Chapter 16: Pinwheel Problem

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After bidding farewell with Trenor and Chloe, Insey and Gary are flying with Flying Type Pokemon as they also notice the traitors going for Trenor and Chloe. Gary says, "They seem to be so desperate on Trenor and Chloe, huh?"

Insey frowns and says, "They sure are annoying..." But after a while, they notice the traitors coming out with the flow of the water and they also fall into the waterfall, but surprisingly, they are still alive as they swim to the shore. "Okay, they are creeping me out, how did they survive after falling down that waterfall?" Gary asks.

"They really gain the powers of immortality when they have my brother's Pokemon..." Insey says, "But anyways, I am glad that Trenor and Chloe get rid of them. We should go before they also spot us as well."

Gary nods as they quickly fly out of their sight. In the sky, Gary turns to Insey, "Insey, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, but I can see you are going to ask me a serious question, right?" Insey asks and Gary nods.

I want to know what happened to your family? After these meetings, I can see you and Trenor are having fights with Mark and Minami, and it is always Ash and Golly that manages to break you guys apart and negotiate with them. I want to know why."

Insey frowns and says, "Well, as you can tell, we have been split apart, and different families causes different viewpoints, that is why we have a big conflict. Trenor and I have the least of the problems, as I was trying to avoid the hunters while Trenor is being bullied in the orphanage, and we didn't suffer the pain from others that much, which makes us the forgiving types. But for Mark and Minami, Mark was being abused by the resort owners and people there treats him like a slave, while Minami was forced to do Team Rocket's biddings to live, the two suffer much worse and they are the unforgiving type."

"And what about Ash and Golly?" Gary asks, Insey says, "Golly was killed, though it sounds worse, but she won't need to go through the pain again, and for Ash, he did have a happy life until those traitors...which is why they always remain neutral. It is no doubt that they are the leaders of Team Alpha, and they are doing the consoling work to make both sides agree."

Gary says, "I never know that...Sounds like Ashy Boy is getting mature."

Insey rolls her eyes and says, "Do you think it is a good time to be childish in this kind of situation?" Gary just stay silent as she has a point here.

"Well, looks like we are finally here." Insey says as they jump down from their Flying Type Pokemon and they enter the Pinwheel Forest. Insey says, "Before we form Team Alpha, Brother has found all of us and then he tell us about all the journeys he has. Like in this Pinwheel Forest, he met his Leavanny, who is just a Sewaddle with the help of the Castelia City Gym Leader Burgh."

"Really?" Gary says. "I heard that in order to evolve a Leavanny, one must have a high friendship with the Swadloon. I guess since he likes Pokemon, it is possible."

" is a shame that she is taken away from him by force." Insey shakes her head and they get to the big tree. Gary asks, "The forest has been destroyed because of the war...and why is this tree still looks normal and not damaged?"

"There is only one reason why this tree isn't harmed. And that is because the Bug Gem is inside this tree." Insey says. "But this tree looks big, how are we going to climb it?" Gary asks again.

Insey shrugs and she jumps on top of the tree and then she finds the gem on top of the green tree. After picking it, the leaves start to fall down and the tree begins to wither. Insey sighs as she looks around the place, "Well, it sure is a good view..."

Once she jumps down from the tree, Gary says, "What did you see up there?"

Insey frowns, "The forest is being destroyed and the tree is the only one that is standing. I just hope that all of it is true...finding all 18 gems and restore everything."

Gary nods as they continue to walk, just then, they feel someone approaching and then they take out their Pokeball, appear in front of them is no other than Professor Sycamore, Paul and Trip.

"You are not going to escape this time." Trip says as both Insey and Gary glare at the three in front of them, they aren't the traitors that did something to Ash, but they are still considered to be evil humans.

"How do you find us?" Gary asks with suspicion, "Because we made sure that no one is able to follow us..."

"We saw you guys fly over here so we decide to check it out." Sycamore says, and he shakes his head and says, "Considering what your grandfather did to Ash, I am surprised that you are being accepted into Team Alpha and even helping them out."

"Can't blame me, since what my Grandpa did is unforgivable." Gary says. "I am very ashamed to be a family to him, because of him, Ash has to suffer."

Insey says, "Though I was surprised that Alain isn't there with you guys, considering that ever since the war happened, you guys have been working together."

"He is chasing some hot chick who looks like you." Paul says. And Insey widens her eyes, "Don't tell me that he found Minami or Golly..."

"Enough of the chitchat, what are you guys planning and why are you doing this?" Sycamore asks, "Why destroying this world like what Lysandre tried to do?"

Insey shows her smirk and says, "And what if we did it because you guys are evil humans that needs to be killed? But didn't brother told you guys that we decided to cease the war?"

"Then what are you doing here?" Trip asks.

Insey says, "We are here for another mission that is much more important than killing viruses like you. And to answer your confusion, our mission in this forest is already done, we got what we wanted, so there is no reason that we are going to stay here." She turns around and says, "Gary, we should leave as soon as possible."

"You don't need to tell me, I really wanted to leave." As Gary also turns around, they find that they are surrounded by Serperior and Torterra. Honchkrow and Unfezant. "You haven't told us where did you take Professor Kukui and Gladion." Sycamore says.

"If you are worried about their safety, don't worry. It is easy to convince them to join Team Alpha if they want to live. After all, humans will do anything in order for them to live." Insey says.

"Wait, are you telling us that they join Team Alpha?" Paul gasps. "It is because of Lillie, right?"

"You can say so." Insey says, "Lillie has been a member of us ever since we formed this team. And I am sure that Gladion would not be able to resist his sister's request of joining the Team Alpha."

Gary says, "As for Professor Kukui, I am sure that Ash won't want them to get killed, considering how they treated him as a family ever since he enrolled the Alola's Trainer School."

"So you mean that Ash would want us to be killed?" Sycamore asks with narrowed eyes. "Why is he doing this?"

"I thought that Brother said everything. Arceus is the creation of this world, he created humans to work with Pokemon. But in the end, humans are selfish beings that only care for themselves. Brother has been observing everyone as Ash in these years, and in the end, they all humans are acting the same as we thought." Insey says, annoyed to give out the same answers again and again.

"But that doesn't give you the reason to do that to us." Paul says. "Light and Dark need to be balanced, that is how the world works, right?"

"I am surprised you would say that. After all, you captured Chimchar only wants it to activate the Blaze Ability, but in the end, he is pathetic and you releases him. Brother witnesses it and he decides to capture it when you throw him away like trash."

Paul grits his teeth, as this is an undeniable truth. "And for Trip, huh? you wanted to defeat Alder and you did the same thing as Paul, the only difference is that you didn't release any Pokemon."

Trip only glares at the two as Sycamore says, "Enough, but as you can see, people change, you must have known that as well, it is because of Ash that they change from bad to good, isn't that right?"

"It is true after all." Gary says. "But in the end, all of his Pokemon are gone, because of you selfish humans."

"Gary..." Sycamore mutters, he can't believe even Gary would think of something like that.

Insey says, "Now that we finish talking." She fires Blizzard and all four Pokemon are frozen. "We don't need to waste more time for these evil humans. Let's go, Gary."

Gary nods as the two of them walk away. Paul turns to Professor Sycamore, "Should we follow those two?"

"I think we should, we have to know everything about them if we want to stop this mess." Sycamore says. The two of them nod as they tend their Pokemon and quickly follow the two of them without their noticing.

As Gary and Insey are still walking, they immediately noticed that the three humans are following. Gary asks, "They sure are like annoying pests, what are we going to do now?"

Insey says, "But I have to admit, what the Professor said was right, Paul and Trip changed their behaviors after Brother beat them in the respective leagues, much like he did to you in the Johto league."

"I know, I have watched his battles after all. So what are you planning?" Gary asks. And Insey sighs, "You don't need to hide, we already know you are there."

Professor Sycamore, Paul and Trip are surprised as the two of them turn around and glare at them. "What benefit will you gain after following us around the regions? Why don't you just give up?"

"Trust us, we can do anything just by following you." Sycamore says. Insey sighs and says, "You know, let me tell you something. What we are searching for are called the Infinity Gems, they have the power to restore all the environment and the ones who have died in the war back to normal. Brother thinks that it is time that we stop the war and use those gems."

"And why should we believe you?" Paul asks, and Insey takes out two gems, "See those two gems? Those are the gems for infinite Flying Type and Bug Type Power. The other members of Team Alpha are finding the rest."

"So is it true? If you found all 18 of them, you will return everything back to normal?" Sycamore asks.

"That depends." Gary says, "But if you really want to keep living in this world, why don't you help us out?"

"Why should we help our enemies?" Trip asks.

"It is your freedom, Gary and I can also do this on our own as well." Insey says, "We'll see how desperate you guys are." Then the two of them try to leave, but the other thre continues to follow them.

Here is a new chapter, and Paul, Trip and Professor Sycamore confront the two in the Unova Region. I hope you like this chapter.

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