Chapter 2: Escape...

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As Jyugo and Kaori got out of their cells thanks to the keys that she stole from Hajime's office, both escape artists are ready to race.

"On your mark, get set....GO!"

Uno yelled as the two ran different directions, Jyugo successfully hacked and unlocked the lock pads with a split second while Kaori effortlessly dodged the traps and unlocks the trapped doors.

Later in building 13, guard Seitarou Tanabata watches the inmates escape once again.

"Oh god no! They escaped again!"

Then Hajime immediately burst into the room where he went over to the monitor to see cell 13 has escaped.

"Goddamnit! I told that bastard not to waste my time!"

"What should we do supervisor Hajime?!"

Seitarou asked worriedly.

"Locked all the doors immediately!"


Seitarou nodded as he locks all of the doors preventing the inmates from escaping. While on the move, Kaori is ahead in the game where she is so confident of not only winning this race, but to get out of this prison.

"Heh this is too easy!"

She smirked as she successfully dodges the traps, and hacks the doors, she did a cartwheel when she saw a trap floor. Then she landed gracefully with a cocky smirk.

"Heh that boy is nothing but talk, and those guards are so predictably dense as hell."

She then sighs.

"Well looks like I won, and since the exit's half way there, I guess I'll put on some music as I walked towards the exist."

She then grabs her iPod and turns on her favorite song called Bubbly by Colbie Caillat. While walking her way down the hallway, she bumps into someone where she finds a man with orange hair with green streaks roaming around the hallway.

"Ow! Hey watch where you're going you orange haired monkey!"

"And who are you calling a monkey you shit-"

Once he saws her face, he immediately sighs and face palms.

"Let me guess, you're that new inmate from Hajime's building right?"

"Tch like hell I am once I'm out of this shit hole!"

Kaori was about to punch him, but Samon immediately blocked it and twist her arm.


He then handcuffed her while she struggles to break free from his grip.

"Let go of me!"

"Not a chance brat now come with me!"


Samon drags Kaori as he pulls her arms, she still won't stop resisting where she kicks her feet to the air while being restrained by him.

"No! I don't wanna go back! I f***ing hate this place!"

"Well too bad cuz you're staying here in Nanba Prison and I have to knock some sense into Hajime for letting you out!"

Meanwhile in cell 13, Jyugo unfortunately got caught by Hajime where he takes him back to his cell and threw Jyugo to the ground.


"For the love of God! What does it for you to take to stay in your goddamn cell?!"

He yelled as he is pissed off unhappy about his paperwork being interrupted.

"It wasn't me that started, it was Kaori!"



"What is it Seitarou?!"

"We have company."

Seitarou then point his finger to the left where Hajime followed his direction that his finger is pointing where his eyes widen when he saw Samon holding Kaori who is struggling to break free form his grasp.


"That's my question gorilla, what the hell is your inmate wandering around the hallway?"

He demanded but Hajime retorts his question and pulled Kaori away from Samon.

"Never touch my inmate again!"

"Well you should be keeping eye on that new inmate of yours Hajime."

"Piss off Monkey!"

Hajime growled as he and Samon exchanged glares like a real life monkey and gorilla would do.

"Oi Ape sama, let go of me now!"

"Shut your mouth and stay in your goddamn cell!"

Hajime then threw Kaori back to her cell where she frowned at the bald headed man.

"And same goes for you 15, stop wasting my time with your goddamn shit!"

He snarled as slams the door aggressively, Samon sighs at Hajime.

"You're just as irrational and cruel as always Hajime."

"Shut up Monkey!"

Then Hajime leaves cell 13 along with Samon who is staring at Kaori for a minute until he sighs and left.
Right after Hajime and Samon left, Rock and Nico are laughing their asses off with Uno smirking and Jyugo with a deadpan look.

"What did I tell you? It's impossible to get out."

"Oh piss off will ya?!"

She yelled at Jyugo not wanting to listen to him nor his friends as she is very frustrated with her first failed attempt to escape.

"Now Kaori chan, there's no need for you to get mad. It's just your first time failing to escape."

"Shut the f**k up blondie! I'm not in the mood! How the hell did I get myself defeated by that annoying ass monkey?!"

"Aww cheer up Kaori, maybe it's because you're not strong enough-"

"You shut the f***k up about how strong I am sh*thead!"

Kaori cuts Rock off extremely irritated with her cell mates.

"Well that's what you get for being a cocky bitch."

Jyugo smirked causing the three to snickered at his remarked as Kaori turns to death glare at them, the three of them flinched stepped back away from her with the exception of Jyugo.

"What it's true, you're really are a cocky b-"


She snarled as she turns away from her cell mates, she felt a light pat from Uno.

"Hey lighten up will ya? The more you stay in this cell, the more you're going to like it here."

"Who the f**k cares about this stupid jailhouse anyway?!"

She yelled at Uno.

"You know you should watched that dirty mouth of yours. What I'm saying is, that I'm not asking for you to trust us nor accept our friendship, I just asking you to calm down and relaxed. That's all."

Uno grinned as he ruffles her hair softly, Kaori didn't respond to his statement, but she couldn't help how soft his hands are when he pets her.

His hands...their soft when he pets me like this....but, should I trust him?....should I trust them?

She thought while Uno pets her head.

"Awwww you're even cute when I pet you like this!"

Uno cooed while petting her as Rock and Nico came up to him.

"Hey can I pet her too Uno?!"

Rock asked with a huge grin.


Uno grins cheerfully. Rock then pats Kaori on the head where she slightly purr from his touch.

"Haha wow, she sounds like a cat!"

Rock remarked while petting her.

"Hey that reminds me of a neko!"

Nico cheered.

"What's a neko?"

Jyugo asked.

"A neko is a female character with cat traits, such as cat ears, a cat tail, or other feline characteristics on an otherwise human body. Catgirls are found in various fiction genres and in particular Japanese anime and manga, where they are more commonly referred to as neko or nekomimi."

Nico explained with an innocent grin.

"Well I didn't know Japan would have that kind of weird thing."

Jyugo tilt his head as the four of them talked nonstop, Kaori secretly smiled while looking away as she watches how her cell mates acted kindly to her.

I wonder...why would these kind of people would treat me like this?.....

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