Chapter 57

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After Ash is not guilty, Ash and Alice are now sitting at the Dragon's Park having a picnic together. Ash says, "Are you still trying to kill Serena? I mean, after what happened yesterday, she is already miserable enough."

"If it was the old me, I would have tried to kill her." Alice says, "But I guess us together is already a punishment for her already."

Ever since yesterday, Serena has been in a miserable state. She didn't do any crime practically, but she resigned her role as the Kalos Queen and Aria had to be the acting Kalos Queen once the League inspection is over. As for Cynthia and Leon, after the inspection, both of them will be forced to step down from the Champion titles as well. However, Steven still keeps his role with Luke's help.

"You're right, I'll never love her again." Ash says while biting a sandwich. "Though the whole thing really makes Sinnoh, Unova, and Galar a mess. I heard that they are trying to ask Alder to take back his role as the Champion."

Alice says, "But Alder is really old now, maybe he would want to have a new Champion."

"Yeah." Ash says with a nod. "But let's not think about that. How do you feel right now? Now that you are fully healed from Violet Depression?"

"I feel greater than ever, it makes me want to sing a song for you." Alice says as she starts to sing the song with Pikachu and Glaceon helps play the music.

"The whispers in the morning
Of lovers sleeping tight
Are rolling by like thunder now
As I look in your eyes"

Alice hugs Ash and sings, "I hold on to your body
And feel each move you make
Your voice is warm and tender
A love that I could not forsake

'Cause I'm your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can

Ash smiles at her and she keeps singing.

Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms
When the world outside's too much to take
That all ends when I'm with you

Even though there may be times
It seems I'm far away
Never wonder where I am
'Cause I am always by your side

'Cause I'm your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can

We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love."

Ash smiles at her loved and says, "You really have a beautiful voice. And I am lucky to have it all for myself."

"You are too flattered, my prince. But I will sing it for you.

The sound of your heart beating
Made it clear
Suddenly the feeling that I can't go on
Is light years away

'Cause I'm your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can

We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love

The power of love
The power of love
Sometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love

The power of love, ooh ooh
(As I look into your eyes)
The power of love (The power of love)"

As Alice sings the last part, Ash gives her a kiss and says, "The song you sang for me is really beautiful and nice. I am lucky to be the one to hear it."

"You are flattering me, Ash. But thank you for your compliment." Alice says as they continue to have a picnic.

At the same time, Serena is sitting in the hotel room, she doesn't care about how she looked right now considering that her image is already ruined. She has been wondering about the past as she stares at the blue ribbon in front of her.

"He's right...I was the one who pushed him away...I was the one who ruined our friendship..." Serena mutters.

They hear a door knock as a voice calls to her, "May I come in?"

Serena knows for sure that it is her mentor Palermo. She must have been disappointed with her, but she knows that she has to face the consequences. "Come in..."

Palermo walks into the room and says, "We need to talk, Serena."

Serena nods as Palermo notices Serena's teary face. She says, "Serena, I want to ask you some questions. What makes you want to take the case of Ash's seemingly murderer?"

Serena frowns and says, "My feelings for Ash started with I was little, and it only grew after we traveled together in Kalos. He was the one who helped me realize my dream as a Kalos Queen. However, during my travel with Ash, I managed to meet every single one of those killers, and after mentioning how Ash killed his mother...I was just scared. I thought I was doing the right thing, only to find out that I'm doing everything wrong in the end."

Palermo asks, "From what I've seen, you didn't even consider the fact that Ash was framed, after all, who in the right mind would try to kill his own mother?"

"Maybe I was overthinking. The picture looked so real, and the reason coming from those liars also sounded so real...I mean, if my mother forced me to give up my dream, I would want nothing to do with her as well."

"But that doesn't mean he would kill." Palermo says while shaking her head. "Have I told you about my daughter before?"

This causes Serena to look at her with confusion. "Before I established the Showcase, our family doesn't want you've seen to be. I got married into a family of assassins, and thus my daughter is forced to be one. It doesn't help when she was abducted by Team Rocket to be their weapon, who knows how many people she had been forced to kill."

Palermo frowns and says, "Ever since that day, my daughter refuses to talk to us, however, she didn't kill my husband, he died because of old age. Even an assassin like my daughter wouldn't try to get revenge, why would Ash try to kill his mother just because of what she forced him to do?"

"I guess you're right. I have no one to blame but myself for what happened." Serena says. "Ash refused to be friends with me again."

"He might be in a sour mood right now considering what happened during these years, but I'm sure he will heal in the end." Palermo says.

"And how did you know?" Serena asks.

"The truth is, Ash is my grandson. And my assassin daughter is the victim who you thought Ash killed." Palermo says.

Serena gasps in horror, which means all this time, she was framing her mentor's grandson for killing her daughter, guilt, and horror filled her mind. She says, "Then why were you even talking to me? I've done such a horrible thing to your should've hated me."

"Serena, I don't hate you." Palermo says. "It is true that you have done bad things, but I know people can change. You really don't need to beat yourself because of it. Right now Ash is not guilty, and you were just doing what you think was right."

Serena sighs as she feels a little better, but not enough. "I guess so...I think I would need to go to the prison to get some answers."

Palermo nods as she sees Serena leave, she can only sigh as she has done everything she can to help her, after all, she is still her student and it is painful to see her like this.

Ash and Alice are heading back to the castle as they are walking on the road. They find Max, who is with Norman and Caroline. Ash doesn't know how to feel, considering that he is May's and Max's father. May is a traitor, but Max isn't. His daughter is in jail while his son is one of his best leaders in Sevestar.

"Ash, we're truly sorry for everything that happened to you and all May had done. If only we had done a better job of raising her, then maybe this wouldn't have happened." Norman says.

"But you did a good job raising Max." Ash decides to reply, "You shouldn't blame yourself for what May did. I heard from Max about how you decided to believe him after your meeting once you stepped into this region. If it makes you better, I accept your apology. Though I'm only doing this because of Max, I can't trust anyone other than those who stuck with me during these 5 years."

"Thank you, we understand." Norman says. Max says, "So what is going to happen to May? Not that I didn't care about her anymore."

"Whatever punishment they are going to take, I hope they finally learn their lesson." Ash says, knowing for sure that Death Sentence is what they're looking for.

After bidding farewell to the Maple family, Ash and Alice are back in the castle and they find their family members in the castle. Lillie, Gary, Paul, and Bonnie are also there.

"So Lillie, since you're the Alola Champion and four of the Trial Captains are now in jail, how are you going to cope with it?" Mark asks.

"Don't worry about it, the Tapus are the ones choosing the new Trial Captains, and they have already chosen them. The new Water captain will be Lana's sister Harper, the new Fire Captain will be Kiawe's sister Mimo, the new Grass Captain will be Mallow's brother Ulu, and the Hokulani Observatory trial can be given to our Steel Captain Molayne. I know they might have some work to do, so the Totem Pokemon can also handle the trials of their own."

"That's good to hear." Ash says as he looks around, "But where is Grandma?"

"She is going to have a talk with the former Kalos Queen, Serena. Considering that she has made some mess during these years because of how she believed in the crime of you killed your mother." Eve says.

"Alice and I decided that we're not going to kill her considering that she already got her own punishment." Ash says.

"So you're going to forgive her eventually?" Mark asks.

"Maybe after a lot of years, because I am not going to forgive her right now." Ash says.

"She is willing to wait for the time you forgive her and become friends again." Palermo walks back into the castle as Ash bows, "Grandma, how did the talk go?"

Palermo says, "I had already tried my best to talk to her. Right now she is going to give those people a piece of mind at the prison."

"I actually don't care what she's going to say to them, considering that all of them are going to be executed after a few days." Ash says. "Though I have heard the recording from Golly, I can't believe that was the real reason why they would kill Mom like that..."

"We were also angry when we heard that as well." Minami says as everyone nods.

And here is a new chapter, I decided not to let Serena die in this fic, as she knows her errors. The next chapter will be about the traitors' last stand and how Serena is going to get angry at them. I hope you like this chapter.

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