Chapter 59

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"It's over, Phoenix. You lost the battle." Ash says after his Pikachu defeats his Mega Tyranitar in the battle. Phoenix kneels down to the ground and mutters, "I'm really a worthless piece of shit, am I? All of this is for nothing... and my precious daughter, the only joy in my life, was killed as well..."

"You mean the traitorous Sapphire who couldn't do anything?" Agate is the one talking, and Phoenix yells, "Don't you dare talk that about my daughter!"

"What? I'm just telling the truth, and you really are a worthless piece of shit, you claimed that you want to use the Legend Plate to make the PLA suffer, but you were only a coward and not willing to take the huge risks for it."

"And what do you mean?" Ash asks.

"Maybe it will be nice if you join your precious daughter." Agate takes out the viral and Alice gasps, "That's the virus that killed Sapphire!"

"And it is going to kill the worthless leader as well. With Phoenix gone, I will be the new leader and Team Rainbow will finally get our revenge." Agate says.

"So all this time... my daughter was not killed by Red... it was you!" Phoenix yells in anger.

"And you know for sure he's not Red, but the famous Ash Ketchum, the murderer who killed his own mother. Yes, I have checked your background, I kinda pity you since you're also a victim like us, but it's a shame we're enemies."

But just before Agate can do anything, meteors fall from the sky and hits Agate, causing him to scream in pain.

"What...what is this..." Agate is surprised as he roars in agony. Ash's eyes are glowing and he says, "You have caused a lot of mess in this world! Scum like you don't deserve to live! Now, it is time to face your judgement!"

And then Agate continues to roar in pain before he has become nothing, and the viral also dropped to the ground, with Alice quickly picking it up through the gloves.

Phoenix was shocked to see what's going on, and Ash says, "Phoenix, the leader of Team Rainbow, right? I am Arceus, and I'm using Ash's body to talk to you."

"The mighty lord?" Phoenix asks.

"From Ash's memories, I also learn about your goals, however, that man over there caused your team to be no different from the other teams that Ash destroyed."

"I know... I thought we were doing necessary evil, but I was really blinded by Agate... he fooled me..." Phoenix frowned. "But the reason why Agate was in the team is also my fault... because of him, I lost my daughter... her last words, he wanted me to meet you and finish what we wanted..."

"Yes, the corruption of the PLA really is a mess, and I have to agree with you. However, I can't help you stop them. Ash, on the other hand, might be able to stop the mess and chaos. You will need to put your faith in him."

Phoenix nods and Arceus leaves Ash's body. Alice asks, "Ash, are you alright?"

"That was weird... but I think it is okay for me." Ash says. "Phoenix. I've heard what Arceus said and I'm willing to help you clean the mess caused by PLA. But are still going to be arrested because of your team."

"I know... I think I deserve to be in jail..." Phoenix says and he was taken by Looker and Adam.

They also found that Quartz is killed by Agate after her defeat. Topaz, Emerald, Gray, and Actinolite were also arrested for their crimes and were taken away by the International Police.

They also looked back at the city, Minami frowns, "Just great. Thanks to Team Rainbow, my city is a mess..."

"Well, it seems like we can recreate the city and rebuild it. I don't think that's going to be hard." Mark says.

"Indeed, we are the ones who created the region after all." Golly says as they all spend a lot of weeks rebuilding the whole city.

(Flashback Ends)

The news of Goodshow's retirement and how the PLA is given to Ash also spread news like crazy. And some of the leaders know that they are doomed because of their behavior in the gym inspecting.

Right now Serena is sitting at the Honey Cafe with her sunglasses on, she doesn't want to be recognized by the crowd, and she doesn't want everyone to know that she is crying.

Just then, a handkerchief is showing in front of her, and Serena sees a face that she is both dreadful and wanted to see: Mark, Ash's second brother. Mark says, "Your sunglasses may fool anyone, but you can't fool me. Use this to wipe your tears."

Serena frowns as she takes the handkerchief and wipes it. She asks, "Why? Why are you still approaching me? You should hate me because of what I did to your brother..."

Mark sighs and says, "You might have done such things, and we are hurt by that. But deep down inside, you're also hurt, and that's why I want to comfort you."

Just then, Serena starts to cry again. Mark notices that things aren't going to be well, so he quickly hugs her, and he doesn't mind that his outfit is wet from her tears.

"So do you mind if you tell me how you and my brother first met?" Mark asks. "I think it will be better if you tell me when your feelings grow."

Serena nods as she decides to tell him everything.


"Where is everybody? Where do you all go?" A younger Serena was looking around in the forest worriedly.

Suddenly, a Poliwag appears, which causes her to fall on the ground and hurts her knee. Then she starts to form tears.

"I knew I should have come to this Summer Camp..." Then she cries out for her mother sadly.

Just then, she hears someone says, "Poliwag, where are you?"

Then a younger boy emerges from the bushes and then notices her. Then he says, "Are you alright?"

As the boy stops in front of her, he says, "I am Ash. What's wrong?"

Serena says, "I hurt my leg..."

Ash notices the blood coming from her knee, then he takes out a handkerchief and then ties it around her knee. "See, it is better, now watch this, Pain Pain go away!" He says as he waves his arms.

Serena tries to move her leg, but she feels pain. "It still hurts..."

Ash takes out his hand and says, "Come on, don't give up until it is over." He pulls her up and holds her in his arms, causing her to blush.

"See, you did it." Ash says while grinning, "Let's get back to the camp."

Then the two walk together back to the camp, as Serena forms a blush on her face.

(Flashback end)

"And now I broke him...I put him through hell..." Serena sniffs. "And right now he loves Alice... I don't have another chance of being with him again..."

Mark hears the words and then says, "So are you really guilty about what you have done?"

Serena nods at him, Mark says, "When my Brother lost his mother to those people, he was heartbroken. I mean, nobody really likes to see their mother dead. Especially after the world framed him to be the one who's done it. Alice was the one that tries to fix his broken heart, and it's not just her, some people, like Lillie, Bonnie, and Max, also believed that he didn't kill his mother."

Serena's heart feels like shattered glass, then she says, "I understand...I can't win his love back...but I deserved it..."

Mark says, "Please cheer up, I know you will find another person who can make you happy." Mark says as he wipes out her tears with his own handkerchief. Then what he said shocks Serena a lot, "You know... I prefer your smile."

This causes Serena to blush a little. Sure, he isn't Ash. But he looks a lot like him, and he is even as nice as Ash.

Serena smiles at him, she says, "Thank you...Mark..."

Mark says, "No problem. By the you want to hang with us at lunch?"

Serena asks, "Will they accept me...I mean... Ash did say that he never wanted to see me again after what happened."

Mark says, "Don't worry. Our friends aren't the ones who will hold grudges against others, if I'm by your side, I'm sure they are not going to harm you."

Serena says, "I see...Mark. Can I ask you a question?"

Mark takes the glass of water in his hand and asks, "What is it?"

Serena then takes a breath and asks, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Mark almost spits out water, luckily his Lucario dodges before getting blasted by it. "Why do you ask that?"

Serena says, "Nothing... I am just curious, that's all."

Mark says, "No, I don't have one...I am not as lucky as my brother."

Serena then says, "Can we hang out...after the League Inspection? I want to know about you more..."

Mark then starts to form blush and says, "Um...sure. I'd like to..."

Just then, Ash and Alice come to Mark and Ash says, "There you are, Mark. Dad has been worried about you..."

Suddenly, they see Serena beside Mark. Ash isn't angry, but he is trembling.

"Mark, what happened?" Alice asks, also trembling because the girl is the one that broke Ash's heart. "Why are you with her?"

Mark sighs and says, "I know I might not have a say in this, but I think Serena is already suffered a lot. I don't think I can ignore her suffering anymore."

"Is that so..." Ash sighs.

"And she seems to be very guilty about the things she has done to you, do you think you can forgive her?" Mark asks.

Ash closes his eyes and says, "I don't know. But I remember that Serena is picked to battle Alice in the Elite Four inspection, right? Maybe I'll try giving out an answer then."

Serena is surprised, but Ash is still not looking at her before leaves, and Alice is still giving her a glare, not likely to trust her. Mark says, "Looks like we had a bad start, but that's better than nothing. I think we should forget about having lunch with Brother and the others yet..."

"I'm sorry..." Serena frowns, but Mark says, "Don't worry, I can share lunch with you. I already told you that I'm not abandoning everyone."

Serena nods, and her heart is starting to heal a little.

Here is a new chapter, and this is going to be the final chapter and the next one is the epilogue. I have some things to discuss:

There is the Victory Road in the region, but the Victory Road only leads to Latias and Latios and you need all the HMs to use. The Pokemon League is on top of Mt. Iceat. Next is that I didn't tell you about the Starter Pokemon, that's because the Starter Pokemon is going to be as individual missions and there are 27 missions. I am still thinking of where and how would I put it.

And finally, the Elite Four and the Champion battle will be held in Otem Town's Ash's Castle, they have their own chambers there. As for the Elite Four members' past, I've already included in the previous gym chapters. I hope you like this chapter.

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