Chapter 21: Five days

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|€| Xornoth's POV |€|

Once again, I awoke to bright. Not brightness, bright. It is a hospital room after all. I threw the blanket off getting out of the bed. I walked through the door and down the hall way. Knocking on a door, it opened, and the wizard peaked through the door.
" Xornoth! " She squeaked
" Hello Gem. " I said, holding back a chuckle.
" Come in ya sleeping beauty! " She said opening the door more.

I stepped into her room, her big as hell room. Decorated in purples and whites. Spruce wood beams traversing up the wall. Stripped spruce layering the bottom half of the wall. Almost every type of crystal was placed everywhere. Candles where more than enough. A nicely decorated chandelier hung from the ceiling with guess what, crystals and candles scattered around it. On the left side of the room was her bed, a king sized bed, purple of course, with dark oak poles holding the top half of the bed up, curtains of, you guessed, purple draped down from the top, positioned in such a way they looked like dragon wings, speaking of dragons. Still hate em, anyhow. To bed cabinets made of spruce stood beside it, once again, with dark oak poles making it sturdy, a small dragon skull sat on one, two black candle in its eyes. The other had crystals, just crystals. The draws the top half of the cabinet just had crystals. I believe it was... orange and blue calcite, amethyst, smoky quartz, rose quartz, tigers eye, moon stone, sun stone, random rainbow crystal, azurite and... hmmm- hematite? It could be.. I don't know. The floors where made of polished spruce wood planks, a big fluffy, so fluffy, purple carpet laid before her bed. A simple spruce and dark oak wardrobe stood on the other side of the room. A mirror on a desk was beside it, scattered with books. Speaking of books, a lonely bookshelf was tucked away in the corner. Compressed, but dang was it tall. Don't let Scott at that, he'll have more insomnia than he already has. A door was tucked away in the other corner of the room. It was pretty beautiful not gonna lie... and that's coming from a demon who turned normal but still is chaotic in ways, who is sleep deprived.

Note for all, I've never watched Gem's videos so I'm making stuff up. I know what her school looks like. Ish. But that's all. So go along with me here please. And plus I gotta take a turn with everything building cause yes.

" So, Uhm. " Gem said.
" Have I been asleep for five days again? " I asked, she nodded.
" What is it with me and being knock out for five days! Why even five I hate that number! " I said angrily.
" I don't know... but Scott is wayyyyyy gone eh? " Gem said.
" Guess so, " I shrugged.

Gem was going to speak again, but nah, not today. I walked past her to the carpet, stopping at the edge. Then falling onto it, somehow not breaking my face. I stretched out across it, just enjoying the softness.

" Now I see why cats are demons sometimes... " Gem muttered somehow loudly.

I huffed just enjoying the softness of the carpet. So fluffy, so soft...

" I'm gonna go get the others to see this " She said with a chuckle.

I huffed again, staying on the carpet, enjoying the softness of it.

Wooo! Normal chapter, I guess! Also don't ask why but dang I love the Xornoth = cat like head cannon I just made up. I mean, hausjabiahajhajaj. Demon = cat. Xornoth = Demon. Xornoth = demon = cat. So yeah. Its like me, I enjoy stuff like that. I mean you can't deny the softness touch. Nor the insanity of not getting sleep for years. And the constant voice of your ghost friend who likes to flirt with you in every way possible for no reason. I'm getting of topic... also... we passed the 500 mark. We're 600. Like holy macchiato on a wax sriracha dancing on a icicle that's a lot. I have no clue on what I just wrote... what in the holy mother ducking blizzard did I write. I think it's the sleep. Yeah probably, anyhow. Have a good rest of your time since I'm rambling on now! Bye bye!

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