Chapter 19: Minami's Past

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After getting rid of the traitors in the Kalos Region, Minami has been riding her Jigglypuff as they arrived at the Sinnoh Region. Not only that, Alain is riding his own Charizard as he follows her, since his Metagross is tired and Minami is not going to wait for him. Alain doesn't know why, but ever since Marin died because of this war, Alain has been in a despair, until he sees Minami, who makes him feel the same way towards Marin, and he wants to make sure that she is fine.

Once they get to the top of the Spear Pillar with the help of their own Pokemon, Minami looks at her watch and she sighs, then seeing how Alain is already recalling his Pokemon, she decides to start a conversation with him. "Hey you, do you know this place?"

Alain looks around the place as he says, "This is the Spear Pillar, the place where Team Galactic tried to control Dialga and Palkia...But I heard that they are defeated."

"You are right, my brother is the one that defeated them, along with two traitors, Dawn and Brock. Mesprit and Azelf have been regretting to connect with those two for what they have done, and they are going to help us kill them if possible." Minami says in a cold tone, and Alain just frowns, he asks, "So why are we here?"

"This place is special, as it contains the Psychic Gem that I need to find." Minami says coldly, not trying to warming up to Alain. "But we will do nothing here."

"Why?" Alain asks. "I mean don't we have to unlock something with the power of Psychic Pokemon? Or dodging some traps?"

"Do you really think that it is a Team Flare Mission? We don't need to do anything because the gem will find us eventually." Minami says. "Of all the Legendary Pokemon, Psychic Type Pokemon consists the most of them, and the Psychic Gem will be arriving here after a while with the meteorite."

Minami then takes out a Pokeball and then she sends out Rapidash, she neighs as Minami pets the Pokemon. "Hey, girl. How are you doing? You must be hungry, right?"

Minami takes out a can of Pokemon Food and pours it into the bowl, then Rapidash starts to eat the Pokemon food with a smile, and it also causes Minami to smile as well. At the same time, Alain is watching how happy she is with her Pokemon, it is different from before, where she is acting cold and unforgiving. Alain decides to take out his Charizard and Metagross, healing them as they help him flying to the Sinnoh Region.

Minami also notices how Alain is healing his Pokemon, she frowns as she can't be angry at him, as he is only a mere human who loves Pokemon. She feels like a part of her doesn't want her to kill the human, and it is beating faster whenever she gets close to him. Minami decides to shake off the feelings as she decides to ask some questions.

"Hey, you. From what you saw I was doing, you maybe wonder why I hated humans, right?" Minami asks, while turning around so she won't be facing him eye to eye.

Alain looks at the girl with a blank stare, and then he says, "That has flashed in my mind for a while, at first I thought that it might be related to your brother, who is the leader of this Team Alpha and the one who directed the whole destroying world part. But something tells me that there is more."

"You are right, brother is not the only victim." Minami sits besides her Rapidash and says, "As you can see, us Ketchum is a happy family, even though we don't have a father because our mother create us all using her powers, there are six of us, Ash, Golly, Mark, Insey, Trenor, and me. All six of us should have been like you guys, enjoying the world, learning Pokemon and having fun with them."

Minami closes her eyes and says, "But eventually, Professor Oak is a man full of greed, he has become a well known Professor, but that isn't enough. He wants our powers as Arceus in order to achieve anything he want, and he talks to Mother about it, but mother refused, so in anger, he accused us five to be bad luck bringers, and we are forced to leave the house for our safety."

Alain notices her face showing anger and her body is trembling. "Because of it, I was sent to my uncle Giovanni's place."

"Giovanni? But isn't that..." Alain gasps.

"Yeah, Team Rocket's boss. I was forced to join Team Rocket. I was forced to witness how they steal other people's Pokemon, how they do experiments on them and how they killed others. I believed that all of it isn't true, and there are still good humans who will stop this group. But in the end, due to Jessie, James and a talking Meowth, they manage to expand their territory throughout the eight regions, and the suffering becomes more and more... until Brother comes and saves me from the hellhole."

"So it must be hard for you to be in the Team truth, I was the same." Alain says.

"Don't you lie to me." Minami says, which causes Alain to be surprised. "You said that just that you want to be in the same shoes as me, but I already know everything, about how you willingly join Team Flare because of the power of Mega Evolution, and how you ruined my brother's chance of becoming the Kalos Champion because you cheated. Not only that, you almost let Brother being a controlled person by that Lysandre."

Alain wants to retort, but he fails as Minami says, "You said that you are doing this for Marin and her Chespie, but it was your fault for dragging them into this. Not only that, your actions causes Professor Oak and those traitors to break Ash down, steal anything he has, including the Pokemon he raises, the money he has earned for his family, mother's life..." Minami bursts out tears as she says, "And I didn't even get to say goodbye to her, she is just gone, just like that."

Alain sees how Minami is really crying, he quickly gets her into a hug, and much to their surprise, Minami didn't try to struggle, but she just yells, "If you didn't cheat, maybe Brother won't be betrayed by Serena, those evil traitors won't kill Mother as well. And we would be a happy family again, but no! You just needed to do that!"

Alain turns his head in shame, what she said was right, it is because of his own selfishness that causes the Ketchum Family to be like this. He says, "You're right...I was so stupid. I fell for their plans and even hurt the ones I didn't mean to hurt..."

Then he rubs her back, trying to soothe her, much to her surprise. Alain also says in a determined tone. "But that is why I am going to correct it, I am going to do whatever I can to this world, and not only that, I promise that I am not going to hurt anyone anymore."

Minami glares with astonishment at Alain, she says a lot of truth in order to break him down, but why is he still motivated? Just why? Not only that, why is she liking the feeling of his embrace? Just what is wrong with her? Then she remembers the argument that she had with Insey and Trenor, about how not all humans are evil and how some humans learn their errors, she at first refuses to believe it and Mark is the only one that stands by her side because of what happened to him.

"Is this why Trenor and Insey wanted to spare some humans? Because of their determination?" Minami thinks. "Were they right? Would humans know their errors and they try to change what they have done that are bad?"

Minami says, "Even though you say that you are going to change. But that is only you." Alain is confused as Minami breaks the hug. "Some people never changed, like those traitors. The last time I saw them, they are still thinking that they are the best as all they care about is greed. Professor Oak have corrupted them that much as their hearts are completely turned evil."

Alain says, "I know, that is why people like them shouldn't exist in the first place. But before the war stops when Ash said so, we noticed that they aren't able to get rid of that easily."

"And that is the problem." Minami says. "How come they aren't able to die? If only Brother has an explanation for this, then the whole war thing can come to an end that easily."

"How about I help you find the answer as well?" Alain asks, and Minami just shrugs, wiping the last of her tears and says, "Suit yourself, just don't get in my way."

She looks at the sky and then her own watch. She says, "Now it is time, the Psychic Gem is coming."

Before Alain can ask anything, a meteorite falls from the space and lands in front of them. Minami manages to get the shield on so she won't be blasted by the blast. As for Alain, he manages to stand still as he tries to cover himself from the pebbles and the dust.

Once the meteorite is on the floor, Minami uses the Superpower to crack it open, she picks out a magenta colored gem, and it is the Psychic Gem that they want to find.

"Good, now I have the Normal Gem and the Psychic Gem." Minami says, "The only one left is the Fairy Gem."

As she walks towards Alain, she takes out the Normal Gem and says, "Alain, holds it for 5 seconds, it will heal your injuries."

Alain nods as he holds it, after the injuries are gone, Minami takes the gem back and she hops on her Rapidash.

"I want to ask you another question." Alain says as he is riding his Charizard. "I want to know, Serena is one of your spies, right? But why is she joining your team?"

Minami says, "It is true that I despise her, since she hurt my brother's feelings. But Brother couldn't hate her, he loved her so much to hate her. Even though we agree to let her join in the team, she is still a bomb in the group as who knows she will betray him again."

"But Serena is being controlled by those traitors, that is what Lillie said..." Alain says.

"She is right, Serena was being controlled, but that doesn't changed the fact that she made Ash love and hate her at the same time." Minami says. "Love is confusing. And come to think of it, I am glad that I was alone."

"Alone? What do you mean by that?" Alain asks.

"If you want to know, we split into six groups, each group consists of two people, except for me, I am the lone wolf." Minami says. "But it doesn't matter. I know what I am doing and I won't let anyone stop me."

Alain says, "You need a companion. Or you won't understand what it feels like."

"Shut up, I am not going to be lectured by you." Minami says as they gallop away.

Here is a new chapter, and this chapter is fun for me to write, but I hope you like it. The next one will be back to Ash and Serena.

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