43rd way- I vote for Justice

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I loved this idea. It's from Prowlheart. Enjoy!

Crowfeather: Before we begin, I mean, before we're going to end this, I have came here for justice today!


Crowfeather: I believe it is the warriors rights for to end this show!

Cats: booooooo (throws fast foods)

Twilightspeckle: Ready now? Leafshine, full lights on me please!

Crowfeather: No! I'm not done!

Leafshine: (Puts full lights on Twilightspeckle)

Twilightspeckle: Yo fools! Ready for 101 ways to annoy Crowfeather? Than so be it! Twilight House is ready to put full volume! Woooooo!

Cats: Woooooooo!

Crowfeather: Wait, I'm not done...

Twilightspeckle: Today were going to throw a disco party toms and she cats! Food for everyone! Bring those Sprites!

Leafshine: (magically brings disco ball, size XXXXL speaker, table of food, and balloons) 

Twilightspeckle: Get those music!

Cats: (dances) Woooooooo!

Twilightspeckle: Brightness is what Crowy hates! Annoy him!

Cats: (more dances)

Crowfeather: NO! (Magically turns off disco ball and music, and disappears food and balloons.)

Twilightspeckle: Ugh. Party ruiner.

Cats: ugh

Crowfeather: I, today, is here to receive a treaty that I quite this show and my son Breezeheart takes over it! I am in age and that is a great reason! Gimme the TREADY!

Twilightspeckle: fine (gives tready)

Crowfeather: YES!! All I have to do now is sign it and I'm free! Pen please!

Random cat: (gives pen)

Crowfeather: (puts his signature) Wait, this is out of ink. Another one please!

Random cat: Too bad! That was a invisible pen! Ooooooooo

Twilightspeckle: We only have one treaty and since you just ruined it, I guess you'll continue the show.

Crowfeather: But I signed it though!

Twilightspeckle: I can't seeeeeeeee

Cats: Me neitherrrrrrr

Crowfeather: do you have the blue LED light.

Random cat: Nope!

Crowfeather: Why does it always have to be like this. Hcjdhhsjskkdjdkwooqjdhdyhehdhdhdjcjsklqpp

Twilightspeckle: 43rd way finished! 

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