Chapter 23

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The kid is stuttering and doesn't want to say his name, fearing to be noticed by Kaitlin. Meanwhile, the woman has found them and is hitting his friend hard with her purse.

??: Hello?

Kaitlin: Give me that phone!

???: Hey!

In spite of his strenous resistence, Kaitlin still manages to snatch her phone off the boy's hand, before kicking his lower parts. He falls on the pavement, bonking his head on a trash bin.

??: Hello?

Kaitlin: Nothing happened. It's just a-

??: We're coming. Where do you live?

Kaitlin: I... I... Again, it's a false al-

??: Just hold on.

Nervous and frustrated, Kaitlin hangs up on the 911 operator and then runs away, knowing that she'll be more likely to be caught, not only because the kid called 911, but also because she hung up on them.

Meanwhile, Leigheanna and Rowan are finally in front of Caesar's Palace, one of the most important buildings in Las Vegas. There, they're supposed to meet Taylor, yet he's nowhere near being found. Okay, the area is enormous, they have to admit it, but hopefully he'll show up.

Suddenly, Leigheanna sees a tall, lean but muscular (how is it even possible?) man, probably in his middle twenties, with messy, black hair and messy but short beard, as well, approach the car while smoking a cigarette. She immediately recognizes him.

Leigheanna: Taylor?

Taylor: Yes, sis. It's me. Who did you think I am, anyway?

Leigheanna: That beard...

Taylor: Yeah?

Leigheanna: You had no beard the last time we saw each other!

Taylor: Oh, I have to admit it. I didn't even bother shaving myself.

Leigheanna: Huh. Disgusting.

Taylor: Oh, come on, Leighy. It's just beard. Have you seen my legs' hair? Those are disgusting.

He's about to show his sister his unshaved legs, but she stops him short of him doing so, also rolling her eyes at his lack of sensitiveness.

Leigheanna: Huh. Stop being gross! Also, your breath smells of smoke! How many of those have you smoked today?

Taylor: Sis, I think something's wrong with you.

Leigheanna: I mean, you never smoke that much...

Suddenly, Rowan pokes out of his car and notices the two siblings joking around and laughing loud at everything they say. He tries to catch some attention, but fails, until obviously Leigheanna remembers that she has to introduce him to her brother. He clears his throat to finally be paid attention to.

Leigheanna: Oh, sorry, Taylor. I forgot that!

As she facepalms herself, she catches her brother laughing under his breath, much to her annoyance.

Taylor: Well, Leighy, what did you forget, apart from calling Mom?

Leigheanna: Shut the fuck up! Anyway, this is Rowan Killip. My new friend.

Taylor: Who?

Leigheanna: The guy I met over the phone.

At last, Rowan starts taking part in the conversation and even shakes hands with Taylor, even though he's clearly stuttering.

Taylor: So, you're Rowan, right?

Rowan: Correct.

Taylor: You aren't very talkative, I guess.

Rowan: People often say I'm a man of action.

Taylor: No talking the talk. Just walking the walk.

Rowan: Yeah.

Taylor: Leighy told you about me, too?

Rowan: A little bit.

Taylor: Wow, the guy is intuitive... Let me tell you, Leighy, you made a great choice.

Leigheanna glares at him, like she wants to remind him that her first call to Rowan was totally random. He, however, doesn't take her seriously and just laughs.

Rowan: So, where are you headed?

Taylor: My friends rented a villa downtown for the summer. We're gonna stay there. It's kind of a long drive, but-

Leigheanna: Taylor. We've crossed several States all day long, probably going over the speed limit. But, honestly, who cares? That was the motorway. The police would've been too slow to chase after us.

Rowan: Then, we can consider ourselves lucky...

He chuckles toward her direction, making her giggle. Taylor is staying silent now, but is clearly perceiving that the guy is probably the first responsible of Leigheanna's less obnoxious attitude.

Taylor: You know what? I think there's something between the two of you...

Leigheanna: What are you even talking about?

Taylor: Don't try denying that. Now what? I'm gonna call Leslie.

Leigheanna: No! No! Don't you even dare!

As he extracts his phone to call Leslie, Leigheanna tries to steal it from him, but she has to jump to at least hope to catch it. It's much easier said than done, unfortunately, as he's much taller than her, even though she's a solid 1.75 meters tall.

Leigheanna: Fuck you and those fifteen centimeters! Give me the phone!

Taylor: No way.

He dials Leslie's number, waiting for her answer, with Leigheanna hoping that he won't ridicule her on the phone, especially considered that Leslie had fun tricking her in the morning.

Phone call between Taylor and Leslie

Taylor: Hi!

Leslie: Taylor! Where are you?

Taylor: Guess what?

Leslie: What?

Taylor: I picked Leighy up.

Leslie: And?

Taylor: She's not alone.

Leslie: Oh, Taylor. Don't tell me she brought your parents with her!

Taylor: No way!

Leslie: And who is it, then?

Taylor: Leslie, you're asking too many question, let me tell you.

Leslie: Just answer, then!

Taylor: Okay. It's a guy named Rowan. She says she met him on the phone and he picked her up at a gas station, by chance!

Leslie: Ohh... how romantic!

Leigheanna: What are you even talking about, Leslie?

Leslie: Oh, hi, Leighy!

Leigheanna: Taylor! What the fuck did you tell her?

Taylor: It's not my fault if she's so overly dramatic!

Leigheanna: Now, I'm gonna talk to her. Listen, Leslie. Rowan and I are not a couple!

Leslie: Hello? He picked you up and took you to Vegas! Isn't it romantic?

Leigheanna: Maybe he just wanted to do me a favor?

Leslie: Are you sure?

Now, Leigheanna is far more insecure. Leslie may be right, after all. All the giggles and red faces when he chuckles or smiles, her sass not being as strong as usual, her tendency to smile more...

Leigheanna: Leslie, as soon as we arrive, we need to talk. Seriously.

Leslie: Now you're worrying me.

Leigheanna: Your words are worrying me now. Please, promise you'll take me seriously, okay?

Leslie: Okay.

Leigheanna: I think you and Taylor still have something to say, so...

Leigheanna then returns the phone to her brother, before reapproaching Rowan. He takes her hands and slowly leans closer to her. He seems to have something serious to tell her. She closes her eyes, fearing that he might be up for something she's not ready for yet..

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