Chapter 56

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Everyone is now surprised as they can't believe what they've heard, Champion Red is Ash Ketchum all this time. However, a few people already know the truth as they are smirking as Ash finally reveals himself.

"You know about this the whole time?" Seibold asks Diantha, who nods, "We know, but we have promised to keep the whole thing a secret."

"That means all of you know about the whole thing as well?" An Unova Elite Four member, Catelin, asks.

"We did, we knew it from the start, but it wasn't our secret to tell." Elline says.

"If you told us, we could have-" Cynthia starts, but Reisa says in disgust, "Could have what? Arrest him? Made me admit his non-existent guilt?"

"As Elline said, it wasn't our place to tell and we certainly weren't going to question our leader." Luke says.

"Hold on, so all this time you've been with Ash?" Steven asks his son.

Serena was also at the scene as she manages to hear everything Ash has said, she can't believe Ash is Red this whole time. She turns to the Sevestar Leaders with a glare, "Your princess has been making some questionable decisions lately."

"She has other's best interests at heart with her decision, which is more than I can say for you." Eve is the one who snaps back.

"Indeed. Between those five years and even recently, you could have easily slipped into his life and made him yours. but you didn't. You believed what the others say like some sheep and now he's Aurora's, or should I say Alice since that is her real name. Had you believed in him, Alice would never have stood a chance with him." Drandon says.

"You know, of all the people Ash had met, I think you're the one that surprised me the most." Golly says. "You're a Kalos Queen, you could have easily used your connections to investigate to see if Brother really did the deed during those years. But you chose to take the easy way out and accuse him without any evidence other than seeing him with the knife."

"Golly, not you too..." Serena gasps, and so are the traitors, isn't she on their side?

"Why no? Considering that it's also MY Mother who is killed, everything I've done is to avenge her." Golly says with a cold tone.

Everyone turns to Alice, who has yet to speak a word. However, she simply leveled an icy glare at all of them, clearly telling them that she did not owe them any answers, before turning to leave.

Serena decides to chase after her, and she asks, "You kept a known killer all this time. How could you obstruct justice like this? Do you really think you can get away with this?"

"I'm not even trying to get away with anything." Alice says with a cold tone. "You aren't a saint either. You wanted to give Ash a chance to escape his so-called justice by forcing him to drink a drug so you can make him a rapist as well."

"I just want the best for everyone, unlike you." Serena says.

"See, there's a difference between you and me. I don't try to justify my actions by hiding behind a moral or ethical facade." Alice says.

"If Ash loses the trial, all of you will be seen as an accomplice." Serena warns, "The Sevestar Region will also be ruined."

"But if Ash wins the trial, you would be seen as someone who obstructed justice by helping murderers with their Pokemon careers and hounding an innocent guy." Alice says, "You might even be stripped of Kalos Queen status."

Serena hesitates since from what she has heard, Alice has the upper hand here. Alice says, "Today is the trial to see if Ash really is the murderer. And I can tell you, we have gathered enough evidence, and we're going to win the trial no matter what."

Serena can only grit her teeth as she sees Alice leave, at the same time, the other leaders are also being confronted by the other people. The traitors are confronting Golly as they want her help to get out of this, but Golly says, "If you think you can get out of this mess, then you're mistaken."

"I thought you were on our could you?" Trip asks with anger.

"I was never on your side, to begin with. I know my Brother and he would definitely not kill our mother. Besides, would you be happy if a murderer of your mother tell you everything about how he managed to kill his mother? You're lucky that I'm not trying to kill you on the spot." Golly says with a cold tone. "I'm not forgiving those who killed her, especially since I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to her."

"She's not the only one." Mark says. "Since the court is about to begin, as witnesses, you'll be coming as well."

Then much to everyone's surprise, the police grab every single one of the traitors as they are being sent to the court located in Quest Town, the same place where Golly's Gym is located.

With Minami being the lawyer for Ash, the trial has been doing quite well. Every one of the traitors then admits their role in the murder, with Trip being the mastermind, Kiawe being the one setting Pallet Town on fire, May, Clemont, and Mallow being the ones threatening the Pallet Town residents, Brock, Sophocles, and Cilan force Delia to stay still on the spot, Misty and Lana are the ones who bring them out from the fire, and Iris is the one doing the murderer.

When Iris reveals to be the murderer, the traitors try to struggle by creating a blackout with Clemont's machine. Fortunately, all leaders of the Sevestar except for Minami and Alice manage to hold them in place, but they see Trip taking out a knife and charging toward Ash.

"Brother, look out!" Minami yells, Alice notices it and she quickly jumps in front of Ash.

"Alice! No!" Ash yells as it is too late, the knife has gone through Alice's chest.

"I'm fine, Ash." Alice says as she manages to remove the knife without even releasing a gasp, it is revealed that the knife didn't manage to hit her flesh as she was wearing a protection suit underneath her own clothes.

"I'm an assassin, there are a lot of times I'm on the verge of death." Alice says in a cold tone. After every single one of the traitors is arrested for Delia's murder and attempted murder on the court, the judge smacks his gravel and yells, "The court finds the defendant, Ash Ketchum...Not guilty!"

Ash smiles as every one of the Sevestar natives cheers for Ash, and some of the Champions and leaders are also happy. Like Adam, Diantha, Wikstrom, Wallace, Winona, Valerie, Wulfric, Lillie, and Gladion. Steven is also smiling, deep down inside, he knows that his son is right this whole time.

But for the others, Serena, Cynthia, and Leon are shocked and they lower their heads, especially Serena, since she's horrified at the outcome. She did not expect it to go this way.

"We did it." Alice rushes toward Ash and gives him a kiss on the lips, and Ash kisses back and says, "I couldn't have done it without your help."

"But there is one more question. How come they didn't kill Ash too? They could've set it up so the son murdered the mother and then died from the counterattack. That would've removed at least one possible fly from the ointment." Daniel asks.

"We're wondering about that too, but they might be wanting brother to come back even stronger, and there is also the five of us who are Ash's siblings." Golly says. "We would've seen through the whole murder as well."

"Even though I'm not guilty anymore, we still have the League inspection." Ash says, "Fortunately, the Elite Four and I are the only ones left."

"And once this is done, we can finally have our wedding." Alice says. "I am hoping to invite every one of you to come."

"Of course, we will come." Lillie says as some Champions and the leaders join in. But much to Ash's anger, Serena, Cynthia, and Leon are also there.

"What are you doing standing there, Serena?" Ash asks.

"And for you two. You have the nerve to approach us when you made clear your views." Alice says as she steps in front of Cynthia and Leon.

"Are you here to convince me to do something? Just to warn you, I'm not going to let that happen as I'm officially not guilty." Ash says with anger.

"No, I'm not here to convince you of anything." Serena shakes her head. "I just want to say something to you."

"Really?" Ash says with an unimpressed tone. "You came to say something about what?"

"I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me and we could be... friends again..." Serena lowers her head, but Alice knows that Serena wants more than that, but settled for friends to be safe.

"Are you serious?" Ash asks while raising an eyebrow. "You have the nerve to ask this of me after what you did? During these 5 years, you have been trying to get me in jail for my mother's murderer, and you tried to rape me back in Rota as well. Not only that, you have been repeatedly harassing my fiancée and you have the nerve to just ask me to play friends with you?"

"But Alice's..." Serena tries to say something, but Ash cuts her off.

"All you cared about was your stupid image as Champion and arresting a perceived criminal when my own mother's murder happened. It never occurred to you that I could've been framed! You didn't even try to hear me out before trying to arrest me!" Ash says, "Alice cared about my side of the story, and she has been helping me through everything just to get me to where I am now. Did you really think you did nothing wrong?"

"But I didn't do anything to your mother!" Serena says, "What happened was because of them. They tricked me. I didn't know they were going to do what they had planned to do, and I thought I was helping them!"

'That changes nothing, Serena." Ash glares. "If you think a single sorry is going to make up for all the things I've been through, then you're wrong."

Ash turns to the two Champions, "And for you two. I can't believe that you would fall into the lies as well, considering you were the former first and second place in the World Championships! Just because you are unbeatable doesn't mean you can do anything you want, like framing people!"

Cynthia and Leon don't know what to say since Ash is speaking the truth here. Ash turns to Serena and says, "You know Serena if I knew this would happen, I would never help you reach your goal to become the Kalos Queen, I should've never invited you to travel with me in the first place."

The words break Serena's heart, it is similar to what the nightmare showed her before. At first, everyone would've pitied her just like this morning, but now they don't care as Ash is telling the truth. Ash turns to the others and says, "Let's go. As for the others, stay away from me from now on. I can't trust anyone other than my real friends who don't believe the murderer in the first place."

The others can only look at each other without saying anything, and when everyone leaves, Serena kneels on the ground sobbing and feeling broken.

And here is a new chapter, as you can see, Ash is not guilty anymore, and still, I have to apologize to Amourshipping fans, I really like Amourshipping as well, but not in this story. I hope you like this chapter.

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