Chapter 15: Chase

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After getting the Ground Gem, Trenor and Chole have been chased by the traitors all the way from Kalos, they manage to get to the Kanto Region with the help of Zygarde. Trenor takes out his Pokeball and says, "Squishy, return for now."

As Trenor recalls the Pokemon, they see that the traitors are riding their flying Pokemon and they are almost get to them. "They are pretty annoying." Chole groans. "We really don't want anything to do with them, and they couldn't be did they do that?"

"I don't know." Trenor says, just then, they notice that Insey and Gary also arrive at the shore. Trenor asks, "Insey, Gary. How is the Flying Gem?"

"It is not easy considering that the fact that we have to persuade Melody and Slowking to help us get it." Insey says, noticing that they are running at the same time, she asks, "And why are we running?"

"Those who hurt Brother are chasing us, that's why? They have been trying to do some stuff to Squishy and Chole, and they chase us all the way from Kalos to here."

Gary says, "I see...But have you tried to kill them?"

Trenor says, "That is the problem! Somehow they aren't able to be killed. I really want to know why."

"Maybe it is because the Pokemon they stole from Brother?" Insey asks. "Since I know that Brother lent us Pokemon so that we won't be able to get killed easily..."

"Then we must find a plan to let brother recall his Pokemon so that they will be much easier to kill. So where are you going? I suppose the Bug Gem is next, right?"

"Yeah, we are going to the Pinwheel Forest to get the Bug Gem, so we are heading to Unova." Insey says. "And you?"

"The Rock Gem is in Kanto, so we are going there." Chole says.

"I see, best of luck to all of us." Insey says as they split up. Chole takes out the Pokeball and says, "Diancie, do you know a cave that can hide us?"

Diancie says, "Leave it to me." Then she uses the Diamond Storm to break the hole in the mountain and then the group enters the cave.

"Should we block the entrance?" Chloe asks.

"No, we let it open. I have a feeling that it is the right choice to do." Trenor says as they continue forward.

At the same time, the traitors arrive at the Kanto and they are looking around. "Where did they go?" Dawn asks with frustration.

"They must have gone back to Kanto, that's for sure." Brock says.

"Guys, look." Iris says as she shows the hole Diancie made, "Do you think the two of them get into this cave?"

"It is not impossible." Then the group decides to enter the cave to find the two of them.

Trenor and Chole are following the path and then they are surprised to see in front of them a Omastar just passing by. "An Omastar? What is going on here?"

"If my assumptions are correct," Diancie says, "We are going to the Grandpa Canyon, a place where extinct Pokemon living in there."

"Then maybe it will be better if we ask them for help." Trenor says as they follow the path, then they see the light and then appear in front of them is the Rock Gem guarded by an Aerodactyl. Surrounded the Pokemon are all the Ancient Pokemon, some of them aren't even Rock Type to begin with. There are Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Aerdactyl, Lileep, Cradily, Anorith, Armaldo, Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Titouga, Carracosta, Archen, Archeops, Tyrunt, Tyrantrum, Amaura, Aurorus, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish and Arctovish.

"This is a great discovery..." Chole says in awe. "Look at how many fossils are there."

"Yeah...amazing view." Trenor says, and then the Fossil Pokemon notice them and then they screech at the two people along with the Diancie, preparing to attack.

"Please hear us out." Trenor speaks in a Prehistoric language, causing them to get surprised, as they don't think anyone in this current world still know their language. "We don't mean any harm. We have some mission to do here."

Then the Aerodactyl says, "How are you able to speak our language? Who are you guys?"

"I am not a human." Trenor says, "We are here for the mission of Arceus, we have to retrieve the Rock Gem so that we can use it to save our world."

Aerodactyl says, "If you really are associated with the lord, then we will be obliged to help."

Just then, an Archeops rush into the room and he yells, "More people approaching the place. And they aren't friendly."

The Pokemon are confused, and Trenor says, "Guys, hear me out, those people are evil people, I don't know how they have come this fast..."

"Please explain what the matter." Tyrantrum says, then they tell them about the Team Alpha and their goal. The Pokemon are stunned to know how low the humans have fall, and they are also filled in rage until they hear the familiar voice.

"So this is where you are..." They all turn to the traitors, Misty says, "Look at all the rare Pokemon here...those were some extinct Pokemon."

"Yeah...we should all capture them, that way no one can beat us. We will prove that we are the strongest beings in the world." Max says with the same greed.

The fossil Pokemon see them blinded by greed and they screech at them. Trenor sighs, "Great...I don't think you guys will ever leave us alone..." He starts to think, "So how am I going to take Brother's Pokemon from their pocket..."

"You are not going to get all of them for your selfish deeds." Chole says with the same rage as the fossil Pokemon.

"Come on, Chole, we are friends, right? I am sure that we can be strong if we have all these Pokemon." Go says.

"You are not going to get any of them and you never will!" Diancie yells as Bonnie says, "Diancie? Is that you?"

Bonnie tries to approach the Fairy Type Pokemon, but the Diamond Storm blocks the group and also sends them back. "You are not approaching us. You vermin."

"Don't tell me that Diancie is also by your side..." Clemont says in horror. Trenor thinks for a second and then he says, "Why not? You all seen first hand of how she could make diamonds, people like you only abuses her power to become rich. That's why she has enough of it."

"Then you leave us no choice." They try to send out their Pokemon, but Chloe turns to the fossil Pokemon. "Everyone, listen to me, they are going to treat you guys as slaves and they are going to abuse your powers for their own greed. If you agree with what I said, then fire the Ancient Power on them."

"Hey, that is not true at all!" Sophocles yells, but in vain, as the Fossil Pokemon are now attacking the traitors with Ancient Power, it not only deals some damage, but also raise all of their stats.

"Alright, you have leave us no choice. We are going to beat you up." Misty says as they all tell their Pokemon to attack, and the war has begun as the Pokemon are fighting against the Fossils.

Trenor, Chole and Diancie look at the war, seeing how some of the Pokemon are being held captive in their Pokeballs, Trenor frowns a little, "The numbers are going low on our side, some of the fossil Pokemon are captured in those Pokeballs..."

"What are we going to do?" Chole asks scarily. "I feel bad for those Pokemon to be captured by them..."

"We can free them." Diancie says, "The Gems can boost the attack of Rock Type Pokemon, maybe we should use it to our advantage."

"I hope so." Trenor and Chole also join in the fight as they send out Golem and Coalossal. Then they use the powered up Rock moves like Stone Edge and Sandstorm to defeat some of the Pokemon, and then Chole says, "Tar Shot."

The move causes the traitors to be blasted with the hot tar, they are screaming in pain as they decide to jump into the water to cool themselves, but doing so causing the Pokeballs that contain the fossil Pokemon drop into the ground.

"Now it is our chance. Omastar. Kabutops, Arctovish, Dracovish, blast a hole to make them fall out." Trenor says as the Water Type Pokemon blast the hole and the water is flowing there. Brock yells, "This is not over."

"We will be back!" Mallow yells as they are now out of their sight.

Once they are out of their sight, Trenor takes the Pokeball they dropped and release the Fossil Pokemon they captured. "Now that's done, thank you for helping us with it."

Tyrantrum says, "No problem, good luck with whatever you are doing, we are just going to chill here."

"Okay." The three of them then leave the cave and get back to the outside world.

After getting outside, they notice that the traitors are still alive and they just get to the shore. Trenor says, "That confirms it, as long as they have Brother's Pokemon, they aren't going to be dead."

"But how do they know about this? I did they know that having Ash's Pokemon can make them stay alive?" Chloe asks in confusion.

Trenor says, "As you can see, Professor Oak has been researching about Arceus, even though he is dead, he was the mastermind for everything we have suffered. He knows that our Pokemon will make them immortal, so they plot this whole thing."

"But if that's the case, how did your mother die? She would have Mr. Mime, which is Ash's Pokemon, right?" Chloe asks again.

"This is the problem...they must also have taken Mr. Mime away...which may be the reason why Mother is able to get killed this easily. She might be an Arceus, but she has been refusing to touch any Pokeballs." Trenor says.

"And what about Professor Oak? How did he die if he is the one that plotted this...surely he would have one of Ash's Pokemon, right?" Chloe asks.

Trenor says, "About that, it is something that even Brother didn't know about it. But as Professor Oak plot this to take all the Pokemon from brother, those traitors want those Pokemon all by himself and then they left Professor Oak like used trash. That is why in the end, he told Brother about the story and saying something like this, if he couldn't get his Pokemon, then they are not going to get out alive. That is when Brother's Arceus self come to rescue after seeing Pikachu getting shot to death..."

"That is in the end, the evil ones are still those traitors." Chloe shakes her head. Trenor asks, "And about one of the traitors, Go, do you still have feelings for him?"

Chloe shakes her head and says, "My heart was swaying at first, since I have another person that I liked, but with him in the way, I was confused. But after seeing how low he has become...I decide to stop having feelings with a monster like him."

Trenor doesn't know why, he sighs in relief and says, "Good, I really don't like him after all." He turns around and says, "We have better go before they manage to find us and chase us again."

Chloe nods as they quickly run out of their sight.

Here is another chapter for Trenor and Chole. In fact, all the people will have their own chapters and the first of the second part is these two, the next ones are Insey and Gary in the Unova Region for the Bug Gem.

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