{2} How It Started

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"Welcome to your tape, Icicle Absher"

You were, of course, the best child. The strongest. The one with most talent.

The meanest. The most bloodthirsty person in the world.

You didn't used to be like that. You used to be the protective big sister, with the sparkling blue eyes and beautiful smirk. Boys used to chant every morning for your number. Remember, dear Icicle? How you have me the eye roll over the windows, but there was a pleased smile plastered on your face?

We used to be good siblings. You protected me, and I amused you. We helped each other through hard times. You weren't so bad.

Then, something happened.


"Hey, Kink," Moon said, walking with her eyes firmly on the ground. "How are you?"

Kinkajou skipped on the ground, giving Moon a huge grin. "I'm excited for the field trip."

"Huh? Oh, yeah, the museum." Moon blinked her eyes. "I thought it was next week?"

"No, silly. It's-"

Then Moon bursted out crying, uncontrollable sobs escaping her mouth, her safe shell finally cracking. "K-Kinkajou, I got something yesterday... "

Kinkajou's eyes widened. "In a box...?"

Moon covered her face with her hands. All she could do is nod, and her lips did the rest. "A set of tapes... "

"Thirteen reasons..."

"...why he committed suicide.."

"...And you're one of them," Kinkajou finished. "Oh, Moon."

"Wait?" Moon said, slowly turning her head to face the small, happy girl with pink highlights and a lollipop in her mouth. "How do you know this, Kinkajou Stevens?"

Kinkajou gulped, pressing her lips together tightly. She took the lollipop out of her mouth, her cheeks flushed. She looked neverous, which made Moon nervous.

"I have to tell you something, Moon. Something extremely important."


It was during summer break. Hailstorm and I were at a barn, trying to strike a deal with a farmer. I badly wanted a horse, and I had my eyes on a sleek brown pony. It wasn't a special breed but it seemed to attract me somehow. I've always wanted horses.

The small pony lashed impatiently, its black mane rippling in the wind as it shook its great head. "I want that one." I said like a little boy. I was so excited.

Hailstorm was making fun of me- "You could have gotten any kind of horses from all around the world, and you choose this mutt?" He teased. I shrugged it off. I didn't care.

We bought it. I named it Bandit, and, although it acted like a jerk when we brought him home, we grew on each other.

Then, it happened.

We were trying to look for a good barn to put Bandit in when a redhead appeared out of nowhere. I thought she worked there, so I approached her. "Hello?" I said, struggling to not step on anything disgusting. "How much does this barn cost?"

I guess I never expected a complete stranger being out a gun and aim it at me.

"Winter?" Hailstorm walked up to me, and grinned at her. "Hey, beautiful."

Then he saw the gun, and his grin disappeared. "What are you doing?" He snarled. He raised a perfect eyebrow at her, his shoulders raising. His blue eyes showed alarm, and his legs were slightly bent, like he would run at any moment.

"I'm here to bargain with you," she whispered, licking her blood-red lips. "Which one of you is the heir?"

"Why do you want to know?" I was shaking, but I managed to speak without falling on my face in terror.

"Answer." She played with her small gun, giving Hailstorm a small, bloodthirsty smile. It scared the heck out of me, but he kept his face as emotionless as stone. "You, isn't it, darling? You're bigger." She traced a thin, pale hand down his cheek. "And more like a man," she cooed, winking.

"No, I am!" I managed to sputter out. "Do what you want to do with me. Leave him alone!"

Hailstorm placed a hand in my shoulder. It was obvious. He was the heir to the company out parents owned. "Stay out of this, baby brother. You know you aren't the heir. You're..." He seemed determined. "Worthless."

It stung. "But..."

"My parents will pay nothing for him," Hailstorm said, disgusted. "He's dumb, and thinks he knows everything. Nobody likes having him around."

She gave Hailstorm a grin. "Ouch." She laughed. "Come with me, sweetie, and it'll be okay."

"Go," Hailstorm said. "Go tell Mother and Father, although I don't think they'll believe a word that comes out of your mouth. That's all you do, isn't it? Do the worthless, meaningless talking."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came. Then I finally came to my senses and unconsciously reached for my phone, and she quickly changed her aim.

To my brother's heart.




She gave me a smug sneer at my astonished, horrified face, and threw the gun into the hay. Only then did I realize she was wearing gloves.

Then she ran into a black BMW and sped away.

Leaving me. With my dead brother. Covered in blood. Standing right over him.

With a gun a few inches away.

When the police came, they questioned me. I explained my story. Nobody listened.

I'll never forget the look you gave me, Icicle. Like I was a murderer. "Don't you get it?" You screamed. "He wants to be the only heir. I'm next!"

They locked me in the police station for a day. They questioned me, as they didn't find solid evidence. So they let me go.

When I came home...Nobody acted like I even existed.

People believed you over me. It was a good theory. The little tiny killed his strong brother so he could have the fortune. The sister's next.

Oh, really?

I was in a jail. I was locked in my room, because whenever I went outside, there was nobody there. If I was seen in the hallways, everyone- you, Mother, Father- locked doors.

Just like that. Click, click, click.

I was never welcome at home. Nobody ever noticed if I stayed somewhere else. I had no one to talk to, to laugh about the old things at school and cry about the bad things. Sad, huh?

I had no family. At least that's what it felt like. And you know it's true. Not officially...but avoided, mocked, hated.

Do you know what it feels like? No. would you ever? Probably not.

But to be treated by your close ones like that... It started something. Something...huge.

Something huge as...suicide. A couple of slashes on the wrists.

All I ever wanted was to bring pride to my family. To be loved. To be wanted.

My brother was dead, and then I lost my entire family.

So thank you, Icicle Absher. For ruining the few people I actually had.

You're the reason they all began. It was like Fate had decided one day to ruin a small part of my life. But it didn't end there. It's just the beginning. But the dominoes will fall, and my life will be ruined, to the point of suicide. A life will perish for eternity and will never walk in earth again.

You, Icicle Absher, begun it all.

I hope you liked this chapter! XD especially you 0DragonLover0 this is probably one of the last chapters I'll do this month,by have school now ;-;

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