Chapter 21

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"So Mark's part is already done." Ash says as he turns to Reisa, who is already setting up her underwater battle dome under the Aquarium. "He also sends me Misty's Pokemon so that I can change at the right moment. Now it is up to you."

Reisa says, "Still, I can't believe Mark would try to switch their Pokemon to a person who is from that group that killed his mother."

"You mean "Our" mother." Ash shakes his head.

Since Mark has some things to do, Ash and Alice are helping the Gym leaders with their gym inspection in Oceablu. Brawly says, "So this is the Oceablu Gym...who would've thought that you put it inside an Aquarium."

"You can thank your Stootopolis City Gym Leader for that." Ash says. "He is the one who designed the gym, and his daughter is the Gym Leader. We also have the Splash Plate located in the area with the Gyarados. That doesn't stop Team Rainbow from trying to attack the aquarium."

Alice says, "I assume you already heard from Mark about the incident of capturing Manaphy and Phione. Those three, along with Sapphire, who was already spying on the whole Aquarium, Ambrose, and Amythest were also hiding in the aquarium waiting for the Manaphy and Phione to arrive. We were facing six more people who are trying to get the Splash Plate, and we suffered a lot of loss."

Ash says, "But it's a good thing that after Team Rainbow's incident, we have managed to fix everything in the aquarium. This Oceablu Gym suffered the worst compared to others, but it gave Reisa some time to complete her goal of becoming a Top Coordinator."

Then they also notice a Paradox Machine, Ash says, "This one is also a Paradox Machine, unlike Greeny City and FS Resort, this one is for the Ancient form of Suicune."

"Suicune? How do we get it?" Nessa asks.

"Raikou, Entei, and Suicune are roaming around the region, just like they did in the Johto Region. You'll have to be lucky if you want to find one." Ash says.

"I see..." Kofu says.

Once they find Reisa waiting for them, she is wearing a blue dress and the skirt part is just like waves, she looks dazzling in front of the crowd, causing some people to get jealous."

"Welcome to my Oceablu Gym." Reisa says, "I hope we can make the battles quick because we have a concert for tonight and I wouldn't like to have the crowd wait."

"I'll be the one to challenge you." Misty says. "Before that, the Elite Four Water Master wants me to give you this."

When Misty gives the box to her, Reisa looks at it and she smiles, after putting the cake away, both Misty and Reisa are now on the battlefield as they start to battle.

The battle is going nicely until things start to go wrong after Misty sends out Starmie and Vaporeon, which is actually her old Starmie that is currently belonged to Mark. Ever since the Starmie left, Misty trains her other Staryu and evolves it into a Starmie by using Water Stone. When Reisa is sending out her Barraskewda and Milotic, both Starmie and Vapreon start to wreak havoc on the battlefield as they are trying to attack the gym leaders nearby.

"Stop, stop! Stop!" Misty tries to yell at her Pokemon. "Listen to me! You..."

Before she can finish, the two Pokemon start to charge at her and use Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, Misty widens her eyes as she tries to dodge the attack. Alice also notices that the Vaporeon's Hydro Pump almost hits her, but Ash manages to put her out of the way.

"Are you alright, Aurora?" Ash asks, and the others are looking at her with concern.

"I'm fine." Alice says.

Reisa shakes her head and nods at Ash, who sends out a Lucario as both Reisa's Milotic and Lucario try to take matters into their own hands and return all the Water Pokemon and also switch the Pokeballs back with Mark's. And thanks to the glasses, it doesn't break and water isn't coming into the dome and washing them away. Some of the gym leaders are sighing in relief that they are still alive, while most of them glare at Misty as she couldn't control her Pokemon and almost destroy an underwater battlefield dome.

Misty is yelling at her poor Pokemon who doesn't even know a thing, some of them were on the verge of tears as Misty shouts nasty words at them.

"How could you yell at those Pokemon like that?" Reisa gasps with anger. "First of all, the fact that your Pokemon doesn't listen to you and try to attack you means that you aren't bonded enough with those Pokemon. And you call yourself a Water trainer?"

"Shut up! What do you know about it? I have been giving them every training they have to make so that they can beat you and prove that I'm the strongest Water Master." Misty says.

The gym leaders are now angry at how Misty just doesn't admit her own mistake, and Reisa sighs as she turns to the others, "Sorry everyone. But I think the match is going to be put off tomorrow. We have an important concert tonight and I don't want my fans to be angry about it."

The gym leaders can only agree as Ash and the others decide to leave them to deal with Misty. Back on the stage, Ash says, "It's a good thing that we aren't going to let Oceablu Gym get destroyed again."

"Yeah. But this plan still is a little risky. I'm glad it doesn't contribute to another Team Rainbow incident." Reisa says. "So Jude and Aoi are ready, right?"

The two of them change into their disguises and Ash says, "You bet. Now let's give the crowd a wild ride."

Then they all walk towards the stage and wait for the platform to rise so they can start the first song.


Alice says, "You really did it! You won the Grand Festival!"

"That is really spectacular. Who knows that Feebas evolve into a beautiful Milotic during the match." Flora says.

"I know, but the way to make Feebas evolve is related to Contests." Ash says, as they are walking past the changing room, they hear crying and they look at each other. "What's going on?" Flora asks.

"Someone is crying, but why?" Alice asks and Ash says, "We've better checked it out."

Once they enter the room, they find Reisa, the runner-up of the Grand Festival who lost the match against him, who is crying on the table. Ash recognizes her as the opponent he faces in the final rounds, and he knows that ever since he wins against her, she has been forced to smile on stage.

Ash puts his hand on her shoulder and asks with concern, "Reisa, right? Are you alright?"

Reisa looks at him with tears and says, "Red Satoshi...I wished to be alone right now, sorry if I sounded rude."

"What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" Ash asks. "Is it because you lost to me that you are this sad?"

Reisa quickly says, "No, it is not your fault. It's's just..." She starts to break down again and says, "This is my seventh time entering the Grand Festival."

This caused surprise to the group as they didn't know that this girl in front of them is this skilled with the contests. Reisa continues to whimper, "I always come this close...but I fail in the finals every time... I failed my father...I failed my brother...I failed my cousin...I am a shame to my family..."

Ash and the two girls are surprised at her words, and it causes Ash to remember his past failures. He says, "I am sorry, I didn't know that it means so much to you..."

"You don't need to apologize for what you wanted..." Reisa says. "Maybe I am not destined to be a Top my cousin and my Dad Wallace..."

"You are Wallace's daughter?" Flora gasps in surprise. "No wonder, your hair looks the same..."

"Really? Flora? Since when did hair color matter with the family?" Alice rolls her eyes. "Don't forget I have white hair and you have black hair."

"Reisa, I know this is a sudden request, but is it possible for me to take you somewhere else to talk?" Ash asks.

Reisa nods in confusion, and the next thing she knows, she has been teleported away along with Flora and Alice.

When Reisa is brought to Sevestar Island, she is confused about the surroundings. Reisa asks, "Where did you take me, Red?"

"This is our secret hideout, and I'm not Red." Ash says. "I'm Ash Ketchum."

"Ash Ketchum? The one who said to kill his mother?" Reisa gasps. "You're a criminal! What are you doing here?"

Flora says, "Reisa, you have to calm down, he is far from criminal. He was framed and Red is the name given by the International Police because he was protected."

"Wait, what's going on?" Reisa asks.

With the siblings helping Ash, he reveals the whole truth, and Reisa is surprised and angry at the cruel people that framed him.

"You see, the reason I approach you is that we have something in common. The pain of trying something but keeps failing. I just can't bear seeing someone suffer like me. So I want to help you."

Reisa is surprised at what Ash has said, she asks, "Do you really mean it? You're going to help me?"

Ash nods, and Reisa has been training with Ash for the contest performances. With Adam's help, he visits Sootopolis City and reveals the truth about Ash to the Gym Leader. The reason he does it is because Wallace is his old friend and along with Delia, they are the ones who created the Contests. Wallace doesn't believe in Ash is the murderer, and he is also relieved to know that Reisa and Ash are good friends and that Ash is helping her with the contests.

Wallace also learns about Reisa's struggles, and he also helps Reisa with them. Although they promise not to tell Lisia or her family, because they are close to Serena and they can't risk her knowing Ash is Red this whole time.

And after a while, Alice and Reisa stumble upon Ash singing a song, and with Alice joining in the song, they realized their musical talents and they decided to form a band called the Colors together. Wallace and Reisa provided a lot of instruments and everyone played the instruments well. Ash and Alice also decide to use their disguises Jude and Aoi to do performances, and after their first live, they become famous.

(Flashback Ends)

"Thank you!" After the final song is done, Ash yells at the crowd and they are all cheering. After going to the backstage, Alice says, "As usual, a successful performance."

"Indeed." Reisa says. "It is not that surprising to us anymore."

Ash says, "I say we should celebrate with some great seafood, don't you think?"

"Sure, Seafood is my favorite." Reisa says as they all celebrate together.

Here is a new chapter, and if it is possible, after the gym, you will need to watch the performance from the "Colors" band, and after the band is done, you can go backstage and meet the members. Jude will give you the HM for Strength so that you can do some more in the next town. I hope you like this chapter and now the revenge on Misty is also done, there are 8 more to go.

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