What's Going On

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The kitchen was a smaller room. It didn't have a ton of things going around. It had a large fireplace, with a large black pot that was filled with boiling soup.

"Who put the soup here?" I wondered aloud.


I turned around and saw a very tired looking boy, who happened to be my brother. I stared at him, and I did see that we looked a little alike. We both had the same golden colored hair. His was cut more shaggy like and had soft waves in them, as mine. We both had blue eyes, though my eyes where lighter and more chilly. His eyes were a dark blue. The kind of blue they a trouble maker would have. Our heads were both shaped the same weird way and our lips were the same shade and shape. We really did look like siblings.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"Locking myself up in my room for a day." He said. "But even more for the trouble I'm about to get you into." My chest got squeezed together. That word again. Trouble. T-R-O-U-B-L-E. A word that had hurt me. The word that hurt me the most. My vision got blurry. Hansel held me again.

"What's going on? Does this happen a lot? What do I do? What's happening?
Are you ok? What's wrong?" He fired questions after questions, but I hardly heard him.

"Not again." I whispered. Then I fainted.

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