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We were finally done shopping, I was so tired. Jin drove us back to the dorm/house. We had also gotten our textbooks and stuff while shopping., there were only 2 though because we're going to a school for idols. The 2 we each needed were World Language(we do a different language each month) and Composing.

I couldn't believe tomorrow I start school at an idol only school. I can't wait to meet my favorite idols like Bobby, Song, Vernon, Bambam, Mark, Momo, Kai, etc.

By there's one bad part... I just hit puberty. As in it just started to really kick in today, I noticed a few pimples showing up so now I have to buy a prescription face cleanser, a magic mud face mask, and I have to wash my face right after every performance.

Also I think my period is going to come soon which really scares me.

Anyways, I can only trust Jin and Blackpink with this secret information. Blackpink is like having 4 sisters, and Jin is like my mom. Jin bought me pads while the boys played OVERWATCH. Now I can wear them to school, I also have to keep one in my backpack and one in my locker. AHHHH this puberty stuff is complicated!!!!

I skipped dinner tonight, I'm getting fat. So I took a shower, washed my face and then got into my pjs and went to sleep.

-Jungkook POV-

Minah skipped dinner today. Jimin has been skipping meals too... I wonder what's going on...

All Jimin ate all day was an apple.

All Minah ate was breakfast and for lunch she had salad.

Something's going on.......

Are they dating????

I know Jimin Hyung is going through puberty along with V, so does he starve himself because of puberty?

But V Hyung doesn't starve himself?

Will I starve myself when my puberty really kicks in?

Is.... Minah going through puberty too?

Oh god.

Dear Lord Bang Shi Hyuk help me.

I'm not going to last.

-Minah POV-

-The Next Morning-

When I wake up I immediately go to the bathroom to take a shower, wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and then go back to the bedroom for the maknae line. I run into my closet and put on this outfit

And style my hair.

Jin doesn't know Jimin and I are going on the K-Pop diet so I'm pretty sure he will pack us a delicious lunch. So I'm going to be cheating on my diet with Jin's cooking, so is Jimin.

I grab my backpack, my phone, and my lunch box and tell Jin I'm leaving. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung are already waiting for me so I head over to them.

Ok, let's go. I said

But, you and Jimin didn't eat yet. Jungkook said.

I looked at Jimin and he said I'm not hungry.

I followed along and said Me neither.

Jungkook looked at us questioningly but then he just shrugged.

Let's go guys, we don't want to be late! I exclaimed.

Ok, let's go! Jimin said.

Him and I walked out and left, Jungkook and Tae walking right behind us.

I can't wait! I exclaimed to Jimin. We walked far ahead of Jungkook and Tae, I even forgot about them for a little bit.

Yeah, we'll crush dance and vocals, I just know it! He exclaimed.

I looked behind us to see a sad Kookie and a happy Tae... Something's wrong.

Earth to Minah.. You ok? I suddenly hear someone ask while waving their hand in my face.

Huh, yeah. I'm fine. But I'm not so sure about Jungkook, I'll go talk to him. I replied.

Jimin just nodded his head and kept walking.

I walk over to Jungkook and swing my arm around his shoulders.

Jungkookie, are you ok? I ask with my aegyo.

He just looks at me with an angry face and walks away.

Kookieee what did I do? I ask, starting to get sad.

He just nods over to Jimin and back to me and keeps walking. I look over to Tae Oppa who seems mad at Jungkook.

I walk with Tae for a little bit and we talk about how we're both excited for acting class because we both want to also do some acting on the side of being in BTS.

When we finally reached the school I immediately looked for Blackpink.

I also immediately spotted Lisa and Jennie and ran up to them.


Minahhhhh! They reply and hug me.

I hug them back almost immediately.

How are you doing Minah? Lisa asked.

Good what about you guys? I reply.

I'm doing good. Jennie says and Lisa just nods.

Same here. Rosè says.

Yup. Jisoo says and smiles.

I pull away from the hug and say, Well I have to get to class, see you around! And start running towards the school building.

As I'm about to reach the door, I bump into someone.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry... I say and raise my head as my eyes go wide when I see who it is.

It's no problem.. I'm Jisung. What's you're name? The one and only Jisung says/asks. He's 1 or 2 years older than me but he's my K-Pop Idol crush, and my ideal type along with Jungkook.. I think.

U-um... Hi.. I'm Minah, my stage name is- I say but he cuts me off.

Oh my god... You're Minji from BTS! HYUNGGGGGGGG! He yells and runs towards who I think is Haechan.

*With Haechan and Jisung*

HYUNGGGGGGGG! Jisung yells and runs towards Haechan and away from Minji.

Yes maknae? He asks with a smile.

I *pant* just saw *pant* Minji from BTS *pant*. Jisung said.

Ohhhhhh! You mean the one that is yo- Haechan started loudly until Jisung covered Haechan's mouth.

Shhhhhhhhhhhh, she might hear! Jisung said and Haechan quietly laughed and slipped away from Jisung's hand.

I have to meet her! I'm so excited!~ Haechan exclaimed and ran towards you.

*With you*

I heard parts of their conversation AKA when one o them was being loud. All of the sudden, Haechan is running towards me. Jisung chasing after Haechan.

Y/N, Hi nice to meet you! I'm Haechan, that's Jisung but you already know that. Well it's nice to meet you! Haechan said almost as fast as a rap, I wonder why he isn't a rapper.

It's nice to meet you too. I'm actually..... I'm an NCTzen so I know your names already... But yeah it's nice to meet you! I have to get to class. Bye! I said.

Bye! Haechan replies and walks away but Jisung approaches me. I look up at him considering he's around 1/2 ft. taller than me.

I'll show you around. Let's go! He says. I nod and we walk into the school building.

Let's go to the main office to get your schedule first. Jisung said and once again I nodded while looking at him.

He seems extremely happy. I wonder why...

When we reach the office, he opened the first and said, Ma Lady jokingly. I giggle a little and said Why thank you kind sir. Also jokingly. He chuckled and followed me.

I went to the front desk. There I was given my schedule, my lock for my locker, my locker combination, and of course the locker decorations that Namjoon and Jin sent to the school. I still don't know what they are though...

My name is Jinhyun, and also you have another 2 hours before school starts and after that 15 minutes to get to class. The man at the front desk said to me.

Thank you! Have a great day! I said and Jisung and I went to find my locker.

When we did, I opened it and unpacked the locker decorations... Dang, these boys spoil me but not in the way where I'll be snotty. The way where I'm humble about it. I'm lucky to have these boys.

Locker decorations below.

^pictures hung up in locker on top of posters^


^Locker Shelf^

(There is also a K-POP calendar, and more. Also, she got all the Posters from her old house, but Jin and Namjoon asked some groups of some pictures and they even printed out some memes, just for you.)

I asked Jisung to not look cause.. well it's pretty obvious that I don't want him seeing my K-POP posters and pictures and stuff.. When I was done setting up, we still had 1 hour left so he showed me everywhere and everything in the school.

Oh, and one more thing. At school we call you by your stage name so you might want to use your stage name at home too. Jisung said.

Ok, thanks! I replied and the school bell rang, that meant 15 minutes to find my class which was English.

Within 10 minutes I found the English classroom and went inside, I then sat down. A few seconds later, I see Jungkook walk in and sit on the opposite side of the room. I followed him and sat down next to him.

Jungkook why aren't you talking to me? I asked. He stayed silent. Yah Jungkook. I said. Yah Jeon Jungkook! I yelled since there was no one else in the room.

What!? He yelled back.

Why aren't you talking to me lately? I asked.

What are you talking about. I'm talking to you right now. He replied emotionlessly.

I'm talking about how you completely ignored me and ran off on our way to school, and you knew that! I said angrily.

Whatever *scoffs and rolls eyes* he said once again emotionlessly. And I usually don't get angry easily but I had enough.

*slaps him across the cheek* Who do you think you are! I yelled and walked back to where I was sitting before he came in.

He looked (jung)shook as he touched the place where I slapped him.

Um.. What happened here? Why does Jungkook look like he got slapped? I heard a male voice ask, I look up and see Haechan.

He did get slapped, by me. Cause he's being a jerk. I answered.

I look at Jungkook only to see his eyes watering the smallest bit...

I'm a monster... I thought to myself.

Minji, what could've been that jerkish for you to slap him? Haechan asked.

I.. I'm a monster... I whispered to myself and got up abruptly.

I'll tell you later. If the teacher comes in tell him I'm in the bathroom. I say and run out.

Wait! I faintly hear Haechan's voice yell.

I run to the bathroom, there I go in and cry for a minute or two then I pull it together and call RM but he doesn't answer so I call J-Hope.

-Phone Conversation Start- (In phone conversations everything is in plain writing)

Minah: Hi J-Hope Oppa... I wanted to talk to you about something..

JH: You can talk to me about anything.

Minah: Ok, so Jungkook has been really jerkish and ignoring me and he scoffed at me and I had enough and you know it's bad because I don't get mad easily but anyways I was angry and I slapped him across the face...

Minah: *Quietly Laughs* You slapped the golden maknae? Good job. All of us are too scared to put him in his place because of how much works out at the gym that's in our dorm. Anyways wh-


JH: *whispers* Dang it... Jin told me to make sure you didn't find out *curses in the language of J-Hope*

Minah: Where in the dorm is the gym? If you don't tell me I'll tell Jin you told me about it~ *smirks like the evil maknae she is*

JH: Aish, you really are exactly like Jungkook... He did the same thing. Anyways, we were idiots.. The gym is hidden in the wall at the border in between you and Jungkook's parts of the bedroom.

Minah: Thanks. So continue.

JH: You're welcome, and don't tell Jin please. As I was saying, Jungkook is hitting that time in his life I think.. ya know, where he is getting hormonal and stuff..

Minah: *eyes widen* O-Oh ok.. I have to get back to class bye!

*Quickly ends the phone call*

I get up and walk back to class.

When I walk in, I see at most 10 people including myself, Haechan, and Jungkook are here. The teacher still isn't here. I sit next to Haechan and who I believe is Irene from Red Velvet.

Sorry about that Haechan. Jungkook has been ignoring me, and then when I asked him why he scoffed at me and.. it's just really confusing. I say.

It's ok... Were you crying? He asks.

Oh.. um. Yeah... I reply.

Ok, you might want to figure out a way to fix yourself up a little, I know Blackpink is good with this stuff so why don't you ask one of them? Haechan said/asked.

I nod

*Teacher comes in, takes attendance and starts teaching.*

*After Attendance*

(It's a long convo so I'm doing it as if it's a call here's is the key-
M= Minah, H= Haechan(NCT), JK= Jungkook, B=Bobby(Ikon), F= Felix(Stray Kids), T= Teacher, S= Other Students, regular writing is Korean bold is English.)

T= Can someone tell me how to spell estate in English?

M= *hand darts up*

H= *slowly raises hand*

T= Yes Minji, (Remember in school they call them by their stage names.) *points to you*

M= E-S-T-A-T-E.

T= Perfect. Now can someone tell me how to say girl?

JK= *raises hand*

B= *raises hand*

M= *pouts cause she's not allowed to answer it*

H= *whispering to Y/N* Awwwwwwww it's ok cutie. *pokes you're cheek*

M= *cheers up a little also smiling and lightly laughing.*

JK= *looks over and gets a little jealous*

T= *points to Jungkook*

JK= Gurrl

H+M= *Quietly giggle*

T= No, *points to Bobby*

B= Gurr

T= No *starts getting annoyed and points to Felix*

F: Girl

T= Good, now can someo- *bell rings*

T= *whispers* dang it.

O= *run out*

H= You ready? What class do you have next?

M= Yeah, I have Math

B= *calmly walks to his next class*

F= *Walks over* Hi, I'm Felix, you're Minji correct?

M= Yep, that's me!

F= Nice to meet you, it's also nice to know someone outside of my group that is my age that also speaks English.

M= Same, well I have to get to my next class. Nice meeting you, bye!

F= Bye

M= *Starts walking to her next class.

JK= *stares at her and walks out of classroom along with waving at Felix and Haechan*

H= *Glares at Jungkook*

F= *Waves at Jungkook and walks out* Why did Haechan glare at Jungkook?

H= *Walks to next class*


I walk into the lunch room and see that a bunch of people I know are at different tables. I notice Jimin and Taehyung waving me over while they sit with Jungkook. I see Blackpink having a conversation with Twice, who were all sitting at a table with Seventeen, NCT, EXO, & Got7 (A/N: I know that most of some of the people in these groups are out of school but I don't care.) who were all sitting at a HUGE table. I see Haechan & Jisung, enthusiastically waving wildly while everyone else looks at the with a 'you are so embarrassing' look. I chuckle and wave at Jimin and Taehyung. Then I walk over to Haechan & Jisung who are silently laughing(?) as they continue waving me over. I keep walking with a skeptical look on my face until someone grabs onto my shoulders lightly. I act on instinct and swing my leg behind me full force.

Ow... I hear from a voice I never thought I would hear here.

I turned around and hugged them immediately...


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