Unintentional Reveal

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My nerves hummed with a building rage over that filthy idiot, smashing his lips into mine. Apparently, it was a crime to enjoy yourself on the dancefloor without being attacked with lips. My flirtatious personality probably sent him the wrong signals, but that doesn't excuse his advances when I have a boyfriend.

Well, a fake one, but we had to keep the show alive.

Opposed to Angel's nasty smooch, I hadn't expected to see Ambrose pretending to act like an infuriated boyfriend. He almost played it too realistic that I started getting confused about whether or not his reaction was real. Warmth flooded in my icy chest to think a guy like Ambrose could possibly be jealous.

I raked my fingers through my hair. "Are you trying to get freaking murder?"

Ambrose's eyes widened. "All I thought was about how you didn't reciprocate the kiss, so I had to do something about it."

With a stupid smile on my face, I said, "You could've gotten seriously hurt. Angel is a professional boxer, he doesn't play around."

Ambrose shrugged. "Yeah, I'm sorry I overreacted. I just couldn't let him do that to you."

My heart melted more, but I tried my hardest not to let it show. It's brave of him to charge into a fight when everything was in favor of the other side. There hasn't been anyone with a genuine reason to fight for me. Throughout the years, I learned to fight for myself, but it didn't hurt to have someone else who cared about me.

"Thank you."

His eyes widened to the size of saucers. "Huh? Did I just hear you say thank you?"

I nodded shyly, feeling my cheeks blazing. "I did. And I'm not saying it again, so remember this day for the rest of your life!"

His flash from his cell phone nearly blinded me. "I'll document this day for the rest of my life," he teased, sticking out his tongue.

I scanned the dancefloor. "I hope they aren't still there. I still have the jitterbug running through my veins."

His hand reached out for mine. "I think I know a place where we can satisfy your dancing needs."

I scoffed, giving his surprisingly stylish suit a once-over. Damn, he cleaned up well. His hair tousled into perfect curls on his forehead. He weaved us through the crowd, tightening his hold on my hand. A few weeks, the feeling of his hand on mine felt like sandpaper, but now it evoked a different kind of feeling-- comfort like cuddles from my pets.

When Ambrose brought us to the staircase, I mentally groaned but followed Ambrose's pace since his hand was dead-locked on mine. With shaky breaths, we finally reached the hidden destination he randomly thought of.

The moon was a warm milky glow in the sky as if the sight of it could become a song in the eyes of anyone willing to raise their heads upward. The stars brought the velvet black sky to life, taking my breath away. Since it was nearly midnight, the wind had picked up, causing my body to shiver.

As I was lost in the stars, I felt the fabric of Ambrose's tuxedo jacket against my shoulders. His musky cologne smothered all over it, the smell of the cologne I personally brought for him. I didn't expect him to wear it since he complained about it when I gave it to him... But maybe we're both doing absurd things?

"Is this okay? I can see you shivering." Ambrose asked, his eyes gleaming with concern.

I nodded. "It's perfect. So peaceful it triumphs the cold."

Suddenly, Careless Whisper boomed through Ambrose's phone, and he placed it horizontally by the wall.

Ambrose rubbed the nape of his neck. "Um, I always wanted to slow dance to this song."

"Let me guess, you want to dance this with Lana?" Exasperation laced in my voice.

He shook his head. "No. Right now, I want to dance it with you."

My heart skipped a beat. Ambrose placed one hand on my waist and he took my other hand with his and intertwined our fingers. I placed my free hand on his shoulders as we moved to soulful tunes. Slow dancing wasn't really my forte; I was more of the type to shake their ass until I couldn't anymore.

Accidentally, I stepped on his foot since I was preoccupied with the burning touch of his hand on my waist. Ambrose just chuckled, twirling me around like those fairy princesses did in movies. Within time, our rhythms became one, and we danced as if we actually felt a certain way for each other.

Ambrose didn't say anything but just gazed at me for a long moment as our bodies swayed to the beat of the music.

"On my prom night, I planned to serenade Lana in front of everyone with this song," Ambrose revealed, his eyes dropping to the floor. "She ended up leaving early to be with Declan."

My eyes narrowed at superstition. "So what I'm hearing is you did want to dance this with Lana but couldn't, so I'm the second option."

Surprisingly, Ambrose firmly gripped me as he tilted my frame downward. "No, I had the spontaneous feeling of wanting to dance with you. As a fake boyfriend, I wanted to show you the proper ways men are supposed to treat you."

I stifled a laugh. "So real guys are supposed to call me a bitch?"

"That's before I got to really talk with you," he softly said, his gaze flickering across my features as he lifted his hand towards my face. What was he doing? Hesitating for a brief second, he swept a piece of hair that's trapped between my eyelashes, his fingers grazing my cheek as he retreated. "I'm still trying to figure you out, Davina Dialaurentis..."

I smirked. "I don't know what you're going on about... I'm an open book, everything about me is on the internet."

His lips pursed in superstition. "I only allow people what I want them to see..." he repeated the sentence I had once said to him. "How will I know which one is the real you?"

My eyebrows lifted in a cocky way. "Where's the fun in that?"

Ambrose spun me around. "What even made you date that jackass?"

"Huh?" I snorted. What a way to change the subject. "We never dated. It was a summer fling type of thing. If you haven't noticed, I'm known for making bad decisions. It's in my nature."

Was there a reality where Ambrose was jealous over the thought of me with someone else? It's nearly impossible to believe certain circumstances could exist when all he had done was nag about Lana.

"Though I have gone through a lot since our relationship began," I pointed out. "It's naturally I grow as a human being."

He lightly groaned. "Yeah, you're right. Ever since you showed up, it's been one thing after another."

"Though," I cooed, trailing my fingers over his shoulders. "My only regret is that I have to spend the precious days of my youth as your girlfriend."

He cleared his throat, his cheeks the colors of cherries. "Right back at ya!"

His flustered state evoked a unique emotion in the blossom of my chest. The feeling was so foreign; it was nearly impossible to establish a word that interpreted it. The only desire I could put words to was happiness. At least, the happiness I managed to create after everything I lost... It was never the same as five years ago...

"Well lately." I bit my lip. "I've been thinking that this fake love thing isn't as bad as it seemed," I lied convincingly, having to turn away before I broke character and laughed in his face.

The silence hovered over us as Ambrose fully grasped the statement I just dropped on him. It was like when you're tanning on the beach, and the sun gets clouded by white cotton candy. We're left waiting for its move through the sky, and in this case, determine the answer Ambrose would say.

He loudly cleared his throat. "Well, hey... these days I've been feeling that way too, a littl-."

I swung around like a wheel. "Just kidding!" I couldn't stay in character any longer and explode into a seal-clapping type of laughter. My face turned fifty shades red as I struggled to breathe against my intense giggling. "Look at you! Did you think I was serious? I'll be caught over my dead body before saying anything like that. Talk about embarrassing!"

Ambrose's fists were clenched as he released a deep sigh of suppressed anger. "Damn you. You need to dial down the teasing! I thought we were having a genuine moment there."

I suppressed a laugh and began working towards the staircase. "I was already wayyy too nice today, I was getting an icky feeling."

At the speed of light, Ambrose jumped in front of me as if he came out of a Pokemon ball and cornered me by the wall. He grabbed my chin between his fingers and turned my head to look into my eyes. Heat burned in my stomach, and I pictured Ambrose going against everything I stand for and kissing me right then and there.

What was wrong with me?

"I'm so confused," I said, my hands on his chest. "Bean sprout stop." The words came out slurred and sounded fuzzy to my ears like someone else was speaking.

He pulled away slightly, leaving only an inch of space between us. "Why? Cat got your tongue?"

I licked my lips, which suddenly felt dry. "N-no jus- um- ugh-," I frustratedly sighed, mentally cursing at myself for not being able to fight back with words.

His eyes looked sharp, but softer somehow.

"You look extremely beautiful tonight." His hand moved to my waist, and his other one lightly trailed the bare skin on my arms, awakening my goosebumps. "I've been wanting to say that all night."

I stared back, confused until I remembered the reasons why this couldn't go any further. I raised my chin, acutely aware of his fingers on my skin. "Well, I appreciate the compliments but I have fans to worship me."

He took a second to roam my dress. "Davina, you have enchanted me in ways I couldn't put into words. All night I've been focused on one thing." His fingers brushed over my lips. "I think it's time we both ignore the elephant in the room and throw in the towel."

Pink blossom washed over my cheeks. "Lo-ok u-mm- Ambrose." I take another deep breath because suddenly being around Ambrose made it harder to think. "I think I might have given you the wrong impression these past few weeks."

He smiled again, his brown eyes crinkling. "I read your signs loud and clear."

I closed my eyes and opened them again, hoping it will stop the spinning. "I think you are highly mistaken. My hatred for you still runs deeper than the core." He raised an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. I expected as much. "Besides, I don't do relationships."

His boyish smile lengthened. "Who said I wanted a relationship?" Ambrose stepped closer until my back was pressed against the wall again. "All I want is a time of relaxation with my fake girlfriend for the night. Admit it, D. You want this just as bad as I do." His hand brushed my face, catching a tendril of hair in his fingers.

This was all just too much. Ambrose, doing a one-eighty from his boy next door-like demeanor, was fucking up with my thought process. About five different feelings were harboring in my chest and I couldn't put a finger on which one I actually felt.

Something electric passed between us. His eyes burn through mine, intense, questioning, but I find myself embarrassed and the former shell of who I was earlier tonight. I glanced at his lips. I'm thinking about prying them apart with my tongue to discover how he tasted.

He must know this, too, because his eyes suddenly flash with something suggestive. I take a final step closer, an innocent step, leaving the tiniest space between us. We're close enough that I could make out the fine lines in his soft, pink lips.

Heat burned in my stomach, igniting a flame that I only want him to put out; I'm almost certain of it. Instead of dwelling on all the reasons why I shouldn't, all I could think about as I stared at his lips was how badly I wanted to kiss him, so I closed my eyes and waited.

Embarrassment was all I felt when Ambrose burst into laughter; the kind where he held onto his stomach, and his veins were protruding in his neck. My face must've looked like I've been sunburned and I seriously was considering committing murder.

"I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" he barely forced out. "You should have seen your face! I didn't doubt for a second how irresistibly I can be."

"Fuck you!" I shouted.

Ambrose smirked. "I would be glad to let you if I actually could stomach the thought of kissing you." His annoying, boyish grin grew wider. "But don't worry, I won't tell anyone the great Davina Dialaurentis got rejected."

My mouth dropped. "I seriously cannot believe you! How dare you try to pay me back with the same trick I used on you? It's unoriginal, you be fined for stealing my idea."

Ambrose happily slapped his neck. "Oh, give up, sweetheart. You are just upset because I fooled you better and got you to openly admit you still want to kiss me."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever! I'll probably be the only one because Lana isn't stepping an inch close to your lips."

He narrowed his eyes. "I'll let that slip because D is a bit cranky, but I'll be back. I've been dying to piss since the start of my plan."

I stuck my middle finger up as he walked away. "I hope you trip down the stairs."

The door slammed closed, with Ambrose ignoring my childish comment. It was the best I could come up with after being humiliated. So what if I wanted to kiss him? I tried to the first day we met so was this really a big achievement?


But did my ego sting a little from being embarrassed? You sure as hell bet it does!

Ambrose was going to pay for this little game. All I needed to do was to think of something so grave that Ambrose wouldn't be able to show his face again! Suddenly, my evil plan was put on hold when Ambrose's ringer went off. It vibrated against the ground, almost making it seem like it was shaking.

Who could it be? A slight pang of annoyance bubbled in my stomach when Lana's name popped into my head. She's always spending time with Ambrose. How does she even have time for her husband when seventy-five percent of the time she's attached to bean sprout? I don't personally have an issue with miss sunshine, but her interfering annoyed every inch of my soul.

Just like that, a brilliant idea developed in my head.

I could sprout lies to Lana and tarnish Ambrose's image as revenge. Sounds like heaven to me! I skipped over to his cell phone and answered the call before it finished ringing.

"Hey L-."

"Ambrose! Is that you?" My eyes widened at the sound of her voice; it wasn't as sweet and cheery like Lana's. Was it because of his cell phone?

"No, why? Who are you? I don't think I recognize your voice," I asked, chewing on my fingernails.

"I'm Ambrose's mom. Do you know him? I've been trying to contact him all day."

My stomach dropped. "A-h sorry. I never heard of an Ambrose. Wrong number." Before she could utter another word, I hung up and let the phone collapse to the floor.

All this time, I was irritated because I thought he was texting Lana instead, he was avoiding his mother. The box of secrets was open unintentionally. The guilt spread over me like snow does on the floor. If Ambrose spent his whole day avoiding her, he must've got a good reason. My stupid revenge caused me to free a jar of unspoken things.

Who knows if she would stop calling.

The real question was, do I confess my mistake to Ambrose? Or stay silent until he brought it up himself?

What do you guys think Davina should do? Tell Ambrose the truth or wait and hope he doesn't realize it?

Love you guys and can't wait to read all your comments!!!

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