twelve (m)

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"I'm Jungwoo."

Jaehyun smiles softly at the stranger, that's when he notices the silver haired male at his side groaning in pain. His expression fades to one of concern once more.

"Can you please let us use the hospital. Taeyong really needs to be treated" The brown haired male pleads quietly.

Jungwoo doesn't trust these strangers. Yet he can see the look of desperation in each of their gazes. It makes him wonder if they'd be able to help him out if he helped them.

Yet his father wouldn't be too happy if he let them inside without consulting him beforehand.

As slyly as possible, he nudges the knife in his belt with the palm of his hand before stepping aside, allowing for the group of strangers to rush into the hospital.

Jaehyun rushes down the halls until he arrives at what would've been a room for doctors to check over patients. He is kind of surprised at how the state of this room hasn't deteriorated too much. Yet he doesn't have time to acknowledge that right now.

The older sits on the bed while Yuta hands over the medical supplies. The brown haired male hurries to pull out the disinfectant and white pads before getting his needle and thread ready as well.

The silver haired male cringes at the needle. Seeing this, Jaehyun grabs his chin with his hand and gently tilts his head upward so the older is now looking him in the eye.

"Just focus on me okay?" The younger tried to sound reassuring. "I'm going to help you."

Taeyong finds himself at a loss for words so he just simply nods and allows for the medical student to continue.

The younger is quick to wash out the wound, doing his best to remove any possibilities of infection. Probably the only positive to these monsters that their blades aren't dripping with poison. That stuff is just in the movies.

The older hisses and has to look away as his arm is treated due to the sting of the medical liquid. Jaehyun does his best to work quickly as he doesn't want to be hurting the silver haired male.

Threading the needle, he goes to begin stitching him up but pauses as he gazes toward the blue haired male who is watching from the doorway.

"You guys don't have anaesthetic or anything like that do you?" He sounds half hopeful as he asks this. It would kill him if he had to do this next part of the procedure to Taeyong while he was still awake.

"I'm afraid we don't" Jungwoo answers firmly.

"It's okay, just go for it Jae" Taeyong takes a deep breath as he gently grabs the younger's arm, squeezing it reassuringly. "I trust you."

Swallowing the worst of his nerves away, the younger inserts the needle. The silver haired male opens his mouth as he lets out a silent scream.

Noticing how it's concerning the medical student, he bites his tongue, doing his best to keep his mouth clamped shut.

Jaehyun mutters apologies over and over as he does his best to finish the task quickly and accurately. After what feels like at least an hour, the wound is all stitched up and Jaehyun is finished.

Taeyong examines the younger's handiwork and finds himself smiling softly as he turns to make eye contact with the brown haired male.

"Thank—" He gets interrupted as the sound of hurried footsteps coming towards the room can be heard.

Panicked gazes are shared throughout the room except for Jungwoo who stares at the floor, stepping aside from the doorway.

Men who are dressed in dark grey clothing rush into the room. Two use the handles of their guns to render Yuta and Sicheng into unconscious heaps on the floor.

Lucas goes to draw his own weapon but is stopped as his temple is brutally hit with a baseball bat. Taeyong barely has time to step in front of the younger as a bigger male covers his head with a black bag, doing the same to Jaehyun.

They both try to fight back but it's no use as they are also impacted against their heads, causing them to slip out of consciousness.

— — — —

"Lee Taeyong is the one who we need to be the most wary of" A foreign voice explains lowly. "He is the better trained out of them all and on top of that he is clever."

"What are we going to do with them?" Jungwoo queries.

Jaehyun's head instantly throbs as he starts to regain consciousness. He doesn't open his eyes as he attempts to eavesdrop on the conversation happening before him.

"I'm not sure yet. We will have to wait until they wake up so we can have a little chat" The first voice remarks.

That's when Jaehyun hears Taeyong coughing. His eyes instantly snap open and he cringes as they adjust to the sunlight. He has been restrained to a chair with Taeyong on his right, the others in a line beside Taeyong.

Jungwoo gazes at them, the smallest look of pity in his gaze.

A taller man stands by his side, wearing dark pants with a dark shirt and a knee length, grey coat to keep him warm. He has a bandanna which is tied around his neck. Dark roots stain his dyed blonde hair as he stares down at the intruders.

"They're waking up" He clasps his hands together as he approaches Taeyong, crouching before him. "You're the only one I care for."

As Jaehyun goes to say something, he finds himself taken aback as no sound comes out. He tries again to speak but not even a whisper emits from his mouth.

"Don't worry" Jungwoo flickers his gaze up to meet with the brown haired male's. "It'll wear off soon."

What will wear off?

The brown haired male can't help but wonder. Did they drug them all after they were knocked out? Even if they did, the medical student can't think of any kind of drug which would have that effect.

"What do you want?" Taeyong speaks, his voice hoarse.

Jaehyun turns to look at him in shock as he hears the older speaking freely. How is it he can speak?

"I think a better question is what do you want?" The blond male questions darkly.

Taeyong meets Jaehyun's gaze for a moment before turning back to the man before him.

"We seek refuge for a few nights" He sounds calm, even though the man in front of him is way too close, having placed a hand on his knee.

It makes Jaehyun feel sick to the stomach as he notices the way which this older male is looking at the silver haired male.

"You have the worlds most feared and best soldiers coming after you all. Why would we let you stay here? Especially considering you brought the Prince along with you" He gestures towards Yuta who is still unconscious in his seat.

The brown haired male looks to Jungwoo with a pleading gaze. The blue haired male could easily knock out this man and help them out.

Jaehyun noticed the conflict within his eyes when they first confronted him. Something here isn't right and he is guessing it has something to do with the man who is currently touching Taeyong's knee.

The blue haired male simply moves his gaze away, pretending as though he hadn't seen the other.

"Based on the people you used on us" Taeyong still manages to keep his cool. "You have an impressive army yourself. If Taeil arrives and can't see us, he won't be allowed to search through this city without having Doyoung here to supervise. Especially if you refuse to let him in. And I can promise you that Doyoung never ventures out on these errands."

The blond haired male pulls himself onto his feet as he seems to be taking what has been said into consideration.

He walks over to Jungwoo who avoids the older's gaze at all costs. His stance grows awkward as his upper arms are grabbed by the other.

Speaking lowly, the blond haired male's words can't be heard as he talks to the blue haired male.

After a few moments, he lets go and looks to the intruders again. Jungwoo's hands gently caress the areas where he was just touched, almost as though he was trying to get rid of the older's touch.

"You can stay for a few nights" The blond haired male remarks. "You may refer to me as Sangpil. I'm the leader here. Jungwoo will show you to your rooms and I hope you'll enjoy your stay but please keep in mind that when Taeil arrives, that gives you 24 hours to leave us. It doesn't take that long to go and get that lover boy of his."

"Agreed. We thank you for your generosity" Taeyong swallows as his gazes flickers down to look at his feet.

"Un-tie them" Sangpil orders before walking out of the room and out of sight.

Jungwoo pulls the knife from his belt and walks over to Taeyong first. After freeing his hands and feet, the blue haired moves to Yuta who has started to stir.

Taeyong rushes to Jaehyun, a look of worry on his features as he works to cut through the rope with the daggers which were left on his body.

"Are you okay?" The silver haired male questions.

"I'm fine" Jaehyun can't help but feel relieved as he hears his own voice again. "I'm just glad that creep stopped touching you."

The older tilts his head slighting, pausing in his task of cutting the rope at the brown haired's ankles as he hears the tone from his voice.

"Are you getting jealous of an old man?"

Jaehyun scoffs at him. "He isn't that old and no I'm not jealous. The look in his eyes wasn't right. Did you see the way Jungwoo was when they were interacting? Something isn't right."

Hearing this, Taeyong finishes cutting the final bit of rope before grabbing the younger's knee with his hand, meeting his gaze.

"You're right. I can sense something is off also, which means we need to stick together and not allow for any of us to be left alone while we stay here. We can't do too much as Sangpil is providing us with shelter for a few nights. So just bear with it for a while and as soon as possible we will leave."

The brown haired male doesn't like the idea of staying here at all. Then again, he knows that Taeyong is a great fighter. He can feel safe when he is with the older.

Before there is a chance for anything else to be said, the others rush over to the pair, all dazed and confused as to what has happened.

Taeyong stands once more as he turns his attention to them all. Jaehyun takes a deep breath before standing himself, moving to be at the older's side.

"What's going on?" Yuta asks.

"We are staying here for a few nights. I managed to bargain with the leader here" Taeyong explains to him.

"They tied us up yet they'll let us stay? I don't trust them already" Sicheng states bitterly. "Who's to say they won't attack us while we sleep?"

The silver haired male folds his arms across his chest as he tries to come up with the best possible a of dealing with the situation at hand.

"Let's just say they made a mistake" Is the best he can come up with on the spot.

"You need not to worry about Sangpil" Jungwoo suddenly speaks up as he walks over to the group. Lucas steps aside as he allows for the blue haired male to come to a halt beside him.

"And why is that?" Yuta speaks before Taeyong has the chance.

"Because he already has his own plaything. He has never been the type to have more than one toy at once" Jungwoo informs them all.

"What do you mean by that?" Jaehyun asks in a hesitant tone. He has a sick feeling in his stomach that he already knows what the answer will be.

A silence briefly passes before the blue haired male manages to pull together a response. He wraps his arms around his chest as he makes eye contact with the brown haired male.

"I'm his toy. He does with me what he pleases."

The emotion of shock and the feeling of nausea is felt in everyone who listens to the male speaking. It is Taeyong who asks the next question.

"How old is he? How old are...You?"

Jungwoo lowers his gaze once more. "Sangpil is 47, however, I'm just 19 years old."

The blue haired male certainly seems to have the maturity of someone who is much older. Jaehyun has thought that's he'd at least be in his early twenties.

No one has a chance to say anything else as the blue haired male gestures to the open door to the room.

"I'll take you to your rooms. The sun will be setting soon" He walks away, causing for the others to just quietly follow after him.

— — — —

Jaehyun was given a room with Taeyong.

The group was placed in the old hotel which is surprisingly well maintained. Then again the city isn't as abandoned as it would appear.

Yuta and Sicheng were given the room beside them whilst Lucas was on the other side.

The brown haired male is seated on the edge of the king sized bed as the older paces before him. He is biting his nails as he seems to be trying to come up with a plan for what their next move will be.

"Sit down Taeyong" The younger tells him firmly. "You'll be able to think better if you're relaxed."

"How the hell am I meant to relax?" The silver haired male exclaims. "We have hardly any time to figure out where to move to from here."

"It's okay, maybe if you talked to us then we could help" Jaehyun tries to sound reassuring. "We could go get the others and have a meeting about it."

"No" Taeyong disagrees instantly. He continues to pace, starting to quicken the rate at which he does this.

The younger sighs before pushing himself off the bed and onto his feet. He takes the few steps it takes to close the distance between the two as he firmly grabs the older's upper arms, forcing him to come to a stop.

Taeyong winces slightly as Jaehyun grasps the wound on his arm. Noticing, the younger moves his grip to be just below the wound.

"Stop worrying so much. It isn't healthy and it isn't helping anyone. I can understand why you're like this but maybe if you just tried to be calm for a few seconds even then you may just come up with some answers."

Taeyong shakes his head slowly. "There's no time, Jae. I either come up with a plan now or we may as well just hand ourselves straight back to the institute."

"Listen to me Taeyong" Jaehyun shakes him once, quite roughly. "If this plan is rushed then we might as well hand ourselves in."

"I-I lost Jisung. I can't lose any of you guys as well. I-I can't" The older stutters slightly.

Jaehyun finds his gaze landing on the silver haired's lips which are quivering slightly. Not being able to hold himself back, he presses his lips against the older's.

Taeyong's eyes widen when the sensation of the younger male's lips start to overtake his senses. It feels as if everything was shutting down inside his mind. Every thought just drifts into the oblivion to give enough attention to the touch receptors on silver haired's lips. The electric esthesis is like a gentle breeze wrapping around one's body during a sunny day - soothing and calming yet inflaming other senses.

Jaehyun breaks the kiss as his hands travel up to cup older male's prominent chin. His brown orbs lock with Taeyong's surprised ones.

"Stop talking" Jaehyun says and leans in once again to taste Taeyong lips with his tongue. "Stop thinking" younger male adds and connects their lips together once again. At the moment Taeyong is just stunned. He doesn't know how to response or how to react.

His mind is totally blank. It's like a white canvas that is ready to be colored. So he just lets the other male take a lead. He allows being painted with Jaehyun's colors.

The colors, he lost them a long time ago.

He opens his mouth allowing Jaehyun's tongue to sink in further into his insides making his worn out body even weaker. With every stroke of younger's tongue, Taeyong feels warmth palette of colors spreading around his moist cavern.

Taeyong feels as Jaehyun presses his body on his. His legs are getting weak under a pressure of the kiss so he's unconsciously backing himself to the bed. Suddenly the back of his knees hit the hem of the furniture.

He's being gently pushed by Jaehyun and his body falls on the mattress. His eyes open to see how Jaehyun takes off his shirt and unwraps the belt that holds the weapons. His lean body flexes in the dimmed light of the room. The warm rays outlining younger's features, glittering his milk-white skin.

Taeyong only licks his lips when Jaehyun climbs up on the bed. They are both keeping their eyes locked. Taeyong's body shivers seeing how Jaehyun's hungry eyes literally devour his whole figure. The younger male sits on older's hips, allowing his upper body to lean in. He steals a kiss, helping himself by holding silver haired male's chin in his hand when the other one's supporting his figure on the bed's mattress. Taeyong moans in the kiss feeling how Jaehyun's bottom rubs against his slowly hardening member.

"J-Jae" Taeyong mutters shutting his eyes when Jaehyun's fingers linger down his torso. "Do you really want-" he's stopped by brown haired male's finger on his lip. "Shhh" Jaehyun assures him. The former medical student wraps his hands on the hem of Jaehyun's shirt and lifts it up, his eyes fall on Taeyong's well-defined stomach.

"Just focus on me" Jaehyun lifts the shirt up when his head leans in, tracing the muscles with the wet kisses. Taeyong's hands wrap around the beddings when his mind goes wild with the sensation that is overcoming him.

The way younger's warm lips meet with his cold skin sending the impulses of pleasure around his body. Jaehyun is quick to stop moving Taeyong's top up when he notices the fresh dressing of the wound. He gives a small kiss on the bottom of the patch and hears a small whine from the other male. Jaehyun can feel Taeyong trying to lift his upper body up on his own but the older male fails due to the severe pain in his shoulder.

The brown-haired male is fast to react catching Taeyong's pain, that is trying to escape his mouth, in a longing kiss. The latter melts into it and slowly lies himself down with the help of the younger male. While they are still sharing a sloppy kiss Jaehyun's hands are working on Taeyong's belt and the waistband of his trousers. Jaehyun smiles in the kiss feeling Taeyong's hand on his body. The older male has started to help with Jaehyun's trousers that are yet to be removed.

Brown haired male lifts his body on his knees helping Taeyong to wiggle out of his pants. Latter's eyes lock on Jaehyun's hands that slowly but surely push his own black trousers down the thighs, revealing his pulsating bulge. Taeyong opens his mouth to say something but is quick to let out the strangled moan when Jaehyun's fingers dip down the waistbands of his underwear wrapping around his length. The younger male leans into Taeyong's neck. He gnaws and kisses the sensible skin going down when his hand is slowly working on Taeyong's member.

The latter feels the heat spreading inside his body. Every touch, every kiss, every bite is like a sting of pleasure. Taeyong can feel his body reacting to every tease the younger male is treating him with. It's like a gentle brushstroke on the canvas of his pale body. Every move is revealing more color.

Quicker, please.

More color. Taeyong is hungry for more.

Jaehyun lifts himself up feeling Taeyong's hand inside his underwear. The other male is fighting with the fabric as his moves are limited by the shoulder injury. The younger gets the point and helps Taeyong to get rid of them. He sits back down on Taeyong's thighs looking at the older male.

Taeyong's eyes are half-lidded and glazing with the erotic aura. Jaehyun reads the urge and is quick to move closer. Taeyong rolls his hips up desperate for more intimate contact. Jaehyun smiles and wraps his hand around Taeyong and his dick.

They both moan when Jaehyun starts to move his skilled hand up and down, stroking both of their members at the same time.

Taeyong is lost. He's lost in the world of pleasure. He can't believe how gentle yet firm Jaehyun is with him. How everything the younger does with his body has a meaning.

Just like a painter with a brush, Jaehyun is decorating Taeyong's body with strokes of pleasure.

The brown haired male can feel Taeyong is close to the release as his body starts to tense and his breath gets uneven. He fastens the pace and looks at how Taeyong's expression changes.

Soon he hears Taeyong moan when the latter releases his seed on his stomach and Jaehyun's hand.

Jaehyun, however, is nowhere to stop. His hand is still around their linked members, chasing Taeyong's climax.

He curiously observes as silver haired male's eyes open after the severe wave of pleasure crushed on his body. Taeyong breaths heavily and his good hand catches Jaehyun's arm. He tries to beg Jaehyun to slow down, however, nothing but the lustful moan escapes his mouth.

Jaehyun looks down seeing how the older male whimpers and breaks under his pressure. He knows he's now just testing the Taeyong's limits.

He soon tilts his head up and comes heavily, giving their linked members a few more strokes to work all the secretion off.

With a heavy breath, Jaehyun looks down at the older male. Taeyong's hand is covering his inflamed face. Older's torso is covered with their mixed seed and sweat. Jaehyun slowly leans in, his hand smearing the topping of Taeyong's stomach like the painter spreading the paint on the naked canvas.

He catches Taeyong's lips and gives him a quick but deep kiss. He breaks from it and looks at Taeyong to move the hand from the latter's eyes. He notices the tears staining silver haired male's face.

Jaehyun's eyes widen but he quickly breaks his alarmed expression to a smile seeing how Taeyong giggles softly.

Supporting his figure on the bed, the younger male rests his forehead on Taeyong's and lets the small laugh escape his mouth too.

— — — —

Taeil smirks to himself as his vehicle pulls up beside the three trucks which the escapees have taken with them. They are way too predictable, appearing at the abandoned city.

The red haired male stops the truck, gesturing for the trucks and vans following to also come to a halt.

He happily gets out of the vehicle, whistling a joyful jingle to himself as he walks down the long and seemingly abandoned main road of the town.

It doesn't take long for a familiar face to walk out onto the road to approach the intruder.

"Bong Sangpil" Taeil calls his name out.

"I'm afraid what you're looking for isn't here" The older states as he comes to a stop, a few feet away from the red haired male.

"Don't lie to me, you know nothing good ever comes from lying to someone as insane as myself" The red haired male chuckles lowly.

Sangpil pushes his coat to the side as he reveals a gun which has been slipped into his belt. "Unless your dear old fiancé is with you, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Taeil is slightly taken aback as he hears his old friend saying this. The pair used to work together when it came to going after those who were to be captured, that was until it was time for Sangpil's son to be collected. Then he took off with a bunch of his people, including his son and took over this run down city.

As much as he wants to, Taeil holds back and doesn't invade his lifestyle to take his kid. Besides, the kid is 19 now. There's hardly a point.

"Don't be this way Sangpil. I let you keep your boy, the least you could do is give my things back."

Sangpil just sighs as he shakes his head. It's clear he won't be giving in to the man's words.

Frowning, Taeil points his finger straight at the older. "I'm going to get Doyoung and I'll be right back to invade this city of yours. That boy, Jungwoo, will be coming with us. Consider that your payment for me not killing you right now."

No other words are shared as Taeil turns on his heel, walking straight back to his truck.

— — — —

Waking up in someone's warm embrace was nice for a change. Taeyong instantly felt safe for the first time in years as he slowly opened his eyes.

As he stirs awake, he feels the grip around his waist only tightening as the younger seems to also be waking up.

"Morning" Jaehyun mutters.

"Good morning" Taeyong turns in his arms to face the younger as he pecks his lips. They are just too irresistible. He completely forgets about all his worries as he just gazes at his still half asleep lover for these precious moments.

Yet they all come barging back to the front of his mind as there is a sudden banging on the door to their room. Jaehyun instantly wakes up fully as he lets go of Taeyong, kicking off the blankets.

The older rushes out of bed and slips into his clothes as quickly as possible before making sure Jaehyun is also covered. He runs to the door and pulls it open, revealing Yuta, hair a mess as though he had just woken up himself.

"Taeil just left to get Doyoung. We have to leave" He exclaims, tone filled with panic.

Taeyong can't help but curse beneath his breath as he yells at Jaehyun to gather their things. "Yuta go get the others together."

The blond haired male nods before running back to his own room.

Taeyong hurries to help Jaehyun in gathering their weapons and dressing properly. Once they have managed to fit everything on themselves again, the make their way into the corridor where the others are.

"Get to the trucks and just start driving East. Don't stop until we reach the woods. There's a cabin in there we can use" The silver haired male explains to them all.

Nodding they make their way outside the hotel as fast as they can. Lucas comes to a crashing halt as he reaches the outside. Jungwoo stands opposite the hotel, arms weakly hugging himself as his cheek seems to be bruised.

"Taeyong" Lucas calls the leaders name.

Taeyong can immediately sense what the taller wants to ask as he notices the way he stares at the blue haired male.

"We have room, place him in your truck" The older gives him permission.

Lucas nods firmly before running over to the other. Jungwoo looks up in confusion which slowly fades to a small look of hope as he nods in agreement to the younger's words.

Lucas takes his hand to help him run faster as the pair rush over to the trucks.

"You can't take him with you" Sangpil's voice is loud and clear as he aims his gun at Lucas. Yet he doesn't get the chance to pull the trigger as Yuta places a kick to his side, causing him to drop his weapon.

"Go" He calls out to Taeyong and Jaehyun. The pair don't hesitate in rushing to the vehicles. Sicheng is waiting in his truck for his lover to return to him. He frantically chews his bottom lip as he watches his boyfriend fighting with the other man.

Jaehyun comes up with an idea as he pulls a gun from his belt before aiming it towards Sangpil. Pulling the trigger, it grazes his shoulder but it's enough to give Yuta a chance to turn and run towards them.

He only gets a few paces away from the trucks before he is struck on his back with a bat. Sangpil's men have come out onto the streets. Blood spatters out of the blond haired's mouth as he collided with the dirt.

He rolls over as he jumps back onto his feet, attempting to throw a punch at one of the three men who have him surrounded.

Through this, Taeyong spots Sangpil who is aiming his gun for their tires. "DRIVE" Taeyong screams out.

Lucas instantly takes off. Sicheng however, stays where he is. He won't leave without Yuta. He isn't leaving his boyfriend behind.

The blond haired male turns to look at his boyfriend, a look of pain on his features as he continues to be beaten up pretty bad.

"We should help him!" Jaehyun yells as he goes to run in the older's direction, yet he is stopped as Taeyong grabs onto his arm.

"Get in the car" He orders.

Jaehyun looks at the silver haired male in disappointment as he moves to take a seat in the passenger's seat. Taeyong swallows tightly as he gets into the driver's seat.

He meets Sicheng's gaze, nodding once. This seems to be enough to convince the younger to turn on his engine, beginning the drive away.

Jaehyun can't help but feel confused as to why he would leave so simply. Considering he was just refusing to go.

Yuta smiles sadly as he watches his boyfriend drive away. It's the last thing he sees before he loses consciousness and falls limp on the ground.

"We need to go" Taeyong's voice cracks as he says this. Jaehyun asks no questions as the older just turns his truck out of the city and drives away.

Sangpil lowers his gun as he watches the escapees drive away. He didn't shoot them, it wasn't them he wanted to be honest. It was Yuta.

They just scored themselves the son of the most powerful man in this world. If they were to hand over this young boy to Taeil and Doyoung, they'd be able to use him to lure the others to return home.

As much as Sangpil would've liked to keep his beloved son with him, keeping the prince safe at the institute seems to be a bigger priority.

"Take him to the hotel and lock him in room 127. Be sure you tie him up so he can't go anywhere when he wakes up and remove all weapons from him. Now we just wait for the arrival of Taeil." Sangpil orders his men.

A/N - i hope this didn't end up being too confusing... many things will be explained next chapter which will make many events make sense so bear with me

thanks for reading!!!

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