Chapter 3: Stuck In Nanba Prison....

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"*sighs* this is just f*cking great."

Kaori sighed where the next day after the escape, the female inmate has become much more annoyed and pessimistic during her stay at Nanba prison.

"Well someone has woken up on the wrong side of the bed."

Uno remarked while the four inmates stare at the depressed female inmate.

"Ugh how can this be happening?...I'm the vanishing thief! I should be out from this hell hole right now!"

She whined while sulking in the corner.

"Well you're not because I like I said before, it's impossible to get out."

Jyugo assured her, but Kaori ignores him and continues to sulk.

"Weelll this is depressing...."

Rock remarked with a sweatdrop.

"Is she gonna be okay?"

Nico asked curiously while sweatdropping.

"Nah she'll be fine eventually."

Uno assured them. Suddenly the loudmouth prison guard Yamato barge into the cell where he flinches them with his boastful and optimistic laugh.


Yamato soon stop talking when he notice Kaori sulking in the corner.

"Oh my, why is number 12 depressed?"

He asked curiously.

"Kaori's sad because she can't escaped last night."

Nico states which triggers the female brunette when she glares at him, he flinch and hides behind Rock out of fear.

Jyugo then sighed in annoyance.

"Do ya have to say that in front of her?"

"Hey I was just stating a point!"

Nico shouted while hiding behind Rock.

"Oh so that's why she's so upset! Well today's gonna be a great day because we're gonna do some-"

Before he explains, Kaori turns to him with an emotionless expression.

"Look if you gotta stand there b***hing me about exercising than take these f**kers with you. I rather sit here and rot for all I care of, so y'all can go f**k yourselves."

She harshly insult him as she turns back to the wall where she continues to sulk. But Yamato doesn't seem fazed and smiles cheerily.

"Oh well, maybe next time you can join us! Speaking of which...."

Yamato then grab four inmates with his overly cheerful smile.

"It's time for our training exercise!"


The four inmates screamed as they are drag away by Yamato. Once Yamato has taken away the inmates to train, Kaori sighs and gaze at the keys that she stole from Hajime yesterday.

I failed to escape this place yesterday.....

She then balled my fist with the keys that I'm holding.

But that doesn't mean I should give up!

She thought as she stood up from the ground and unlocks the door where she carefully looks left to right just to make sure there aren't any guards around.

Kaori closed the door behind her with a confident and serious expression.

I will get out of this hellhole this time! And I will not hold back!

Seitarou's POV:
While Yamato is training with the boys, I was strolling around the hall with nothing unusual happening in cell 13. However I heard number 12 isn't there with the others. Maybe she isn't the athletic type or maybe she doesn't feel too good this morning.....

Oh well maybe tomorrow she will participate.

As I was walking down the hall, I decide to check on number 12 to see if she's doing okay. I feel pretty bad for her ever since yesterday. I hope she's doing fine.

I gently knock the door.

"Number 12, everything okay here? Yamato told me that you're not participating in training."

I inform her, but I got no response.

Huh that's strange....maybe she's- Wait a minute

I quickly open the door to find number 12 not here in her cell.

"Oh no...Hajime is not going to like this...."

I close the door and ran off to the security system to find number 12 where this is going to be a long day...

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