Chapter 1: New Prisoner In Nanba Prison

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"Hey get moving, you're moving to Building 13 in Nanba Prison."

It was the darkest day for Kaori Cage who got arrested for robbing banks, stores, and many other places she could find for many years and is known to escape from many cops once she is done robbing places, but this will be different....

While being taken to Building 13, she looks up at the intimidating man with a scar on his right eye.

"Come on keep moving! I don't have all day."

He demanded where the 18-year-old girl look down at the floor as she kept walking. She forms a smirk where she secretly steals the keys from Hajime's office. Kaori is a kleptomaniac thief known as the "Vanishing Theif" where she'll steal things from a split second and escapes once the cops spotted her or attempt to capture her. However, this is the first time Kaori is being taken to jail, but there's no way Kaori won't be backing down. Cuz in her life, she's one cunning ass bitch of a thief.

Later at Building 13, it's a typical day cell 13 where four inmates are doing their everyday routine. The long green haired guy Nico is reading manga, the muscular and lavender-red haired Rock is reading the menu about food that they are serving today, the blonde haired Uno is playing with his cards, and the black haired with red streaks Jyugo is sitting in the corner looking bored.

"Hey Jyugo, don't sulk over there! Just because Hajime caught you escaping this afternoon, doesn't mean you have to sulk in the corner!"

"Shut up Uno."

"But it's true though! Every time you escape, Hajime always caught you from a spilt second, and you go back to square one."

Uno pointed that out with Rock and Nico nodding at his statement.

"He's got a point there Jyugo."

Rock nodded.

"Yeah, it's like an everyday routine!"

Nico grinned cheerfully with Jyugo getting annoyed with his friends guilt tripping him.

"Just shut up will ya?!"

"Stop yelling will you?"

Then the four turn around to see Hajime opening the cell.

"Yo Hajime! What's up?"

Uno greeted happily.

"Hey Hajime! When do we eat? I'm getting hungry!"

Rock asked curiously.

"You just ate damnit!"

He yelled as he sighed irritably, he went back looking at them.

"I just came here to tell you that you have a new inmate today."

He explained causing Uno to smiled and jumped gleefully.

"Omg is she a girl?!"

"Yes, but don't bug her and keep her company. Anyway, number 12, get in here."

Hajime ordered as the long brunette girl with sky blue eyes came in with a contempt look on her face.

"Don't do anything stupid while you're in here got it?"

He asked as she silently responded with a nod.

"And you better stay in your goddamn cell number 15!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Jyugo replied nonchalantly as Hajime left cell 13, the four guys come up to her with warm smiles.

"Why hello cutie, names Uno. This big guy is Rock, the guy with the green hair is Nico, and the guy who's sitting in the corner is Jyugo."

He grinned as he greeted her, the brunette inmate made a fake kind smile and greeted.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Kaori Cage."

"Oo! Kaori, do you love anime?!"

Nico asked as she slightly grinned at him.

"Hmmm just a few...."

"Eh? Why a few? You're Japanese right? So you should watch a lot more anime! Isn't anime great?!"

"Hehe I'm actually Japanese American, but I don't watched anime that much no more...."

She grinned awkwardly.

"Eh? Why not?"

"Well it's just..."

"So you're like Jyugo huh?"

Uno asked with a smirk.

"Eh? You're Japanese too?"

She asked Jyugo.

"Yeah, so what?"

"Hey just asking bruh."

She remarked as the four laughed happily, she laughs under her fake smile where she plans to escape Nanba Prison with Jyugo the only one who can see through her kind facade. Kaori would never stay in bars with these four inmates she just met, so she plans to escape by nighttime. During the night, she quietly woke up and sneakily tip toed to avoid waking up the inmates. She then pulled out the key that she stole from Seitarou when he is distracted by Yamato. Once she attempts to open the door, she heard someone's voice.


Kaori lightly flinched when she turn to see Jyugo awake.

"So you're awake."

"Why wouldn't I? I already knew you're not planning to stay in here and tried to escape."

He stated with Kaori forming a cocky smirk.

"Damn right I am, why would I ever stay with a bunch of punks like you? Once I'm out of this dump, I'll be back to stealing shit and can do everything I want."

"Oh really now?"


She turned to see Uno awake with a smirk along with Rock and Nico who are also awake.

"So you think have the chance to escape this place? Hate to break to ya, but there's no way you can make it out alive."

"Heh you wanna bet?"

She smirked so cockily.

"Damn right I do, our buddy Jyugo here is an expert of lock picking which makes him a really good escape artist."

Uno explained while patting him on the back.

"You're hurting me Uno!"

"Oh really? And you think you can outsmart me with your lock pickings punk?"

"Duh it's a hobby of mine."

Jyugo replied.

"Ha! A hobby?! Bruh do you know who I am? I'm the Vanishing Thief and I know how to escape way better than you are!"

She smirked.

"Than how about a contest to see who can escape the most?"

Rock suggested with Uno smiled widely.

"That would be fun, right Nico?"

"Yeah! I wanna see that!"

Nico happily grinned super excited about the contest with Jyugo reluctantly sighed and gets up.

"Fine, I'll do it. Only to make you guys shut up."

"Heh then let the battle begin."


While three are so excited about the contest, Jyugo sighed irritably and Kaori getting full of herself. The contest between two escape experts begins now....

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