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Yuta recognises the feeling of having his arms tied behind his back and ankles tied to the chair he sits on. The only difference this time he can feel the blood trickling down his face from his injuries.

His bruised bones are calling out in pain even as he just tries to take several deep breaths.

The pain in his body is nothing compared to the pain he feels in his heart. At the cost of his capture he was able to save the others, to save Sicheng.

He can only hope that they have managed to escape to somewhere that is as far away from here as possible. They can't go back to the institute.

They'd die.

"Our dear old Yuta has finally arisen has he?" Sangpil cracks his knuckles as he walks into the room. Yuta can't help but laugh bitterly as he slowly raises his gaze to meet the older's.

"They got away from you, and they took Jungwoo with them" He remarks harshly. His capturer frowns at the mentioning of this. He walks over to the tied intruder and plants a punch on his jaw.

"Shouldn't this be the part where you offer to pay me as much as I want? Anything to keep you alive?" Sangpil questions, shaking his hand.

Shaking his head, the smile doesn't fade from the younger's expression. "Kill me for all I care. Creeps like you don't deserve payments of any kind. I know what you did to Jungwoo and it makes me want to throw up."

"Of course your father told you" The older exclaims, his tone frustrated. "Mr Nakamoto was never good at keeping his mouth shut. Which is the main reason I stopped working for him."

Yuta doesn't respond to this. To be blunt, he doesn't care. If anything he just wishes this man would hurry up and kill him. His ears are on the verge of bleeding from hearing his hideous voice.

Sangpil pulls a long and sharp dagger from his belt and admired the tip as he slowly makes his way over to his victim. He gently drags it across the younger's cheek as he just smirks to himself.

"I'm going to play a bit before I kill you."

Yet he doesn't even get a chance to begin as the door to their room is kicked off its hinges. Doyoung looks highly irritated as he stands in the doorway.

His gaze falls upon the blade on the prince, causing his expression to fade to one which would threatening anyone who was on the receiving end of it.

"I think it would be best if you just dropped the dagger" He states darkly. Sangpil doesn't hesitate as he steps backwards, dropping his weapon.

Taeil enters behind his lover, a handful of armed men following behind them. The raven haired male stalks over to the blond haired male as examines his condition.

"You hurt him. Boss won't be pleased" He states as he grabs the prince's chin, moving his face around as he tries to examine each wound. "You hurt his son."

"His son left me with no choice" Sangpil instantly tries to defend himself. "He attacked me and my men!"

"Hush" Taeil speaks up as he walks up to the man before calling out to his fiancé. "Love?"

Doyoung lets go of Yuta's chin before turning to see what the older wants.

"Mind if I kill him?" The red haired male asks simply.

Doyoung simply shrugs his shoulders. "Gut him like a fish for all I care. Our orders were to bring Yuta home alive. Sangpil has injured him leaving us no choice."

Sangpil barely has an opportunity to scream as Taeil plants his knife in the side of his neck. Pulling it out, he allows for Sangpil's limp body to fall to the floor.

None of the men in the room seem to be phased by this, even Yuta seems to be reasonably calm.

Doyoung now diverts his attention to the man who is tied up as he crouched before him. "Where'd your friends go?" He asks him.

"To be honest I have no idea" Is all Yuta tells him. "They left without me, how am I supposed to even have the slimmest idea to where they might've fled to?"

It's obvious that the raven haired male doesn't believe a word he says. He stands once more as he leans down to whisper against the blond haired's ear.

"I only have to be within the same country to be able to activate your beloved boyfriend's chip. A simple click of my fingers and he'll be bleeding out."

"Maybe if you activated mine then you'd get some information" Yuta refuses to feel threatened by the figure before him.

"Boss said we can't kill any of them" Taeil reveals his fiancés lies, removing any depth their was to the younger's threat.

The raven haired male glares at his partner but he soon smiles as he knows that the other must have something in mind.

"I say we bring forth your coronation" The red haired male grins at the idea. "Yes it's early but no doubt your gang will decide to come and crash it. We will be ready for them and then we can capture them."

Yuta's heart sinks as he hears this. Taeyong and the others aren't stupid but he is almost certain they would try to rescue him at his coronation.

"I like that idea" Doyoung seems pleased as he walks over to the red haired male. The older grabs his tie and pulls the younger against him. Their faces collide as they initiate a passionate kiss before the other men along with Yuta.

"Everyone's watching. I kind of like that concept" Taeil remarks with a devilish smirk before pulling himself away.

"Let's take him back to the institute so we can get started on the next part of the plan" Doyoung straightens his tie as he says this.

Yuta doesn't have a chance to retaliate and Doyoung elbows his temple, rendering him unconscious once more.

— — — —

"What's so special about this cabin in the woods?" Jaehyun asks softly, an attempt to spark conversation as the older keeps driving seemingly as fast as he can.

A preferred question would be something to do with why Sicheng abandoned Yuta so easily after he seemed to be doing his best to wait for him. It all makes no sense to the newcomer.

"I know the family there" Is all Taeyong responds with. He seems to be on edge and slightly agitated. No doubt he is feeling guilt for having to leave his friend behind. No doubt all of them were.

Not knowing how to comfort the older, Jaehyun settles for just placing his hand on the other's thigh, willing it to be a gesture of assurance.

"Do you remember your training?" The silver haired male suddenly queries.

"I remember all that I was taught which wasn't much" Jaehyun answers.

"Good" The older mutters before commencing a U-turn in the truck. The younger removes his hand as he uses both to grip onto the dashboard, the car violently turning to face the other direction.

Taeyong begins to speed back in the direction of where they had just fled. "We're saving Yuta" Is all he says to explain the sudden change of direction.

Jaehyun has no words as they rapidly approach the abandoned city. The older pulls their vehicle to a halt when he is just on the outskirts.

The brown haired male goes to ask why but hushes himself as he looks out the windshield.

Taeil alongside Doyoung can clearly be seen hovering by the doorway to the hotel. The red haired male does a small hand gesture which sparks the commencement of two guards from the institute dragging Yuta's unconscious and bruised body from the hotel.

Taeyong clenches his jaw in anger as he watches them dragging his friend as though he were a bit of rubbish they'd found on the street. They put him in the rear of a black van which Taeil and Doyoung enter afterwards.

It isn't long before they drive away.

The younger doesn't know what to say, he doesn't even know if there is something which is appropriate to bring up in this situation.

He opts for silence as the silver haired male tightens his grip on the steering wheel, knuckles turning white.

Without saying anything, Taeyong suddenly turns off the engine and gets out of the vehicle. Jaehyun is quick to chase after him, stumbling over his own feet as he steps onto the ground.

"Taeyong what are you doing?!" The younger yells.

"I'm going to kill that bastard. That bastard who took Yuta" The older responds, voice wavering slightly as he shows no sign of slowing down.

Jaehyun manages to catch up, grabbing onto the older's arm, pulling him to a halt.

"Let go of me" Taeyong exclaims, attempting to pull himself out of the younger's grip, yet the brown haired male just holds on firmly, not even flinching.

"I have to kill him, he took Yuta away. He took my friend let me go!" The older continues to thrash against the younger's tight grip.

Jaehyun manages to pull the older against his chest, wrapping his arms around him as the silver haired male falls apart. The tears start to flow, unleashing the sobs which he has been holding onto for way too long.

Taeyong stops fighting back and just allows for the younger to hold him.

Ever since they left the institute, he has felt the pressure of trying to keep them all safe and protected. Yet he has already failed. It's been two days and he has lost Yuta.

The pair had always been close. From the moment Taeyong had been captured, Yuta was always there for him. The younger constantly sneaking into his room at night to bring stolen snacks. He was always making an effort to keep Taeyong calm and happy.

As much as he didn't want to, Jaehyun gently pulls away from the older, just enough so he can meet his gaze.

"Focus on me" He states calmly. "Just focus on me and breathe okay?"

The latter doesn't disagree as he meets his gaze. Taking a few deep and slow breaths, Taeyong finds the tears slowing down as the urge to cry begins to disappear.

"We really need to head to the cottage. The others are waiting" The silver haired male mutters, wiping his eyes with the palms of his hands.

Jaehyun raises his hands to take the older's in his own as he lowers their hands. He leans down and softly presses his lips to the older's. Taeyong smiles sheepishly into the kiss as he attempts to deepen it.

Yet he is rejected as the brown haired male pulls away.

"We should head go, the others are waiting" He mocks the older's previous words.

Taeyong pulls his hands out of the younger's grip, using them to hit the younger's chest before walking back to the truck, smirk evident on his features.

— — — —

Lucas was doing his best to comfort Sicheng by the time, Taeyong and Jaehyun arrived at the cottage. They were all parked a few metres away as Taeyong had planned to enter by himself at first.

The tall male had wrapped his around Sicheng who was trying to pull himself together once more whilst Jungwoo remained seated in the truck. He didn't seem like he was planning to get out anytime soon as he anxiously checked his surroundings.

"Where were you guys?" Lucas questions in a tone which is slightly annoyed.

"We went back to get Yuta" Taeyong knows he won't be able to hide the truth so what us the point of trying?

"Where is he?" Sicheng exclaims, wiping his eyes with the palms of his hands as he steps away from the younger who had been holding him a few moments prior.

The silver haired male manages to hold the other's burning gaze as he weakly speaks the next phrase.

"We arrived just in time to see Doyoung and Taeil taking him away. Sangpil must have sent for them, we were too late."

Just as Sicheng looks as though he is going to break out into sobs once more, he manages to regain control over his emotions, or at least burries them away as the tears slowly come to a halt.

Jaehyun gently brushes the silver haired male's hand with his own yet he doesn't grasp it. It is a mere gesture to remind the older he is there and that it isn't his fault.

"Lucas" Taeyong suddenly snaps the younger's name. "You're with me."

He draws a gun from his belt before tossing it at the confused, taller male. Catching it, Lucas reaches to his own weapons belt, pausing as he realises his gun is gone.

Jaehyun offers his own weapon to the silver haired male who accepts it with gratitude.

"I know the people who live here hence I will be the only one entering the property at first" Taeyong speaks with his authoritative tone once more. "Jaehyun and Sicheng, stay here and guard Jungwoo and don't go anywhere until I come back okay? Lucas you will go around the rear end of the property and won't enter unless you hear the front door opening followed by no voices."

"How will I be able to know if the front door has opened from the back of the house?" Lucas seems to be adamantly confused about this whole idea.

"Trust me, it is one of the creakiest doors I have ever heard" The silver haired male chuckles softly as he recalls this. "This has always been a destination for people who are escaping the co-operative. The sound from the front easily travels to the back so the residents will always be aware of who is in their surroundings."

"They haven't found this place yet have they?" Jaehyun brings up the question he knows everyone must be pondering.

If this was a common place for those kinds of people, they surely wouldn't be here if the co-operative knew of it as they would surely make their way over here as their next move.

Taeyong shakes his head firmly. "It has been kept secret ever since the world first turned...Sour."

"Which means the family in this house can probably hear everything we are saying" Lucas points out, lowering his tone to a whisper as though they were in some kind of spy movie.

Sighing, Taeyong just gestures in the direction of the backyard. Lucas gets the message, turning around and hurridly yet quietly makes his way to the assigned location. The silver haired male goes to walk off as well but is stopped at Jaehyun grabs his arm.

"Be careful" the younger frowns in concern as he says this.

"Of course." Is all Taeyong says in response as he makes his way to the front of the house.

The wooden steps leading up to the porch seem to have only grown weaker since the last time he came here. They creak and bend slightly as the silver haired male slowly places his feet on them, making his way up the three of these crumbling steps.

As he raised his hand to gently knock on the wooden surface of the door, the male was taken aback as he realised the door was slightly opened.

Pushing the door open, he doesn't flinch as he hears the screeching whine which emits from the hinges. Lucas waits to hear the voices talking yet he hears nothing, so he remains outside.

Taeyong keeps his gun aimed before him as he slowly makes his into the entrance of the house. He is careful to not make any sound other then the slight creaking of the floorboards beneath his feet as he moves through the house.

"Hello?!" He calls out.

Hearing this, Lucas decides it's a cue to enter the house himself. He is slightly surprised to find the back door isn't locked as he easily turns the handle.

The pair find themselves looking through the cottage to see if they can find anyone. Lucas doesn't seem to be too worried as he just thinks the family may have gone out.

It's as soon as he approaches the bedroom upstairs that the rotten stench begins to infiltrate his nose. He can't help but scrunch up his face in disgust as he walks into the room.

He doesn't have to move much further to see a woman on the floor, her head has been severed from her body. It seems as though she has been dead for a few days as the body has begun to decompose.

Lucas leaves the bedroom, covering his mouth and nose with the palm of his hand as he tries to rid himself of the stench.

Making his way down the corridor, he finds himself wanting to throw up. The familiar scent of death fills his nose as he walks into the bathroom.

Laying on the floor with their insides turned into outsides, is another woman who seems to be the same age as the one in the bathroom.

Lucas slams the bathroom door shut before rushing downstairs to find Taeyong. The silver haired male is still slowly examining each room and can't help but jump as the younger touches his shoulder.

"I think I found your supposed family" The taller frowns.

"They upstairs?" Taeyong doesn't catch onto the younger's tone.

"I think the monsters beat us." Lucas clarifies, instantly wiping the expression from the older's features. He doesn't tear up instead just gazing at the floor solemnly, lowering his weapon.

The pair are both interrupted as they hear gunshots from outside. Instantly, Taeyong's thoughts fly to Jaehyun who is out there with the other two.

Without hesitating, he runs out of the cottage.

— — — —

"Did he lose his voice on the trip or something?" Jaehyun asks Sicheng, referring to the blue haired male who still remains seated in the truck.

Sicheng shrugs as he briefly meets the brown haired male's gaze.

"I think he's scared" He states lowly. "I don't think he's ever left with people other then that bastard of a man who tied us up."

As if sensing that the pair are discussing him, Jungwoo steps out of the truck, walking up to where the other two lean against one of the other vehicles.

"I can hear you, you know" He snaps bitterly.

"Is that anyway to speak to the people who saved you?" Sicheng doesn't even try to fake a nice tone to the newcomer.

"If anyone rescued me, it was Lucas. It certainly wasn't you" The blue haired male remarks.

"Your people took Yuta away from me" Sicheng speaks in an intimidating tone and he closes the distance between him and the other. "You'll pay for that."

Jaehyun gently grabs Sicheng's sleeve, pulling him back a few steps once more. Now is no time for conflict such as this.

Just to confirm this fact, the sudden roar of many engines can be heard as at least five trucks and one van come to a screeching halt just behind where they are all standing.

Looking up in fear, Jaehyun can't help but feel his heart sink as he sees the dreaded red haired male stepping out from the van. Yet the familiar raven haired male doesn't follow him.

He must've stayed with Yuta at the institute.

Several armed people from the institute in similar clothes to Jaehyun and the others excluding Jungwoo hop out of the other vehicles.

"Long time no see" Taeil grins maliciously as he uses the point of his dagger to scratch the point of his chin, somehow he doesn't pierce the skin.

The brown haired male goes to draw his gun before pausing as he realises he gave it to Taeyong. Instead he reaches for a dagger of his own.

Yet as he grasps the handle, a gunshot goes off. He stops his actions as he looks ahead to see Taeil has shot a blank into the sky, the gun in his other hand.

"The next one will go through your precious hand if you're not careful my dear boy" He threatens.

It is then that Jaehyun notices one of his hands are injured. He can see a bandage wrapped firmly around the red haired male's hand which must be concealing some kind of wound.

"Don't call me dear boy" Jaehyun mutters harshly.

Sicheng goes to lunge for but the brown haired male manages to hold him back by merely grabbing the fabric of his sleeve.

"I'll call you whatever I'd like to dear boy" Taeil emphasises the pet name this time. "We could make this nice and easy and you could just surrender and get in the van."

"I don't think that will be happening" Sicheng scowls.

Chuckling softly, Taeil moves the aim of his gun to be at the head of the male who just spoke.

Before he has a chance to shoot, he is interrupted by the sound of growls and the crunching of leaves as something approaches from behind.

The red haired male closes his eyes, sighing in annoyance as he turns around and begins to shoot over and over at the monster which is quickly making its way over to the group of people.

The bullets pierce through its flesh yet it doesn't seem to affect it, merely making it walk slower. Taeil opens his eyes once more throwing his gun to the ground as he rushes over to the creature.

With a single swing of his sharpened dagger, he manages to successfully decapitate the monster.

Taking the opportunity, Jaehyun draws his own blade and rushes over to the red haired male, Sicheng following his steps while Jungwoo moves to hide behind the truck.

The brown haired male slashed at the red haired male's back but completely missed as his opponent bends over, missing the blade completely.

Standing tall once more, Taeil spins on his heel, elbowing Jaehyun's jaw, causing for him to drop his blade. Sicheng moves in with his own yet he is stopped as Taeil slashes his hand with his dagger.

The male curses as he takes a step back.

Jaehyun is quick to regain his composure as he attempts to hit the older, but his inexperience throws him under the bus as Taeil easily catches his fist, spinning him around in his grip, placing his dagger against the younger's bare throat.

"You really aren't that good at fighting are you?" The red haired male chuckles to himself as he starts to press down the blade, piercing the skin as a thin trickle of red blood begins to form.

Sicheng goes to try and free the male but is stopped as Taeil 'tsk's at him. The red haired male will kill Jaehyun if he moves.

It is now that Jaehyun realises all the other men from the institute have been distracted fighting of monsters. A swarm have wondered over and they are effortlessly taking them down.

"They never said I couldn't harm you" Taeil grins at the idea.
"I could activate your chip but that wouldn't be fun would it?"

Jaehyun is confused by this, he's never heard of this chip...

"Do it" The brown haired male says firmly.

His gaze flickers past Sicheng and he notices Taeyong crouched in the bushes near the entrance to the cottage, his gun aimed before him.

Closing his eyes, the brown haired male awaits for the blade to make its final slice.


The grip on him instantly loosens and is followed by the sound of a body collapsing. Jaehyun opens his eyes once more, turning to see the damage which has been done.

Taeil lays on the floor, blood quickly coating the forest floor. A bullet hole is clearly visible right in between his eyes.

He's dead.

— — — —

Taeyong gets outside in time to see Taeil talking to Jaehyun and the others. Deciding it may be a good idea to stay back, he finds a bush close by and crouches in it to keep himself covered.

Lucas follows his lead, crouching behind him.

As soon as the red haired male presses his blade to Jaehyun's throat, the silver haired male immediately aims his gun for where the red haired male had taught him many years ago.

The men from the institute seem to have nearly killed all the monsters as they continue to fight away off to the side. Yet Taeyong doesn't focus on this and instead he focuses on Taeil's actions.

He notices Jaehyun's gaze briefly looking at him, acknowledging his presence in the bushes before he closes his eyes and speaks something.

It is then that Taeil moves to slit his throat.

It is also them that Taeyong pulls the trigger.

Just as he had hoped, the bullet pierced through the red haired male's skull. He crumples to the ground, freeing the brown haired male.

Standing up, Taeyong doesn't go straight to the one he cares for as he approaches the two remaining institute men.

He aims his gun at ones head, point a dagger to the other as he makes sure the monsters seem to have been dealt with.

"I want you to go back to the institute and alert Doyoung of what has taken place here today. Let him come and collect the body. Be sure you tell him who fired that shot and give him a little message for me. Tell him that we aren't going back, but Yuta will be ours."

The men both nod hurriedly before turning to rush to one of the trucks, immediately getting into it, speeding off.

Taeyong only takes this opportunity to run over to Jaehyun. He drops his weapons as he pulls the younger into his embrace. Surprisingly the younger isn't trembling, yet the older is.

"I'm okay" Jaehyun assures him. "Thanks to you at least."

"This place is no longer safe" Taeyong remarks, voice wobbly as he gently pulls away from the younger once more.

He turns to face the others and frowns. He doesn't know where to go next. They can't even get to Yuta's safe house without Yuta. He hadn't even created a backup plan for after this cottage.

He thought they would have more time. He doesn't know where to go. He just knows they need to move and move now.

Doyoung will not be impressed when he learns his fiancé is dead.

And there will be hell to pay when he does.

A/N - i keep saying things will explained in the next chapter but i mean it this time. next chapter will contain some explanations!

thanks for reading!!

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