Chapter 22: Visted

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Well, as you can tell by the chapter name, the emperor's are visited. By who you probably think it is. Idk

Oh yeah and æthethyth is a random thing I made up. I believe there is a word starting with æ but idk.

Which is also the entire book!

C h a i r

|¥| Gem's POV |¥|

I've talked to the two people I need to awhile ago. Joey six days Xornoth one day. But no mater what I say, I can't get my actual predictions out. Why is it so hard!? I have it hard enough already! Gosh... I looked out the window. I've been in my room for hours, it's sunset. Darn... I spent that long in here just have a mental crisis? I sighed to myself. Falling back onto my bed, closing my eyes for what was only a second. But when I opened them, everything was wrong. Ice creeped up the walls, the cold breeze of something caressed my skin. I left out of my bed, burst through the door. Breaking it off its hinges because of how cold it was. I ran around the house, no signs of life where there. I tried to leave, the door was blocked. I cried out in anguish and slid down the door. Screams where emitted from outside, a dragon roaring in anger. Blasts begin shot at every place I could here. I heard my name be screamed. I sounded like Scott. I jumped up, pulling the curtain off of the window. I seen myself. Laying on the floor, Scott at my side. He looked frostbitten, somehow. He looked up at me, and jumped back landing on his hands. Staring at me horrified, Jimmy ran over to him, dragging him away by the arm. He reached out towards my body, crying out my name. But I wasn't moving, I scratched and punched at the window trying to escape, all it was doing was making my fists bleed. Scott was still staring at me. I placed my hands on the window, then realised they weren't mine. They had dark black veins stretched across. Rings of silver cover three fingers on my left hand. A single gold one on my right. I looked back up to Scott, who looked right back at me. I glanced to the crystal apparently, and so did he. He took it in hand,I felt a rush of power go through me. I looked back to my body, then to Scott. He nodded, ripping his arm out of Jimmys grasp, who screamed after him. He leaped to my body. I placed my hands on the window, looking at the approaching dragon. Scott looked to me, I nodded. I let power rush through me. Making the red crystal glow. And in a flash of white. Something happened. But I don't know what, because I was in the void. I looked to my hands. They were mine again. I sighed.

" You traitor " A voice echoed.
" You worthless piece of skin! " Another voice echoed.

I spun, seeing the emperors approach me, I was about to say hi, by my voice was only a breath.

" You've doomed us all! " Lizzie said.
" You did this to us " Jimmy said.

They all glitched. Blood now coating there clothes, sword marks, arrow wounds. Almost every single death sentence in war was visible on each ruler. But Jimmy, instead. He had an ice spike through his chest. Blood seeping through his clothes dripping onto the floor. His skin was frostbitten.

" Now you'll pay. " Joel said.
" Pay for all this death you will. " Pearl said.
" And suffer you will. " Joey said.

They glitched out of existence. I fell, fell into a hole I didn't see. After what seemed like for ever. I landed, nothing hurt though.

" Gem " A voice hissed, I spun to see Xornoth.
" You made me do it. " Scott spoke. I spun to see a sword plugged through his chest.
" Why did you? " Another voice spoke. Erin, her voice brimmed with tears.
" I- I- I- " I tried to speak. But a lump in my throat didn't allow me.
" WHY DID YOU DO THIS!? " Everyone screamed at the same time.

I closed my eyes, and opened them again. Darting up from my bed, sweeting. I push myself against the backboard of the bed. Regain myself. I looked around my room, everything was fine. I looked at my hands. I was me. I wiped my forehead with my arm. Looking out the window, nighttime. Great. I opened my door, roaming down the endless hallways. Stopping at the grade doors of the library. Maybe it knows what's going on... I opened the doors entering the library. I roamed around for awhile. I bumped into someone who dropped their book.

" Oh jeez! I'm so so sorry! " I said picking up their book and passing it to them.
" Gem? " A familiar voice spoke.
" Wait- Xornoth? " I said looking at them. Xornoth he was.
" Uhhh- hi? " He said.
" Hellooo- " I said.
" Uhm- what ya got? " I said. Xornoth blushed, tucking the book under his arm.
" It- it's r- really nothing! Just some fancy book I found! hehe- " Xornoth said nervously.
" Uh huh... What's it called? " I said.
" I- I said it was nothing! " Xornoth said nervously again.
" If it's nothing then you can tell me. But it's definitely something. Your hiding it. " I tried to peer at it Xornoth moved the book behind his back.
" Then it's something! But I need to go now goodbye! " Xornoth said rushing out the room.

I slapped my hand against my forehead, this elf. Why'd they have to be so secretive?! Especially the royalty. Scott would never voice his opinion. He also says he's fine when dark circles are obvious under his eyes. He paces way to much for my liking. He says he's fine when he's not. And for sakes he lies about getting sleep! He annoys me so much with that... And Xornoth is way to secretive that you don't even now what's going on with him. Unless it's in his voiced. He always puts on a blank face. Trying to ignore every question that's too deep in to personal life. The Majors are overly secretive. And no one knows why. But it's only Xornoth and Scott who are! The other elves are pretty open. Not a lot but like. Never mind... it's probably nothing. There twins, one can follow after the other.

I sighed, there was nothing here for me. I mean the Elven library probably but- it was way too late. And stormy. I walked back down the hallway I took and returned to my room. Shutting the door behind me. Sitting in my bed, contemplating what happened. I shook it off, and peeled back the covers getting into the bed. Since I didn't change out of my pj's anyway. I drifted off to sleep. Once again.

|^| Shrub's POV |^|

I woke up again. To another day of suffering, I guess. I got out of bed and got into my clothes. I walked out the door and walked over to to living room. I opened the door to the room, it was bustling with life. Everyone was talking to someone. All but Gem and Xornoth. Sat side by side, awkwardly. Neither gazing at each other. Xornoth looked guilty for something. And Gem looked depressed, I walked over to them sitting in between.

" Hey Shrub... " Gem said groggily. Xornoth ignored me.
" Hi! " I spoke, full of energy.
" What's going on between you two? " I asked, leaning into the couch.
" It's not anything bad... Me and Xornoth just had and awkward happening last night. " Gem said.
" Ah... We'll speak to each other! Figure that out. I'm going to Katherine! " I said.
" Bye Shrub... " Gem said.

Xornoth waved me goodbye as I moved to the other side next to Katherine. They were odd... Gem wasnt as optimistic as always. And Xornoth is well... Xornoth but less Xornoth? I don't know... he's him, and I don't know him.
" Hey Shrub! " Katherine said. Snapping me out of my trance.
" Helllllllo! " I replied happily masking my concern.

A few hours later I guess.

It's around noon now. Everyone was tired. Xornoth and Gem where almost asleep on each other. But they kept waking each other up. I heard dragon claws loudening behind me. Stopping only a ways away. A claw tapped on the ground. Like a velociraptors claw in the first Jurassic park movie! I sent a shiver down my spin. And out of nowhere. A chair came, flying past everyone's heads. I fell off the couch, inching backwards. I stood up, and followed everyone's gaze. To the one himself...

Scott Major.

" Finally you realise I'm here. " He said, his voice being follow by another voice that wasn't his, but came from him.
" What are you doing here. " Gem said reaching for her staff.
" Now now~ I'm not here to fight right now. Just- came with information. " Scott said.

I gazed at the now teal crystal around his neck. It had purple last time... oh Aeor I know what's happened...

" I see the gnome has caught on already~ " the fake Scott said.
" What did you do. " I said, anger became apparent in my voice.
" Oh nothing much~ He's having "fun" in the crystal~ " 'Scott' Said. That fun was sarcastic. More sarcastic than Xornoth's ego...

Everyone's faces turned from confusion to rage. This corruption put Scott in the crystal! And lied about Scott having fun! God!

" Listen "Scott", I've been in a crystal before. It's not fun at all. " Xornoth said sassily, his hand on his hip.
" Yeah yeah whatever ya worthless demon. " "Scott" said.
" Anyhow~ gotta go " "Scott" said, dissipating before our eyes.

Great, more problems to deal with.

Hurray! Chapter done!
And cliffhanger.
I think.

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