Dancing with A Stranger

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"I'm not sure the cupcakes pop out with Kylie Jenner's cutout in front of it. Maybe we should move to the other side so the cutout has its own area," Davina suggested to the stage crews.

As stated in my job description, I had to follow Davina around all night, since Kylie chose specifically for her to compose a cupcake display. The buttercream colors varied the different lipsticks cosmetics from Kylie. They were adorned with lipsticks, her icon logo, dip effect, and many others.

The interior was nothing short of mesmerizing. Everything was modern and decorated with mirrors, glass, and flashing lights that kept changing colors. There were two levels, an upper and a lower, with hues of nudes and pinks complementing each other, which set a calm ambiance.

"Plus, Kylie looks like she's pointing at the cupcakes, so it will draw immediate attention to them," Milo countered.

Turning the stage crew out, I subtly craned my neck, my gaze flickering towards Davina who's fervently moving the display. Today her long, brown-blueish hair was in a braid with several loose strands framing her heart-shaped face, her nose scrunched in concentration, her teeth biting into her plump bottom lip.

I narrowed my eyes as Max (Davina's famous gym instructor) shifted closer to Davina, his lips touching her ear, and he whispered something in her ears. Immediately, she swatted him away, rolling her eyes. I suppressed a laugh.

As I sensed my lingering stares, her turquoise eyes snapped up to meet mine and the faintest shade of pink captured her cheeks as she smiled at me, like we were friends. Shit. I whipped my head away, forcing myself to pretend I was using my phone the entire time.

It didn't last too long before I was staring at her again.

A swarm of jittery moths erupted in my stomach as I got lost in how incredible Davina looked tonight. She modeled a simple, backless satin gown with spaghetti sleeves and a scoop neckline. The dress clung to her body, hugging all her curves, and had a silt down the side, reaching her mid-thigh.

I don't know what it was about tonight, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

"What do you think darling?" Davina asked, pulling me out of my hazed state.

My cheeks grew as red as tomatoes. "About what?"

"About the display," she stated mindlessly.

I blinked. "Umm... I think Davina is right."

Davina smirked and gave me a thumbs up for my answer. I shook my head, returning my attention back to Instagram and scrolling through my feed. Today must've been a boring Saturday for everyone since there wasn't new content. My finger refreshed the timeline to see Lana's account glowing with a green circle around it.

A smile curled on my face as the photo loaded, showing Lana in her gym tracksuit modeling in the mirror. Somehow, only Lana could look sweaty while also walking around like a goddess. Instantly, I scrolled up and sent a quick message to my soothing sunshine.

Me: Love the gym selfie, Lana. Maybe next time show off your glutes ;P

My heart leaped when a vibration came from my pockets seconds later. Normally, I could expect a type of answer from Lana, but lately, she's been acting carefree. Before Davina, Lana would hardly mention Declan in our conversations, let alone discuss their private moments, but now, she felt comfortable.

Because she thought it didn't hurt me anymore...

Lana: Those types of pictures are reserved for my husband ;P! Better check yourself before Davina gets jealous of our friendship.

I thought this deception would bring out a possessiveness side of Lana that I've never seen; instead, she's our number one support. She always commented on our pictures together; she even followed Davina and commented little hearts under all her photos. Shit. Would Lana consider pulling away if she believed Davina was skeptical of my compliments?

How could I tell her the truth without actually saying it?

Me: Davina isn't the jealous type. She's really open about communication in our relationship so she trusts me.

Before I overthought my response, I sent it and exhaled a shaky breath. Suddenly, I felt a gentle hand hovering over my temples, I almost wanted to be a cat and relax against this mysterious touch. My eyes darted upward to see a concerned Davina blowing air on my forehead.

Her lips looked irresistible when they're pressed together like that.

I shook my head, unintentionally withdrawn from her tender touch. What the hell is up with me? I'm starting to think I caught a stomach bug or something.

"Are you okay, darling? Your cheeks are bright red," Davina revealed, causing me to instantly spring up from the chair.

"Ye-ah," I expelled a nervous chuckle and backed away to gain some distance. "I was just looking at pictures on Instagram."

A wicked gleam flashed in her eyes. "Don't tell me you had one of your porn tabs open... bean sprout we're in public."

At this point, I must've been Mars' twin. "Wh-. N- Ho-. Ugh, never mind. I-I was just texting Lana."

With closed arms, she rolled her eyes before letting out a scoff. "Oh. Figures. My bad, I shouldn't have invaded your space."

Davina apologizing? Something was in the air, and I hoped it wouldn't be the lovebug.

"No, it's no big deal. You just came out of nowhere," I lied, smoothly.

Davina slowly nodded, pushing her loose strands behind her ears. My heart flip-flopped; her tan, long, legs were on full display and all my attention drew towards her best feature. Suddenly, I felt a hundred degrees hotter when I inversion trailing circles on her legs, going further and further towards her va-.

I need help.

"You have been really confusing today. Do you want to leave? I could talk Milo into letting you go home if you w-?"

My phone pinged, and all my attention went to the lit-up screen. With a sly smile, I unlocked the notification to see a picture of Lana added to our messages. Her body was covered by a bunny onesie as her pink plump lips were pursed in a contemplative position. A laugh escaped from my throat.

"Let me guess... Lana?" Davina asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Yeah, it is. She sent an adorable photo in her onesie," I cooed, about to turn my phone around to show her.

She rolled her eyes. "I bet she looked amazing. Come find me when you actually want to talk, alright?" she stomped away, banging into my shoulder on purpose. Her sweet fruity perfume left a trail behind her.

Returning my attention to my phone, I thought about how to respond to her adorable picture. My rational side wanted to assure a lie about Davina being cool with everything since we weren't together. But the careless fool side wanted to tell her how sexy she looked in a damn onesie.

Before responding, my phone vibrated again with an unknown number. Curiosity spread through me like a child wanting to try new items. Secretly, I hoped for another picture of Lana to save in my Lana album. My phone was wasting space as I became compelled to have a Davina album for posting.

Though I wouldn't mind having a photo of how she looked tonight.

I'm minutes away from smacking my own head. Another vibration flooded in from the unknown number, meaning one thing; whoever texted really wanted to reach me. I opened the two messages and was blown away; Who the hell gave her my number?

Unknown Number: Hey, Amby. It's your mom and dad. We've been waiting and praying for your call every night but since you haven't gone the first step... we wanted to try again. All we want is to be in your life again and support you unconditionally like we should've from the beginning.

Please reconsider our offer to meet up. Love you, Mom and Dad.

My face twisted in repulsion. All this Davrose business pushed aside the concern about me and my parent's reconciliation. I haven't thought of her proposition further than the day of our graduation.

Could I really forgive her? Third time is a charm, right?

Irritation clouded my judgment as the ping kept ringing and ringing. The unknown number kept popping up on my screen just like my parents did in my real life. Every time everything was going well, they offered to change, only to give up a week later. As a child, you start questioning if you are the problem.

The right thing to do was to block her phone number, but she always had a way to communicate with me. And maybe the seven-year-old Ambrose still held on hope that his parents weren't fully lost in oblivion. One of the hardest tasks for a parent was to give up on their child, but in reversal-- the situation equaled.

The second floor was outside and on a centered an enormous stage with an array of celebrity DJ lined up to play through the night. Flashing lights, smoke in the air, house music, and lots of shouting and dancing surrounded us as we walked up to the VIP balcony area that was reserved just for Davina and me.

"Darling, I almost forgot how you look like since your face is always stuck in your phone," Davina mocked, ruffling up my hair.

"Well, it's pretty boring to be here while my girlfriend is parading around with everyone," I responded, smugly.

Davina settled on the barstool beside me, draping her arm around my shoulders, and flagging a server for a drink. She took three shot glasses and handed one over to me. My eyes widened when she knocked it back as if it was water. Hesitantly, I consumed the vodka, feeling the burning tingle in the back of my throat.

"I'm all yours now, so don't you worry about a thing," she flirted cutely and tapped my nose.

Something was off about her; it wasn't just the elegant dress she wore but I couldn't put a finger on it. Instead of her intense eyeliner, she only sported a small wing helping her eyes appear bigger. I had grown accustomed to her excessive liner, but this brought out a hidden purity from her.

"Hey, Davina!" A woman with raven-colored hair nearly down to her waist with perfect bangs that framed her heart-shaped face called. A guy followed behind with his hair appearing shaggy in a clean, stylized way, grazing just past his ears and nearly into his eyes.

The pair had more resembles as I stared closer; their eyes were big, round with the slightest hint of almond-shaped edges and so dark they almost looked black. It gave them youthful look, though his sharp jaw challenged the thought.

"Luna! I almost didn't recognize you." Davina leaped from her chair to give the pair cheek kisses.

"I wouldn't expect you to since every night we spent together we got fucked up," Luna slurred, already reaching her alcohol limits at only ten o'clock. "Angel hasn't stopped talking about you since the night in Cancun. Too bad you're taken now."

Davina snorted a nervous tactic that was surprisingly quite cute once used to it. "Speaking about that, this is my darling, Ambrose." she trailed her shoulders on my neckline and settled perfectly in the crook on my shoulder. "He's a bit shy."

I slightly grinned. "It's nice to finally meet some of Davina's friends."

Luna stifled a giggle as she placed her drink on the bar. "Oh dear, I thought since you guys been dating that you would know she doesn't have friends. I almost had a stroke when the news broke out; Davina isn't the settling down type."

Her response brushed me off the wrong way; it seemed like a condescending way of targeting us (the newly announced couple). "I like to think I charmed her enough to stay with me," I lied, smoothly.

The fellow beside Davina scoffed. "You have to be pretty damn special to get her to fall for you." he shrugged, smugly. "Sorry, but I don't see what he has to offer."

Luna stuck her hip out and crossed her arms with a roll of her eyes. "Ignore him. He's always had a thing for your girlfriend."

I laughed uneasily. "I totally understand, bro. I have the diamond."

"Keep him!" Luna yelled, her arms wrapping around Davina and me while her other hand reached for her drink.

Before she could indulge in her drink, Davina pulled it away from her grasp and inspected it by swirling it around. My eyebrows knitted in confusion as I pondered over what was going on in her little cute head.

"You should order a new drink, this one is spiked," Davina revealed, causing Luna's mouth to drop.

"Seriously? All it takes is two minutes for these fuckers to ruin your life forever," Luna stated, trying to catch another waiter instead decided to chase after them.

"How did you know it was spiked?" I asked, staring at Davina, who's still fixated on the spiked drink.

"The color changes ever so slightly," she admitted, placing the drink on the bar.

Was that really the reason? When googling Davina, the scandals were never-ending, but it's like she was trying to cover up all the good in her. Like something as simple as protecting a woman from being a victim would be an unbelievable story, but instead, she wanted to be viewed as a rebel.

Little things like this made me question who Davina was deep inside. Her walls were towers, however, I wanted to be the dragon in her story and agitate her until she opened up. Her actions alone had so many inconsistencies when put together side by side. It was like for a second the real Davina would pour through before being boarded up again.

Before I could dig further, Luna came back with a round of eight shots. She handed all of us two shots each and lemon to bring out the flavor of the tequila. I wasn't really up for drinking more, but I didn't want to be an inconvenience to Davina as her fake boyfriend, so I drank them.

I seriously don't understand the fun in this.

Luna asked for another drink from the waitress before brutally snatching my hand and forcing me to hold it. She started shaking her ass to Body from Megan Thee Stallion and gained attention from all the guys around us.

"This is our song! Let's go on the dancefloor before bitches take it up," Luna spewed, almost tripping over her two feet.

"Wanna go dance bean sprout?" Davina asked, her lips tipped to the side.

Angel's dark, narrowed eyes were turning me off. "Maybe in a bit. I feel a bit woozy from the alcohol. I'll hang on my phone for a bit."

She rolled her eyes. "Alright. Wouldn't want to keep Lana waiting. Let's head to the dancefloor Luna."

When turning on my cell phone, there were thirty missing calls from my mother. She hadn't gotten the memo that I didn't want to contact her until I was ready. Sighing, I went to my messages, seeing a double text from the light of my world. Lana sent the cutest photo of her cuddling a kitten and I couldn't decide which was more adorable.

The happiness within me slowly shifted when my eyes glanced up from my cell phone. Angel wrapped a possessive hand around Davina's waist and pulled her against him. Davina continued to laugh and smile with him. I found Luna looking my way with sympathy on her face, but she hadn't interfered between them.

In a way, it's like she's saying Davina wouldn't hesitate to cheat on me. Her sympathy was unneeded since our relationship consisted of fake feelings. Though with each smile she gave, each show of affection, each little touch, my anger burned brighter.

My jaw hurts from the pressure of clenching my teeth as his hands roamed over her waist, only pushing the nail further when she wrapped her arms around his neck. Angel was getting too handsy. The sneaky bastard really had a thing for her. The cameras were around so why wasn't Davina pushing him off?

I didn't like this feeling.

It seemed familiar...

Every muscle in my body tensed at the speed of light, my grip on Luna's cup tightening, crushing the plastic cup like a bug, and spilling all the liquid on the floor. This asshole crossed the line.

With D's arm hanging around his neck, he placed his hands over her head and clashed his lips into hers. Her arms were open wide in shock like she hadn't expected this outcome and her eyes were the size of saucers, surprised, and lost.

My vision went red and I snapped like a whip. One second I was sitting in the chair and the next, I darted between the hordes of people dancing on the floor and pushed the hell out of the bastard.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Do you know disrespectful it is to kiss my girlfriend? Keep your filthy hand off my girl!" I shouted, my chest rising up and down.

His grin spread wider. "She was practically begging me to make out with her! We all warned you what type of girl she is."

Before I could smash my hand into his face, I felt two arms wrapping themselves around me, and her body sinking into my chest. "Don't do anything dumb bean sprout," she stated, her body shaking like leaf.

His infuriating smile grew larger. "Tell him, Davina. Tell him how much you still want me and how much fun we had a few months ago."

She slowly released her arms from around my chest and swung around to face the asshole. "Sorry to burst the imaginary bubble you live in but that night was probably the worst sex I ever suffered through. Your dick is the size of my pinky and I faked every single orgasm." she stepped closer to the jaw-clenched man. "Listen here, don't you ever force a kiss on me unless you want to wake up dead."

Davina smirked, turning around and grabbing my hand to exit the dancefloor.

"Oh, and don't ever compare yourself to Ambrose. You couldn't be half the kind of man he is," she finished, leaving the man basically breathless.

I'm a sucker for these types of scenes 😉😉!! Who loves seeing Ambrose a little jelly 👀👀? Also does anyone want Ambrose to give his mom another chance?

Love you guys and I can't wait to read your comments!!

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