44th way- Into the Unknown

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(Light attention goes on Twilightspeckle wearing a blue dress)

Twilightspeckle: I can hear you. But I won't. Some looks for trouble, while others don't. There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day,

(More singing)

Twilightspeckle: Into the Unknown!!!!!! Into the Unknown!!!!! Into the Unknowwwwwwwwwn!!!!

Crowfeather: (snaps) Full lights please. Camera on me. Whadeep and welcome back to 101 ways to Stop Twilightspeckle Sing.

Twilightspeckle: Hey

Crowfeather: (ignore) Today we are I mean, we already did—

Twilightspeckle: lights on me please

(Lights on Twilightspeckle)

Twilightspeckle: Sorry to welcome you with my awesome singing, but welcome to the 44th on 101 ways to annoy Crowfeather. Today we are doing karaoke! Karaoke is a entertainment for people to sing and let the computer judge your singing on numbers how well you sing of 1 to 100. And we have our amazing warriors singers today. Please welcome our guests!

Cats: (clap, woo, and whip)

(Berrynose, Honeyfur, Mistystar comes on stage)

Crowfeather: Wait, why them.

Twilightspeckle: Well Berrynose is secretly sings rock music, Honeyfur has a beautiful voice, and Mistystar just looks like a good singer.

Mistystar: (wide smile)

Crowfeather: Huh

Berrynose: I am ready to do those thing! Woo!

Cats: (thinks "Is this the Berrynose we know?")

Twilightspeckle: Okay so to make life easier and not waste our time, skip Berrynose's part Leafshine, the time machine please.

Leaf-shine: Ai ai! (Time machine activates)

Cats: Woo! go Berrynose!

Twilightspeckle: And his score is 95!

Crowfeather: Seriously? Berrynose?

Berrynose: got any problem traitor?

Crowfeather: Ugh

Twilightspeckle: Time skip please!

Crowfeather: Why can't we just run the show—

Leafshine: ai ai (activates time machine)

Cats: My heart is melted by Honeyfur!

Twilightspeckle: and her score is 99!

Honeyfur: :)

Twilightspeckle: Now on to Mistystar. Let's listen...

Crowfeather: Wait we're going to actually listen this time?

Twilightspeckle: Duh.

Crowfeather and Leafshine: (sigh)

Mistystar:(starts singing a Hatsune Miku song)

Twilightspickle: Woo!

I'm a fan of Hatsune Miku. So Woo!

Crowfeather: What is this...weird feeling. A she cat in her mid-ages singing a Miku song with all her soul shhdhdhsjiaisoosjdnndnsnnsjsjsjskakksksksijdjd

Twilightspeckle: Aaaaaaaaaaand the champion is Mistystar just because I like Hatsune Miku!

I read through 2 of my chapters and realized how much typo and grammar mistakes I have. Probably because I never reread it before posting but meh, I'll do it someday.

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