Chapter 31: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Oh and Xornoth's back!

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Yes, hi.

Happy new year comments!

Now, go to sleep possibly.

I platonically love you!

Bye bye!

Guess who's back.

Both me and Xornoth.

So get ready for this, and the release of an all powerful demon who's actually not fully corrupted yet!

|¥| Scott's POV |¥|

Xornoth's crystal, was, my only hope right now. Gem was looking at me like I was crazy! But, genuinely, who else does she think can kill this dragon? I can't do it by myself! Gem obviously can't, the others- well- are the others. Yes, I risk the chance of the empires being corrupted again, but. What else can you even do? When there's a god darn frozen over Ender dragon on the server who has a vengeance of Gem, who do you think can get it? Matching its power would be Xornoth! And probably- Erin was it? I don't know- her though. Those two could do it without my help.

" Scott. No! " Gem said.
" But Gem! How are we going to defeat it?! " I said.
" We have an Elven Library! You! And god dam emperors! A lot! Minus Joey... who knows about him. " She replied.
" And to think we'd agree on it... " I mumbled.
" Listen, Scott, it's an amazing idea really- but I can't risk the chance of Xornoth getting out corrupted. " She said, giving me a smile.

She Can't risk? SHE CAN'T RISK!? SINCE WHEN WAS IT JUST HER!? I sighed, Breath Scott breath, we're not killing anyone today. The others have already ticked me off, don't let Gem do it too.

" Fine, I won't release him, " I lied.
" Do you promise? Again? " She said, dam Im good at lies.
" Yeah yeah I promise. " I replied, I so wanted to scoff, but, I need her to believe me.
" Thank Aeor! We're not having that again! " She said happily.

Thank Aeor? Girl seriously? Am I a pane of glass or something? I know I'm THE champion of Aeor and stuff but- I'm still here. I'm not dead! Seriously the audacity of this wizard. I nodded anyways.

" Okay! We need a plan first... " She said, conjoining her hands together.
" I need to go to my room, and I think the others will need to be in on this first. " I said.
" Oh yeah true- bye Scott! " She said waving at me.
" Bye Gem. " I said.

I stood up and walked away, to my room I go. To summon my brother. Hurray! Who cares about my promise to Gem! Not me!

I entered my room, locking the door behind me. Hopefully Erin will appear with Xornoth or something... I don't even know where she is to be honest. I ripped my brothers crystal off of my neck. Holding it in my hands, it pulsated, almost like a heartbeat. I heard the downstairs door open, Gem faintly greeting everyone. I had to hurry, yes my rooms sound proof for... reasons... but, who knows what will happen. I held Xornoth's crystal, I took a breath. I threw it on the ground, the sound of glass breaking echoed through my room, a cloud of red smoke rose from the crystal. I took a shaky breath as the smoked formed a person. As the smoke evaporated, there stood Xornoth, my brother.

" Heya Scott. " He said.
" Hi... " I replied.
" So, care to explain why you broke my crystal and not Joey? " He asked, tilting his head.
" Well... the necklace that corrupted me was... broken which released a frozen Ender dragon thing, which is now terrorising Crystal Cliffs, so, I needed help from, probably the strongest person I knew which was... you. " I said.
" Awe! I'm the strongest person you know brother? " Xornoth said.
" I guess... " I mumbled, Xornoth let out a lighthearted chuckle.
" You do know I broke my promise with Gem for this? " I said.
" Oh! You did!? " He asked surprised.
" Yup. " I nodded.
" You act like I don't know anything that happen outside the crystal. " He said, putting his hand on his hip.
" Yeah whatever... " I muttered.
" So I guess I should... stay out of view from everyone? Like right now? Because there coming. " He said.
" Yes! Out of view! Now! " I said hurriedly.

Xornoth flew up, to the roof of my room, and sat down on one off the poles up there. Right as someone knocked on my door, before I could even answer, a knock on my window. I looked over, Erin was in the window. I ran over opening it.

" What are you doing here!? " I almost screamed.
" Existing, now go answer the door I'll hang out with Xornoth up there. " She said.

Erin came in before taking off up to Xornoth. I closed the window and rushed over to the door. I unlocked it and then opened it.

" Ah! There you are Scott! " Gem said cheerfully.
" Yeah... I'm here. " I said crossing my legs.
" I thought you could show us our rooms... " Gem said.
" Oh yes! Sorry forgot about that! I'll be down soon. I need to find something quickly. " I said.
" Alright! " She said.

I shut the door, locking it again. Erin and Xornoth came down from there perch.

" So, no chaos yet? " Xornoth asked.
" No Xornoth, no chaos, Yet. " I said.
" Awe darn ittttt " Xornoth groaned.
" Oh shush drama queen. " I replied.
" I need to go give everyone there rooms, don't go through my stuff. I'll be back. " I said.

Xornoth and Erin nodded.

" And lock the door! I have a key to my room so I'll be fine, " I said.

They nodded, I unlocked the door and shut it behind me. I seen it lock, so, that's good. Now to give them rooms...

Your welcome :D
I platonically love you guys!
Bye byeeeeeee!

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