to lick at her face. Kate started laughing as she tried to dodge Lucky's attack before she pushed him down off of her. She rubbed his ears before walking past him in the direction of the kitchen. As she began to pillage for food, Kate wasn't surprised that she was the only one home. It wasn't very often that she would find herself in a full home. Not anymore.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, Kate grabbed the snacks she had pillaged and a can of pop before making her way down the hall to her room. Lucky ran ahead of her into the room, so she kicked the door shut behind her. She dumped the snacks in her arms onto her bed, dumped her backpack on the floor next to the bed and flopped down beside the snacks as Lucky went right to his bed and started chewing on a squeaky toy.

"Oh, Lucky, why does superhero-ing take so much work?" she asked the dog.

The only response she received was several squeaks from the toy in his mouth, so with a groan, she pushed herself up and grabbed her laptop, pulling it into her lap. She pulled a textbook and notebook out of her backpack, setting it up in front of her so she could begin her homework while she started up Netflix on her computer. This is why Clint didn't have a day job, she thought to herself.

Kate spent two hours that way, watching Netflix and working on homework. But around dinnertime, Lucky stopped chewing on his squeaky toy and started nosing Kate's arm with his nose to get her attention and when that didn't work, laying down at her door and whining loudly. At first, she tried to ignore it, but the dog was persistent, and eventually she gave in, shutting her textbook, notebook and laptop.

"Fine!" she exclaimed, "you're hungry, I get it. Let's go."

He ran ahead of her out of the room and towards the front door while she grabbed a jacket and his leash. They travelled down to the lobby and then out of the building together, Lucky pulling on his leash the whole time. Kate kept him under control, though, all the way to the pizza place fifteen minutes away. There, she tied his leash to a post out front and entered into the restaurant alone.

The bell rang above her as she entered, and the guy at the counter looked up, a smile pulling on his features. "Kate!" he greeted happily.

"Hey, Vince," she greeted, approaching the counter, "I'll take the usual."

"One slice of pepperoni and one slice of meat lovers, a pop and water coming right up," Vince told her easily, before shouting to the guys in the back to get off their asses and get the pizza started. "How are you, Kate?"

"Good, keeping busy with school," she told him, easily, "how about you?"

"Ah, things are the same as always! Best pizza place for miles around," he said proudly, "life couldn't be better."

From the back, a young guy who resembled Vince came out. "Sorry, Pa, the guys and I were reading this article. You'll never believe it!"

"You ain't getting paid to read stupid articles, Angelo, you're getting paid to make pizza!" Vince scolded, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, but Pa, it was crazy!"

"What was it about?" Kate asked.

"Hey, Kate," he greeted, "some journalist got their hands on a police report for some guy they found in this alley. Apparently, he was held to the wall with a net, the gun in his hand was held to the wall with an arrow and they found another arrow above his head, you'll never guess what it said!"

Though she knew exactly what it said, Kate played along. "What did it say?"

"Hawkeye! No one's seen the guy since the Accords were signed, but he must be back!" Angelo gushed.

"If it's him," Kate said, shoving her hands in her back pockets.

"Who else could it be?" Angelo asked.

"Newcomer," Kate answered with a shrug, "maybe Hawkeye trained someone new so he could stay in hiding."

"Why would he do that?" he questioned.

"It was just a suggestion, man, I don't know. Just 'cause the arrow had his name on it doesn't mean it was him is all I'm saying," Kate said.

"You're crazy, Kate, it's gotta be him," Angelo insisted.

Kate shrugged. "Guess we'll find out when they catch him to sign the Accords."

"You think he'll be caught?" Angelo questioned.

"If he's out of hiding, sure. Especially if he's back in the city," Kate said, smirking internally at the lie she was spinning, "he's been gone for how long now and not been caught? He had to have left the city."

"Either way," Vince chimed, "Tony Stark ain't gonna be happy. He'll catch him."

Kate hadn't thought about that. She hadn't even considered the fact that Tony Stark would come swooping down on her as soon as she revealed herself. Especially if she had used Clint's alias. And shit, the farm. Why wouldn't that be the first place Stark went in search of Clint again? She definitely hadn't thought this plan through entirely. Clint would be pissed. She had to get down to the farm immediately, and get ahold of Barney.

Luckily, it was at that moment that the pizza was prepared and brought up to the counter. Kate quickly paid for the pizzas and said goodbye to Vince and Angelo before leaving, grabbing Lucky and bee-lining back home, itching to get out her phone and make contact with Barney if possible. She couldn't believe how big of a thing she had overlooked.

Of course, of course, Tony Stark would come looking after releasing the name Hawkeye back into the world. How could she have been so stupid?

As soon as she got home, Kate dropped the slice of meat lover's pizza to the floor and emptied the water bottle into Lucky's dish. The dog went straight for the pizza as Kate dropped hers on her desk in her room as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened up the last contact she had for Barney.

Pacing back and forth as she texted Barney (and thanking whatever god is out there that he responded), Kate couldn't get her nerves to slow their roll as she waited for Barney's response. He took twenty minutes to respond to her first text, and he didn't even respond to the second. But he would be there, and that was all that mattered. Now she just had to get there.

"You wanna go back to the farm, Lucky? Huh? You wanna go back home and see your friends?" she asked the dog in a childish voice.

The dog perked up immediately, getting excited as he wagged his tail and jumped around. Kate smiled at him and threw some of his things into a bag before preparing a bag of her own. When she had the two bags ready, she hooked Lucky up to his collar once again and left without word or note.

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