Chapter 29: GEM!?

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No don't worry no major character death.

Just chaos.

|§| Scott's POV |§|

I took a step back and stared in horror at the dragon in front of us, it looked like the Ender dragon, but- frost covered most of it and jagged ice spikes protruded through its skin in some places. That's what was in the crystal. That's what corrupted me. And holy was it huge. It glared at Gem awaiting something, Gem stared back, horror filled in her eyes.

" Well dragon?! Go for them! " Joey screamed at it.

It snarled at Joey, but didn't decline the request. It took a step forwards, it's lips curling as smoke rose from its nostrils. It roared, and a blue fire was blasted our way. Aiming for Gem, I pulled out of the way, extending my wing to cover her as the blast continued my way. The fire subsided, I threw her to Fwhip, him catch her with almost falling over. I shook my wings ignoring the pain in one of them now. The dragon snarled at me. I gave it a look of, ' COME AND GET IT! YA FLYING LIZZARD! ' It snapped at me, I jumped out the way, extending my wings, to catch myself from falling. I ran, the opposite direction of Gem, it followed. Snapping at me every second, I took to the sky. If I can lead it away I can give them time. I hovered in the sky, I waited for me bellow. It won't leave, I watched as frost crept up the walls of Crystal Cliffs. I sighed and took a deep breath. I dived, folding my wings for speed. It opened it mouth, I dodged, opening my wings flying left, this time it followed. It took the sky shaking the ground first.

Oh sh* sh* sh*! SH*!

I sped away going sideways, it followed behind. I swept pass the emperors, it still followed. I continued forwards, I followed. A cliff approached, I kept going, 100 ft, 90ft, 80ft, 70ft, 60ft, 50ft, 40ft, 30ft.

Here we go again!...

20ft, 10ft, 5ft. Right before I hit it, I went upwards, trailing the cliffs jagged side. The cliff rumbled, the dragon crashed. It roared angrily before it took flight, I passed the cliff. Still going upwards, it followed. I reached the first cloud level, I dove down, right as it snapped at me. It dive after me, I plummeted quickly. But I had a plan in mind. I started to see the water bellow.

Perfect... but sorry in advance Gem.

Right before I hit the water. I opened my wings, stopping from charging into the water, I reached my hand out to the water, doing what I do best. Freezing it. I took off upward again. The dragon roared before crashing into the ice. I landed back on the ground, everyone near Gems house now. I huffed as the dragon appeared, water and blood dripped down from its body, it snarled angrily. It open its wings, I blinding light emitted from it.

I blinked, it was in front of us, me and Gem. She looked horrified, it pulled its head back it mouth opening slowly.


I stepped away from Gem, I raised my foot before letting it collide with the ground as hard as it could. An ice spike emerged, blasting Gem into the crowd. And making the dragon bite into it. It pulled its head back hard, roaring in pain. It shook its head, glaring at me, smoke arose from its nostrils again. Gem pulled her staff out, blasting magic in the dragons face. Joey nowhere to be seen. The dragon fell backward, disappearing bellow the cliff.

Sh* sh* sh*

It roared in anger from bellow, it's definitely pi*sed. Gem dragged me over to the crowd, I glared at her. She glared back, I scoffed. The dragon arisen, growling at me and Gem. It's tail swooshed at us. I ducked, everyone let out a scream as the tail just missed there head. I got back up, along with everyone, we needed a plan. Someone was missing. Gem... the dragon roared in anger. As blue fire blasts where shot upwards.

A bright flash again.

I blinked, and blinked, and once I finished blinking. I seen Gem on the ground, laying motionlessly. I screamed her name, bolting over to her. Everyone turned to me and well, screamed at me. I crouched at her side, shaking her. Wanting her to get up, I seen something in the window... I looked over, I jumped back as Xornoth stared at me and Gem. Jimmy ran over, grabbing my arm, I screamed, and screamed for Gems name as he dragged me backwards, I reached out towards her as Jimmy dragged me to the crowd. Xornoth scratched and punched at the window. Before stopping and looking at what I could presume was his hands. He stared for awhile, but then stared at me. I stared right back. He glanced at the crystal, I stared at it and took it in my hand before looking back at him as he looked to Gems body, I ripped my arm out of Jimmys grasp, he screamed after me. I crouched at Gems, Xornoth's crystal began glowing as the dragon came back up. I protected Gem with my wings and closed my eyes. Taking her body in hand,the dragon charged for an attack, but right as it did. And icy blue blast shot from the crystal. Blinding everything nearby. The dragon screeched in pain and anguish. The light died down, I looked back to the window, Xornoth wasn't there, the crystal was still glowing, a fiery heat emitted from it. It didn't feel hot though... I took Gems body and looked to the others, all of them flabbergasted or just straight up stunned. I shrugged to them, I have no clue on what just happened.

" I- uh- Scott? " Katherine stuttered.
" Yeah? " I replied.
" Are you okay? " Jimmy said.
" Fine, let's just go before the dragon thing wakes up. " I replied.
" Yeah, let's go. " Fwhip said.

I opened my wings with a bit of struggle before taking off, wings and rockets sounded from behind me.

" We can go anywhere, it doesn't want to leave here. " I said over the wind.
" Let's go to Rivendell, it's not far from here. If needed we can go to mine- " Katherine said, I cut her off.
" Let's go to your Katherine, " I said.
" W- what? Why? " She said.
" Gem could have injures, and Rivendell doesn't take kind to unwanted visitors sometimes. " I lied about Rivendell, but not Gem.
" What do you mean by that? " Fwhip said.
" I mean, that if Rivendell sees you and Sausage come in, there gonna think I've been kidnapped and kill anyone but me on sight. " I said.
" Oh. " He replied blandly.

I swerved away from Rivendell, the truth is, Rivendell is in a... predicament again. My powers are going haywire. There's ice spikes everywhere and just ice and snow. And the occasional blizzard. Because of me again. But, it's also true Rivendell doesn't like Fwhip and Sausage so- yeah. We arrived At Katherine's empire. Katherine walked up to me and took Gem.

" Scott, can you see if Rivendell can let us in? Your place is the best defended against dragons... " Katherine said.
" I'll- I'll see to it. " I said, taking to the sky again.

I arrived in Rivendell, ice spread everywhere, spikes rising from the ground. My people where used to this by now. It's a daily thing... I walked around, trying to find the least power visible path. That was nowhere. I sighed, I guess I could lie? Or tell them... I'll tell them when Gems awake. It's best for all to know. I spotted  Becky, the general.

" Becky! " I called, she turned and walked to me.
" What can I do king Scott? " She asked.
" We'll have some visitors come by. Make sure the army doesn't attack our enemies. We have a problem going around that we all need to sort out. Together. " I said. Becky nodded.
" I'll do so right away. " She said.
" And get Krow to prepare the rooms. It's going to take awhile for me to get them here. " I said.
" Alright! " She said.

She walked away, I sighed, now to get them here. But wait, Becky fast at tell people with her lover, Eloise was it? Anyway, an army of 90,000 will take a long time. I took off back to Katherine's, but when they arrive I'll have to convince them that everything is fine. I arrived at Katherine's in no time. I landed and walked to the hospital, making sure not to freeze anything on my way.

I made it to the hospital building, I took a breath, before opening the door. Katherine was tending to Gem's wounds, as the other emperors didn't have bad injuries. Hopefully.

" Oh! Scott! " Katherine called.

My attention snapped to her, next to Gems body.

" Can you come here quickly? " She called again.

I walked over to her and Gem's body.

" Ok, I need to tell you this privately- " She whispered.
" But this is fine. " She whispered again.
" So, what's up? " I whispered.
" Well... we have a problem... " She whispered.
" And it starts with you... " She whispered.


Jk jk jk

I still love you all.

Oh and a mini sneak peck into a chapter WAYYYYY into the book.

Scott's hand hovered over the sword.

He sighed.

" Well, I have this... " He said. Taking the ẻ̷̢͓͔͖͍̝̜̘̋͆̾͐ͅn̴̺̩̓̓̎̚͠u̶̦͕͖͉̤͔͖͌͋͛̃̒̽̾̃̕͝ṙ̴̝̜̜͙̜̮̦̫ blade out.
"W- where'd you get that? " Xornoth stuttered.
" So you know it, and what it does. " Scott said.
" You can't get me anyways. not from in there! " Xornoth said.

Gem and the others stared at the twins, horror written on there faces.

" I don't need you here Xornoth, not to kill you. When I have myself. " Scott said, his voice shaking.

Jimmys heart sank. Erin looked like she wanted to charge into them and stop it from happening.

" There's a difference between us. " Scott said.
" Aeor told me not to worry about you. " Scott said, as he prepared the ________
" But there's really only ONE thing we have in common... " Scott said.
" Neither of us will be missed. " He said as he-

Little peak into the future, hehhehehehheh- guess what'll happen :D oh and here's a song I'd think my Scott would make.

" Can you sing a song you think represents you now Scott? " Gem asked.
" Fine... " Scott said.

" And Aeor said I'm good. But Jesus CHRIST I'm not for good, I'll nail my hands up to the wall, I'll nail my hands up to the wall and yeah, Aeor says I'm good, but JESUS CHRIST I'm not for good. I'll nail my hands up to the wall, I'll nail my hand up to the wall. And yeah the doctors were 'nice enough' " He sang with a shaky voice, pausing before continuing.
" They just said I'm f**ked, just like my mom is f**ked. I BET YOUR DADS F**KED UP " He paused, continuing after a breath.
" And in the black light I could tell a sick joke. " He sang.
" Maybe in the black light I could tell a sick joke. " He continued.
" Twinkle twinkle light star, alcoholics don't get, unless they drink a drive. Let's go for a ride... " He sang, taking a breath before continuing.
" And I hope I crash and die tonight... I hope I crash and die tonight. " He sang, everyone just... horrified? No... something else.
" Saying ' I do NOT like you. I do not MIND him, much. You were just my first, now I've had I'm cold to the touch, leap to my death, I'll die for my friends. I'll lie till the end. I'm cold to the touch, leap to my death, I'll die for you all... I'll die for my friends. It goes like this, well I ain't sorry. With broken wrists, I climb from these walls. " He paused, thinking for what to do next.
" My skin crawls, my skin crawls? My... " He stopped there, looking as if he'd pass out any moment.

Gem stared at him, horror and sadness in her eyes. She jumped into Scott, bringing him into a hug.

" Scott... you don't mean it... do you? " Gem asked.
" Heh- probably do. " He said, giving the hug back.

The song was 'Alligator skin boots' I believe. Idk. But hurray same thoughts Scott! :D

Peace commenters :)

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