Chapter 30: Hope?

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Hi :D

|¥| Gem's POV |¥|

I groaned as lights flooded into my eyes, I opened my eyes looking around... where was I? Hmmmm- Katherine's! I'm at Katherine's I can tell. But why- oh no- oh no no no no no! Where's Scott?! I need to find him- wait my vision- IS SCOTT ALRIGHT!? I need to find him! NOW! I threw my covers off getting out of the hospital bed. Still in my clothes... huh- wait- Scott! I seen Scott over in the corner of the entire room. Next to, Jimmy. Of course. He was talking? He looked up, I seen me. He stared- he looked, different. His eyes were lighter, his hair was lighter too! With white patches that looked like snow. His golden antlers were slightly frost covered. His clothes had frost covering them. But what concerned me most was his wings. They looked frozen over, the feathers of his owl like wings with golden plates on some part were... ice. Literally, he was frozen, he looked frozen. He looked like the first time he froze me... the aftermath of that... but, other things? Something crept down the side of his face, it looked apart of his skin, but I don't know... his hands were blue, straight up blue, like they'd even frostbitten badly. The icyness of it creeping up his arm. I didn't realise I was hugging him until he pushed me away.

" Oh jeez! Sorry Scott I- " I said, Scott cut me off halfway.
" It's fine- there's no need to apologise you just- came unexpectedly. " He said hiding his nervousness.
" Gem! " A familiar voice called, I spun to see Fwhip running to me.
" Fwhip! " I called back.

I collided with Fwhip, bringing him into a tight hug, he returned the hug too. Eventually everyone gathered around. Happy cheers emitting from everyone. I let go of Fwhip after awhile and stood up, trying to not get ambush hugged my everyone. I looked to Scott, who was just staring, sadness in his eyes. And regret? Oh right... my curse thing... now to think of it. It's pretty cold. I felt myself shudder, which sent everyone into a worried mood and state, everyone asking if I was alright. Scott just stared, at me. He seen me shudder, he knows what corrupted him done. And still blames himself? Poor Scott... and to think that Scott didn't look that  happy after some talking to Jimmy- he must have just gotten there as I got out of bed. And Jimmy must have shooed him away since when I got to realising I was hugging him, he was far away from Jimmys bed. Scott rubbed him arm and looked down to the floor, tears begin to brim in his eyes. Everyone was talking to me, asking if I was fine. Asking if I was cold. If I needed a blanket. I guess they haven't forgiven Scott. I pushed through the emperors, shoving most of them backwards, Jimmy to the ground. I walked over to Scott, who realised I was coming and just stood there. I reached the 6'8 elf and looked up at him. I hugged him, he froze up, just like Xornoth did, so I'll do what I did with him. Not stop until he gives in. It took, longer than Scott would normally take, but he softened into the hug. I looked back to the other emperors, who were stared at me with worry and fear in there eyes. I glared at each one of them. Just because Scott did things, doesn't mean ya can just exclude him from everything! He was corrupted too! He has his justifications! He's fine with me, apparently not with everyone else. I huffed at them, burying my head into Scott's chest, he felt, warm? Or was that just me? I don't know.

" I- uhhhh- so when are we going to Rivendell, Scott?- " Katherine asked, trying to make the room less tense.
" We can go now, just be careful of well, almost everything outside of the buildings. " He said.
" Yup! Let's go! " Jimmy said.

I heard footsteps approach and Scott's hug to me release a bunch, but not fully.

" Come on Gem, your coming with me. " Fwhip said grabbing my shoulder.

He pulled me away from Scott, away from my saviour! Seriously let me hug him!

" Get off Fwhip! " I said shoving his hand off off my shoulder.
" What? Gem are you serious? " He said spinning around.

I walked back to Scott, crossing my arms.

" Gem, seriously? " Sausage chuckled nervously.
" Yup. " I said with a shrug.
" Gem- he tried to kill us. Weeks ago! Only weeks! " Lizzie said.
" He was corrupted you bumble brains! " I replied.
" Does that change the way he acted!? " Jimmy blurted.
" YES IT DOES JIMMY. " I replied, anger lacing my shout.
" Gem... you don't need to come with me- there right- " Scott said, I cut him off immediately.
" Since when!? You were corrupted by a dragon! I have NO blame for you! " I said, he opened his mouth to reply.
" And since when have you agreed with Sausage and Fwhip!? There idiots and even you know this! For sakes the first time, ya know, happened. Fwhip and Sausage almost killed you! " I told Scott, he looked like he wanted to reply. But all his energy just drained in a second. That was concerning.
" Gem... " Lizzie stared.
" Don't, it's been like, two or one week since he was corrupted. And none of you take it into consideration. " I said, mainly looking at Jimmy.
" Come on Scott, we'll meet the others at yours later. They can have all the time in the world. " I said taking his wrist.

I pulled him out the room, then out the building.

" Can you fly? " I asked.
" Yeah... " He muttered, once again, all his energy just drained.

He went behind me, grabbing onto my torso, he extended his wings, the sound of ice crunching as they did shook me. We took of within seconds, quickly gliding through the sky to Rivendell. We landed at Scott's home, he entered dragging me in behind him. He spun me into the couch, locking the door. He walked over to me and sat on the arm rest. Tears filling his eyes again.

" Hey Scott, it's fine... you know that right? " I said to him calmly.
" Yeah but- I just- " He stuttered, sniffing.
" Yes? " I said.
" My powers- they- there out of control again! And Katherine said that I might be the problem of this- I just- " He stumbled over his words.
" It's a lot to deal with Scott, how about I make you a hot chocolate? Xornoth liked them the last time I knew. " I said.
" That's right! Xornoth! If we can get him we can defeat the dragon easily! " Scott said perking up. Inperked up to.
" But Scott... that means he'll be out the crystal- " I said, he cut me off.
" Is there really another way Gem? Is there? " He said staring at me.
" No... " I muttered.
" But I can't let you! " I straightened myself.
" Gem! For once can we let one thing happen! " He said.
" Nu uh! I'm not having another corrupted elf roam around this server! " I demanded.
" Fine... " He said with a pout.
" Promise you won't release him? I know he's your brother and deep down you love him, but we can have the demon go around again. " I said.
" Fine. I promise I won't release him. " He said.
" Also a hot chocolate would be nice-.... " He mumbled.
" Alright, I'll make ya one! " I said to him, he blushed out of embarrassment as he knew I heard.

I chuckled before going to the kitchen, making the same hot chocolate I did with Xornoth.

" Here! " I said walking over to him.
" Thanks Gem, this'll clear my mind hopefully. " He said.

He took a sip, his eyes widened as he took in the flavour, he took another sip, and another, then did a Xornoth and drink the entire thing.

" Done already? " I chuckled.
" Yes. " He mumbled.
" That. Was. Amazing! " He squealed.

It's good to see him happy, just normal ol' Scott again. Hopefully it'll be normal again more sooner than later.

Phew, it's 04:54 as I'm publishing this. Hollyyyy-

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