The Legends

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"Where am I?" I said as I sat up. I rubbed my eyes, them being blurry. Around me were a few other people, including Redline, but Hansel wasn't there.

"Where's Hansel?" I asked.

"In jail." A blonde haired girl in a blue jacket said.

"Why? He didn't do anything wrong! I want him here! He hadn't done anything!" I yelled.

"Told you she was a little brat." Redline said. I glared at her harshly.

"One, I am not a brat. Two, I want my brother." I stated.

"You don't even know him." Another boy said. He had blonde hair and clothes made out of leaves, on his shoulder was some sort of bright, flying bug.

"I know him well enough to care about him." I said. "I want to see him." I debated.

"You don't get to pick the rules around here brat." Redline said. I stood up and pushed her back. The rest of the group laughed.

"I don't think that the offspring of a girl who got her grandmother eaten by a wolf should be the leader here." I said.

"Speak for yourself, your the offering of the person who got stuck in a candy house. Might I add, that always followed her brother hand on foot." Redline snapped back. "I see that hasn't changed."

"I just want to see my brother!" I cried. "Is that too much to ask for? Besides why is he even in jail?"

"Because of you." Said another voice from behind me.


Author's Note

Little cliff hanger? Maybe? Idk.

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