Chapter 40

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Ash and Alice are now in the Rota Kingdom, they are wearing royal outfits and they are now sitting with Queen Ilene for dinner.

"You must be Alice, right? It is a pleasure to meet you." Queen Ilene says to Alice.

"The pleasure is mine, Queen Ilene." Alice bows to the queen.

"I have received your letter, Ash. You told me that you have made a decision as to who would be Rota's Crown Princess?" Queen Ilene asks.

"Of course." Ash smiles. "I've decided to make Princess Alice Rota's Crown Princess. I can readily testify that she is more than capable enough to handle all her duties."

"I see. I heard a lot of high expectations about her from my brother, he also told me how suitable she is for you. Congratulations." Queen Ilene says.

"Thank you, Queen Ilene." Ash grins. "Alice and I have been together for 4 years and we've faced a lot of challenges together. It is no wonder I will choose her as my princess."

"You're flattered." Alice says with a slight blush and nervousness in her tone. "If it wasn't for you, I was still living in misery."

"You two really make a good couple." Queen Ilene exclaims. "However, it is a shame that your other brothers and sisters won't be able to come."

"Everyone knows them as Champion Red's siblings. If anyone finds out that they are Ash Ketchum's siblings, there will be a huge trouble for them. The same can be said for my Dad. But don't worry, Lillie and Gladion will come." Ash says.

"I see." Queen Ilene says, "Forgive me for asking, Prince Ash, but what are your living arrangements in Kanto?"

"Alice and I are planning to stay at a hotel." Ash says.

"Why don't both of you stay in a guest room for tonight? I have a few prepared for couples." Queen Ilene offers.

"That's so nice of you, Queen, Ilene." Alice says, "But Ash and I really don't want to trouble you further. We did make a huge request through that letter after all."

"Don't worry about it." Queen Ilene says. "I do want to hear stories on how you two got together over the meals tomorrow. After all, the event's in the evening."

"Alright then." Ash says, "But Queen Ilene, in the letter, I have written about Alice and my situation. We have Violet Depression, and to cure this kind of disease, we need the Infinity Gems. One of them is in the Rota Kingdom. The Fighting Gem, also known as the Gem of Boosting. If it is possible, may we have the gem?"

Queen Ilene says, "Of course, I heard from my brother about how you try to sacrifice your health to save her. However, there is a slight problem with the gem. There is some sort of barrier surrounding it, and nobody is capable of getting it out of the place."

"We will like to try it out. However, it won't be today since tomorrow is a happy moment." Ash says.

"I see." Queen Ilene says as they continue to chat. Ash says, "By the way, Queen Ilene. Do you know that Alice is a good singer? We met because I was attracted to her singing voice. Inside the cold and unforgiving blizzard, she tries to stay strong as she dances and sings in the snow."

"That sounds amazing. I would really like to see you sing and dance." Queen Ilene says with a smile.

"We're having a dance ball tomorrow, and because of the Violet Depression, we would want to get more rest as possible so that we can give our best performances tomorrow." Alice says.

"Of course. I hope you can cure your Violet Depressions." Queen Ilene nods.

Once they are done, Ash and Alice decide to walk in the garden. A night walk in the garden is also beautiful, as they can also see some Luvdiscs swimming in the lake nearby.

"What do you think of the view?" Ash asks.

"The view is beautiful." Alice smiles. "I'm glad to enjoy this with you."

"It is beautiful, but not beautiful as you." Ash says as they are now staring into each other's eyes. "Alice. There is no one else I would rather have for a Crown Princess. I love you more than anything in my entire life, and I'll do whatever it takes to prevent anyone from taking you from me. I can't imagine living my life without you."

"Ash..." Alice smiles. "Me too. I know you're trying to save me from the Violet Depression, and I promise, we'll cure ourselves together no matter what."

Then Alice rushes forward for a little as she starts to sing, much to Ash's amusement.

"Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on."

Zigzagoons, Oddish, and Patrats all come out and gather around Alice as she continues to sing.

"Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on."

Alice starts to run with Ash chasing after her, both of them are enjoying the moment. "Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on.

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on."

Once Alice stops her feet, so does Ash Alice says, "Love...I am in love with Ash...Ash is my prince...he chooses me as a princess."

Then she starts walking towards Ash, and Ash does the same. All the Pokemon step aside to create a road until the two hugs each other.

"You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart and
My heart will go on and on."

Ash says, "The song from the Titanic...what makes you sing this song on this occasion?"

Alice blushes and says, "I thought you were sad about your mother's death. So I sing a song that is not a happy one, but it can also confess my love to you."

Ash says, "This is nice of you." Then they share a kiss with a lot of Pokemon watching.

"What?" Serena was shocked at what Aria has told her, as she looks at her successor with a puzzled expression as to what was so surprising about the news. "Is that true?"

"Yes, I received an invitation from Queen Ilene to attend the coronation for Crown Prince Ash in the Rota Kingdom. Queen Ilene stated that he already made his choice for Crown Princess." Aria nods. "Apparently, Prince Red and Prince Aurora already went over to Kanto to attend the coronation yesterday."

"I've heard from Lance that both of them went to Kanto to investigate the murder case." Serena says, feeling offended by the fact of being lied to and the fact that Ash already chose his own bride, which threw their own plans off course. "So it was a cover story?"

Aria shrugs, "Well, that is what I heard too, but it's possible the other members simply omitted that part out, or they were not aware of it themselves."

"Does that mean you've got an invitation to the party? How do we even get it?" Serena asks.

Aria sighs and says, "I'm sorry, but the invitations are only given to royals and invited guests. However, royals are allowed to bring their own personal attendants."

"Please, Aria. I need to check out this event. I really need to question Ash about his mother's death and find out the truth." Serena says.

Aria sighs and nods, "Alright, I will tell the others that you are my personal attendant. However, you would need to dress the part and make sure no one recognizes you."

Serena nods as she sends a message to the others through the phone that she won't be able to go with the others to the next Gym, which turns out to be Golly's Ghost Type Gym. She is now curious about how Ash looks after five years on the run and who he has chosen for his bride. The hate that she felt at the thought of the bride becoming Crown Princess is so real that it almost chokes her. Why does it take for the news of Ash making the decision of who would be Rota's Crown Princess for her to realize that she still loves him?

" and I definitely have a lot to talk about once we met." Serena thinks.

And back in the museum, Minami has been looking through the files again, she really wants to know the murderer of the bullies.

"Just what do those 18 dates mean? This is getting frustrating!" Minami yells while accidentally slamming her fist, causing a photo to drop from the bookshelf. Minami notices that it is a photo of her own family when they were little. And she notices her mother's hair, it is the same color as the murderer's. And her mother's name, Delia, is close to Dahlia.

"No...there is no way that Mom would be the culprit. After all, she died on December 15th. Which is 4 days after Korimi is drowned..." Minami says, but for some reason, she starts to feel unsure.

After looking at the dates again, she says, "Wait a minute, if the day is corresponding to the letters, maybe I should try to move the number of letters related to the month. January 5th is the letter after E, which means F, and then three letters after L...which is O..."

Minami starts to take some notes until she drops her pen and gasps in horror. " can this be..."

The words that she's written are "For my daughter-in-law" But how is it even possible? Her mother has never met Alice before. How would she even know about the bullying and even try to kill them?

As for the Pokemon who uses Dark Pulse, Minami also notices the letter Y as the shadow, she gasps, " can use Dark Pulse. So Mom and Yveltal? They were the ones who killed Alice's bullies? And because she is dead, that's why the police can't find the murderer of those 18 people?"

Minami really doesn't want to believe it, and she also remembers a few days ago when she accidentally saw Golly practicing soul channeling with Giratina. She told her that she managed to channel Delia's spirit to her, but Delia refuses to come back like Golly because she said that she has done a lot of regrettable things.

"The regrettable things...does that mean Mom really is..." Minami decides to find her father as soon as possible, someone as nice as her mother, is a serial killer who kills those 18 people just for Alice's sake?

And here is a new chapter, the culprit is revealed in the end, or is it? Minami refuses to believe that Delia is the true killer of Alice's bullies, but if so, why? On the other hand, Ash and Alice are now in the Rota Kingdom as the ceremony is going to be held tomorrow evening, and Serena is going after them with Aria's help. I hope you like this chapter and there are some things that will be happening in the next chapter.

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