Chapter 32: Nope!

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Hiya everyone! I'm back! As you know since your reading this... this chapter is just giving the others rooms and stuff so not much drama, yeah, I said much. So what?

|¥| Scott's POV |¥

I walked down the stairs to where everyone was, taking a breath before just waiting, everyone was talking amongst themselves.

" You guys gonna stop talking? " I said, everyone's attention directed to me.
" So, our rooms? " Gem said.
" Yup. " I said.

I left the visinity of the stairs, letting everyone follow behind, apparently, Krow has named the rooms, so that's good, the keys to the rooms where place in the key hole.

" This is- neat. " Jimmy mumbled to himself.

The first room was Gem's. Of course.

" Alright, here's your room Gem. " I said.
" Oh! Uhm, alright! " Gem said.

Gem walked over to her room, playing with the key in the door before the door actually opened. Once she was in, I continued. It was Katherine's room next, followed by Shrub, Pearl, then Jimmy, Lizzie, Joel, Pixl, Joey, Sausage and then Fwhip. Finally everyone was gone, I made my way back up to my room, I unlocked my door. Entering the room I locked the door behind me. Falling onto my bed, down came both Erin and Xornoth.

" You alright brother? " Xornoth said, I could feel him sit on the bed.
" Fine, hate social interactions. " I replied.
" Don't we all. " Erin said.

I repositioned myself, my back now resting on the backboard of the bed. I've never gotten a good look at Erin, who was standing at the end of my bed. She had dark pink hair down to her waist it was neatly placed into a braid though, so that's nice, black dragon horns spotted in the same dark pink with some forest green, in the light they looked like jagged spikes in a cave, just, darker and, pinker I guess. Her wings weren't big, but, they were dragons, which probably means she was agile in flying, small wings is kind of slower, but more agile, I found that out the hard way. Oh, and her wings took the same pattern as her horns, except the skin in between the structure of the wings on the left was a pink, but not light nor dark, a perfect balance, the right was the same but green instead of pink, her dragon like features followed along with a tail, pure black, only the spikes variety of pinks and green stood out against it, she wasn't wearing any traditional clothing, she was her. Her clothes consisted of a short sleeved turtleneck coloured in red that resembled blood, ripped slim jeans in a faded grey, a belt for decretive prepossess, which was a dark brown with gold highlights, a white and black torn plaid jacket, pale skin scattered with scars both wide and slim, her eyes were a pale yellow colour, her eyelids did indeed have makeup, cat-eye eye liner, and a barely visible yellow coloured eyeshadow. She had gold earrings on her ears, which if mistaken, could be elven because of how long they were, but the tips weren't as sharp as elves, ah yes- back the earrings! On the left side it was just a variation of gold earrings in different places, on the right side was one single earring, a gold band holding up a small obsidian crystal, oh, and she was wearing boots, black boots, nothing else. My stare directed to Xornoth. His violet hair not neatly put into a braid that trailed halfway down his back, the place were his horns were was starting to take on the white and black colour again. (No not Ranboo, this is Xornoth, not Ranboo you dream smp fans.) His demonic horns had returned back to there natural colour, black and red. His wings weren't demonic nor owl like, they were ravens, followed along by the raven colour for the wings, and his wings were quite big, not as big as mine, but, still big. And of course, his tail, demon tail obviously, a kind-of thin tail that sprouts into an arrow like point at the end, the colours consisted of, well, raven black and a rose red. His close looked the same as when I last saw him, elven clothing that consisted with more black on the actual clothes part, and a torn white cape thing with golden trips on his right side of his shoulder. Some gold jewellery on him, followed by silver jewellery. And a necklace, a silver necklace decorated in different crystals, all neatly placed, I believe they're... amethysts, rubies and aquamarines, very bright aquamarines. Wonder where that came from. Oh, yes, sidetracked a bit, his skin was tanned slightly, scars littered on every visible place on his skin, oh yes, and black veins creeping up the side of his face, and around his eyes. Speaking of his eyes. His eyes were different colours, corruption of course, one a deep rose red, and one a violet purple, and surprisingly, eyeliner, specifically, cat-eye eyeliner. What is it with cat-eye eyeliner and these two? Anyways, he hade painted nails, yes, painted nail, of course they're black, but painted nails, dam. Oh yes, he still had rings on, sliver, mainly silver, two resembled stags, one had cyan flowers on golden horns, and the other had purple and red flowers on obsidian horns, probably inspired, or meant to be, me and Xornoth. He was wearing boots too, black boots with chains, a minor difference to Erin's boots. They must've been staring at me because all of us were locked in eye to eye combat, blinking of course, we were just observing each other. Not uncomfortably, but not comfortably, it was silent and eerie. My eyes just observed the two for awhile. Until I decide to speak up.

" Ok, you two should sleep, because I need to plan with idiots tomorrow and then fight the day after, or maybe not even a day. " I said.
" Yeah, but I get that carpet because holy rodent is it nice. " Xornoth said.
" I'll take the beanbag! " Erin declared.
" Alright, go to sleep you two I'll be occupied trying to sleep so, yeah. " I said, they nodded then left to the places they claimed.

I took out a book from under my pillow, and began reading. Because, when your an insomniac you can't sleep. So, hurray!

|¥| Erin's POV  before the sleep time bc observing Scott time. |¥|

Scott repositioned himself against the backboard of his bed. The blanket decided to leave the vicinity of Scott's body. I stopped in my tracks at the end of his bed, he didn't look like this before... he looked... worser than a couple of minutes ago! His hair began taking on a more whiter hue, his antlers had ice vine like things growing on them, his owl wings began forming ice like formations which were kind of resembling a dragons spikes on their wings. And since when did this man have a tail???? air was a thin-ish light blue line that ended in a big fluffy feathered canopy, I guess. His normal elven clothing. His skin was pale, almost as white as the snow, his cheeks were taking a blue hue to them, and the tip of his nose was a rosey red, turning blue, his lips were a light shade of blue already, ice vein like things began creeping up his face, scars that were visible on his face were becoming blue, it was a light shade, but still. His eyes were a bright cyan colour, unlike the usual darker green blue colour. His eyelashes were white, and some minor eyeliner was white too. The tips of his long as hell ears that was as sharp as an icicle, were a dark blue that was casually spreading down his ear. The normal golden earrings still there.  His hands... oh his hands... both were a deep frostbitten blue, but on the left it was way further spread up his arm, the right was more tame I guess... the same problem with his left arms entirety was happening with his legs entirety, both legs, whole things. But in the frostbitten blues, was tiny white specs, like snowflakes, small and white. It was... concerning.

" Ok, you two should sleep, because I need to plan with idiots tomorrow and then fight the day after, or maybe not even a day. " Scott said.
" Yeah, but I get that carpet because holy rodent is it nice. " Xornoth said.
" I'll take the beanbag! " I declared.
" Alright, go to sleep you two I'll be occupied trying to sleep so, yeah. " Scott said, me and Xornoth nodded then left to the places we claimed.

I curled up on the beanbag, which was completely comfortable somehow, and immediately fell asleep. Though I hate this, I'll do so anyways.

There we go! A chapter! Hurray! I'm going to sleep now. Because I feel like I'm going insane! Hurray!

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